Week after Thanksgiving or second week in Dec


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Feb 11, 2002
Hi! We spent the second week of December at WDW this year and loved it! The decorations are just wonderful! However, we are planning for next year and I was really thinking we would shoot for the first week in December so we could tag the vacation days on to the long Thanksgiving weekend. My plan was to check in at our DVC resort on Saturday after Thanksgiving (yes, I know the weekend will be awful!) and leave the following Saturday.

Question: Will the crowds thin out after Saturday or Sunday following the holiday? If the crowds are still significant then I guess I would rather work a week in between and go again the second week!

Any folks who generally go that week and can offer some suggestions would be appreciated!
We did your plan this year,arrived 12/1/02 the Sunday after Thanksgiving and stayed through 12/7/02. We went to HDDR on 12/1 and hayride after HDDR.We went MVMCP on 12/3 and 12/5 also did CP package at Epcot. Crowds were low we got to see and do all we wanted with no waits most times.We are going 12/7/03-12/14/03 this year because of DW's vaction schedule.Weather was good all except evening of 12/5 MVMCP and it rained hard,we still had a good time just got a little wet. We have gone for last 15 years first part of December and crowds have increased some over these years but I still consider them low compared to other times of year.
So it sounds like either week should be fine. We, too, got a bit soggy on December 12 at MVMCP. Actually, we were drenched. The Guest Services folks were very nice though and offered everyone who even got close to City Hall the opportunity to write in for a refund or complimentary passes for another MVMCP this season. We opted for the refund since we have AP and would not be there for another MVMCP this season.
We've been the first week in December 3 times and this year we went the 2nd week in December. Crowds were about the same, but I think the second week may have been just a bit lower.

We're heading back the first week this year to maximize our AP's. Also DVC members and considering including part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend too.

Also found returning home on the 17th this year made the Christmas season way to rushed with just one remaining weekend before Christmas arrived. Try as I might, I just didn't have everything done before leaving for WDW.

Although we had a lot of rain during our December trip, we were very lucky that our out door scheduled events, MVMCP, CP, Osbornes, Illuminations Cruise all took place on beautiful evenings without rain...but it was COLD!

Glad you had a great trip!
I would recommend hands down that the second week of December will be better than right after Thanksgiving.
We went the first week of December 2002 and felt that crowds were way up compared to the same time in December 2001. We're hoping that it was due to Thanksgiving being so late. Crowds got better our last 2 days (Dec. 9 and 10), though. Since Thanksgiving is late again this year (2003), we're thinking of waiting a little longer - closer to the 2nd week of December. Please keep in mind, though, that we are people who really prefer to not wait more than 5-10 minutes in lines while we're at WDW, especially now that we have a little one! ;-)
We went this past Thanksgiving, arrived Wednesday morning and left Sunday night. I didn't think the crowds were that bad at all, except for in the stores on Main Street right around parade time.

We had no problems with transportation, the whole time we were there I think the longest wait was on Sunday morning, waiting for the MGM bus, maybe 10 minutes ... Lines at the parks were not bad for being such a "busy" week/weekend.

Sunday, we were at MK around parade time and the crowds were real light, I guess most people, like us, were getting ready to leave. We had a late flight, so we were still able to hit the parks before we left!!
With Thanksgiving being late again in 2003, I would recommend the second week. We were there the first two weeks of Dec this year--well 2002--and it was less crowded the second week than the first. In fact, we were surprised at the crowd level the first week. I haven't seen anyone else who has posted about this, but that week was no where near the low attendance we had expected from reading the boards.
We went the week after Turkey day and loved it. The only thing that bothered us and it was no big deal was the car rental. We had a coupon for a free week from Avis. The 30th was a blackout date and we could not use it the day we arrived. That meant we would have to rent the car for 1 day, return it to the airport and then use our coupon for the remaining days. We even ask the Avis manager if we could rent it for one day and do the cpupon for they next 6 day on the 30th and they said no. We would have to return the car and then fill out new paper work. We decided to use the coupon later and went the towncar route. Other than that clitch, all was wonderful for that time period..smjj
The Saturdays for both weeks are the same as far as crowds. This year, MK was open until 10:00 on 12-7 instead of 7:00. Usually, MK hours are shorter 2 weeks after Thanksgiving on the Saturday.

We arrive Thanksgiving weekend normally for 1 week, and the crowds Monday through Thursday are identical to the ones the second week after Thanksgiving (this year's trip). We did the later week this year and will do the earlier week next year to utilize the AP's to our fullest.
Originally posted by trampslady
My plan was to check in at our DVC resort on Saturday after Thanksgiving (yes, I know the weekend will be awful!) and leave the following Saturday.

Question: Will the crowds thin out after Saturday or Sunday following the holiday? If the crowds are still significant then I guess I would rather work a week in between and go again the second week!

One: That weekend of Thanksgiving was horribly crowded we got there that morning after driving 16 hours about 10:00 and were not able to get in our room till after 5:00 PM. There were so many people checking out that day.

The crowds that weekend were terrible. The crowds that following week were very manageable though. Beware as you probably already know though that the weather can be a little peculiar.

Hope this helps.
We went the second week of Dec. this year and were right in the middle of Pop Warner week. If you're planning on staying at a value or a moderate resort beware – football players and cheerleaders were everywhere!!! Not sure what the dates are for next year, but based on that, I'd do the week after Thanksgiving!!! :smooth:
Good point travelin' tigger.....we were there too, only we stayed at AKL. However, we did notice "clumps" of cheerleaders and football players in the parks. I think we will probably go for the first week and hope for the best. As far as weather goes....it's a toss up. I know the first couple of days may be more crowded with leftover Thanksgiving folks but I'm hoping the latter part of week one will be lighter. Also learned a valuable lesson...don't purchase MVMCP tickets until we get there or at least until I have a somewhat clear idea of what the weather will hold. We were drenched on December 12!!!
Originally posted by trampslady
Also learned a valuable lesson...don't purchase MVMCP tickets until we get there or at least until I have a somewhat clear idea of what the weather will hold. We were drenched on December 12!!!

Don't feel bad. :eek: We were rained on/out at the December 5th party as well. Did you get your passes exchanged for Comp 1 day park hoppers? I am told that many people did that were at the party on the 5th. I am still awaiting an answer from Guest Services as we did not find out about it till we got home.
Actually, they were offering a refund or another MVMCP night. Since we were not going to be there for any other party nights, we opted for the refund. We had to write. In fact, they apparently called me today in regards to my letter. A friend hear at work got the call while I was at lunch. They said I should be getting a response within the next two weeks. Hope so. Actually the park hopper wouldn't do us much good because we have annual passes.
Very True. Park Hoppers won't do us any good either as we have AP's but I could give the two one day passes to my brother and niece who are planning on going with us next December.


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