What do I need to have prepared for online check-in?

Sailed thru check in last night (we are Gold) right at midnight in less than 5 minutes and got a 12:15 boarding time. It's a little later than I anticipated - not complaining just thought we would be earlier. It is the Christmas cruise so maybe a lot of Pearl & Platinum cruisers are going. lol
I was hoping to write something similar... but alas, right at midnight the DCL reservations system is down... can't access it via website or via app. Tried different browsers, too.

And 30 minutes later still "online check in is undergoing maintenance". Ugh, I am beyond tired. :sad:
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So I'm the person this keeps happening to... I was fully prepared this time according to all tips here, and watched the clock promptly turn to midnight. Yet, it still didn't work out - and this is the 3rd time I'm doing this. This time it was maintenance on the website, specifically saying check in is unavailable. I don't know at what time it was resolved, because I fell asleep. Checked in at 8:07 am with no issues at all. PAT 12:15 with BG 10.

For the record since DCL's online check-in debut, previously I had gotten PAT 11:15 with BG11, and PAT 12:15 with BG 13.
I was hoping to write something similar... but alas, right at midnight the DCL reservations system is down... can't access it via website or via app. Tried different browsers, too.

And 30 minutes later still "online check in is undergoing maintenance". Ugh, I am beyond tired. :sad:
I feel you. Disney's IT - well, I don't even have to say it. We just returned from our Merrytime cruise on the Wish & it was fantastic!
I was told by port CMs that people coming in on the bus now have priority boarding over people that drive to the port. The busses coming from MCO & DW were running late due to holiday traffic so they allowed us to board earlier. 8-)
I feel you. Disney's IT - well, I don't even have to say it. We just returned from our Merrytime cruise on the Wish & it was fantastic!
I was told by port CMs that people coming in on the bus now have priority boarding over people that drive to the port. The busses coming from MCO & DW were running late due to holiday traffic so they allowed us to board earlier. 8-)
Thank you, that’s really good to hear. We will be on the Wish for the first time!
I‘ve just caught up reading on the other thread about all the changes with the PATs due to DCL buses now given priority, and so on, and I don’t feel like such a failure anymore messing up the online check in 3x since its inception. Of course, we used to take DCL transport to PC all the time when kids were young, but that’s when they would arrive at the port late (before 1pm if you were lucky)! With these newest changes I guess I’m just grateful that we will not be turned around at the port anymore like in 2022, if we arrive a bit early! I guess PAT 12:15 and BG 10 isn’t as bad as I thought given all the changes.
Thanks for all of the tips on this thread.

I live in Australia so the check-in window opened mid afternoon our time. I was in a meeting at that time so started checking in about 30 minutes after the check-in window opened. I checked in using a laptop and besides being slow and having one of the kids photos rejected, it worked fine. Fortunately having read this thread I had backup photos on hand.


Whilst the system is quite smart in picking up all the details from your passport image and pre-populating all of the fields for you, it isn’t smart enough to detect an issue and warn you. I hadn’t realised that my passport only had 4 months left on it and Disney require you to have 6 months validity. 2 weeks before departure I received an email from Disney that my wife and I both failed the check-in process and my heart sank.

I had to rush into the city (Sydney) to lodge an urgent passport application and pay an extra $200+ on top of the $400+ passport fee for the privilege. That wouldn’t have been necessary had the system warned me during the check-in process, as I would’ve had enough time to apply for a passport renewal through standard channels. Kudos to the Australian passport office for turning my passport application around in 24 hours.

My wife’s situation was somewhat perplexing... to begin with at least. The message in the email from Disney was that her passport was not issued in her country of citizenship. I had no idea what that meant. My wife has a British passport and it was issued there, plus the system automatically picked up and populated the citizenship from the passport.

I tried entering it again and then it asked for her Australian visa details. The problem with that was that it wanted an expiry date and my wife is on a permanent spousal visa, so it never expires. Also, she’d applied for Australian citizenship during the year, which she passed, but because Australia likes people to attend citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day (26th January), she won’t get her citizenship documents until a week after our cruise. My wife told the immigration people at her citizenship interview that she was travelling in January before Australia Day and they said it wouldn’t be a problem.

Anyhow, I called Disney about the permanent visa and after several holds to check with supervisors, the person suggested that I put an arbitrary date at the end of the cruise year (2024), load a copy of the permanent visa, and they’d make a note on the system for the checker. This didn’t seem quite right to me so I asked my with to call Australian immigration to clarify the situation. She was told that as she’d been in Australia for 4 years, which is required to get citizenship, she’d need to get a Resident Return Visa (RRV) to leave and re-enter Australia until she gets her citizenship officially and can apply for an Aussie passport. She could have left on her British passport but could not have returned without the RRV.

So, another $400+ and 10 minutes later we had an RRV and with my newly minted passport, we were able to complete the on-line check-in process. 2 days later (today) we received confirmation that we’re good to go. We’re so relieved, and $1000 poorer!

