We love Donald Duck, oh yes we do! - Link to the PTR - COMPLETE

Wow! So many responses...and such sweet words-THANK YOU everyone for your words, sharing your stories and pictures!!! :goodvibes

It is amazing that love you feel meeting your baby. Everytime it overwhelms me and everytime I wondered how I could love one that much. Enjoy your sweet baby... the grow too fast!

It truly is amazing-no words describe that first moment. I remember feeling scared, confused and love that overwhelmed me. Suddenly my whole focus was on that little being and his care-in an instant my entire paradigm shifted. And, as we went through the first few sleepless weeks, those feelings only intesified as I watched him experience our world for the first time! It truly is a miracle!

Ok, now that I am crying! lol How sweet:) I forgot we had the same pattern in baby gear (safari) ..and then the same WDW strollers:)

Thanks for sharing Brook!!!

:goodvibes I forgot we had the same pattern in baby gear too! We have been thinking when Henry switches to his "big bed" or when we move, we'll re-do his room in TRUCKS since he loves them so much!

I remember looking at my baby boy and counting his fingers and toes and being totally in love. My baby is almost 30 now, and far away as an officer in the Airforce. Time flies by.

But he will ALWAYS be my baby!

Aw! That's so sweet! I am 29 years old and the youngest of my siblings. I know completely GET IT why my Mom still treats me like I'm 15. In her eyes, I'm her baby! And, I always will be.

oh my you have me crying also! Thanks for sharing your pics and story about Henry.

Our babies (ok, ok toddlers, if we must be technical) are around the same age, DD will be 18 months on the 21st of March. I look at her everyday and just am amazed at how big she's gotten in such a short time, how much she knows now and how small she was just a few months ago. I too have had many laughs and smiles because of her and many tears and sleepless nights.

I have an older ds who is almost 12 (eek!) and I tear up just thinking about how fast he's grown up, I look at him in amazement sometimes and tell him "you used to fit in my belly!" lol He rolls his eyes and gets all "teen" on me but he'll always be my baby boy.

p.s. I too have the illustrius "let's pour the whole container of gerber puffs out all over the place" picture, they do it for their own entertainment of watching us clean it up, I swear! this is when DD was 9 months old I believe


I LOVE THAT PIC! She is looking at you like "He he he! I know EXACTLY what I'm doing!" :laughing:

Our little ones are very close in age, Henry turned 18 months on March 1 - his bday is Sept 1. Just 20 days apart! We are having so much fun with this stage (though, we've seemed to say that ever since he was about 4 months old...:rolleyes:). He's learning SO many words and reacting to things in a whole new way. It's amazing to watch them learn and grow.

That is cute about your DS too...I'm guessing I'll be saying the same thing to Henry eventually!


Aw Brook, that was the cutest!!!! Henry's such an adorable baby (little boy now!) and it was fun getting to see him "grow up." He's such a little man now! You and Joe are so lucky to have Henry to make you laugh and smile (and sometimes cry). It's what life's all about :goodvibes Thanks for sharing!

Your welcome! I was going through his pictures and just looking at them make me so sentimental, I had to share. Then posting them, and looking at even more pictures made me even MORE sappy-hence the little story of my pregnancy and labor...

We truly are blessed with him in our lives. Some days (ohhh, like this morning?!!?!?! :headache:) are aggravating, but, Joe and I wouldn't trade it for anything!! And you are right-it is what life is all about!

This was a lovely update! He looks so much older already in the recent pictures compared to January. I can understand how you first felt when you got to know that you were pregnant and it is wonderful that everything worked out so well for you! :goodvibes

I know it! He has grown up SO MUCH these past couple months! I thought the change between November and January was a lot in the trips, but January-March he truly has gone from baby to toddler.

Ahhh, Henry has always been just precious! His smile is just the best! :goodvibes

Thank you! Such sweet words. :goodvibes

What a fun look-back. Thank you for sharing! Henry does have some adorable expressions. I especially like the "chillin" with his hands by his head, the crinkle nose, the b-day cake, the puffs stuffed in his mouth, and his first picture taken right after delivery. What a joy! I really hope to be a mommy (to someone other than my dog!) someday. :goodvibes

The "chillin" pose lasted a long time-it was so stinkin' funny. I remember being at church in the "Mother's Room" and there happened to be a LOT of women with babies at that same time (over 10 of us!), he sat on my lap and did that and everyone just cracked up every time. I have a pic of him watching Mickey Mouse in that same pose too, all chilled out in his bouncy chair.

