WDW Valentines' Day 2002 pin question

Quentin Disney

Minnie > Everything.
Dec 3, 1999
It's been awhile since I actually posted on this board! Anyway, I hope some of the "insiders" (read: Disney pin website webmasters/mistressess) could give me some insight on this. I know none of the sites have pics of the new V-day pics yet, but if you attended the DTD Christmastime in the City event, you might have viewed this pin.

You see, I saw the Mickey-Minnie V-day pin for display at the Christmastime in the City event. If you haven't seen it, it looks really great. It's supposed to be magnetic pin with Mickey and Minnie kissing! With that feature, its supposed to be a $12.50 pin...

...But, I found a possible hint of a change in the design of the pin

You see, I looked at the reccent news on Dizneypins.com. It states that this pin will be $10.50 and NOT $12.50. While that may be good news for my bank account, could it be that the "kissing" feature was eliminated from the pin? Could the opinne that I drooled over at the event with anticipation could be a prototype? Could a possible change might be due to the fiasco with the New Years Eve / Day breakage?

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