Welcome to WISH-topia! March 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

This is my kids favorite joke/riddle.

No plans for today other than working and watching the drunk people out our window at work. It gets really crazy here. The bars open at 6 and people start drinking then. and they wear ridiculous outfits. It is not going to warm today and we are supposed to get rain/snow mix so it may not be bad today.
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 16





Disney poking fun at itself in this movie is a treat!

Anyway, Cheif Bogo is right.
Wishing and dreaming (and singing!) are all fine, but they don't get you where you want to be on their own.

It takes planning and determination.

We are half way through the month, so how is the month going for you?
How is your plan panning out so far?
What do you need to do to finish out the rest of the month strong?
Playing catch up from yesterday... was just thinking about this this morning and I am still stalled at the starting gate. But I do believe concentrating on getting my thyroid going again is the cornerstone to turning things around, so that's what I'm working on. That and I'm taking probiotics again, which should also help.

And I also need to figure out how to better handle stress: I'm struggling with stress at work because I'm stressed out about the political things going on. I need to unhook, disconnect, put my phone down, turn off the TV and let things go for a while. I'm going to try to start making that shift this weekend... OK, I can hear Yoda's voice saying "there is no try only do", but realistically I'm addicted to my phone, so I'm going to cut myself some slack. Sunday is supposed to be the first of two nice weather days, so I'm going to go outside somewhere, even if it's just in my yard to do garden clean up.

Hope all have a delightful weekend.
A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

This is my kids favorite joke/riddle.

No plans for today other than working and watching the drunk people out our window at work. It gets really crazy here. The bars open at 6 and people start drinking then. and they wear ridiculous outfits. It is not going to warm today and we are supposed to get rain/snow mix so it may not be bad today.

I know, I know... his Horse was named Friday :).

Why was six afraid of seven?
9 year old decided on a joke today. The joke is mama planned on sleeping in till 10-10:30 and she was up at 6 am. Not all jokes are funny.
10 minutes of walking today. Monthly total 365. Not sure how much I am loosing as either A The batteries were a crap shoot since I replaced them less than 2 months ago or B. A certain darling 9 year old child of mine decided to play with my scale and dropped it. Some days it is a good thing she is so darn cute. Today it was take her mattress off her bed and lay it against her dresser on the other side of the room, decide to make pudding and made a mess.
Hello all! I am fairly new to the DisBoards and just recently found this forum. I already read through all the pages of February without realizing it was only for February, and only skimmed through March because I wanted to post and introduce myself. I'll try to be brief with my responses to the March questions, but do want to respond to most of them so I can consider myself truly part of this thread!

Introduction: I am 47, happily married for 16 years, and mom to three wonderful children - my 12 year old daughter and my 11 year old twin boys. Life is busy between my full time job, my kids music and sports schedule, and just life in general.

My kryptonite: sweets like cake, cookies, and ice cream. In general, I try not to have cakes or cookies in the house, but usually have ice cream because the kids like it. If I'm good, I don't get the kind I like, so I have no temptation. :) I'm not always good though. :rolleyes1

Music: I'm horrible at knowing/remembering song (or book) titles or the names of the musician (or author), so I won't be able to give actual favorite songs. I like upbeat music with a strong beat. Intense dislike for any music where it seems like they are screaming!

Fruits and Veggies: Our growing season is rather short, so most of my "fresh" fruit and veggies come from Costco! I love all berries, watermelon, apples, pineapple, and grapes and try to have at least one serving a day. For veggies, I love sugar snap peas, green beans, and fresh corn on the cob straight from my brother's field! Again, I try for one serving a day. I know I need to do better on the amount of fruit and veggies I eat each day. Perhaps that will be a future goal?

Exercise : I have started walking early in the mornings. I find if I don't do it first thing, I won't get it done. Last fall I got really consistent with it and I was walking four to six miles each day, with one rest day a week, until I rolled my ankle in October. I couldn't bear weight for a couple weeks and was slowly getting my range of motion back when I rolled it again. I still don't have full range of motion, but I can walk without any pain and have enough range of motion that I started walking again last week. My long term goals are to complete the Princess Half in 2018, and that is what led me to this forum.