If the desire for you to be a Mommy is there, I bet you'll be one someday!! :goodvibes

Brook - Your latest post made me cry this morning. Our DDs are 8 years apart and I went through the same feelings you did when I found out (at 4 months) that I was pregnant with our second child. Everyone else was delighted but Bob and I agonized over the complete upheaval in our lives.

We don't always know best, do we? I cannot imagine the past 23 years of my life without Kristin as part of it. And I can't wait to read your trip reports in another 20 years or so! :goodvibes

"the complete upheaval in our lives" - exactly! That is what I was worried about and upset about - a baby changes EVERYTHING. Even being pregnant changes a lot!

But, you are right-we don't always know the best!!

Won't it be crazy to keep writing TRs as Henry grows and goes through elementary, high school, off to college...it blows my mind! :eek: I think some of those will be calling for a "Look back in time" so we can all remember the baby he once was! :goodvibes

thanks for sharing your pictures and your honesty with us. Both my boys were very much planned and wanted and I am DONE, I sometimes wonder what I would feel if God wanted us to have a thrid.

You made me think of my SIL grandmother. She tells of how she had only been married a couple months when the doctor told her she was pregnant the first time...and she cried. Her first child was only a few months old when she found out she was pregnant again...and she cried. Her children were 10 and 11 when she found out she was pregnant with her third and guess what...she cried :lmao:

That is funny about your SIL! I have a feeling that might be me someday! At this point, with Henry being 18 months, I still have no desire for a second child....I try to make myself be okay with the thought, in fear that if we do get pregnant again-so I won't be a complete wreckage over it...but we'll see when that time comes!

I'll do more responses later today...I gotta get rolling with the day. We have a family gathering today (celebrating St Patty's-which I've never actually done! :laughing:), I have to get my rear to the grocery store and figure out what to make! And Joe has been watching Henry all morning, gotta take over a bit so he can have a break.

Sorry about the lack of updates as well - I WILL post an update tomorrow!
Loved your personal update about Henry. It brought tears to my eyes. The pictures of Henry are so adorable. Here is a picture of DS from his first birthday.

Time does fly! I cannot believe he will be 2 next month. I still call him my little baby. I am in denial about him being a toddler.
Hope you have a great time celebrating St. Patty's Day -- we do every year, and it's always so much fun. I make corned beef and cabbage, and my mom brings dessert.
We are doing corned beef and cabbage on Monday night that way I can take the leftovers to work on Tuesday for lunch. Yum Yum. I love it!
Brook-You had me crying also!! I have not checked in here for a few days & when I do I end up crying!!:rotfl2: What a nice post. I love all the cute pics of Henry (and all the PP baby pictures) You all have very cute babies!! My 2 DS's are now 20 & 16 so you are all making me feel REALLY old!!:lmao: But hearing all the stories brings me back. My first DS had colic really bad for 4 months straight. My DH would come home from work & Ryan would be in his swing crying & I would be crying & I think my DH just wanted to turn around & go back to work:lmao: We go through alot but I cannot imagine life without them.
Brook-I hear you on the back labor. I had all back labor for both boys. I learned with my second one though and got an epidural.

Enjoy every minute because the years go by so fast & then you say "What happened"? That is why I love going to Disney so much. My boys enjoy it so we have great family time spent together enjoying every minute. Nothing can take those memories away.
Awww, Brook, what a fantastic post!!!! You made me cry, you made me laugh but most of all you made me take a minute to remember how special each of my boys are and how blessed I truly am to have each and everyone one of them!!:hug: They grow to fast, I can't believe my oldest is 6, that our middle son is 4 and our baby is 20 months already..where does the time go?:confused3 It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day motions of life but your post is a great reality check as I get ready for a busy day with my boys....so thank you, I"m off to kiss and hug each one of them (again!!) this morning and I hope you find the extra special minute with your big boy today, as well.

WOW the latest pic of Henry looks so different even from your last trip!!! He's getting SO big!!!!:goodvibes

It is so easy to just flow through the day and not take that extra time to hug on your child(ren), isn't it? I know I do that all too often. Or, I'm stressed and Henry is throwing tantrums and I get too worked up in it all and nearly loose it!! I'm glad I helped you take that "pause" in your day. :goodvibes

Ok I am coming out of lurkydom. You really got me with your pictures of Henry and being so upset with the thought of having him and not being ready.

