Welcome to WISH-topia! March 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Question of the Weekend- March 11 & 12


After getting off work and leaving Lemming Bros Bank,
all the lemmings line up and get Pawpsicles.


Seems a bit like habit to me!

We are all creatures of habit when it comes down to it.

What good habits have you had create to get healthier?
What bad ones have you had to or are you trying to kick?
For Friday ( Yesterday) I am counting 30 minutes of my spending close to 90 in Walmart getting stuff on both sides of the store which was not set up for me to easily go in a circle. To the side on the opposite door from where I entered in order to get ice cube trays, display boards, letters for poster making, markers, phone cards for our phones, a new set of ear phones for me, run back to almost the back corner to get a set of 3 lb hand weights. I have given up on finding my other set plus these ones are made of a different material that I am thinking will be easier to grasp than my late 90s ones ( now watch they will show up in a place I have already looked in the next few days because as my 12 year old puts in life is a troll). Return to the front near the entrance I came in so that I could start grocery shopping with the dry goods before getting the fridge and freezer sections.
I had planned to get 10 minutes of walking around my house after 9 year old was in bed but ended up falling asleep sitting up and did not get up until this morning. I guess I was so tired that I needed sleep more than I needed those 10 minutes of walking.
Total minutes so far this month 219
What good habits have you had create to get healthier?
What bad ones have you had to or are you trying to kick?

One habit that I have been working on kicking is the habit of negative thoughts - about myself and my ability to make changes in my life. I find I do better with healthy eating when I meal plan shop accordingly so that is a good habit I am trying to create. Other habits I need to kick are watching too much TV especially on the weekends when I could be more active and take-out food - this is my go to habit for when I am feeling tired and don't want to cook.

On Friday night I fell asleep on the couch between 4.30 and 5pm and woke at 7pm knowing there wasn't much in the house food wise - I woke up thinking we would get take-out (my habit from above) ... but when I went to where the kids were, 2 of them were in an argument - so by the time I had dealt with them - I felt so much less inclined to reward them with take-out - so I headed to fridge and rustled up the ingredients for omelettes for us all. So in a way their behaviour motivated me to eat at home lol.

I am so over falling asleep this week - so I went to the pharmacy yesterday and purchased some iron tablets, the pharmacist recommended some different ones that I don't have to worry about what I eat when I take them and they don't have that other horrible side effect of constipation - other tablets you have to be careful about what foods you eat them with or they don't absorb properly - so yeah to that because honestly it makes it so much harder for me to do the iron when I have to worry about that. I also purchased some calcium tablets - whilst I have increased my dairy with yogurt - I really do not get enough for my age group, my mum has osteoporosis, so I have to be more cautious with this.

The boys played their first hockey games of the season yesterday and both fatigued on the field due their lack of running fitness. So we are going to start walking (and the boys doing interval running) .... today! I hope by all of us needing it, it will help with motivation.

@HappyGrape and @dsnyfn1022 it is great to hear you are feeling happy and positive hope you enjoy your weekends!

I spoke to my friend yesterday after she got back from her US holiday and shock horror she said she liked Universal Studios Hollywood BETTER than Disneyland!!!!! WHAT???!! was my response lol - my kids agreed she is crazy - I have no idea how we can stay friends now lol (just joking) - she also got engaged whilst in Las Vegas - they did a Elvis commitment ceremony for fun - but are doing the real wedding next year.
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What good habits have you had create to get healthier?
What bad ones have you had to or are you trying to kick?

The habit I know I need to keep up (which I've done every day this month), is track everything I eat. I know that it helps me if I know I have to write it down. It honestly seems silly, but that's my mindset for some reason. The good thing is, it's not at all hard to do with the easy access on phones, etc. It also helps me think more about what I'm eating when we go out to eat. Tonight DH and I are eating out and going to a movie. I find it pretty easy to look up the nutrition info for most restaurants right from my phone when we get there. If I know where we're going ahead of time, it's even easier!