Motivation: I really struggle with motivation. I guess my own desire to be healthy, combined with my love for my kids and my husband, give me motivation. I just wish the motivation could always outweigh the excuses I can come up with for not exercising or eating healthy.

Good and bad habits: First the bad. I drink too much soda. I indulge in the sweets (my daughter is a Girl Scout and guess what's going on right now? Cookies!! Ugh!) too often. I would eat pizza every day if I could. Now the good. I'm not sure I have too many or I wouldn't be here trying to make some changes. :p I like my fruits and veggies plain. I don't like sauces and gravy, so I'm not combining a good thing with a bad. My husband would love to put Velveeta on all his vegetables and I tease him that he has a little salad with his Ranch dressing. I'm not like that. At all.

Favorite place in the whole world: Home. Disney World. The mountains. The beach. I don't think I can pick just one. Each place is special to me in different ways.

Short term goals:
1.) Walking four mornings a week doing a walk for 40 seconds and a jog for 20 seconds, for 2-4 miles.
2.) Limit soda to one can a day (currently drink 3-4 cans a day on the weekends, and 2-3 day during the week)
3.) Increase the amount of water I drink. I don't have a set amount, but know I need to drink more. I'll say two water bottles worth for a start. That will be about 60 ounces a day.

Long term goals:
1.) Lose weight.
2.) Complete the Princess weekend races. Yes. The competitor in me is shooting for the 5K, 10K, and the half. I figure if I can walk 4-6 miles a day, doing the 5K and the 10K one day after the other won't be a problem. The goal is to have enough left in the tank to do the half on day 3!

Sorry for writing a short story! I promise future posts won't be as lengthy! I just needed to get caught up. I look forward to getting to know each of you as the months go on. Thanks for having such a supportive forum for folks like me!
Hello all! I am fairly new to the DisBoards and just recently found this forum. I already read through all the pages of February without realizing it was only for February, and only skimmed through March because I wanted to post and introduce myself. I'll try to be brief with my responses to the March questions, but do want to respond to most of them so I can consider myself truly part of this thread!

Introduction: I am 47, happily married for 16 years, and mom to three wonderful children - my 12 year old daughter and my 11 year old twin boys. Life is busy between my full time job, my kids music and sports schedule, and just life in general.

My kryptonite: sweets like cake, cookies, and ice cream. In general, I try not to have cakes or cookies in the house, but usually have ice cream because the kids like it. If I'm good, I don't get the kind I like, so I have no temptation. :) I'm not always good though. :rolleyes1

Music: I'm horrible at knowing/remembering song (or book) titles or the names of the musician (or author), so I won't be able to give actual favorite songs. I like upbeat music with a strong beat. Intense dislike for any music where it seems like they are screaming!

Fruits and Veggies: Our growing season is rather short, so most of my "fresh" fruit and veggies come from Costco! I love all berries, watermelon, apples, pineapple, and grapes and try to have at least one serving a day. For veggies, I love sugar snap peas, green beans, and fresh corn on the cob straight from my brother's field! Again, I try for one serving a day. I know I need to do better on the amount of fruit and veggies I eat each day. Perhaps that will be a future goal?

Exercise : I have started walking early in the mornings. I find if I don't do it first thing, I won't get it done. Last fall I got really consistent with it and I was walking four to six miles each day, with one rest day a week, until I rolled my ankle in October. I couldn't bear weight for a couple weeks and was slowly getting my range of motion back when I rolled it again. I still don't have full range of motion, but I can walk without any pain and have enough range of motion that I started walking again last week. My long term goals are to complete the Princess Half in 2018, and that is what led me to this forum.

