Week at Walt Disney World? More Like Weekend at Bernie's: A July '12 TR COMPLETE 5/23

French Quarter is such a beautiful resort. The rooms are really nice!

Why did I stare at that Mickey rice krispy treat for like 5 minutes? That was such a bad idea because now I want one.

You pot roast looks really good, for it being a quick service meal!
Enjoyed the update! I've heard so many good things about POFQ - it was fun to see some pics of it (probably could have checked the resorts forum if I was that curious, but who has time for that? I'm way too busy reading more important things.....like trip reports!).

Or imagine that it’s your own junk. I have a feeling we’re not the only family who covers every available surface with our stuff.

It's true - I'm pretty sure every family does this. We're travelling with a baby this time, so it's even worse. One extra person = 736,000 times the stuff. I'm thinking we may have to rent an adjoining room just for storage.

Because that is what you must do whenever you return back to your WDW hotel room.

Nothing is more important than Queen Stacey.


Agreed! Last year we had to cancel our trip when we found out it was scheduled three weeks after the birth of our son. But we did seriously consider still going and bringing our baby (then three weeks old) with us. I figured I could just sit in the hotel room, eat Mickey Rice Krispy Treats, and watch Stacey. Sounded like a good time to me!

Oh, wait, I should add that we ate dinner right beneath this guy and his little, um, friend stick.

It added to the ambiance which enhanced the flavor or something. IDK. That sounded smart, right?

Ummmm, I'm not sure about adding to the ambiance. This guy seems to have a creepiness factor on par with the slide at the Boardwalk Resort. "Excuse me, sir. Could you please take your stick and go climb back inside whatever jack-in-the-box you recently escaped from? Thank you."
We were just on the other side of the building from you, but on the 3rd floor. You may have heard us huffing and puffing by your room "lugging" our "luggage" to our room. :rotfl2:
I love your room! POFQ is my top choice for a Moderate. (I've probably said this already. Oops.) Hahah I did the same thing (not taking pictures right away) but that was due to the fact that I fainted. The good thing is that I spy an 'Ohana lei so all is forgiven.

Kara... please watch Titanic. Immediately. Just... right now. (I agree though. The mental image is hilarious. "NOTHING COMES BETWEEN ME AND MY STACEY!!!!")

My one 'worry' about POFQ is the crazy statues/figures that stare at you while you're eating in the food court. I'm scared of them (and their stick friends). Plus... this stick friend has a buck tooth and I just can't handle it.
Okay, so I have seen you around on some of the other TRs that I follow (even though I am months and months behind) and then I saw that you referenced Weekend at Bernie's in your title and I am in!!!!!

Be back to actually read it all soon.:blush:
Your pictures of POFQ are sooo beautiful! I really, really want to stay there, the buildings are so pretty and I love that they have PURPLE bedding! :banana:

How anyone can return to a Disney resort and NOT immediately put Stacey on, I'll never know. It's like a reflex for me-walk in, find remote, turn on TV and get sucked into Stacey's never ending Disney vacation for an hour! :worship:

OMG, you HAVE to see Titanic! It's one of the best movies ever made...it's been on HBO a lot lately, and every single time it's on, I have to watch it...I can't even count how many times I've seen that movie, it's amazing! :lovestruc

Haha, I can't do dining reviews either, I always run out of words to say something was good! I admire the people that can write dining reports and find 10 million ways to describe a cheeseburger! Your pot roast looks really good, actually, I had no idea they had QS pot roast, but now I want to stay at POFQ even more!
It looks so pretty there!! I really want to stay there one day!

Nothing is more important than Queen Stacey.


YES YES YES!!! With a mickey rice krispy treat in hand!

Nothing enhances a meal like that creepy little man with his creepy little stick!
Ahhh I thought I was the only person who hadn't seen Titanic for the longest time! I FINALLY cracked when it came to theaters a few months ago, but everyone made fun of me for not seeing it. I'm surprised that you of all people, with your outstanding television knowledge, has never seen such a classic movie! :laughing:

I enjoy your Titanic scenario of you leaving Stacey. That mental image is very amusing. :rotfl:

I am THE SAME WAY when I'm sleeping at Disney. I just feel so at peace when I'm there and I am asleep within seconds every time! :cloud9:

That pot roast looks REALLY good right now. Darn it, I'm hungry. Again. :laughing:
Great update- I laughed, I cried, I salivated over some Disney food..

