We Only Had to Wait in Line Twice For This - An April 2024 runDisney TR *Updated 6/5 Summer Plans

Our first Disney day. Is there anything better than waking up at a Disney resort, knowing you have days and days of theme parks ahead of you?

I can't think of anything.

For those unaware with how runDisney events operate, the club members, a paid loyalty program get to go inside first. And there are people who pay for the membership so they can get inside and buy everything up in order to resell it later.

This is just terrible.

Why do Mickey waffles just taste so much better than regular waffles?

I have no idea, but they really do.

We have the Mickey waffle maker and they're good but not as good as they are in Disney.

It makes me want to bring so many more people to runDisney events.

Someday I want to do a 5K.

I immediately turned to Alex and said, “I can’t wait to tell Landon about this!”

Such a Mom. JP likes axolotls too. We have one at the Blue Zoo at the mall.

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Great photo.

I’m beginning to think this entire update is a mess.:rotfl2:

No it's not. You just have parent brain.

We ended up waiting 45 minutes for our food. After we clicked we were there upon getting to the parking lot.

This is outrageous.

Alex and I have the worst luck with DAK buses at Wilderness Lodge.

Did you remember to rub Humphrey's nose as you were walking past to the busses?

We tried to do this every time. We had great bus service in December, except when we were going to Studios and forgot to rub it.

This evening was just full of favorites.:goodvibes

As it should be.

discovered some of the Lion King 30th Merch that was already on sale, including this mug:

Very nice mug!
I am finally catching up. It has been a rough few weeks here and I haven't been on much.

I forgot to quote stuff that i wanted to mention so I will do my best to remember.

Why do kids also go to mom when dad is just as available. My two do the same thing still at 18 and almost 17.

Your travel day sound like a great day. We used to not do anything on our travel day but go somewhere to eat dinner but was never a park day. This last trip we went to HS. It was fun and I kind of liked that but I was exhausted by the end of the night and I think it kept us more worn out for the week.

I love the photos you have gotten so far. I am great at spotting the photographers to the point my family gets aggravated with me. But hey these are the only family pictures we have had taken since they were little so I am not sorry about it and I am in the pictures too.
I have always said WL is great for MK but man the bus system there is so slow!

I've definitely begun planning my resort stays around which parks I'm going to be visiting the most. I'm too impatient to wait long for buses now. :rotfl:

I’m sorry your room was in need of repair. I feel Disney has been letting me down lately with the resort rooms and the customer service just seems to be lacking now and really makes me sad!

Spring was not the greatest in terms of customer service. I'm not sure what's going on. A small part of me is hoping once Epic Universe opens, the crowds will reduce at WDW and the old level of service will return.

Oh WL bus! Yup, totally hear you. Brutal HS and EP waits flashbacks right now. Better run for that bus if you see it cause it aint coming again for awhile! Beautiful resort though.
No judgement here on the mugs!! Really like that one you found. Definetly wouldve grabbed that one.

I think next time I stay at WL, I'll make sure I have my own vehicle or only concentrate on the MK!

The Lion King mug is probably my favorite that I brought home.
The race expo sounds stressful and frustrating.

It's hard because in the future, if I do another SS or similar, I'll skip the merchandise and it'll be a lot less hassle. But I know when/if I do the marathon, I'm going to want a shirt. And obtaining one has me more stressed than the actual race! :rolleyes: :rotfl:

Forty-five minutes to get your quick service food is nuts.

What appeared to be happening was there was one CM fulfilling orders, and they were doing all the dine in ones first. Ours kept getting pushed to last.

ironically, I think the deluxe resorts seem to have some of the worst bus service.

I think you're right!

And of course you went to Satu’li Canteen! :goodvibes

I hope you were able to go!!

I hate that the Expos have a) gone to a virtual que to even get in and b) that there never seems to be any merch left. I would be so mad if I was doing a race now and I couldn't buy something to remember it. Of course, I also remember the days at the Princess weekend when people would get in actual fist fights over the wine glasses. Ahhh...the good old days.

I just cannot understand the insanity around race merchandise. Sure, I'd like a souvenir, but not enough to brawl someone for something.:rolleyes:
We have the Mickey waffle maker and they're good but not as good as they are in Disney.

We have one, as well. I don't think they get as fluffy as that ones at Disney.

Someday I want to do a 5K.

If you ever need a 5K partner, just say the word. :laughing:
Really, though, the 5K is great and it's so much fun seeing everyone's costumes.

Did you remember to rub Humphrey's nose as you were walking past to the busses?