Motivation: I really struggle with motivation. I guess my own desire to be healthy, combined with my love for my kids and my husband, give me motivation. I just wish the motivation could always outweigh the excuses I can come up with for not exercising or eating healthy.

Good and bad habits: First the bad. I drink too much soda. I indulge in the sweets (my daughter is a Girl Scout and guess what's going on right now? Cookies!! Ugh!) too often. I would eat pizza every day if I could. Now the good. I'm not sure I have too many or I wouldn't be here trying to make some changes. :p I like my fruits and veggies plain. I don't like sauces and gravy, so I'm not combining a good thing with a bad. My husband would love to put Velveeta on all his vegetables and I tease him that he has a little salad with his Ranch dressing. I'm not like that. At all.

Favorite place in the whole world: Home. Disney World. The mountains. The beach. I don't think I can pick just one. Each place is special to me in different ways.

Short term goals:
1.) Walking four mornings a week doing a walk for 40 seconds and a jog for 20 seconds, for 2-4 miles.
2.) Limit soda to one can a day (currently drink 3-4 cans a day on the weekends, and 2-3 day during the week)
3.) Increase the amount of water I drink. I don't have a set amount, but know I need to drink more. I'll say two water bottles worth for a start. That will be about 60 ounces a day.

Long term goals:
1.) Lose weight.
2.) Complete the Princess weekend races. Yes. The competitor in me is shooting for the 5K, 10K, and the half. I figure if I can walk 4-6 miles a day, doing the 5K and the 10K one day after the other won't be a problem. The goal is to have enough left in the tank to do the half on day 3!

Sorry for writing a short story! I promise future posts won't be as lengthy! I just needed to get caught up. I look forward to getting to know each of you as the months go on. Thanks for having such a supportive forum for folks like me!


Pick one goal for the rest of the month. I would suggest either I will drink at least 60 oz of water a day or I will only drink one can of soda a day. It can get overwhelming if your trying to change too many things at once so it's easier to concentrate on one thing for 45-60 days and then add another. For me it has been increasing exercise and that might just be my goal for the year who knows I am only 78 days into this goal and I honestly can say for me that I would not quite if I started going to an exercise 3 times a week plan.

With your ankle and having rolled it and just starting back I would suggest seeing an orthopedic provider who specializes in the foot and lower leg before doing too much running. ( Sorry I have heard too much from my sister who covers high schools in a good portion of the central part of MT about re-injuries from too much too soon). Adding in swimming or even an exercise bike might be an option for some cross training especially where you plan to incorporate running for a cross country running distance. ( I ran for one season thinking I would get a decent PE grade-didn't work I would have gotten a D but my teacher was cool ( first year they went to the classes being co-ed) and he gave me the option of the class being P/F instead of a letter grade, my cousin's son has ran for a few years for a small school. All the races are 3 miles for high school though we did 2 mile hill runs for training).

