WDW with 4-5 mth old baby - HELP

Eeyore Mum

Earning My Ears
Nov 27, 2004
Hi Guys,
I'd like some tips on holidaying in wdw with such a young baby. We booked our trip prior to realising we were expecting a long awaited bambino :cool1: , and to top it off, we'll be there in hot June :blush: . We're staying off-site and will have family with us, so we're not doing this solo. Please try not to frighten me off (I'm a first time mum), but I'd like some practical tips on what to bring, rides to go on, things to do.
I think you can do a couple of rides with the baby...It's a small world, the carasoul (sp) Mikeys Philharmonic, etc. Plus with family, you could even do the babyswap. I would just be sure to keep the baby covered, and check with your dr. regaurding sunscreen on newborns, the summer sun is strong. And please cover the baby's feet. Take frequent breaks, and drink tons of fluids. I remember my babies slept a lot, so have a good pram. I would also suggest taking daily rests in the afternoon..you and the baby are going to need it. Enjoy your trip...I wish you were staying on site to go back and forth to the parks quickly..but hopefully you are close. Good luck.
I took My daughter fir her first trip when she was 2 months old. I went alone drove from Brooklyn to Orlando wiht her and her 20 month old brother. I wanted a vaccation before I went back to work from maternity leave. I did stay with freinds so i wasnt alone all the time with the kids when i got to Florida. I was breast feeding her and i was also supplementing with formula. I used powered formula and mixed it with bottled baby water.

I was able to do a lot of rides, as long as there were no height restrictions. I love to just walk the parks anyway even when I was single I would love to walk around and people watch.

Dont stress too much go and have fun.
Went with DD when she was 4 mos old and it was a breeze. She went on everything without a height restriction such as Haunted Mansion. She enjoyed the park, she slept, she ate and she never complained !!

Baby sunscreen a must, try to bring your own stroller but if you are renting a stroller bring something lightweight to put under baby - "germ barrier", I took a light weight blanket to also cover the stroller for when she was sleeping, plenty of fluids in them will keep them happy, agree with socks or foot covers, but do dress them as cool as possible. If you are formula feeding be sure to buy bottled water to mix it with, don't use FL tap water. Take advantage of Baby Care Centers if you need to and there are plenty of quiet places with shade to take breaks.

Have a wonderful time !
Ta v much for your tips. I must investigate baby suscreen as both my husband and I have sensitive skin and would imagine baby will be the same.
With Baby sunscreen.. I made a mistake one time and put it on my DS's hands. He then rubbed his eyes!!!! So be careful! Also a hat is your best bet as most Dr.s say not to put sun screen on their faces!



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