We did not! Totally forgot.

I am finally catching up. It has been a rough few weeks here and I haven't been on much.

Hope you're all doing okay and things are smoothing out for summer.:hug:

This last trip we went to HS. It was fun and I kind of liked that but I was exhausted by the end of the night and I think it kept us more worn out for the week.

You might be on to something with that. If it were me, I'd rather stick to DS and skip a park on arrival day.
Hope you're all doing okay and things are smoothing out for summer.:hug:
We are finally doing better. I think I mentioned it my trip report about Elizabeth possibly having POTS. Well she has had bad migraines all year and in May it got really bad. We had finally just gotten into the neurologist and she has been awesome. She told us to go to the ER if she got another really bad one. So we did which then turned into a total of 4 ER visits this month with the last one being for stroke symptoms. Thankfully it was just a migraine but we noticed her heart rate was really low as well. When we saw the neurologist on Thursday we asked about the POTS since the low BP is a sign. Sure enough she ticks off all the boxes including the migraines. She doesn't want to put her through another test right now to confirm it. She said if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is so we are just treating it as such. The poor girl has had 2 MRI's, 2 CAT scan's, tons of blood work, a chest x-ray and tons of meds. Her new meds are working and she hasn't had a migraine and her numbness in her legs and the dizziness is gone.

On top of this Nick was having a rough month mentally with tons of AP test, the end of the year, graduation stuff and college stuff. It also didn't help that he really liked the girl he took to Prom and when he asked to make it official she said no. So all of this at once made him depressed. Really making 18 years figure out the rest of their lives is tough. He is doing much better and ready to take on the summer.
If you ever need a 5K partner, just say the word. :laughing:
Really, though, the 5K is great and it's so much fun seeing everyone's costumes.

I'll let you know, but I would really hate to hold you back. I don't move that fast and I would be doing lots of people watching just the see the costumes.
The poor girl has had 2 MRI's, 2 CAT scan's, tons of blood work, a chest x-ray and tons of meds. Her new meds are working and she hasn't had a migraine and her numbness in her legs and the dizziness is gone.

On top of this Nick was having a rough month mentally with tons of AP test, the end of the year, graduation stuff and college stuff.

My gosh, you weren't kidding when you said it's been a rough couple of weeks. I'm so sorry to hear about all the health issues Elizabeth has been dealing with. Trips to the ER are so mentally exhausting, it just adds to the physical pain.
I'm glad to hear, though, that you seem to have found a medication that is helping alleviate her symptoms and she can start summer break migraine free! Fingers crossed it continues to work and you can finally take a breather.

And those AP tests and end of high school hurdles are so brutal on kids. I hope Nick can take the summer to relax a little and rest.
April 19th Part 1:

5K Day!

Or, should I say, 5K morning?

Really, really, really early in the morning.

2 a.m. to be exact. :crazy2:

If ever there was a reason to balk at signing up for runDisney events, it’s the wakeup times.

Alex and I rolled out of bed, got dressed, and made our breakfast of champions:

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We brought bagels and individual peanut butter packets from home, and I made some caffeinated coffee in the room. I learned my lesson last year. Despite not drinking caffeinated coffee at home, on race days I need to give myself that little extra jolt.

The long hours and step count counteract the effects. Fatigue comes when I need it no matter the buzz.

Before I’m ready for it, actually.:rotfl:

Food in our bellies, teeth brushed, last slurps of water taken, it was time for Alex and I to head down to the race bus.

Wilderness Lodge looked so quiet and empty at 3 in the morning:

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We got to the bus a few minutes later than I had last year, and the result was we were on the second bus to depart. I didn’t think it was going to make a big difference, but sadly it did. This bus went to the Contemporary, even though the dispatcher told him he should’ve headed straight to Epcot. And we hit some traffic.

The result was that we arrived a little after 3:30 in the morning.

Still tons of time before the corrals close, but it really cut out any time we might have wanted for character pictures and meetups beforehand.

After security, I made Alex stop for a photo in front of the Epcot globe:

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Notice we don’t look too tired here. Pretty alert and perky.

Excited to start the races.

It’s fun to see this picture.

And then compare it to the 10-Miler.:rotfl2:


No matter how well I described the walk to the holding area, nothing puts it into perspective like doing it yourself. Alex kept looking around, going, “We’ll have walked a mile before we get to the starting line.”

“Yes, my dear.”

This is why I suggested he actually train for a 4 mile, 7 mile, and 11 mile race weekend.

You get those extra steps.