I know I need to kick my internet habit (addiction)! Every night, and pretty much anytime when I'm home, I'm sitting in the living room with my laptop on my lap. It's terrible. Such a time waster - it makes me get no activity and makes my house suffer as well. I know I should be doing something productive, but I just sit here and surf the disboard lol! It did let me find this group though! I need to do what they say you should do with your kids and set a timer. Allow myself so much time each day and after that, shut it off and put it away.
Got 30 laps done in 20 minutes of walking for Saturday the 11th. Running total of 239 for minutes of exercise. Hopefully since I was able to afford more than cheap pasta and other in expensive foods just to fill our bellies this pay check I can go back to eating more things like fruits and veggies along with lean protein and won't have to have so much burger and cream sauce over rice type meals. Not that things are where ideally I would like for them to be as to the food budget plus being able to pay all our other bills. I keep telling myself that my goal for the year was to start exercising at least 10 minutes a day and to weigh less at the end of the year than at the beginning though right now because the scale keeps bouncing back and forth even though it is still lower than I started I am getting a bit frustrated. Too bad I can't send this to all the people that I owe money and say look I am doing 2 times the thrifty plan for a family of 4 with 2 children ages 6-8 and 9-11 even though mine are 9 and 12 so it should be slightly higher and after that and my expenses like mortgage, and utilities are paid than you will get a percentage equal to your percentage of our total debt payments credit card and loans payments. https://www.cnpp.usda.gov/sites/default/files/CostofFoodJan2017.pdf

I am honestly thinking ideally not to be on a diet heavy in inexpensive foods like pasta and high sodium canned vegetables that ideally the low cost to moderate plan is more ideal.
Got 30 laps done in 20 minutes of walking for Saturday the 11th. Running total of 239 for minutes of exercise. Hopefully since I was able to afford more than cheap pasta and other in expensive foods just to fill our bellies this pay check I can go back to eating more things like fruits and veggies along with lean protein and won't have to have so much burger and cream sauce over rice type meals. Not that things are where ideally I would like for them to be as to the food budget plus being able to pay all our other bills. I keep telling myself that my goal for the year was to start exercising at least 10 minutes a day and to weigh less at the end of the year than at the beginning though right now because the scale keeps bouncing back and forth even though it is still lower than I started I am getting a bit frustrated. Too bad I can't send this to all the people that I owe money and say look I am doing 2 times the thrifty plan for a family of 4 with 2 children ages 6-8 and 9-11 even though mine are 9 and 12 so it should be slightly higher and after that and my expenses like mortgage, and utilities are paid than you will get a percentage equal to your percentage of our total debt payments credit card and loans payments. https://www.cnpp.usda.gov/sites/default/files/CostofFoodJan2017.pdf

I am honestly thinking ideally not to be on a diet heavy in inexpensive foods like pasta and high sodium canned vegetables that ideally the low cost to moderate plan is more ideal.

How do you feel about legumes? Bean soup and vegetarian chili are healthy, super cheap and they're easy to make (even cheaper and easier if you have a crockpot.) Obviously most people aren't going to want to eat that every day, but it could add some variety to the pasta/sauce routine. I feel like I've been eating a TON more beans this time around just because my plan tracks fiber and potassium and beans have both. In fact, come to think of it, I'm adding that to my to-do list for this week, cook up bunches of black, kidney, and garbanzo beans and freeze them in ziplocks. You have inspired me. :)

QOTD- I'll copycat what others have said and say that my best habit is tracking everything on my phone, and my worst habit is negativity. (For example, right now I'm thinking OMG, does this site ever *NOT* lag!?!--it's so slow right now!) A good habit that I sometimes have and need to really use this week is my to-do list. I'm on "spring break" from school (Ha! was 70 in February and 30 now... better than last year when it snowed, I guess...) So this week I have a few hours each day when I am kid-free and I want to enjoy those, but there's ao a bunch of stuff to catch up on around the house and for our summer trip... a list helps it not seem overwhelming, and I feel better about what I didn't do if I can see all the things I *DID* do.