And I noticed that you posted after 1 AM, which to my 32 year old self is the middle of the night, which further highlights your point about rolling around in bed for hours trying to get your brain to shut off...

Loved- Quoting Titanic, well actually quoting people who quote Titanic
Arms as useless as random branches that you find on the ground and give to snowmen as arms... ha, that certainly painted a vivid picture!
The piling on of surfaces... yup, we're that family, too!

Yeah, I'm a total night owl. Sleeping when it's dark out is lame lol.

As for the "vivid picture", I try, I try. :thumbsup2
OMG what a great view to walk out onto in the morning. I tried to book POFQ for October but if you wanted the Free Dining deal it was sold out. Le sigh... next time.

The rooms are so nice. I love how it opens up to the bathroom like that. And YUM @ that cake sitting on your table! However, I don't see Stacey on the TV!!!! :O

Applause. Thank you!

Oh God, you've never seen Titanic. One of my life's great obsessions. I love every second of that movie and every costume and set piece and actor and ATOM of that entire production. I can't even. I've watched it like 6 times this year alone and I still SOB UNCONTROLLABLY (like gasping for air) every single time and think about it like all the next day. After watching it over and over all these years it never gets old! OK I'm gonna stop now LOL but you should really watch it one of these days.

HAHAAHAHA @ your stomach permanently being dyed red. I used to always have to get Orange Hi-C at McDonald's cause I thought it was so cool that they had it on tap, so mine is probably orange.

Root vegetable jokes > fart jokes

Oh LuAnn. Forever bringing the lols with her horror at anyone who isn't 100% proper. She'd drop dead at the sight of me tbh.

Um... that's a creepy... stick friend. And I know my stick friends. Stick Stickly is awesome. That stick.. not so much.
Aw well POFQ is kinda small so I can understand why it's already sold out of rooms with free dining. You'll get to stay there sometime soon though, I'm sure.

I was actually out taking a walk around the hotel with my mom when the pictures were taken, hence the lack of Stacey. Dad and Katie just don't love her like I do.

My sister was obsessed with Orange Hi-C. It was all she drank as a kid. She would go into complete meltdown mode without it. Which we will always make fun of her for. ;)

STICK STICKLY! He's the best. His address runs on a constant loop in my head. I miss him.
French Quarter is such a beautiful resort. The rooms are really nice!

Why did I stare at that Mickey rice krispy treat for like 5 minutes? That was such a bad idea because now I want one.

You pot roast looks really good, for it being a quick service meal!
That's the downside to Disney food pics. I always want to look at them, but then I just wind up depressed that I don't have a bowl of cheddar cheese soup in front of me. It's a real bummer.

It was so good! I kinda expected it to be fatty and weird but it wasn't like that at all.
Enjoyed the update! I've heard so many good things about POFQ - it was fun to see some pics of it (probably could have checked the resorts forum if I was that curious, but who has time for that? I'm way too busy reading more important things.....like trip reports!).

It's true - I'm pretty sure every family does this. We're travelling with a baby this time, so it's even worse. One extra person = 736,000 times the stuff. I'm thinking we may have to rent an adjoining room just for storage.

Agreed! Last year we had to cancel our trip when we found out it was scheduled three weeks after the birth of our son. But we did seriously consider still going and bringing our baby (then three weeks old) with us. I figured I could just sit in the hotel room, eat Mickey Rice Krispy Treats, and watch Stacey. Sounded like a good time to me!

Ummmm, I'm not sure about adding to the ambiance. This guy seems to have a creepiness factor on par with the slide at the Boardwalk Resort. "Excuse me, sir. Could you please take your stick and go climb back inside whatever jack-in-the-box you recently escaped from? Thank you."
There are tons more POFQ pics coming too! They'll be spread out throughout the report, but they're coming!