When we reached the first staging area, we scoped out the characters meeting that morning, saw Peter Pan and Wendy, and Alex suggested we hop in line for them.

I really wanted a photograph with them.

Landon’s childhood movie was Peter Pan. It holds a soft spot in my heart.

But I looked at the line and recalled the pacing of the lines last year.

“I don’t know.”

Alex shrugged. “Okay.”

“Well. Maybe.”

“What do you want to do?”

My gut told me it was too long of a line.

But I knew I was with Alex, and I had cell service this year. So what if we got into our corral later and were near the back?

“What the heck, let’s do it.”


If there’s one lesson we learn as we live out our time on this Earth, is it not:

I knew it wasn’t a good idea to get in the character line.

But I second guessed myself.

Don’t do that!

Don’t be like Alicia, and spend 45 minutes waiting in the queue only to have the Cast Members close the meet.

Ten guests away.

Five minutes before Peter and Wendy went away, the CM attendant announced they’d be leaving at 4:30. But that was the first peep we’d heard about it. They didn’t cut off the line after a certain point or warn people when they entered the switchbacks.

That was…not the best.

With nothing left to do, Alex and I left the line, used the restrooms, and meandered over to our corral.

I’m not sure why, but the energy for this morning’s 5K was a little off. There wasn’t as much excitement in the air; people were quiet and subdued.

I thought I might have been alone in feeling it, but I listened to the
3,2,1…Go podcast with the race hosts, John and Carissa, recapping the weekend, and they said the same thing.

They thought maybe folks were worried about the heat that weekend.

Which was understandable. It was set to hit 90 later in the day.

And while it was hot... Boy, was it toasty, it wasn’t as humid as last year, so I was feeling good. I was actually a tad chilly while waiting in the corral.

Don’t worry, that went away as soon as everyone stood up and began shuffling to the starting line.:laughing:

Finishing runDisney leaves you feeling jubilant, exalted, like anything is possible. But surviving this sight:

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It takes some fortitude!

You just have to grab on to your running partner and breathe through the claustrophobia. Listen to John and Carissa talk to Riley and Tracy and wait for your wave.

Because once you hear YOUR 3, 2, 1, Go! You shake off the stranger’s shoulder brushes and lean into forward movement.

Or, if you're my husband, you start realizing you made a mistake.

Too much water before leaving the room and too long stuck in the corral left one individual asking his Springtime Surprise veteran wife:
“When’s the first set of bathrooms?”

Continued in Next Post:
Continued From Previous Post:

Before we could enter the parks and find a coveted restroom, we had to make it through Mile 1.

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This was in the backstage area behind Test Track, and as you can see, it was very busy. I kept commenting to Alex that this 5K felt much more congested than last year’s.

What I think happened was runDisney put more people in Corral C versus Corral D and so we were encountering more people who would’ve still been waiting to start if it were 2023’s version.

I was a little thrown off by the larger crowds, and it took awhile for me to shake off the jitters and enjoy the run.

When Alex and I got to Norway, Alex told me to keep going while he made a pitstop. I agreed and ran as far as China before saying to myself,
“No. Stop and take a look at the World Showcase for a second.”

There were too many people on the course for me to get a PR time, and I was already thrown off by the character debacle. I might as well pause and take in Epcot when it’s my favorite.

During the Flower and Garden Festival during a runDisney race.

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I texted Alex to let him know where I was, but I waited too long and he’d already passed me.


I won’t lie.

The 5K was our trial run.

Ha ha ha.

The only other times we’d run together was during family 5K events. And that mostly consists of nudging Evie forward and stopping to let Landon tie his shoes.

It was very apparent we should have taken some runs just the two of us.

Alex is 8 inches taller than me, so if he starts jogging, I immediately quicken my pace to keep up. And when we realized he was inadvertently going too fast (by me getting grumpy) he’d slow down but would be in my peripheral vision, distracting me.

Then there was the ordeal of me trying to get him to switch sides occasionally so we’d have an equal amount of Photopass pictures of us in the frame.

We had to work out some kinks. ::yes::

That’s all.

Will I say I prefer to run alone?

I’m not NOT saying that.

But will I run with someone for my first marathon?

Absolutely not.

Not even for my next Half.

Now, that being said, do I want to do another Disney 5K with someone?

100 percent.

I’m working on it for 2025’s Wine and Dine.

And now that I know I need what I need to watch out for, I’ll go into future races more knowledgeable and understand that 5Ks with others are for fun.

I can also say, this was the only race this was an issue. Alex and I figured out solutions before the 10K and the rest of the weekend went great.

