(Updated with Day 9/Cruise Day 4) Surf 'n Turf 5/28/11 Med & Disneyland Paris

Sorry for the 3 day delay in finishing this Day Two trip report. The work trip on top issues downloading photos to photobucket seem to be hindering my ability to keep this going as fast as I would like.

When we last left off, we had left Disneyland for the Walt Disney Studios around 1630 with a park closing time of 1800. On the way, we went into the Disneyland Hotel to check out the lobby. I thought we took more photo's then one, but I guess not. The hotel is nice, not as good as the Grand at WDW, but very nice nonetheless.

Here is a pic from the upper lobby (bar area) looking at Main Street.


Like DL in SoCal, the parks are close by, and don't require you to leave the post bag check area.




After the tunstiles, their "Main Street" is inside one large soundstage. It did not feel as cheap or tacky as you would think. Mostly fast food locations with some gifts.


We did not take anymore photos this day at the parks. We were now up for 32 hours and did not have the energy to stop and take a picture. We did a marathon of attractions before the park closed, incuding the Slinky Dog attraction in Toy Story Land (10 min wait, carnival type ride, well themed), RC Racer, (15 min wait, basic small U shaped coaster, TONS of fun though), the Tower of Terror, no wait, very similar to DL's version, lots of fun, one of my top 5 at DLP, Rock n Rollar Coaster (no wait, like WDW BUT not as good, more on that below), and finally, Cinamagique. (Sp?)

Considering we only went to this park to do some minor stuff, and got a few of the big heavy hitters done (ToT, RnRC, Cinamagique and RC Racer), we were set up well for the rest of the trip, not having to spend that much more time at this park, giving us more for DL and Paris itself.

RnRC was the same layout, yet the back ground story was not the same as WDW. At first, I thought I would like this, but the "other story" was confusing. I still don't get it. The ride itself was the same as WDW, so no need to go into detail there.

Cinamagique was a great show, and we did at at 1730, so it would be the last attraction of the day. Tiredness finally caught up to us, and as we where in a warm, dark, comfy theater for 30 mins, it was no surprise we fell asleep by the end of the show. The part we did see was a great show, but not seeing the entire thing (we did not get back to it again) I won't pretend to try to retell the story.

OK, so with the park now closed, and DL closing in a hour, we were getting hungry and tired, so we took the train back to our hotel, got our room, unpacked, and went for dinner at the hotel resturaunt. (An pub with a patio, very nice, with a basic menu)

The room was the biggest of the 4 we would have.



One complaint. No shower curtain. As much as you try, you can not not get the entire floor wet.


No AC, but the windows opened to this view.


We had a beer (1665 was the brand, pretty good) and a burger (not bad at all) and where passed out for the night by 2000.

Ok, Day two done.

Day Three is DL and then Studios. Will get it up ASAP. Thanks for reading!
OK, so after the best sleep of my life...we got up early to take advantage of "EMH" at DL. They do things a little different and its a full 2 hours, instead of just one. The offsite hotel we were at is the only non-disney one that has this service, so we took advantage of it. We had the free breakfast at the hotel, that is not a typical american hot breakfast, but better then a typical continental, as it has fresh fruit and ham. Not cooked ham, just cold cuts. Overall not bad, and I got use to it the next few days at DL. It was nice to not have a huge breakfast for once on vacation. This would end when we got on the cruise, of course.

So breakfast at 0700, when they opened, then the train to DL. We had to stop at the Newport Bay to check in and leave our bags.

Val D' Europe Station and the RER train we took one stop to DLP


The train station at DLP is right near the entrace to the parks and their Downtown Disney, called a very retro name, the Disney Village. The Newport is 10-15min walk through and past the Village. But due to constraction, a short cut bridge was closed, forcing us to walk about 20-25 mins, with all of our luggage. Just one of those things. There was a shuttle a bus, but we did not know that yet.

Checked in, and like yesterday, the room was not ready, so we left the bags and headed to the park.

We didn't make the 0800 EMH, but were there by around 0830.

There EMH attraction offerenings are alot less then I am use to. It is Fantasyland and Discoveryland, like WDW, but only 5-6 attractions TOTAL. Pan, Dumbo, Teacups, Buzz, and Space.