I have a similar story. You see I had a son and suffered horribly with post partum depression. It took me 2 years to finally feel like myself again. After many disscussions with my husband and my therapist and prayers we decided to not have anymore children. There was a 50/50 chance that I would go through that again. So I went to have my tubes tide and in the surgery center is when I found out I was pregnant! I literally burst out crying! My husband bless his heart was thrilled! He told me God has a plan and this baby was meant to be.

Nine months later we had a beautiful baby girl! I have to tell you she truely was a blessing and I can't imagine life without her she will be 13 in July. They both have such different personalities and have brought my husband and much joy. And I never went through post partum with her at all.

Thanks for sharing your story.


Oh wow!!!! :hug: That is such a wonderful story that it all worked out so beautifully...thank you for sharing it.

Thanks alot for making me cry this morning, Brook!!

Seriously, I read your post right after I had just finished yelling at the boys for arguing over nothing for the 3rd time this morning :headache: Now I just want to go in there and hug them, for they do just grow up way too fast. My oldest will be 13 next month and my youngest is 8. I do so miss the little boys they used to be, but growing up brings new adventures and joys (and pains!). Treasure every minute with your little guy! :goodvibes

:rotfl: Perfect timing, eh? ;)

I am loving all these "learning" toddler times with Henry-he is (usually) such a blast to be with, keeps me laughing and on my toes-but at the same time, I'm so much looking forward to when they are older and all those adventures "big boys" bring!! It'll be here before I know it, so I gotta focus on the today...:laughing:

Brooke thank you for sharing. Seeing Henry through the past 18 months was great. He is such a cutie. Thank you also for sharing part of you with us. I feel that you always do and that is why I really enjoy reading your TR. Not to take over with my own story but I can relate very much to unexpected pregnancy and not feeling so great about it. Until that moment when you meet your child. There is nothing like the bond between mother and child and no love stronger then that of a mother. It reminds me of this little poem that I used on a photo once hope you don't mind me sharing. I do not know who the author is.

You can search treasure maps and oceans so deep, my child is my diamond forever I'll keep

Anyway getting sappy and teary eyed now so I will close this. Great pictures you have one cute little boy. Love the chill pose and the wrinkly nose. Brooklyn (my 18mo) used to always sleep with her hands behind her head. Now she sleeps with her butt in the air lol.

Oh-what sweet words! Thank you! :goodvibes I do try to write from my gut-from the reality of the ups and downs, so part of me truly does get shared in these TRs, and I think that's why I love writing them so much!!

Hugs to you for being able to relate to the unexpected pregnancy thing...:hug: it's rough when everyone around you is excited and elated and inside you are crying and feeling guilt for being so unhappy. BUT, the reward in the end, is amazing...I love that poem, it's beautiful and so, so true!

And-Henry now sleeps with his butt in the air too! It's so cute. He is starting to sleep more on his side though as well. Then he's just sprawled out everywhere, limbs sticking out every which direction!

What an amazing post... you've got me sitting at my desk at work, crying, smiling, and laughing. That boy of yours has such an amazing smile.... and that nose crinkle... how precious! Thank you for sharing about your journey of motherhood...

Seems I got a few people getting their water works going with that post, eh?! All us Mommies (and hopeful Mommies!) out here....:goodvibes

I love the nose crinkle. He'll just look at me and smile real big, crinkling up that nose and I melt! I hope he never looses it! Okay, maybe when he's like 38 or something he probably shouldn't smile with a nose crinkle...;)

I love the post, Brooke! We were also only 3 months into marriage when I got pregnant. I always thought I would be so excited, but when PREGNANT showed up on the testing stick I cried and said "I'm not ready." I sometimes wonder what life would have been like if 'G' and I had more to time to just be 'us', but I just can't imagine that life could be better without Belle in it. God's timing is perfect!

Henry is so precious! I kept thinking 'This picture is my favorite!' and then I would scroll to the next and love it even more.