I can't imagine traveling with a baby (and all of the necessary stuff). We're four adults who try to pack relatively light and even we can't keep the clutter down. I highly recommend the hanging closet organizers if you have room to pack one or two. I usually keep all of my stuff on one of those, like, 5 or 6 shelf expandable fabric thingamabobs. It works nicely and I don't have to fight everyone else for drawer space. :thumbsup2

Yeah, he was a creeper that's for sure. Oddly enough, by the end of the trip, I was quite fond of the guy though. I miss eating meals and trying to figure out what his deal is.
We were just on the other side of the building from you, but on the 3rd floor. You may have heard us huffing and puffing by your room "lugging" our "luggage" to our room. :rotfl2:
Nice. :goodvibes Could you see the pool from your room or were you more toward the playground?
I love your room! POFQ is my top choice for a Moderate. (I've probably said this already. Oops.) Hahah I did the same thing (not taking pictures right away) but that was due to the fact that I fainted. The good thing is that I spy an 'Ohana lei so all is forgiven.

Kara... please watch Titanic. Immediately. Just... right now. (I agree though. The mental image is hilarious. "NOTHING COMES BETWEEN ME AND MY STACEY!!!!")

My one 'worry' about POFQ is the crazy statues/figures that stare at you while you're eating in the food court. I'm scared of them (and their stick friends). Plus... this stick friend has a buck tooth and I just can't handle it.
I had to work for that 'Ohana lei too, so I certainly hope all is forgiven! :rotfl:

I plan on holding out forever on Titanic, just so I can always say I've never seen it. The looks of shock/disgust/confusion people give me when they find out I've never seen it crack me up.

The super huge heads really aren't too bad. Half the time I forgot they were even there. Just focus on the giant strands of colorful mardi gras beads and stuff. :thumbsup2
Okay, so I have seen you around on some of the other TRs that I follow (even though I am months and months behind) and then I saw that you referenced Weekend at Bernie's in your title and I am in!!!!!

Be back to actually read it all soon.:blush:
WELCOME! Thanks for joining in!! :goodvibes
Your pictures of POFQ are sooo beautiful! I really, really want to stay there, the buildings are so pretty and I love that they have PURPLE bedding! :banana:

How anyone can return to a Disney resort and NOT immediately put Stacey on, I'll never know. It's like a reflex for me-walk in, find remote, turn on TV and get sucked into Stacey's never ending Disney vacation for an hour! :worship:

OMG, you HAVE to see Titanic! It's one of the best movies ever made...it's been on HBO a lot lately, and every single time it's on, I have to watch it...I can't even count how many times I've seen that movie, it's amazing! :lovestruc

Haha, I can't do dining reviews either, I always run out of words to say something was good! I admire the people that can write dining reports and find 10 million ways to describe a cheeseburger! Your pot roast looks really good, actually, I had no idea they had QS pot roast, but now I want to stay at POFQ even more!
Thank you! I really hope you get to stay there someday!

Exactly. I guess I could maybe understand if the TVs didn't immediately default to Stacey when turned on, but once she's on, why would anyone change the channel before watching at least 5 full loops? People confuse me.

Some people are just so good at describing food. I am so envious of those people. Next time I'm in Disney, I'm going to work on coming up with adjectives while I'm eating. Maybe then I'll be able to elaborate beyond "good" or "gross". :rotfl:
It looks so pretty there!! I really want to stay there one day!

YES YES YES!!! With a mickey rice krispy treat in hand!

Nothing enhances a meal like that creepy little man with his creepy little stick!
It is so pretty! I hope you do get to stay there one day!

That's what I'm sayin'. Who needs the atmosphere of, like, California Grill or Cinderella's Royal Table when you could be dining under the gaze of a creepy guy with a stick friend?
Ahhh I thought I was the only person who hadn't seen Titanic for the longest time! I FINALLY cracked when it came to theaters a few months ago, but everyone made fun of me for not seeing it. I'm surprised that you of all people, with your outstanding television knowledge, has never seen such a classic movie! :laughing:

I enjoy your Titanic scenario of you leaving Stacey. That mental image is very amusing. :rotfl:

I am THE SAME WAY when I'm sleeping at Disney. I just feel so at peace when I'm there and I am asleep within seconds every time! :cloud9:

That pot roast looks REALLY good right now. Darn it, I'm hungry. Again. :laughing:
I was the same way with Harry Potter. I held out until last summer/fall and marathoned all the movies/books and now I'm obsessed. And tbh I think it's my deep pop culture knowledge that's keeping me from watching Titanic. I mean, I already know what happens and I can quote lines from the movie (and sing the entire Celine Dion song) so I'm just not in a hurry to actually sit down and watch it.