Ok, thanks to "spring forward" (which totally caught me off-guard) I am already an hour behind, so I guess I should get to it, huh?

Oh, but quick check-in. At slightly more than 1/3 through the month, I'll say I'm at 30% of goal. I had a good week eating-wise, and met my exercise goal, the scale is all over the place but lower than before... but I'm still not loving the water and I think I have some exercise minutes to make up from the beginning of the month. Add all that to the to-do list! ;P
Good morning all,

Checking in at 35%

Yesterday I got us out of the house in the morning for a beach walk and swim before breakfast. We didn't get there until about 8.30 as the twins slept in. We did a 15 minute beach walk then splashed in the waves - which actually were quite gentle, it was high tide and the water was really clear it wasn't too hot like it had been for summer - we came home and had choc chip pancakes for breakfast - it was a great morning whilst we make the most of the swimming weather left as we head towards winter here.

Fell asleep early again last night - but I think I have worked out part of it - last night I noticed that a lot of the night I didn't feel in a deep sleep and that it was a very light sleep with my mind running all the time - and not even on important stressful things - just completely random things :confused3

Well it is Monday morning here and I have to iron the kids uniforms for school - which I was supposed to do last night when I fell asleep on the couch!
Finishing out the week with 32 laps done in 20 minutes of walking plus 10 minutes of attempting to follow a couple of different arm exercise with hand weights videos. 1st one was a disaster as I can't seem to coordinate complex movements too well. The other one was more simple and I might have to use it again. Running total for the month 269 minutes. Checking in with a percentage of 41.38%
Happy Monday everyone!

I am very happy that I am finding it very easy currently to get back into eating healthy food, tracking and making good choices. In the light of the QOTD, I think this is definitely a habit that I have developed. I am still struggling with getting back into real exercise mode. It took me so long to shake that cold and then yesterday I got a headache and was not up for any exercise. I think I will try to get home early today and go for a run before sunset (currently at 6:30pm, we have not changed the clock yet, but that means there is daylight until 7pm, so definitely late enough for an after work run). I know that I miss the exercise, but somehow getting myself out there seems to be an issue. So, I hope writing about it here will help me! I think I need to look into possible races here as signing up for 5K should help me get motivated.
So I had a rough weekend. I weighed myself yesterday and I weigh as much as I did in December. So about 5 pounds more. I don't think this is right though because my clothes are getting loser. I will take my weight on like Thursday and see where I am at. I also had a migraine all weekend. I am feeling better today so i really want to workout. I am hoping the headache stays away.

My Tagalongs came yesterday. I ate 10 cookies yesterday and 5 so far today. 1 box gone. 2 more to go. I am going to try to only eat 5 cookies a day until they are gone. I am also sharing with the kids. I am hoping they will be gone soon.
I'm checking in with 39% - I've completely tracked all 12 days in March, so 12 out of 31 possible days is 31%. I'm on pace to reach my 100%! Also, I have lost 5 pounds so far this month! Some of that is due to having a terrible February eating and weight wise, so I'm sure getting back to healthy eating made some of the come of quickly, but I'll take it!
Question of the Day - March 13

For those of us in the US, it's the worst Monday of the year -- the Monday after Daylight Saving begins.
Loosing that hour can be rough!

Actually, Mondays in general can be a little difficult no matter where you are!



On days when your sloth-slow and feeling unmotivated, how do you deal?
I will keep putting numbers up if there weren't already up before, so feel free to keep checking in! :-)


Well, I used to go get coffee on sloth-slow days, but those days are over! I'm not supposed to have caffeine and chocolate anymore. Well caffeine I will gladly cut--chocolate just has to be cut back to moderation LOL

So now, I know and recognize that I am a super cry baby when I am tired. I try to carve out at least 10-15 minutes for a power nap on those days (sometimes on my lunch break or after work to make it through my workout or whatever errands need to be done that night). I used to think power naps were dumb, but for me they are super helpful once I learned how to turn off my brain and just give in for 10-15 minutes (even if I could use a few hours!) to recharge.


