We had a "Villa Room" too and didn't even know it !!


Apr 23, 2000
Hey - did you all notice the new Portofino Bay Hotel write up at the Unofficial Universal Guide?http://www.usfinfo.com/resorts/portofino.htm

I had booked a Garden view room through hoteldiscounts.com at $179 + tax a night for Christmas Eve and Day. I called in my Loew's membership before arrival. When we got there I showed them my card and asked for a possible upgrade. At first the receptionist told me it wasn't possible to get an upgrade because the hotel was so booked, but after giving her a sob (true) story of feeling ill, and after asking her for a room I could keep my eye on my children though the window (hoping for a harbour view), she called over another person behind the counter (poss a manager). They looked at the screen I suppose looking at available rooms and the other person told the receptionist to give us the "Half garden/half pool view". That way I could keep an eye on the kids while they would presumably be at the pool (it was too cold).

I thought I got a garden view room with a better view!

Well, after reading the write-up about Portofino (above link) I now see that we actually had a "Deluxe Pool View formerly known as a villa room". :D We had the fax machine, VCR, Cd stereo system, bathroom with separate shower stall & the windows over the bathtub. We just didn't have the patio or balcony that JessicaR had.

It was a gorgeous room!
Yes Linda same room! You didnt even know it! Too funny. :D


You guys are up late! ;)

Hope our rooms at the HRH are as nice! :)
Aloha Donna!! My goodness it is late :eek: I looked at some pics and the rooms look just like Portofino's! The same high beds with wonderful comforters. Oh I can't wait! I have a feeling this hotel is going to be a lot more fun too :D

As much as I LOVED the Portofino and hope to stay there again in the future, I am looking forward to checking out the HRH! Yes - don't those beds look the same? I hope that isn't a picture of a bed in only a deluxe room or suite!

I can't belive I'm still up...
so looks like I might drag in the mornings (with those beds, who wants to get up? ;) )BUT we will be able to stay up late with no problems! No kids, late nights, HRH - this is going to be some vacation. :D
They wouldnt tease us like that Linda :eek:
And Donna... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> Its late here! hee hee
okay Ladies off to bed for me...sweet dreams to you both..I will be dreaming of IOA/Universal...and............HARD ROCK!! :D



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