Take a look at this picture of the Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor on Main Street.


It was under construction and had one of those famous themed tarps covering the outside. This picture proves it works well. You can't even tell it is fake.

Took some pics on the way to PAN....

Space Mountain Mission 2 from the HUB


Lots of the Castle...


Area to the right of the Castle....notice the attation to detail...well themed area just for the sake of it. Well done Disney.


This walkway was closed for rehab...but looked like a nice way around the Castle.


The left side now.


Walking through now....



A look back at Main Street from the Castle. Look at how the Disneyland Hotel blends in...



In the Castle, the walk thru attraction is up stairs and was also closed. (Trend of the trip)


Snow White...upstairs window....DL in CA has this nice effect too

Some attraction Names are in English, others are not. I wish they were all in French, as this one looks much cooler....



Their Fantasyland is so nice.



Ok gotta run...more to be posted on Sat. (after I see the Bruins Stanley Cup parade that is)
Ok gotta run...more to be posted on Sat. (after I see the Bruins Stanley Cup parade that is)[/QUOTE]

Growing up in the Bobby Orr era, It is amazing to hear my kids saying "What a save by Thomas!" In my day, it was "What a play by Orr!". I'll be there too, let's hope that there is no rain!
More pictures on the way to Pan...


The first attraction of the day was Pan. 10 min wait. Very much the same ride as DL. This half trash can is in the Pan queue.



We did not ride the Tea Cups, but here is a picture. I like the glass roof.



The front of the Castle was finished just before we arrived. The moved on to the back.


This pic is out of order, but it shows the attaction to detail on Main Street. Notice they went with brick. Looks so much better then DL and WDW.


We did not ride Dumbo eather. But it looks cool up on this waterfall.


Ok, so we did Space Mountain during EMH too. It is more like RnRC then the space mountains here in the states. It has an indoor queue but then you go outside to load the train, followed by a launch up the side of the mountain, and then into the building. Again, picture a RnRC type ride, but wedged into a coned shaped building, making for tight turns, and leading to a very rough ride. We did it once and actually hated it. And I love coasters. Very disapointed in this ride. It looks very cool from the outside and in, and had so much potential.


The station (far right) and the lauch up the side of the building.



So to cancel out that bad ride, there was on of my favorite "A" ticket type attrations off all time. You basiclly walk through a replica of the Nautalis. Very well themed.


Other A ticket type attractions I liked...The fort from TSI is placed at the entrance to Frontierland.



View of BTM from the top of the fort...



Behind the fort, more theming.


This is not the ride, but a fast food joint. Howerver, they had Fish and Chips that were almost as good as "England" at Epcot. We ate there twice.


More pics of Fantasyland....



its a small world....better then WDW, about the same as DL....



Again, one of the best parts of DLP is there random "A" ticket type walk thrus.....this is below the Castle, and has about 4 entrances to it, none easy to find. You just have stumble across it if you don't know its there. A dragon....very cool.

Again, this park is so well themed, they have the best merchandice shops. This one is a shop in a shop. Already inside a shop, you find this....



Here on Main Steet, another shop with more great theming...



More from the Phantom Manor.


Like DL, the stretch room lowers you one floor.


A panoramic pic of the stretchroom when it is dark.

First off, I am sorry for the week plus delay in report. I have a slow internet connection at home, and it was taking hours to upload just a few pics to Photbucket. I went to WIFI spot and uploaded 400+ pics in less then an hour.

Now that I have them all ready to go, I hope to fire off daily updates from now on. I will pick up where I left off and get tons of pics up today.
Photos from "iasw" on day three...





It was interesting to see how much more they had about the Americas' then our parks do. (understandably so, I might add)






Snow white was next...

Same as DL in CA from the ourside and in.


Random Fantasyland Shots




So remember how I did Space Mountain and didn't like? Well others must feel the same way. BTM had a 30-45 min all day everyday I was there (and worth it). SM had a 5 min wait every time I walked by.


Random theming in Discoveryland.