I hear you on the cookies. My oldest was in for 4 years until her troop decided to split into different troops and we were never notified as to who was taking over her age group. She was not really wanted because we home school and it was clear that they either thought she was overly smart or you must be stupid and can't keep up in public school. After dealing with that with two different troops when I asked her if she wanted to try another troop that I knew had a number of home school girls in it but was 35-40 minutes away she said she was done. Since where we live no one comes to the door and I have a rule that if they don't take the time to come to my door I don't purchase I am good. ( One of my dad's friend's granddaughters sells and the family knows where our house is but they can't come over, call , or even send a message with my dad in which case I would get 1-2 boxes) I have 20 pounds of oranges, 20 pounds of apples ( two kinds) and 10 pounds of pears coming on Saturday from the 4-H club instead of 2-3 dozen boxes of cookies I used to order.
16 laps done in 10 minutes of walking. Total to date 375 minutes. I plan to get another 10 minutes of walking plus 5-8 minutes of lifting depending on how long it takes to get through one complete set of 15 reps on each exercise that I do later in the evening. Stopping for now so that I don't have to worry about getting hit by the back door when 12 year old gets home for 4-H officer appreciation ( she went with some other members). She just walked in so time to see how things went. She is a bit upset because due to her having an infected ingrown toe nail she was not able to go on most of the things they had. She says she had fun otherwise but got a stomach ache from eating her taco too fast.
15 minutes of walking 24 laps done ( infamous house) plus 11 minutes to get my toning routine done. Total minutes so far this month 401. Checking in with a percentage of 61.69 so far this month. Talked a bit with 12 year old and she said she was able to do the walking ball since she could keep her shoes on for that. It was just the inflatables that she was not able to participate in. The one officer in our club she does not get along with did not come. ( a couple years ago my daughter was elected to be a co officer for the position and it turned into well other officer was in high school and my daughter is in grade school so you will be the junior officer and not be allowed to make any decisions. Just do as you are told. My daughter ended up getting in trouble because she was not there to present the officer project at the fair even though we had waited around for over an hour after both my girls were done with having their individual projects done before the other officer bothered to show up. Knowing that my daughter needed to get to church camp 5 hours away the other officer decided to have individual projects judged first instead of being considerate of my daughter and making sure she got out of there. After waiting around another 30 minutes we contacted someone and were told that my daughter did not need to be there to turn in the project. It was held against daughter when she ran for the office the next year. Other officer was out for a year that particular year. My daughter was able to be an officer this year because she did some research and found an office that the club did not have and basically has designed the office. That and no one else wants to spend the time writing up articles so she has an appointed position this year not an elected one though she does work with the office she had before which includes the person who was not nice to her and got her in trouble. She is able to deal with the other person in that office).
Thank you for the welcome, sweetpeama. I understand what you're saying about keeping the goals simple to start, but honestly, my first goal is the exercise, the other two really just support that goal, so I will keep them and see how it goes.

I did my walk/jog this morning. I'd like to find some music or something that better helps me track the timing. I'm pretty sure I counted faster on the jogging part than I did on the walking part! But it went well, rain and all. By the time I got home, I was soaked as were my two dogs. Nothing like that wet dog aroma to begin the day! I walked/jogged 2.15 miles and think I will stick to that distance for the week and go up a little each week, but I will have to see how it goes.

Happy Monday, everyone!
Hello all! I am fairly new to the DisBoards and just recently found this forum. I already read through all the pages of February without realizing it was only for February, and only skimmed through March because I wanted to post and introduce myself. I'll try to be brief with my responses to the March questions, but do want to respond to most of them so I can consider myself truly part of this thread!

Introduction: I am 47, happily married for 16 years, and mom to three wonderful children - my 12 year old daughter and my 11 year old twin boys. Life is busy between my full time job, my kids music and sports schedule, and just life in general.

:welcome: great to have you join us .... I am also a twin mum - boy/girl though - they are 13 and I have an older boy 16.

Thank you for the welcome, sweetpeama. I understand what you're saying about keeping the goals simple to start, but honestly, my first goal is the exercise, the other two really just support that goal, so I will keep them and see how it goes.

I think @sweetpeama was referring to one goal to help you report in with your percentage - not that you have to limit yourself completely without the other strategies/goals to help you on your way. Most of us pick one or two things each month to make it easier to be accountable with our percentages if we do two we combine them into 1 percentage score to report - but if you are up to the math and combine it all into one percentage for reporting/tracking then go for it :-)
Hello all,

Sorry I have been missing a little again - it has been super busy with kids and work. I had to take DS16 to a funeral last week - his manager at his part-time job died from suicide at the age of 37 :sad1: - his family said he had struggled with depression his whole adult life. He was a wonderful manager to DS and really helped him learn and improve at his job and will be missed by DS. This is the second funeral we have gone to in the last 2 and a half months to say goodbye to someone way too early in their life. As a parent it just hits home watching these other parents lose their precious children - there are just no words.

