Welcome Suz


DIS + IOA Veteran
Dec 11, 2000
Big Welcome to you Suz...

Hey Earl, she sure is keeping you busy...and whats even better is she believes you and doesn't question and accuse!

Smile Everyone

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
Well, seems I spoke way to soon....

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted...

Chill Out Suz...can't take offense to things...

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
Do you suppose Earl is really Joe Rhodes? :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Earl is Batman. Now there, I have ruined everything for him!
Joe Rhodes was the chief imagineer in charge of the design of Disney's Animal Kingdom. I think he is also Rip Taylor's twin brother.(HAHA)
Barry, that would almost be an insult to Earl, associating him with Disney's half park bungle.

He's Batman???? Thats now even a Universal Character is he? I thought he was the flaming pumpkin throwing pink wearing goblin...


Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!


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