Oh, that's right! You and G have a VERY similar story to Joe and I in the getting pregnant deal! I remember reading that on your TR. I was NOT ready either until that moment when I held Henry for the first time....(and even then, I don't think I was! :laughing: Maybe more like 3 weeks after we got home...;))

I sometimes wonder what life would be like if it was just Joe and I too-the change in life that a child does is 100%. Every aspect is affected. I do wish he had had more time together as husband and wife before baby, but-like you said, life really couldn't be better without our little ones, could it? :goodvibes

Ahh such a nice post. I still can;t believe my Caleb will be 6 mos old on the 25th! Where did the time go:confused3 Do you have the zanzibar high chair?? thats the set we got for Caleb's room, but someone else bought us the high chair and didn;t get that one but we said it was good enough and just left it be..but i really did like the zanzibar one.


is this the same as your high chair. We love this set. It looks so nice!

I love that pic! I love it when babies kick up their legs and are all roly-poly. :angel:

6 months is such a fun age! They are starting to learn so much, it's amazing to watch them grow that first year. 18 months-24 months (Henry's current range) is all about mental development, it's crazy when your kid wakes up from his nap knowing 2 new words! :eek:

Anyway, yep! That is the Zanzibar highchair. I love it! We did a "jungle" type theme, a lot of our stuff is from Target's jungle line, but our high chair was different. The bedding is adorable! Henry often turns around in his chair now and points out the animals. :laughing:

Little boy is starting to wake up...more replies, and an update!, this afternoon after church!
I am loving all these "learning" toddler times with Henry-he is (usually) such a blast to be with, keeps me laughing and on my toes-but at the same time, I'm so much looking forward to when they are older and all those adventures "big boys" bring!! It'll be here before I know it, so I gotta focus on the today...:laughing:

Little boy is starting to wake up...more replies, and an update!, this afternoon after church!

You will find yourself loving and learning through every stage, and they are all wonderful. Teenage times are maybe the least wonderful on some days, but for the most part the good outweighs the bad and that's what you remember.

The pictures are precious. Every one of them brings back a moment in time for you to enjoy all over again.

I look forward to more updates. I'm laying out of church this morning, since I'm pretty sure the people around me don't want to listen to me sneeze, cough, and snort my way through the service.
Tea sounds so nice!

For some reason I thought it was VERY expensive.

I wish I could do that with my best friend.
Brooke - just love the Henry baby pictures, tooooo cute!!!

My oldest baby is now 17 years old, a junior in high school and was just accepted to attend Air Force Academy summer session (was thinking of this and your wonderful pics of Kennedy Space Center) for a week in June. He will flying by himself for the first time going to Colorado Springs. His stop over for the flight is at St. Paul, Minnesota airport.

So, thanks again for sharing your great pictures and sharing your trip! Again, you are such a wonderful mom!

That is exciting news about your "baby"! I hope it all goes well for him. The airport in Minneapolis/St. Paul is BIG, but very nice. There is a lot of shops and places to sit and eat in case his layover is long.

I can not beleive how grown up Henry looks in this picture... quite the little gentleman... even with the mouth full of puffs :ssst:

Ive been a long time lurker of both reports... and after your recent update... just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to share your trips with us. Ive really enjoyed seeing Henry grow with each report... and hope you continue in the future with each trip.

"unplanned" or not... Henry, and you... have touched our family with these reports and updates... who'd of thought? :hug:

:rotfl2: I got a kick out of your emoticon with the puffs-that is about right too! Today at lunch/brunch it was pancakes-just like that! We couldn't believe how much he shoved in at once.

Thank you for your kind words-and thank you for reading my TRs! I do plan to continue to write them after each trip, it's so much fun going through the memories again and experiencing the adventure with you all!

I never would have thought my little guy would touch so many and at such a young age...Makes me tear up a bit thinking of that! :goodvibes

Thanks for sharing Brook!

Here's Liam eating his first birthday cake.....He's a super-neat eater!


I love it! Look at him so neat and proper! :rotfl: Is he still like that?! Henry is SO MESSY! Today he was trying the "big boy cup" and got water all down his front. Of course he found that hilarious and had to pat his chest....:rolleyes:

I have some friends who's oldest boy is a VERY neat eater too-he actually, still at the age of 5, has his Mom or Dad help feed him messy foods!

Heidi Liam is too cute! I cannot believe how little mess there is. We thought about getting the hose out for Brooklyn.