I have been watching the new Aussie version of Biggest Loser which started here last week - they have overhauled the format somewhat - and seems to be taking a more balanced holistic approach with more positivity than some of the past series. A little controversial is that the contestants this year are not as big as in previous years - this time they have gone for people more relatable to most of us rather than the higher extremes of weight - the cynic in me also thinks this way they may get some really ripped looking people by the end of it!

Something that was discussed tonight was fat - and something that was great was a doctor's comment that we should not think or talk about ourselves as "I'm fat" bur rather "I have fat to lose" this way we are not aligning our identity with being fat but rather having some excess of it that we can choose to separate ourselves from and get rid of it!

I will work out my numbers and report shortly! I have not been all that good - but lunches at work have been on target with home made - it has been dinners and weekends where I let myself down. But I did a meal plan yesterday for the next 2 weeks so hopefully can bring it home for the rest of the month.

Hope you have a great day :-)
Reporting in - 55% :( given that we are over the half way mark for the month and it is my Mum's birthday on the 31st which will mean eating out or take-out - I don't think I will hit 100%.
Hello everyone! I still seem to struggle to get back into contributing here regularly. I am very sorry that I am so silent at the moment. I had a really good week last week with eating. Then went away to visit my sister this weekend and I undid all the good I had done during the week... Social eating really is my downfall. Also, my foot started to act up and I was really upset that I could not move as much as I wanted. Now the foot is better. But today I go from work to dinner and then movie (Beauty and the Beast), tomorrow I have an evening doctor's appointment and Wednesday I need to go from work to my parents to keep my mother company while my father has an evening appointment (my mother has Altzheimer and it is getting to the stage where she cannot be on her own anymore). Not sure when I will get any exercise (besides all my usual walking) into my day. We will see... I am very motivated and I know that I need to get into a routine of strength training again. I can tell that my back is complaining because I am lazy.

@Surprise 2017 :welcome: it's great that you are joining us!! Sounds like you are off to a good start and the goal of the half marathon hopefully will help you stay focussed!

Something that was discussed tonight was fat - and something that was great was a doctor's comment that we should not think or talk about ourselves as "I'm fat" bur rather "I have fat to lose" this way we are not aligning our identity with being fat but rather having some excess of it that we can choose to separate ourselves from and get rid of it!

I like this! It also changes something that would be a negative about you into something positive that you would work for in the future.
Hello all! I am fairly new to the DisBoards and just recently found this forum. I already read through all the pages of February without realizing it was only for February, and only skimmed through March because I wanted to post and introduce myself. I'll try to be brief with my responses to the March questions, but do want to respond to most of them so I can consider myself truly part of this thread!

Introduction: I am 47, happily married for 16 years, and mom to three wonderful children - my 12 year old daughter and my 11 year old twin boys. Life is busy between my full time job, my kids music and sports schedule, and just life in general.

My kryptonite: sweets like cake, cookies, and ice cream. In general, I try not to have cakes or cookies in the house, but usually have ice cream because the kids like it. If I'm good, I don't get the kind I like, so I have no temptation. :) I'm not always good though. :rolleyes1

Music: I'm horrible at knowing/remembering song (or book) titles or the names of the musician (or author), so I won't be able to give actual favorite songs. I like upbeat music with a strong beat. Intense dislike for any music where it seems like they are screaming!

Fruits and Veggies: Our growing season is rather short, so most of my "fresh" fruit and veggies come from Costco! I love all berries, watermelon, apples, pineapple, and grapes and try to have at least one serving a day. For veggies, I love sugar snap peas, green beans, and fresh corn on the cob straight from my brother's field! Again, I try for one serving a day. I know I need to do better on the amount of fruit and veggies I eat each day. Perhaps that will be a future goal?

Exercise : I have started walking early in the mornings. I find if I don't do it first thing, I won't get it done. Last fall I got really consistent with it and I was walking four to six miles each day, with one rest day a week, until I rolled my ankle in October. I couldn't bear weight for a couple weeks and was slowly getting my range of motion back when I rolled it again. I still don't have full range of motion, but I can walk without any pain and have enough range of motion that I started walking again last week. My long term goals are to complete the Princess Half in 2018, and that is what led me to this forum.