Totally. Plus, I think I'm just so exhausted from walking around all day that the second I'm no longer vertical, I pass out. :laughing:
JULY 6TH PART FIVE: In Which We Ride Teacups, Cars, Honeypots, and Elephants
After dinner, we headed outside and walked right onto a waiting Magic Kingdom bus. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Disney decided to schedule their buses based entirely upon when they expected my family to need one. We’re that important.

The ride was uneventful. Well, uneventful except for when the Mickey Mouse Club March started playing as we pulled into MK. When that happened, I turned into one giant goosebump. The music + Bus Voice Guy + being at the Magic Kingdom gets me every time.

The Train Station!

“Zip-a-dee-doo-dah” was playing in the background, so I sort of half-skipped, half-marched through the tunnel and onto Main Street because that’s how I roll.

I thought these plants were pretty.


Actually the crowds weren’t all that terrible. It was an EMH night in July so there were definitely people there, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been during previous trips. My personal space bubble was pleased.

We hung a right at the hub and headed to Tomorrowland in the hope of snagging some Space Mountain Fastpasses.

Lucky for us, FP were still available. I think they were for like 9:50 to 10:50 or something IDK. This trip report is low on actual details, but high on ridiculous, largely irrelevant commentary.

With the FP safely secured in Dad’s wallet, we headed back toward Fantasyland. The Mad Tea Party had a short wait, so we decided to hop in line.

That short wait turned out to be more of an average-sized wait because something happened to keep the ride from running. The giant tea pot blocked much of our view of the action, but a group of CMs were standing around one of the cups and discussing something. We figured there might have been a “protein spill” and I was really hoping that a Custodial CM would fly in on a mop like it was a Nimbus 2000 or something, but no luck. I guess there wasn’t anything to clean up.

After the mystery issue was resolved, we waited one cycle more, and then it was time to ride. As you all know, selecting a teacup can get intense. It’s not quite Walmart on Black Friday, but it’s close.

There’s even a bit of strategy involved if you want to secure the fastest spinning cup.

While everyone else is just standing in line staring aimlessly at whatever, you’ve gotta get down to business and let out your inner teacup talent scout. I’m talking full-on staring down each and every cup until you’ve singled out the fastest, most spinny oversized piece of drinkware. Obviously speed varies a bit based on who’s doing the spinning, which is why it’s important to scout multiple ride cycles. The best cup will make itself known. :teeth:

Unfortunately, my days of teacup scouting are long gone. I just can’t handle crazy spinning anymore. The Mad Tea Party is basically the gymnastics of theme park rides. You’re forced to retire young.

Anyway, now that I’m over the hill, I just pray that I won’t get trampled and take the first available cup.

This time, the first available cup was pink.

The death glare a little girl shot me as I sat down showed that this was clearly a mistake.


No more pink cups for us retirees. Got it. Lesson learned.

After our tea party, we decided to do the Tomorrowland Speedway. I know that it’s really stupid and should probably be ripped out and replaced with something more tomorrow, but we always have a great time. My complete inability to steer one of those little cars never fails to bring the laughs.

Here, have some atmospheric waiting-in-line photos:

I love that view.

Mom and I rode together so she could capture my “skills” on video so that we could laugh at them whenever we want. Unfortunately, my camera ate the footage. This was disappointing. It was a real gem of a drive. I was in tears from laughing so hard.

Next up, we decided to visit our friends in the 100 Acre Wood.

We skipped Pooh the year before, so this was our first time seeing the new queue. It’s adorable!

I mean, just look how Rabbit spells cabbage:

What’s not to love?

When I saw Eeyore’s house, I immediately dropped down on all fours and crawled in. Take that, everyone-who-whines-about-how-the-new-interactive-queues-are-ruining-WDW-because-they-don’t-have-anything-for-adults-to-do! This 22 year old had a ball.

Then I saw this and got super disappointed:

I get seriously annoyed when people can’t bother to properly dispose of their trash. Like, I highly doubt those two water bottles were weighing someone down so much that they absolutely had to leave them right there in the bushes or else their arms would fall off or something.

Though, if that was the case, I totally understand the decision.

Two bottles in the bushes are better than two bottles AND two arms (and a heck of a lot of blood).

Moving on…

Sunset over New Fantasyland!