No joke! Us too! :lmao:

Great post - Henry is the cutest! :goodvibes And they really do grow up fast - I feel like the past 8 years have gone by in an eyeblink. And in another 8 years my oldest will be driving! Good grief!! I totally understand how you must have felt before having Henry. I would have felt the same way. For years I said I would never have kids. We had been married 5 years when I literally woke up one day and said "I've changed my mind". Turned out DH was just waiting for me to come around. I miss my babies a little, but I really enjoy my bigger boys - they can be so fun - and it's great to be out of the diaper stage! :rotfl:

I DO look forward to being out the diaper stage. And I look forward to being able to understand what he is saying! :confused3 :laughing:

That is so sweet about your DH just waiting for you to come around and have the desire for kids. I think Joe goes back and forth about a second, despite our Henry being unexpected, he was THRILLED. (Which just made it even harder for me! :headache: :rolleyes:) We'll see what happens in the future...!

Brook, your entire photo collection of Henry is so sweet! :goodvibes He is a cutie! Looking at his baby pictures you can see the toddler Henry in the baby Henry (does that make sense??). The squished nose is my favorite! :lovestruc
You have certainly struck a chord with all of us, the mom thing is very strong! :hug:

Oh yep, totally makes sense! I think the same thing. I look even at his birth pics and can see him perfectly in there. He's thinned out, but it's still that same little guy!!

The Mommy-and Someday Mommy thing is VERY strong isn't it? It's amazing how you can speak to any woman who is a Mom, or has the desire to be a Mom, and just click in a certain way...

How sweet......*wiping tears away*. I swore I was never having kids. Me and DH were married 12 years and happy with our dogs. We went to disney for our belated anniversary trip. Kids everywhere and we both kind of said we should have a baby. I came home pregnant. Then proceded to freak out. No going back right. Now we are kicking ourselves for waiting so long. After 5 years with our son we want another. I think. LOL. I am getting older, 40 so I have to decide very soon. I must say that every stage gets better. I hated the infant thing with the nursing and constant needs. I am now a proud mommy of my baby/pre-schooler. I must say this stage is way fun!!!! Enjoy. I loved your little Henry journey. I remember your honeymoon report. It has been fun to watch our Henry grow up with Disney.

That is such a great story!! I was not a big fan of the infant stage either-nursing was a nightmare for me (a whole story in and of itself!), the constant need, sleepless nights, etc. That is acutally the #1 thing that makes me hesitate on having a second. Am I ready for all that again? Sigh. Not sure. It's HARD!! A part of me thinks when Henry is 4-5 and more independent it would be a good time-he won't be as needy. I admire women with kids so close together-they are saints!! Another part of me thinking adopting a baby/toddler would be nice-helping a child, and skipping the infant stage...:rolleyes1 But, then I see infants and think "Ooooh, so sweet...." Ah, who knows!! :laughing:

You'll have to keep us all posted on what you decide for another baby or not...:goodvibes

My honeymoon report! I never did finish that...I really should. I only have one last day to report on for it. Maybe when I'm doing my PTR for the December trip I'll do that too!

What a beautiful photo essay! It's amazing how they totally take over our hearts!

It is amazing! :lovestruc

OMG! Brook you made me cry!!

My oldest, DD, just turned 8 on Monday. She wasn't planned but wasn't not planned either. She kind of happened at a time that worked out to be perfect! That's the way everything has been with her from the moment I knew I was pregnant, just perfect!

Our middle kiddo, DS6, was a HUGE shock!!! I found out on DD's first birthday that I was pregnant! I had a very strong feeling the week before that that I was and I even told DH I thought I was and he thought I was crazy!!! He was sooooo completely shocked when I told him and we were in this weird, funky place for awhile! But, like you said, god had different plans for us then we did!! DS it truely a blessing from god! I tell him every night before he goes to sleep that he's my angel here on earth and my gift from god!

DS Ryan, 21 months, is the only one who was actually planned!! LOL!! He's such a funny little guy!! He wants to be just like his big brother and sister!!

They grow up way to fast!! Enjoy that little cutie while you can!!!!

I love hearing other people's stories on how their kids came to be! Thank you for sharing-it's all so amazing!! I love how you tell your DS he is a blessing. Despite him being a shock, unplanned and unexpected, he was in perfect time from God. Exactly like Henry!
What a great sequence in your post! Do you have a scrap book or album made up with those pictures?

