Weight Watchers Chat -- Part III

I'm down!! Yay me, as London Tipton says.

My husband lost 25 pounds over summer. He credits it to tuna fish. He began eating a tuna fish sandwich for lunch each day and the weight began to come off. I laughed at him because of all the miracle whip (regular not low fat) he puts in his tuna. Well the laugh was on me. I found Jimmy Jon's tuna subs and I am addicted. Last week I stopped by twice and ate half a sub for lunch and the next day the other half, both times. My weight dropped too, and they use real mayo not low fat either. According to the weight tracker a Totally Tuna on french bread is 18 points. So I'm glad I stretched it out over 2 days, but I'm still surprised that after a 9 point sandwich I am seeing the numbers go down!

Ok, age and gravity are making the weight loss this time around no fun. The elasticity of my skin is not cooperating this time around. It's not bouncing back into place, but sagging. It's very noticable when I am wearing short sleeves. And the wrinkles in my hands are very magnified. Yuck! I'm kicking myself for not maintaining the weight I had lost in 2008.

I went to my meeting today. I have really upped my exercise quite a bit (8 APs 3 weeks ago, 16 APs 2 weeks ago, 32 APs last week). My goal is to do an average of 30-minutes per day. Anyway ... I gained weight last week from (I assume) water retention. So (hanging my head in shame) I skipped last week's meeting. I dragged myself to the meeting today and lo and behold! I lost .2 lbs! For someone who was expecting to GAIN, the measly .2 was fantastic! I am still hoping for a whooshie after my body stops holding onto water to repair my muscles. BUT ... that tiny little .2 has me motivated to keep on working out and making my February Exercise Challenge!

Way to go on the increased exercise.

You need to go to "Weight Tracker" then click on the "Table View" tab :).

That was too easy, thanks.

I was gone for a few days and I think I forgot to check in here on Tuesday after WI. Up .2 . Oh well. Next week is a new week. :)

At least that's a very small amount to be up.
It's weigh-in day! I'm down 2 pounds, 106.4 total! My body finally let go of that weight. What a relief!
It's weigh-in day! I'm down 2 pounds, 106.4 total! My body finally let go of that weight. What a relief!

You are awesome!!!! You're almost there!!! :)
Speaking of which- I think I might be too?
How did you figure out your goal weight?

I'm still unsure about mine. I originally thought 150. it's the middle of the weight range for my height (I'm 5'9") so I figured it was a good number.

That's 20 lbs from now (I'm at 170 right now- the top # for my weight range is 169). However, I don't know if I should go that low to 150.

When I talk to other people (supportive ones!) they say that they think I have 10 lbs to go tops and that I look good now. I have an issue where my brain hasn't caught up to where I can see the weight loss entirely so it's hard for me to judge. I'm happy with my legs/hips/butt areas. My arms and middle section need toning in my opinion.

What do I do? How do I figure this out? When do I stop and just go lifetime?
christinascreative said:
You are awesome!!!! You're almost there!!! :)
Speaking of which- I think I might be too?
How did you figure out your goal weight?

I'm still unsure about mine. I originally thought 150. it's the middle of the weight range for my height (I'm 5'9") so I figured it was a good number.

That's 20 lbs from now (I'm at 170 right now- the top # for my weight range is 169). However, I don't know if I should go that low to 150.

When I talk to other people (supportive ones!) they say that they think I have 10 lbs to go tops and that I look good now. I have an issue where my brain hasn't caught up to where I can see the weight loss entirely so it's hard for me to judge. I'm happy with my legs/hips/butt areas. My arms and middle section need toning in my opinion.

What do I do? How do I figure this out? When do I stop and just go lifetime?

I picked the top of my weight range and I figure I will see how I feel when I'm there. I think I may want to go another 5-10 pounds below that. You just have to figure out what is right for you. People started asking me 30 or 40 pounds ago if I was almost done, so you have to figure it out for you. That all being said, I am an online member, so it isn't as big of a deal what goal weight I pick. There's no lifetime for me!
I just subscribe to WW online for another 6 months. I am actually excited to start. I started planning my first week and I am getting back into it slowly. :cool1:

I will not WI on Wednesday, only next week when I officially start. I am glad to be back.
I picked the top of my weight range and I figure I will see how I feel when I'm there. I think I may want to go another 5-10 pounds below that. You just have to figure out what is right for you. People started asking me 30 or 40 pounds ago if I was almost done, so you have to figure it out for you. That all being said, I am an online member, so it isn't as big of a deal what goal weight I pick. There's no lifetime for me!

This helps. I've been doing a little research too- I think the "perfect" number is the one you feel comfortable at in the healthy weight range for sure. My husband thinks I'm done ;) but I'm 1 lb away from the top of the range.
That being said- I saw online that WW used to calculate it as:

Take your height-- (I'm 5'9") and take the amount of inches (9) over the 5 foot mark and multiply it either by 5 if you have a small frame, 6 if you have a medium frame, or 7 if you have a large frame. (I'm either a medium or a large?) Mine would equal either 54 or 63.