Life needs more of these signs pointing me in the direction of food:

Pooh is much better than I am at describing food.

We spent FOREVER waiting at the point where Standby merges with FP. By the time we made it to the honeypots, my back was so stiff that I really thought I was going to snap right in half when I sat down. It was definitely one of those “Oh this is why we always use FP” experiences.

After everyone gathered together to say “Hooray,” we exited through the gift shop, I fell in love with an Eeyore pillow pet, and then I took a picture with some dwarfs.
[EDIT: I have no idea why this picture isn't showing up properly. Hmmmm]

The picture’s terrible, but I’m posting it just in case you need a visual reference for one of my most brilliant ideas ever: Once the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train opens, Disney should sell dwarf hats. I mean, they sell hats/crowns for like every other character, so why not the dwarfs? I’d be all about a purple Dopey hat. And they’d be great for family photos! It’s a genius idea and everyone should bow before me in recognition of the fact that I am clearly the smartest, most hat-related innovative Disney fan.

Seriously, Disney, if you need a Hat Idea Thinker-Upper, I’m willing to move to Orlando just as long as Unlimited Mickey Rice Krispy Treats are part of my contract.

Since the sun was down, I decided it was time to go check out Storybook Circus! As soon as I saw pictures, I knew I wanted my first experience with the new Dumbo to be at night. It looked absolutely gorgeous in the pictures and, in person, it didn’t disappoint.

I didn’t take a lot of pictures because I was more focused on absorbing the experience through my own eyes and not a camera, but I managed to take a few.

That’s part of the new indoor queue. The playground (which was adorable and not at all deserving of all the bitterness it brought out within the Disney fan community) is off to the right. There were a few kids in there playing when we walked by.

Because there was no line, we didn’t have to do the pager thing. They just sent us right outside to the NEW new Dumbo (as opposed to the REPAINTED new Dumbo). Hooray for getting to fly in the other direction!

Here’s Dumbo in action:

As you might remember from my last trip report, I’m kind of obsessed with the way Disney is kind of obsessed with the pink/teal color combination. When I found out that there’s now a pink/teal Dumbo, I swore I’d ride it, even if it meant pushing small children out of my way. There was like barely anyone there, so it didn’t come to that, but I was mentally prepared. I was Miss Hannigan and I was not afraid to dole out a few hard knocks. ;)

Anyway, here’s the most beautiful Dumbo to ever Dumbo from the inside:

Here are Dad and Katie in their pink/orange Dumbo:

New Dumbo is just as thrilling as old Dumbo, by which I mean it’s almost too thrilling for me. I’m not good with heights or flying. I really enjoy things like the ground and being on it. But if I fly Dumbo up to the highest point as soon as we take off and keep it there until the ride brings us back down, I survive. I get that weird “I can’t tell if this is super fun or super terrifying” feeling in my stomach, but I survive lol.

You walk under this sign (w/a spinning Timothy Mouse) as you exit.

I think the “Believe & Soar” tagline is adorably appropriate.
What a great update!! I love it!! I cannot wait to see the whole new Dumbo area! I love it! OH MY GOSH. I love tea cups. Love. They are so simple, but so magical. And Pooh! I'm very glad you stopped to say hi. I love interactive queues. Is this comment all over the place? I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING. I'm not even sorry.
I really haven't figured out how to quote more than one section of a TR, so instead of sections of TR followed by my comments, this will have to do.

"It was becoming increasingly obvious that Disney decided to schedule their buses based entirely upon when they expected my family to need one. We’re that important."
Clearly, and the Disney transportation system is all too accommodating.

"Lucky for us, FP were still available. I think they were for like 9:50 to 10:50 or something IDK. This trip report is low on actual details, but high on mostly irrelevant commentary."
:rotfl2:The highly irrelevant commentary is what makes this a stellar trip report.

"This time, the first available cup was pink.

The death glare a little girl shot me as I sat down showed that this was clearly a mistake."
She clearly hasn't learned that bum-rushing innocent guests while trying to reach the spinniest teacup is perfectly acceptable behavior in WDW...:rotfl2:

"Then I saw this and got super disappointed:"

This always makes me so sad :confused:

"Seriously, Disney, if you need a Hat Idea Thinker-Upper, I’m willing to move to Orlando just as long as Unlimited Mickey Rice Krispy Treats are part of my contract."
You sound like the perfect person for the job!!