So something else to add to your check-in list... ensure that you have 6 months validity on your passports, and if you’re a permanent resident and not a citizen of the country you live in, check whether you need a visa to travel.
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We completed online checkin on December 19. Our account still shows Pending Review for both of them. Will they let us know what the issue is before embarkation day?
We completed online checkin on December 19. Our account still shows Pending Review for both of them. Will they let us know what the issue is before embarkation day?
Pending review doesn’t mean there is a problem, it stays that way until they review it closer to your trip.
And if it's still that way 5 days before your cruise you can use chat or the contact email and they will check on it. You normally also get an email once it is approved.
Thanks for that information, too!
As others said, "pending reivew" just means a human needs to review it and give you the okay. Usually you'll just get an email once that's done letting you know you're all set. If there are any issues, you'll get an email and have a chance to fix it.
Thanks for all of the tips on this thread.

I live in Australia so the check-in window opened mid afternoon our time. I was in a meeting at that time so started checking in about 30 minutes after the check-in window opened. I checked in using a laptop and besides being slow and having one of the kids photos rejected, it worked fine. Fortunately having read this thread I had backup photos on hand.


Whilst the system is quite smart in picking up all the details from your passport image and pre-populating all of the fields for you, it isn’t smart enough to detect an issue and warn you. I hadn’t realised that my passport only had 4 months left on it and Disney require you to have 6 months validity. 2 weeks before departure I received an email from Disney that my wife and I both failed the check-in process and my heart sank.

I had to rush into the city (Sydney) to lodge an urgent passport application and pay an extra $200+ on top of the $400+ passport fee for the privilege. That wouldn’t have been necessary had the system warned me during the check-in process, as I would’ve had enough time to apply for a passport renewal through standard channels. Kudos to the Australian passport office for turning my passport application around in 24 hours.

My wife’s situation was somewhat perplexing... to begin with at least. The message in the email from Disney was that her passport was not issued in her country of citizenship. I had no idea what that meant. My wife has a British passport and it was issued there, plus the system automatically picked up and populated the citizenship from the passport.

I tried entering it again and then it asked for her Australian visa details. The problem with that was that it wanted an expiry date and my wife is on a permanent spousal visa, so it never expires. Also, she’d applied for Australian citizenship during the year, which she passed, but because Australia likes people to attend citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day (26th January), she won’t get her citizenship documents until a week after our cruise. My wife told the immigration people at her citizenship interview that she was travelling in January before Australia Day and they said it wouldn’t be a problem.

Anyhow, I called Disney about the permanent visa and after several holds to check with supervisors, the person suggested that I put an arbitrary date at the end of the cruise year (2024), load a copy of the permanent visa, and they’d make a note on the system for the checker. This didn’t seem quite right to me so I asked my with to call Australian immigration to clarify the situation. She was told that as she’d been in Australia for 4 years, which is required to get citizenship, she’d need to get a Resident Return Visa (RRV) to leave and re-enter Australia until she gets her citizenship officially and can apply for an Aussie passport. She could have left on her British passport but could not have returned without the RRV.

So, another $400+ and 10 minutes later we had an RRV and with my newly minted passport, we were able to complete the on-line check-in process. 2 days later (today) we received confirmation that we’re good to go. We’re so relieved, and $1000 poorer!

So something else to add to your check-in list... ensure that you have 6 months validity on your passports, and if you’re a permanent resident and not a citizen of the country you live in, check whether you need a visa to travel.
I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. Since passport rules vary based on citizenship, departure port, ports of call, and itineraries, etc., I think it would actually be hard to try to program the system to search for those types of issues and flag them. For example, while you ran into the issue of not having enough time left before your passport expired, not all ports (and therefore not all cruises) require at least 6 months left. So that's one thing that could vary.

I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end. Even if DCL was able to program that into their system, I would never rely on a computer/AI/etc. to catch something like that; I would check the rules myself and ensure all my documentation was valid.

I'm preparing for online check in. Is it ok if my fingers are in the photo of the passport pages? I'm using a finger on top and bottom to hold them open...Obviously making sure not to cover any numbers or important information.

I'm preparing for online check in. Is it ok if my fingers are in the photo of the passport pages? I'm using a finger on top and bottom to hold them open...Obviously making sure not to cover any numbers or important information.
It should be ok. Save and move on and you can fix later if it is rejected.
One other question...if you have kids to sign up for kids club, do you need to do that during online check in, or to speed up the process, is that something you can also go back and do later?

I'm preparing for online check in. Is it ok if my fingers are in the photo of the passport pages? I'm using a finger on top and bottom to hold them open...Obviously making sure not to cover any numbers or important information.
If it's not blocking any of the numbers, you should be okay. It might get rejected during the 'human' review later on, but it should be good enough for you to get through online check in to get a PAT. You'll get an email from DCL if the photo is rejected and then you might have to retake it.
One other question...if you have kids to sign up for kids club, do you need to do that during online check in, or to speed up the process, is that something you can also go back and do later?
I don't believe that's part of online check in (though I've never sailed with kids so not 100% sure). If it is, you should be able to skip and go back to do it later on.
One other question...if you have kids to sign up for kids club, do you need to do that during online check in, or to speed up the process, is that something you can also go back and do later?
You can go back and do it later. You will need to have thought up a password to prove who can pick them up from the kids club, even if you give them check out privileges.
What a bummer - I logged in at midnight to check in, had no problem entering my info, and the earliest PAT was 2pm?! So much for being on board for lunch. Dang.


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