I laughed when I saw the picture of Henry with the mess that he had made. I bet that there will be lots more messes in the coming years.:rotfl2:

I *should* have a scrapbook by now! :lmao: But...I don't! I'm AWFUL with that kind of stuff. I would love to do it-but I never find the time. I have three empty ablums, and an empty baby book just waiting to be filled with memory making stuff like this. I do fill out a calendar with things he does/says, thankfully I've been able to keep up on that, so someday when I get my act together, I'll rely on it to fill in the details! :goodvibes

Oh, the messes-YES. He loves to throw things on the floor, then looks square at me in the face and shake his head no. :sad2: :headache: :rotfl2:

Awww! *Sniff Sniff* What a lovely post about Mr. Henry. He is truly adorable and it was so nice to see him "grow". :cutie:

Thanks LL! It was fun to put together-I love looking back at his old pics and the memories flooding back. You and Marc plan to have kiddos in the semi-near future, right? I can't wait to read all about that and share in your excitement. It's crazy and wonderful! :goodvibes

Great pictures of Henry. As I've said in your last TR thread, one of my sisters has a boy at just about the same age (as well as a 2 year old) and it's fun to watch them grow, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to watching one of your own grow up. Maybe someday I'll decide to quit being chronically single and get a chance to experience it for myself.

Ah, that's right-your sister, The Saint. Seriously, how does she do it?! I know another gal, her little ones are less than a year apart too. Just amazing. Takes a special woman (and man)!!

ENJOY BEING SINGLE! I love being married, but man, live up that single life while you got it! :rotfl:

Jinx Reporting! Just a recent lurker stepping out of the shadows!

I just recently decided to try out trip reports... I didn't realize how fun they could be! :goodvibes

For one reason or another, when I first looked on the trip reports page, I was drawn to your little family and your many adventures at Disney World! I guess as I read further into your trips, I became attached to you guys like I was part of the action! It made it hard to get into the other trip reports because I kept wanting to know what would happen to that adorable little Henry next! :laughing: Your family dynamics and your obvious love for your son just make it easy to get emotionally involved in your stories I suppose. :rolleyes:

I have finally managed to broaden my horizon and get into other trip reports, but I'll still keep looking here to see what happens next! I'm on the edge o' my seat! popcorn::

Hello there! Thanks for posting and your words! Glad you have enjoyed the TRs and joining in on our family. I read your post to Joe and he said "That's so awesome!" you are like an honorary family member! :thumbsup2 There are SO many TRs out there--I think I'm subscribed to 28. I can't ever keep up....but I try! They are so fun to read, and help you live vicariously until your next trip. :goodvibes
Loved your personal update about Henry. It brought tears to my eyes. The pictures of Henry are so adorable. Here is a picture of DS from his first birthday.

Time does fly! I cannot believe he will be 2 next month. I still call him my little baby. I am in denial about him being a toddler.

I love the pic! Thank you for sharing it. Looks like he really enjoyed his cake too, eh? :rotfl:

I'm with ya on the denial of them being toddlers. I call Henry my baby allllllllll the time!

Hope you have a great time celebrating St. Patty's Day -- we do every year, and it's always so much fun. I make corned beef and cabbage, and my mom brings dessert.

We did have a great time! We missed the parade, but I won't get into that...:rolleyes1 but, spent the afternoon/evening with family. Ate LOTS of good food-Shepherd's Pie, Irish Stew (delish!), and some other not so Irish, but green, dishes (green cake, green fruit salad, etc.) The kids ran wild all over the house, Henry crashed so hard on the way home, I think he was out before we got out of my SIL's driveway!

We are doing corned beef and cabbage on Monday night that way I can take the leftovers to work on Tuesday for lunch. Yum Yum. I love it!

Corned beef and cabbage sounds awesome! I should really make cabbage...so yummy. I don't think I've ever made it since I've been married...I wonder what Joe would say, or if he would even eat it? Hmmm....

Brook-You had me crying also!! I have not checked in here for a few days & when I do I end up crying!!:rotfl2: What a nice post. I love all the cute pics of Henry (and all the PP baby pictures) You all have very cute babies!! My 2 DS's are now 20 & 16 so you are all making me feel REALLY old!!:lmao: But hearing all the stories brings me back. My first DS had colic really bad for 4 months straight. My DH would come home from work & Ryan would be in his swing crying & I would be crying & I think my DH just wanted to turn around & go back to work:lmao: We go through alot but I cannot imagine life without them.
Brook-I hear you on the back labor. I had all back labor for both boys. I learned with my second one though and got an epidural.