"When I found out that there’s now a pink/teal Dumbo, I swore I’d ride it, even if it meant pushing small children out of my way. There was like barely anyone there, so it didn’t come to that, but I was mentally prepared. I was Miss Hannigan and I was not afraid to dole out a few hard knocks. ;)"
See, perfectly acceptable behavior!!We love you Miss Hannigan!

"I think the “Believe & Soar” tagline is adorably appropriate."
Oh, Disney, why are you so perfect with your taglines, your marketing, life???
Whenever the Mickey Mouse Club March comes on my iPod, I start marching and doing this weird little dance. A lot of people give me looks from other cars. They probably don’t think I’m a freak or anything…

I love the Winnie the Pooh queue, but when you are standing in line for an hour with all the little kids playing with everything and screaming, it sure gets annoying.

I am OBSESSED with Dumbo at night. It is amazing.
I love interactive queues too! I think they're genius. And I always play. WHERE'S THE BAD?

There are trashcans and recycling cans literally everywhere at Disney. Walk the 10 extra feet and toss them in, ya lazies. :sad2:

OMG KARA. They DO sell dwarf hats!!! Ryan (that guy from my last TR) bought one!!! I thought it said Dopex and was an elephant hat, but it was Dopey and dwarf all the way! So basically that IS a genius idea.

I'll be honest, sometimes the Disney fan community just makes me angry. Some of the people are so critical of every little thing. "A PLAY PLACE FOR KIDS AT DISNEY? Walt is rolling in his grave!" I mean COME ON. Ugh. I totally agree, the indoor queue was really cute.
I feel your pain in regards to the Mad Tea Party. Spinning in a teacup has never made me feel super awesome, but it's not even a possibility now. Stupid inner ear!

New Dumbo looks so pretty! I love the color scheme.

Also, pfffft to the haters for the interactive queues. IMHO, anything that keeps kids entertained and ensures that they'll fall asleep a little faster at night is a win!
What a great update!! I love it!! I cannot wait to see the whole new Dumbo area! I love it! OH MY GOSH. I love tea cups. Love. They are so simple, but so magical. And Pooh! I'm very glad you stopped to say hi. I love interactive queues. Is this comment all over the place? I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING. I'm not even sorry.
Not all over the place at all. Sometimes it's really hard for me to type anything more substantial than I LOVE EVERYTHING AT WDW SO MUCH when I'm writing this thing. :rotfl:
I really haven't figured out how to quote more than one section of a TR, so instead of sections of TR followed by my comments, this will have to do.

Clearly, and the Disney transportation system is all too accommodating.

:rotfl2:The highly irrelevant commentary is what makes this a stellar trip report.

She clearly hasn't learned that bum-rushing innocent guests while trying to reach the spinniest teacup is perfectly acceptable behavior in WDW...:rotfl2:

This always makes me so sad :confused:

You sound like the perfect person for the job!!

See, perfectly acceptable behavior!!We love you Miss Hannigan!

Oh, Disney, why are you so perfect with your taglines, your marketing, life???
I'm glad you appreciate my highly irrelevant commentary.

I know, right? Gosh, little girl, if you wanted the pink tea cup that badly you should have knocked us all over on your way to it. I hope she learned her lesson for future WDW trips.

Disney is perfect. SIGH. :cloud9:
Whenever the Mickey Mouse Club March comes on my iPod, I start marching and doing this weird little dance. A lot of people give me looks from other cars. They probably don’t think I’m a freak or anything…

I love the Winnie the Pooh queue, but when you are standing in line for an hour with all the little kids playing with everything and screaming, it sure gets annoying.

I am OBSESSED with Dumbo at night. It is amazing.
Well, if it makes a difference, if I pulled up next to you and saw you doing your Mickey Mouse Club March dance, I'd totally start dancing along. :thumbsup2

Yeah, I did think about that when we were in line. Since it was later in the evening, there really weren't too many kids around and the kids that were around were exhausted.
I love interactive queues too! I think they're genius. And I always play. WHERE'S THE BAD?

There are trashcans and recycling cans literally everywhere at Disney. Walk the 10 extra feet and toss them in, ya lazies. :sad2:

OMG KARA. They DO sell dwarf hats!!! Ryan (that guy from my last TR) bought one!!! I thought it said Dopex and was an elephant hat, but it was Dopey and dwarf all the way! So basically that IS a genius idea.