OK, so after all but finishing the Magic Kingdom and only a few E tickets to do at Studios the next AM, we decieded to take the rest of the afternoon off.

We had no sleep on the flight, followed by a marathon at the parks for the next day and a half. Now, we took advantage of the extra day we had due to moving the flight up one day and decieded to do...nothing. We went back to the Newport Bay to check in to our room and relax for the first time on this trip.

Pics to follow in 30 mins....
So we went to the train staton as they had a small "7 eleven" type store. We picked up a few single beers to take back to the hotel, then hicked the 15 min walk back. (again, there was a faster way, but it was closed for construction)

Newport Bay, from the back, as we approached it.


Our room was ready, as promised, and we grabed our bags from the front desk and unpacked for the two night stay.

Here are some pics of our room. Notice the toilet. I won't get into details, but this is an extreamly poor design, if you know what I mean. That area behind the drain is a flat shelf above the water line. Really, who would build a toilet like this???


The rest of the room was nice.


Bunk beds! We actually used them too. The big bed was smaller then a U.S. full bed, so being use to a King bed at home, this was way too small for the two of us. So we took turns on the Bunk Bed. This may sound strange for a married couple, but hey, we are on vacation, don't judge!

More room theming. The two mismatched chairs was strange, but still looked good.


We had a first floor room with a view of the Lake Disney.


Said view....


We then put out some towels and chairs in that grassy area outside, and sat in the sun, enjoyed a 78 degree day, a few cold "1695" beers. Perfect way to spend the day!

From our spot in the grass, we could see this....


So after an hour or two, we called and made dinner reservations at the Buffet at the hotel. It was called the Cape Cod, and it was a seafood buffet. Expensive at 28 Euro, but worth it. We had one of the best Disney servers I have ever had. He made it a point to help us learn French by repeating everything we said in English in French, then helping us to say it back.

Food was great. Seafood, but more from the Med then I am use too. I still tried everything and like most things. I felt I got my 28 euro worth.

Bed time after that....
Day 4, Thursday, May 26th. (Only two days left till the cruise!)

Day 4 would be our last day at the DLP Resort and the only one in Paris. So we wanted to get to the Studios for opening, and hit the few things we missed on day 2, reride a few at MK, then get into city.

Just like day 2 in the first hotel, we had a free breakfast. Like the other hotel too, it was fruit, fresh bread and cold sliced deli ham. Again, I like the lighter non-greasy breakfast and it was a good way to start the day. We had a 0700 reservation, so we woke up, eat, then went back to shower and get ready.

Getting there right after the 1000 opening of the Studios, we went right to their #1 ride. Crushes Coaster. Already a 30 min wait but worth every min! My second fav attraction at the entire resort, after BTM. We got off and got right back in line with about a 50 min wait. The ride was fun, had good theming, and was very re-ridable, due to the spinning nature, it was a completely different each time. I can't due it justice in this blog, so Google it if you want better detail of what the ride is.

I hope we get it at DHS in Orlando someday. Would be a great fit, although, it is a bit the same at some points as the Seas with Nemo and Friends, and we already have the musical at DAK, so it might be a bit of overkill.

Here is the only pic I have, from the very brief outside portion of the ride. Not us by the way, just a random pic of someone else.


We did Slinky Dog on day two but here is a pic...


We then did RC Racer, again. It was our fav from day two, so we hit the singles line to avoid the 20 min wait. We then did the green army men drop. Again, single rider line less then 30 seconds, got us on the ride and avoided a 30 min wait.


This was not great. Not nearly as fun as RC and Crush.

As we didn't take pics on day 2, here are some from around the park....






Now we wanted to hit BTM for the a second time, as it was our fav. Waited the longest of any wait this trip, at 50 mins. No FP available. (not working that day, that is)

This the end of the ride, as the train comes out of the tunnel under the river, just before entering the station.


Lunch at Toad Hall again (so good). We then hit PotC a second time too...


Now with DLP done, we went into Paris around mid day. The train left from the entrance of the park for the center of Paris, and took only about 30 mins.

Before I go any further, I want to recap Disneyland Paris, as the rest of the report is Paris, Barcelona, then the Cruise itself.