Enjoy every minute because the years go by so fast & then you say "What happened"? That is why I love going to Disney so much. My boys enjoy it so we have great family time spent together enjoying every minute. Nothing can take those memories away.

:rotfl: I promise, the next installment won't make you cry! I don't think anyway...:laughing:

Oh man, colic. Ugh. I have a girlfriend's who's DD had colic for four months as well. At the time I was still single and children were so far from my mind, but her experience came back to me on rough days/nights with Henry, which I know didn't compare a BIT to what she (and you!) endured. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I wanted to go natural with Henry so badly, but I ended up with an epidural as well (unfortunatly it was put in wrong and didn't help a whole lot...:rolleyes:). If we have another, and I don't do a C-Section, I'll be asking for that epidural at the first sign of back labor!

I agree with you about Disney! That is just the reason we bought DVC (well, one of the many). It's such a place where you can let go, enjoy and make wonderful memories!

Oh goodness !

He is so grown up!

I know it!! Almost every morning I ask him "Did you grow up last night?" :laughing:

I saw your ticker - 4 days, 4 days, 4 days!

You will find yourself loving and learning through every stage, and they are all wonderful. Teenage times are maybe the least wonderful on some days, but for the most part the good outweighs the bad and that's what you remember.

The pictures are precious. Every one of them brings back a moment in time for you to enjoy all over again.

I look forward to more updates. I'm laying out of church this morning, since I'm pretty sure the people around me don't want to listen to me sneeze, cough, and snort my way through the service.

MeMom! Wait, a second. What are you doing here?!?! Shouldn't you be at Disney?! I havent been on the DIS much this weekend, so I haven't read your TR lately. Oh, I hope your trip didn't get canceled because of your cold!!!!!! :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: I hope I'm just getting my days mixed up and you leave this week or something...please, please, please...

If Henry is anything like my brother in his teenage years, I'll be gray at a young age. ;) Hopefully he's just like Joe, relaxed, responsible and doesn't do silly stuff! Though, I'm sure there will be some of that regardless...

Tea sounds so nice!

For some reason I thought it was VERY expensive.

I wish I could do that with my best friend.

It's not too badly priced at all-and a VERY nice time. Check out allears.net for the pricing. You can do ala cart as well and just order a one or two things instead of a whole tea package. Doing it with a best friend would be perfect! I want to have a "ladies only" time there and just do girl talk with our tea and scones! :goodvibes
We left off with everyone crying after bombarding ya'll with pictures of my baby and an emotional story of what I have learned in his first 18 months...;)

Oh, back to the TR!! We were wandering around the front of DHS, window shopping and then grabbing a FP for Star Tours.

We decided to hit the Honey I Shrunk the Kids Playground. Henry LOVED this back in November, it was a "must do"!



The slide we hit back in November, as soon as Henry saw it he bolted right for the ramp up to the top


Not sure where his shoes went?!


"Action" shot :laughing:


Spurlunking in one of the caves


My shrunken boys!





I'll spare you the pic of the giant icky fly...;)

We played in there for a long time, Henry loved it. It was so much fun exploring with him and watching him run around getting excited at every new corner. It was SO HOT in there though, and they didn't have any of the fans on...I was sweating, er..."glowing", by the time we did leave.

It was past lunch time by this point and Henry was getting hungry. We noticed Studio Catering Company right next to HISTK, so I opened the PassPorter to read their review, but couldn't find it in there. Hmmm...they do mention the Flatbread Grill, which seems to be in the same location....hmmmm.... Yep! it's the same place! They just changed the name. The menu sounded good (they had hot dogs, H's fav), decent reviews, convenient - in we went.


We decided to get one grilled chicken meal, it came with rice and black beans, and we got a plain hot dog for Henry. Joe grabbed a table while I put in our order.

I went to the counter to pick it up and the CM came to me and said I had been randomly selected to receive a free dessert from Mickey! :yay: (I have always liked that Mickey guy ;)) The choices were chocolate cake or cheesecake. Yum!