I'll be honest, sometimes the Disney fan community just makes me angry. Some of the people are so critical of every little thing. "A PLAY PLACE FOR KIDS AT DISNEY? Walt is rolling in his grave!" I mean COME ON. Ugh. I totally agree, the indoor queue was really cute.
Exactly. I mean, it's a freaking queue line. It's not like they're ripping out the rides and replacing them with playgrounds. Just the queues where we all stand there. I mean, i'll take air-conditioned/place for kids to play/bench seating over the old outdoor Dumbo switchbacks any day.

WHAT? I can't believe I've never seen them! Was it a limited edition hat or something? I'm super curious about this now. :rotfl:

Exactly. I almost titled this trip report "IF WALT WERE STILL ALIVE THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED" because I explained to my parents how there's a bunch of people online who are convinced Disney is ruined and everything is terrible and if Walt were here everything would be fixed, so any time anything weird/wrong happened, we'd turn to each other and go "IF WALT WERE STILL ALIVE THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED" in our best faux-anger-filled voices. We're a weird bunch.
I feel your pain in regards to the Mad Tea Party. Spinning in a teacup has never made me feel super awesome, but it's not even a possibility now. Stupid inner ear!

New Dumbo looks so pretty! I love the color scheme.

Also, pfffft to the haters for the interactive queues. IMHO, anything that keeps kids entertained and ensures that they'll fall asleep a little faster at night is a win!
Aww I can still handle a tiny bit of spinning, but I know the day is coming when I won't be able to handle the ride at all. Sad.

Totally. Think of all the happy parents! :thumbsup2
We were a little bit closer to the playground, but could see the pool a little bit, also.
Cool! I'm sure it was a great view! :goodvibes
That's what I'm sayin'. Who needs the atmosphere of, like, California Grill or Cinderella's Royal Table when you could be dining under the gaze of a creepy guy with a stick friend?

This clearly needs to be on a brochure...

Ahhh I am not a teacup spinner either. I enjoy sitting and letting the natural teacup force move me around....just not into the intense competitive spin off that so many others enjoy.

Wow everyone loves death stares from a little girl...well lesson learned?
Us retirees must take the left over less desirable cups.

I am all for the interactive queues!
Oh those 'Walt would roll over in his grave' types are never happy!
I'd much rather a child have fun off to the side, than be having a mini meltdown for 40 mins right behind me!
"When that happened, I turned into one giant goosebump." LOL OMG that was perfect.

I'm glad your personal space bubble was pleased! Another flawless description.

This trip report is low on actual details, but high on mostly irrelevant commentary.

:rotfl: Yeah, same. My notes are just non existent for the last few days of our Dec trip. I really wanna try and physically write them down next time and like force myself to take a minute to sit down and do that but... I probably won't.

I love that view of Space Mountain from the Speedway! I can't remember ever even doing that ride, I think maybe on my first trip, but I don't know. I love seeing new views of Disney I'm not familiar with.

People who complain about the interactive queues annoy me. First of all... if you have kids you should be thanking high heaven for those queues. And even if you don't, it's Disney... be a kid again and find the Pooh characters in the honey. IT'S FUN, OK? Or just crawl into Eeyore's house. IDK why I didn't do that. You're my role model. And seriously EFF those people for littering at Disney. Jesus. Littering anywhere is a jerk move but at Disney? UGH YOU ARE SENTENCED TO AN ETERNITY AT SIX FLAGS. BEGONE.


YES they should sell dwarf hats. You ARE brilliant. My hat/crown gripe is that you can rarely find actual Princess crowns. Like, I want the Rapunzel crown SO BAD and they do not sell it. They just sell that crappy one that has a picture of Rapunzel in the middle of it for kids that looks nothing like her real crown. I want accuracy, people! Also, at my store we sell wands (~*sold separately) that go with each Princess costume and that annoys the eff out of me because THE PRINCESSES DO NOT HAVE POWERS. I know it's just another way to make money but ugh create something canon instead, Disney. Sheesh.

OMG. I am so excited for Storybook Circus!!! Ahhhh!!!!! dfkjghlakdjgslkdfjaslkdfj


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