As for me, this weekend was a mess in the food department. We went looking at houses in the town with my favorite Mexican restaurant, so of course we had to have dinner there. Then yesterday my in-laws hosted an early St. Patrick's day party, and even though I budgeted my calories for the that, the scale is still being unforgiving. But I got all my classes in this week AND went to a yoga class. I was hoping that all of that would count for something, but not so much when we're talking queso, cocktails, and cookies. :rolleyes1 Oh well, back to the grind this week.

With the time change, I am dragging and already behind a bit. So I will get back to work and be back later to chat!
Question of the Day - March 13

For those of us in the US, it's the worst Monday of the year -- the Monday after Daylight Saving begins.
Loosing that hour can be rough!

Actually, Mondays in general can be a little difficult no matter where you are!



On days when your sloth-slow and feeling unmotivated, how do you deal?

This year the time didn't really affect any of us in the house. Kids slept in until 9 yesterday, i was up at 8 and well my husband i swear never sleeps. He was up at 6 and was fine. I did sleep a lot this weekend though. Friday I fell asleep on the couch at 6:30 and then went to bed at 8 when the kids went to bed. Then with the migraine this this weekend I was taking naps on and off on Saturday. I am pretty sure this helped me.

On my slow days I tend to drink more pop. It doesn't matter if it is caffeine or not. I think it is all about the sugar. At work i tend to get up and walk more. If not I think I would fall asleep at my desk.
Well it is starting to look like I will cooped up in the house on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are supposed to get 8-12 inches of snow starting tonight and going through Wednesday. Part of this will be the storm coming through and the other half will be lake affect. They can never predict lake affect so I can see us having a lot more snow or a lot less. It will be a waiting game for sure. It is looking like schools will most likely be closed tomorrow and maybe Wednesday too. The kids will be excited since it is a teacher work day on Friday. They may only have 2 days of school this week.

My headache reared its ugly head again this morning. I took advil right away and it seems to have gone away. Hopefully for good this time. I need to get to the rec tonight especially if the roads are going to be bad the next couple of days.
Monday check-in... at some point last week I completely forgot I was trying to lose weight and surprise, surprise did not lose any weight for the week.

I had a slothful unproductive weekend: Friday I drove down to Portland with co-workers for a site visitation, Friday night I went to bed without taking my thyroid stuff and then Saturday morning I had eggs for breakfast which lead to feeling lifeless the rest of the day. Sunday wasn't much different/better. This morning I actually got up early after an un-restful night off tossing and turning and checking the clock. This morning when I got to work my laptop was literally throwing up on my desk, so I've been working off a loaner, which kind of sort of worked, my phone (I have company email) and a replacement laptop which is working a little bit better. But my brain hurts, having to think about things that are normally automatic. I did remember to take my thyroid stuff this morning, as I really need to get back to taking it twice a day, so that's one tiny win for me.
On days when your sloth-slow and feeling unmotivated, how do you deal?

Ugh this is me lately, very much so. So my old go to was coke-a-cola and a snickers bar! It still can be soda - and a chocolate occasionally - but my eating has been pretty good for the past week despite the slothness. If I can I just give in and sleep - good news is last night I didn't fall asleep on the couch :cool1: pretty the much the first time in a week! Although I did wake up tired this morning - as I still struggled through the night last night. I wonder if I need to consider some lavender in the bedroom or even a short meditation before bed....

at some point last week I completely forgot I was trying to lose weight and surprise, surprise did not lose any weight for the week.

You are too funny :rotfl:I hope you enjoyed yourself last week then!


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