I chose the cheesecake since I'm not big on chocolate, and I knew Joe would like both. But, then I thought better of that - and asked if we could just get child grapes instead, "for my little guy" (Henry is a grape FIEND). She apologized and said it had to be one or the other..."No problem!" I said back, I was so thankful for the free dessert period, not gonna get upset over the choices!

Then she stopped in her tracks and said, "For your little guy?"

I nodded.

She grabbed a bag of grapes, along with the cheesecake, and winked at me. ;)

SO NICE!! I was just floored and thrilled.

I got back to the table and shared the pixie dust story with Joe who was just as surprised and happy. We organized the food and dove in.


Little hand going right for those grapes...


Grilled chicken, black beans and white rice



Grapes! Grapes! Grapes!

The chicken was SUPERB. Wow! Very moist and perfectly cooked. I'm not usually big on chicken with bones (it's all a weird thing in my head :rolleyes:), but I would eat there anytime! Henry ate his entire hot dog, some chicken, some rice and every single grape in that bag. He was a machine!! :rotfl2:

I went back to the counter with Henry to have him blow a kiss to the very kind CM, but she was no longer working...I was bummed, but hope she might have spotted us eating and seeing Henry pile in the grapes!

After lunch we hit up the restrooms, I was nervous that Henry hadn't had a change in a while. But everything was FINE! YAY! :woohoo:

Today was going so nicely, the weather was outstanding, Henry and Joe were both feeling good, and we were having a fantastic time at DHS.

Up next: Henry loves Dut Dut and Dut Dut loves Henry!
I'm all caught up finally!! Laughed out loud at you changing Henry in the Ghetto Gas Station! Ha-llarious! So something I'd do. And I cried at your picture time line!! I made it a habit with both boys to take pictures of them on their month birthdays. I don't remember when I stopped it with Dash but I'm still doing it for Jack-Jack. One of these days I plan to get them all printed and framed in a collage frame. When Jack-Jack was about 3 months old I made a slide show with music... and sat there and bawled. I keep meaning to make another one now that he's a year old but don't know if I can handle the mess that I'll be afterwards!! :lovestruc

Dash was an unplanned surprise... so I understand how you felt when you first found out. It's amazing what little life changers they are, for sure!! And no one can blame you for being fearful of the unknown. I felt the same way when we decided to have another one... wondering what it would be like, should we add to the family when we were so in love with Dash, was it fair? How could I love another child as much? And now I can't imagine our lives without Jack-Jack. :cloud9:

And I'm quite sure I'll do the same if/when we decide to have a third one. My sister sent me flowers when I had Dash and the card read "Now the real meaning of Faith begins" and she was totally 100% right.


Just saw your update after I posted so I'm editing!! ( I know-that's cheating) YAY for pixie dust!!! It's amazing what the 4 1/2 months in age difference between Henry and Jack-Jack makes!! He was barely eating crackers and bites of pizza at our trip and Henry was putting down whole hot dogs. It's really cool to read about Henry and kinda see where Jack-Jack's going next!

Glad you liked the chicken... I'm weird about eating anything off the bone and suddenly about 6 months ago I decided I liked chicken wings. :confused3

Can't wait for moreeeeeeeeee!

Which was kinda funny because they were also performing just as we came into MK that morning and into the Bakery. This time we took a minute and watched the show, Henry clapped along. And I had that song stuck in my head for DAYS.

Clang ,clang, clang went the trolley
Ding, ding, ding went the bell
Zing, zing, zing went my heartstrings...:rolleyes1

We made it to the Jungle Cruise



Sorry you didn't like the latte. As much of a coffee junkie as I am, I love the latte ;)

Oh and the Main Street dancers....I loooooooooove those guys :)
Just love your reports! Great writing and pics. Also was very touched by your post about Henry. Such a sweet boy! I also have a Sep 1 baby. She is a year older though. We go on our first trip in May!
just got back yesterday and finally got caught up. What a sweet mommy story. I've been there too, and it's amazing the love you can feel instantly for your child.
Aaaawwwll what a perfect day so far. It sounds like all is happy in the land of Mickey. Cant wait to hear more! That chicken looks great.
How nice of Mickey and the CM to give you cheesecake and grapes! :thumbsup2

I will have to remember the Studio Catering Company -- it sounds like an excellent CS choice!

Henry and Joe are so adorable playing at the playground!

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