Webcam questions

No11's Mom

DIS Veteran
Dec 26, 2000
What happened to US webcam pictures? I know when I was planning our last vacation I could see different views inside the parks. Are those still available? If so, can someone give me a link? Also, what is the link to see the globe you guys will be waving from in March? I don't want to miss that. Is it possible for me to copy that picture off the web so that you guys could see how you looked?

Thanks for the help,

Donna R.
Here is a link to the webcams:


You can mail a copy of the photo to yourself and get a link to pull it up. It's sent like an e-card.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Thanks for the link Barry. I had found those views before, but I was hoping to find views inside the parks. Those are gone huh? :(

So when y'all do your wave, I just need to be looking at the globe view? I want to make sure that I see y'all, that way I will feel like I'm a little part of the trip. :)
I think the Universal Studios and IOA cams will give you some look into the park.

As for the globe, use the Citywalk camera to aim and zoom in on the globe, or use the link to get to the globe.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Aloha Donna,

A quick note (I came home for lunch).

The old web cams that were inside the park are down and only the one in citywalk is still up. There was a petition to Universal to get the others back, but nothing yet! :(

But you can wave to us at the Globe, we will be there. :D



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