So, so great.

You’ll see.::yes::

The two of us made our way to Italy, where we stepped down to the fireworks viewing area and grabbed a photo together:

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Then we continued on, past the water stop in the American pavilion and on towards the UK.

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We found Mile Marker 2:

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And made it to the front of the park, where we got to see the new area that had opened:

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This was our first time laying eyes on the World Celebration, which was unbelievably cool.

I mean, how many times can one say they saw a new land in WDW during a race?

The highlight of the 5K for sure.

Running on, Alex and I passed by Mission:Space and Test Track, going backstage for the final stretch. Listening to the gospel singers as we rounded the final bend, I knew that meant we were in the finish line chute.

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Race Number 1 was done!

And what a gorgeous medal we got out of it:

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Give me anything gold and I’m a sucker.

After picking up waters, Powerades, bananas, and snack boxes, Alex and I headed to the finish area and cooled off. Alex spotted the line for Peter Pan and Wendy.

“Want to give it another go?”

No, not really.

But dang if I didn’t want that photo.

On principle, you know?

So we got in line and waited about 20 minutes for our turn.

It was as we neared the front that Alex threw out, in the most lighthearted manner possible,
“Hey, we’re getting this picture. And we only had to wait in line twice for it.”:rotfl2:

The Photopass Photographer snapping away only took one shot of us with the characters, and I joked with Alex as we were leaving, “Watch, the picture doesn’t event turn out well.”

But never fear.

It did.

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We have that photographic evidence of our Neverland 5K race.

With the story to go along with it.

After that, the two of us headed over to get our picture with the I Did It paddle.

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Then it was time to walk to our bus stop (Hello, Bus Number 5 this year) so we could go back to the Wilderness Lodge and shower.

But wait!

It was 7:10.

Alex was supposed to join the Guardians boarding group at 7.

Good grief! What was going on with us this morning? I pulled my phone out of where I’d tucked it into my flipbelt after the finish line and saw my alarm pinging away. I couldn’t hear it over the music and crowds, but there it was, trying to remind me to get Alex in the queue.


Time to pull out the backup plan and buy an ILL.

All right. That task completed, we could go home.

Up Next: Do You Feel Good? Yeah, You Do!
I love your race photos. That is one of my regrets from my 2 races...I never did photos before the race because I was always worrying about getting to the corral and getting close to the front; I never stopped for photos during the race because I was always FREAKED out about time; and I never did photos after because my only thought was to get to the bus and get back to the room.

I do understand your thoughts about running with others. I never did it for a Disney race but I did it for a few local races. Don't like it AT ALL. I want to do my own race, my own pace and not worry about someone else going faster or slower. I can't wait to see how you worked it all out for the 10K and 10 miler! And I also want to hear if the crowd energy improved for the rest of the races.
Great race pictures!!! So glad you got the Peter Pan picture!!! Excited to hear more about your trip!
One year I am going to do the 5k. It sounds so much fun. Though the corral might give me some anxiety. Way too many people.
Great race update and the photos of you both with Tinkerbell and Peter Pan were definitely worth lining up twice for.
The starting corrals look chaotic but your smile during the race photos make me think it’s worth the craziness. Looking forward to hearing about your other races and how you got some of the kinks you encountered in the 5k ironed out.
Sounds like you got the 5K down pat now. Lots of trial and error.

I love the photos of the two of you together. I think it was worth waiting for the Wendy and Peter Pan photo.

Ready for the rest of your day.
There was an adorable Tick Tock waiting just inside:
Too cute!
Our first Disney day. Is there anything better than waking up at a Disney resort, knowing you have days and days of theme parks ahead of you?
Absolutely nothing better!
It was the perfect amount. We split the eggs, we each got one waffle, and I ate the side of apple slices while Alex got the bacon.
Billie and I like to split breakfast entrees too. The adult servings are massive!
Why do Mickey waffles just taste so much better than regular waffles?
They put pixie dust in the batter.:tink:
These aquatic critters are Landon’s favorite animal. He spent so much time looking at them when we went to the Dallas Aquarium and it’s his avatar image on his school Chromebook. Why he loves them? I don’t know.
Maybe because they are special and unique? My Jack has been in love with manatees since he was a little boy and even at 24 insists I send him videos of Lil Joe and Lou when I visit the Seas.
Plus, it made me think of Landon.

And what mom doesn’t want that?