Take that number and add 100 to it and that is more in line with what the end result could be. So mine would be 154-163. I think it's not far off for me, but when I was talking with a friend who is also on WW but a lot shorter- she said she HOPES it's not right for her ;)

I was thinking of revising it to somewhere between 158 & 162. I guess I'll see as I go along. Either way -- you and I are almost there, lady!! And it's going to be SWEET when we get there! :)
Reading all these posts inspires me. I lost 70 lbs on WW 4 1/2 years ago and I've gained it back plus a few extras. I started WW online last week and lost 2.5 lbs! I'm confident I can be successful again. I'm a little older so I know it will be a little harder but I'm so tired of living the heavy life. I just want to be done with it.
Weighed in last night and I was down .4. Not much but considering how my week was....
Lunch out with my husband one day, Carrabbas for dinner another, ordered in Chinese food, and met my sister and brother in law for dinner at Chilis. All in one week! :sad2:
But, that was also the week I buckled down and exercised 5 days. I really think that was my saving grace!

So at last nights meeting it was all about weighing and measuring your portions. I don't weigh everything, but I know I should. One thing I do do though is measure my cheerios in the morning. Pour one cup into my bowl every morning. Well our leader was telling us she did the same thing. But one day she decided to measure out the grams instead. So she put her bowl on the scale, tared it out and then measured out the usual one cup serving. Well, it was over in the amount of grams that the serving called for.

Turns out that during the week she was eating an extra bowl of cereal because of the way she was measuring. I decided to try it this morning, and guess what. I was over measuring too!! I would bet I was eating an extra bowl a week as well. So my advice is weigh by grams (oz, kg, whatever) instead of measuring solids with measuring cups/spoons.

She also said she does the same thing for butter, or peanut butter. Put the bread on the scale, tare it and then measure the butter/peanut butter/ lunch meat right on the bread. Then tare it again and add the jelly, or the cheese. That way you have an accurate measurement and don't have to dirty so many utensils.
Hope that all made sense. ;)
After being up .2 last week, I am down 1.8 this week. Total of 77.6 lbs gone. I think I'm going to easily meet my goal of 80 lbs off by my April WDW trip. :)
pwdebbie said:
After being up .2 last week, I am down 1.8 this week. Total of 77.6 lbs gone. I think I'm going to easily meet my goal of 80 lbs off by my April WDW trip. :)

Amazing! Congrats! Those gains usually work themselves out if you are staying on track!
Hi guys! Checking in late. I had a good weigh in and lost 2 lbs. I traveled on Fri-Sun and ate out a lot. We went to Olive Garden and I asked for my salad to have the low fat dressing and I ordered one of their lighter meals with shrimp. My NSV was that I only ate ONE breadstick :thumbsup2. We also ate at Golden Corral and I filled up on salad first. I *did* eat a couple of things that were not ideal but I didn't go completely overboard since I wasn't hungry after eating my big plate of salad. Unfortunately, my exercise came to a complete halt! I was OK early in the week but the weekend away did me in. Then, I tripped over my own feet and bruised my left knee badly. I was able to walk at a slow 3mph today for about 20 minutes. I was supposed to Zumba but there is no way my knee would handle the lateral movements. Maybe tomorrow.
phorsenuf said:
I have been trying to figure it out, but what is NSV.

Non scale victory....like fitting into jeans you couldn't wear before, or getting onto a Disney ride with no trouble.
My NSV today -- I decided it was time to start pulling stuff together for our trip in 58 days. :cool1: I got out my fanny packs (yes, I dare to wear them -- comfort is more important to me than looks). They were tight around my waist in 2010 -- one even had an extender. Well, they are tight no more! And I won't be needing the extender either!
pwdebbie said:
My NSV today -- I decided it was time to start pulling stuff together for our trip in 58 days. :cool1: I got out my fanny packs (yes, I dare to wear them -- comfort is more important to me than looks). They were tight around my waist in 2010 -- one even had an extender. Well, they are tight no more! And I won't be needing the extender either!

Yay! That's great!
Wearing my size 10 red pants today. Wore them this summer to C6 and they were a bit tight. Now I need a belt!!! Down again this week. If only I were 5'8'' instead of 4'11'', lol, I'd probably be in a 6 instead of a 10.

After being up .2 last week, I am down 1.8 this week. Total of 77.6 lbs gone. I think I'm going to easily meet my goal of 80 lbs off by my April WDW trip. :)

Congrats on the loss! So excited for meeting the goal before your trip!

My NSV today -- I decided it was time to start pulling stuff together for our trip in 58 days. :cool1: I got out my fanny packs (yes, I dare to wear them -- comfort is more important to me than looks). They were tight around my waist in 2010 -- one even had an extender. Well, they are tight no more! And I won't be needing the extender either!

Way to go! Do you have Mickey fanny packs? I use to have black leather/pleather ones with Mickey heads on them. The one had little Mickey heads the other a big one in the center. If I still have them, I have no idea where. I carry a bagellini messenger bag or hook a back pack on ds's w/c.
Nope, no Mickey fanny packs. One blue with a water bottle holder and one a bit bigger in black. I should go buy some lime green contact paper and cut out a few Mickey heads and stick to my fanny packs. I might not be stylin' but at least I'd be theme'n!
You go girl, lol! Those lime green key chains are nice if they are still carrying them.

I was looking for my picture but can't find it. Maybe you saw on it one of my TRs?
So glad I found this thread!! Haven't been to WDW since 2000---just got back to DIS Boards. Been on WW for quite a while I seem to have found my motivation to stay on program---TRIP TO WDW:banana: I'm down 1.4 this last week for a total of 29:):):):)


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