Waitlist tips, please


DIS Veteran
Nov 24, 1999
Hi! I just joined DVC while on the 1-19-02 Magic cruise. I already have reservations at All Stars for March 24-30, but now that I'm a DVC member, I decided to try to get a reservation at one of the DVC resorts using points for either a 1 BR or a Studio for those dates.

Not surprisingly, there was no availability any of the DVC resorts (OKW, BWV, VWL). I have been waitlisted for all three resorts for either a 1 BR or a Studio (also for both standard and preferred views at BWV). I was told I would be called if my dates become available.

Is there anything else I should do to increase my chances? I would be willing to take any consecutive 3-nights within my dates. Is there such a thing as waitlisting each day? Would that make sense to do?

How does the waitlist work? Are all cancellations processed at night and then matched to the waitlist? Or are cancellations processed immediately, and if they are still available at the end of the day, they are matched to the waitlist? Should I be calling each day to see if there has been a cancellation? If so, would any certain time of day be better (ie early morning; late afternoon).

Sorry for the long post. I would really appreciate any help or tips.

The waitlist often comes through. We were on the waitlist for feb for VWL they actually called us at BWV in dec when it came through! I couldn't believe they tracked us down at our hotel and called us to confirm it!

You can go on a day by day waitlist, and you can also have them put any 3 consecutive days on your request. It might help.

Many have said that at the 30 day mark, which I believe is trhe cancellation deadline, alot of waitlist people hget their ressies. So you still have a chance.

I'm sure someone else here will have more specific advice for you.
Good luck and welcome!
I am also on a waitlist for BWV studio (std.) for 4/22-2/26. The CM told me the waitlist would end at end days before my trip, but I could extend it until 7 days before. If I am already holding an OKW reservation, should I not just extend it to 7 days? Does anyone know if that's a better chance to get the reservation?

But, I do know reading these boards std. view is tough to get!
Waitlisting here to for the BW on 4/15 through 4/19 for a two bedroom. Thank goodness we could try diffrent things like a studio & a one bedroom, which is more points but better than nothing. Those came through but so far the two bedroom has not. We have been on the waitlist for one day at HH which was in the middle of our trip and came through, also VB waitlist which worked out fine.
All we can do is wait as we have been on the list for two months now.
I have had good luck the two times I was on the wait list - both standard views at BWV.
We have never had a waitlist turn into an actual ressie. In fact, I don't even bother with waitlisting anymore. I need to have my arifare in order in advance and I have never had any luck with waitlisting, anyway.
I have had good luck with waitlists. I'm not sure what to advise you in your particular situation since I've never been waitlisted for so many combinations before!

Here's how I understand the WL to work:

The standard WL is in effect until 30 days before your start date, one day after the cancelation deadline of 31 days. You must call MS before the 30 day mark if you want your request to be extended. The WL goes away completely 7 days before the start of your request.

When there is a cancelation at a resort and there is a waitlist the first request on the WL that can be filled by the cancelation gets it. You can tell MS to "accept the WL automatically" and they will deduct the points from your account and send you a confirmation. Otherwise, they will call you can say "We have a studio for your dates at VWL, do you want it?"

Another point here is that you are staying for 6 days (Sun-Sat). That means that someone with all 6 days that you want needs to cancel for you to get a shot at it. If someone cancels only 5 days (the Sun-F) you will not be called since it does not satisfy your entire request. You can ask to be waitlisted day by day, but then you run into the possibility of having holes in your vacation where you would need to change hotels.

I always have them do an automatic accept and I always do a day by day waitlist. However, I am usually on the WL a lot sooner than you are.

What would I do? {{shrug}} This is a hard one! I would definately split my WL request into 2 chunks of Sun-Wed and Wed-Sat. That way you have a crack at picking up any Sun-Fri cancelations. Also, if you get 2 different hotels or villa sizes and you need to move it's not so bad being somewhere for 3 days and then moving.

I think you're in a good position for a WL since you have your All Stars reservation to fall back. Good luck and keep us posted!

I decided to call back and see if there were ANY consecutive days available for 3-24/3-30-02. I figured I could adjust my reservation at All Star Sports and split my stay between ASSp & DVC.

A 2 BR was available at OKW for the first 3 nights and the 5th night, so I took them and waitlisted for the 4th night. I got called the next day and a 1 BR had become available at OKW for my 4th night, so I took it.

I'm still hoping the waitlist comes through so that I can have the same type of room the entire time (and hopefully not have to move around!) But otherwise, at least I'm covered. I figure I'm not using many more points than if I got a 1 BR at VWL and am now really looking forward to the 2 BR and staying at OKW.

Decided to use priceline for the last night (Friday) and got the Renaissance near the airport for $27.00. This will save time and points.

This turned out very well for my first DVC experience. I am already thinking about an add-on at BCV, and I will check it out when we're there!

Thanks for the ideas and help.
You are going to love the 2 BR at OKW. It will really spoil you :). It sounds like you have it all under control. Good luck "upgrading" from a 1 BR to a 2 BR on your 4th day!

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