I immediately turned to Alex and said, “I can’t wait to tell Landon about this!”
We are are always in Mom mode.
I’m not one to get grouchy or irritable when I haven’t eaten. But I guess being in crowds, being frustrated with the lack of merch, and the constant long lines combined to make me unpleasant.

Alex, smart husband that he is, knew to get me back to Wilderness Lodge, where he mobile ordered us some food from Roaring Forks.

And what an ordeal that turned out to be.

We ended up waiting 45 minutes for our food. After we clicked we were there upon getting to the parking lot.
It was Alex’s turn to become frustrated. He had a guest nearby say to him, “Hey man, Hakuna Matata. It’ll all be all right.”

Which completely shook Alex out of his funk and pointed out that he was being silly.

On the bus, I told him,
“Hey, we both had a little temper tantrum today. We got it out of our system. It’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.”
Sometimes we just need to vent!
The best Disney park!
I got the chicken bowl with rice and beans, and Alex got the chicken with noodles.

I also enjoyed the Hawke’s Grog Ale, the best beer in the parks.

Are you seeing a theme here?

This evening was just full of favorites.:goodvibes
Coffee mugs are my weakness. It’s mostly the Starbucks ones, but I do have quite the collection of DAK ones.

And this one would fit in perfectly with the others.

I chose to sleep on it and decide later.

But I can tell you now.

It came home with me.

As did two other mugs.
Oh dear.
Don't worry, I took over Jamie's closet when he moved out as I needed space for all my Disney dresses. I might have a problem, lol. Oh then there are the pins, the bags and the Pandora charms. Yup definitely a problem.
Still tons of time before the corrals close, but it really cut out any time we might have wanted for character pictures and meetups beforehand.
Oh no!

If there’s one lesson we learn as we live out our time on this Earth, is it not:

I knew it wasn’t a good idea to get in the character line.

But I second guessed myself.

Don’t do that!

Don’t be like Alicia, and spend 45 minutes waiting in the queue only to have the Cast Members close the meet.

Ten guests away.
So frustrating!
Too much water before leaving the room and too long stuck in the corral left one individual asking his Springtime Surprise veteran wife: “When’s the first set of bathrooms?”
Oh dear!
There were too many people on the course for me to get a PR time, and I was already thrown off by the character debacle. I might as well pause and take in Epcot when it’s my favorite.

During the Flower and Garden Festival during a runDisney race.
Spectacular view!
It was as we neared the front that Alex threw out, in the most lighthearted manner possible, “Hey, we’re getting this picture. And we only had to wait in line twice for it.”:rotfl2:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Time to pull out the backup plan and buy an ILL.
Guardians is essential.
Hooray for your first race of the weekend! Despite the fact you had to wait in line twice, your picture with Peter Pan and Wendy was worth it. It’s a great picture! Your other race pictures are fun, too.

But oof, a 2:00am wake up time sounds brutal!
Fellow North Texan! Welcome to the area (or at least the state)! My 7yo is so into axolotls too! We just went to the Dallas World Aquarium last week to say howdy to the little guys. Are these animals newly discovered? I swear I had never heard of it til Big Little Miss started talking about them, and now my house is full of stuffed axolotls. Our Little Little Miss loved the penguins the best. Can't wait to read more of your runDisney adventure!
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I never stopped for photos during the race because I was always FREAKED out about time; and I never did photos after because my only thought was to get to the bus and get back to the room.

I don't have any photos from either of my EE 5K races, and it's something I regret. I have a few that Alex took from my DLP Half, but none of the professional shots on the course. So I've learned. :rotfl: I think there's soooo many unknowns going into your first race, that pictures is the last thing your brain is worries about. However, this just gives you reason to do another Disney race in the future. :laughing:

Don't like it AT ALL. I want to do my own race, my own pace and not worry about someone else going faster or slower.

I firmly believe running is a solo activity.
I know people can participate in run groups and run with friends. But I much prefer to be by myself.

Great race pictures!!! So glad you got the Peter Pan picture!!! Excited to hear more about your trip!

That Peter Pan picture....I'm tempted to print it out and add it to our Disney collage frame. Just because of how much work it took to get.:laughing:

One year I am going to do the 5k. It sounds so much fun. Though the corral might give me some anxiety. Way too many people.

The good thing about the corral madness, is that if you don't mind being in the back then you can avoid the worst of the crowds. I've always been in the first 2 or 3 waves that have gone in the corral, so everyone and their brother is pushing to get as far in the front as possible.
Should I manage to submit a proof of time and get in one of the earlier corrals, I'll probably hang out at the back and let everyone jostle to the front.


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