Motivation: I really struggle with motivation. I guess my own desire to be healthy, combined with my love for my kids and my husband, give me motivation. I just wish the motivation could always outweigh the excuses I can come up with for not exercising or eating healthy.

Good and bad habits: First the bad. I drink too much soda. I indulge in the sweets (my daughter is a Girl Scout and guess what's going on right now? Cookies!! Ugh!) too often. I would eat pizza every day if I could. Now the good. I'm not sure I have too many or I wouldn't be here trying to make some changes. :p I like my fruits and veggies plain. I don't like sauces and gravy, so I'm not combining a good thing with a bad. My husband would love to put Velveeta on all his vegetables and I tease him that he has a little salad with his Ranch dressing. I'm not like that. At all.

Favorite place in the whole world: Home. Disney World. The mountains. The beach. I don't think I can pick just one. Each place is special to me in different ways.

Short term goals:
1.) Walking four mornings a week doing a walk for 40 seconds and a jog for 20 seconds, for 2-4 miles.
2.) Limit soda to one can a day (currently drink 3-4 cans a day on the weekends, and 2-3 day during the week)
3.) Increase the amount of water I drink. I don't have a set amount, but know I need to drink more. I'll say two water bottles worth for a start. That will be about 60 ounces a day.

Long term goals:
1.) Lose weight.
2.) Complete the Princess weekend races. Yes. The competitor in me is shooting for the 5K, 10K, and the half. I figure if I can walk 4-6 miles a day, doing the 5K and the 10K one day after the other won't be a problem. The goal is to have enough left in the tank to do the half on day 3!

Sorry for writing a short story! I promise future posts won't be as lengthy! I just needed to get caught up. I look forward to getting to know each of you as the months go on. Thanks for having such a supportive forum for folks like me!

Well this weekend was going really good. It was a very quite weekend. For once nothing really going on. I got a workout in everyday and I an starting to feel not feel as big as I was last week after eating way too much junk.

Yesterday was not as great though. I had a funeral to go to. It was for my godfathers mother and I haven't seen my godfather in a very long. As I was getting ready and putting on my make up my daughter decided she wanted to. it was really cute and my husband got a picture of the two us putting on our make up. She decided to put on a dress that matched mine too even though she wasn't going with me. So I have this cute picture of us.

Both of us.jpg

I left the house right after this picture and headed to the funeral home. I was only gone for about 45 minutes before I get a frantic call from my husband that my daughter fell into the door frame to our bathroom and cut her lip. He does not do well with blood at all. He needed me to come home so i left right away. It was really bad and since the bleeding wouldn't completely stop I took her to the ER. No stitches thankfully, but we really need to watch for an infection. The next couple of days she will need to eat soft foods that are pretty bland and she has to rinse her mouth with water every time she eats or drinks something. Hopefully this will keep her from getting an infection.

So with all of this I forgot to weigh myself this morning. I will try to remember tomorrow. Hopefully I will get to the rec tonight but I need to get to the store to buy some foods that DD can eat. I think I can get both done since I shouldn't have to worry about being home in time for my husband to get to the rec. He has been walking outside lately since it has warmed up a little bit.
Checking in at 30% to goal which seems low but I gave myself a lofty goal this month. It's still 2.5 pounds down for the month and I think my edited personal goal will be to lose another 2.5 pounds for the remainder of this month, but for reporting purposes I'm going to keep my original 9 pound weight loss goal. It won't get me quite to where I want to be but it will get me closer and hopefully set me up for a successful April. I'm so happy that this weekend was as successful as it was. Got a solid workout in on Saturday and did my active recovery day with an hour long workout. I didn't sabotage myself with my food choices. So all-in-all I feel like this week has potential to be a great week for me to make some progress.


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