Stay tuned....
So what did a WDW and Disneyland expert think of Disneyland Paris?

I thought it was the best themed, best looking, most laid back, relaxing resort with a good combination of rides from both US resorts, and a few unique ones too. Wait times were great, a walk on to just about everything, but the top 2-3 in each park.

So how would I rate it compared to the other two I have been to?

Overall. (if I could only go to one right now, what would it be type of question)

1. DL
2. WDW
3. DLP

Overall as a Resort. (including parks, hotels, shopping, dinning, ect)

1. WDW
2. DLP
3. DL

Magic Kingdoms

1. DL
2. DLP
3. WDW


1. DCA
2. DHS
3. WDS

Attractions that all three have.....

Big Thunder Mountains

1. DLP
2. WDW
3. DL


1. DL
2. DLP
3. WDW

Mansion (Phantom Manor)

1. WDW
2. DL
3. DLP


1. DL
2. DLP
3. WDW

I could go on and on, but you get the point. Some things are better, some are worse, but overall, I like something about each one.

So what did I not like?

Lots of closed attractions. I get that some things need to be refurbished, and I can like with a few things closed at once, but look at this list....

In no order....

BTM (Fastpass) To be far, the ride was sched to be closed but opened early
The Chapperal Theater (Empty theater, no current shows)
Mark Twain Riverboat (To be far, the Molly Brown was running)
Keelboats (Seasonal?)
Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse
Most play grounds on Adventure Isle (not a big deal to me)
Castle (Scaffolding in back)
Chateau Theather
Castle Walk Thru
Other Stage near Castle (Didn't see a name)
Fantasy Festival Stage
The Old Mill
Videopolis Theatre

Anyway, I thought this was a bit much, all at one. Nothing major closed, so I was able to look past all the walls.

Would I go back? Not till I went to Japan first. Then I would go again in 3-5 years, after a few new additions were made.

Worth it? Yes. Glad I went.

Ok, back to the Trip Report. Paris........
So a Disney Forum is not the best place for a Random city report that has nothing to due with Disneyland or the Cruise. But it was my fav city of the trip, and one that anyone going on this cruise and planning on doing DLP like I did, should see. I wont go into great detail, but will let the pics do the talking...

We went to Notre Dame first.






Random Bridge...


Our weeklong pass alowed us to use the Metro to get around town...

Very easy to use!


So the Movie "The Hangover 2" was due to come out soon, and was being advertised all over the city in the metro stations. How is it that the French don't have a word for "Hangover"???


The Louvre. The largest building I have ever been in. Massive. There for 2 hours, and only saw the top 20 things. There were entire floors and wings we never went to. Crowded but didn't feel like it in such a large space. Disney type efficiency in and out.



Mona. This pic makes her look big.


She was not...




Then went out to see more of the city...




Next up....Tour De Eiffel
The Eiffel Tower was my favorite thing to see/do on the entire trip. I was just amazed by how cool it is, and how great the views are.

Some background on the tower....

There are 4 "legs" to the tower, 3 with elevators, and one with stairs (and an elevator for dinning guests only. There are also three "floors".

First (1/4 the way up) elevators from bottom go to this level and then up to 2
Second (1/2 way up) elevators from bottom go to the 2nd then this level
Third (top) seperate elevator from 2nd to 3rd

Each floor had two levels to it, one outside and one in, and got smaller as you got higher.

So, 2 of the 4 "legs" were closed for rehab. That left an hour wait for the elevators, or no wait for the stairs.

We took the stairs. 300 of them. Just to the 1st floor. Then 300 more to the second. About 500 feet up total. Then we got on the elevator to the top with no wait! As the # of people on this level was reduced by there only being 1 of 3 elevators running.

You pay to take the stairs, a few euro i think, then pay a few more to take the elevator.

Now pics...

On the way from the metro


View from the first floor...


Same level...


Up to the second...




Views from the top, zoomed in, of various landmarks.



Top (3rd) looking down




Distance to...


From the second looking up (on our way down now)


Elevator back to 2nd, then we did the stair thing again from 2 to 1 and 1 to 0.

From the 1st floor, looking down at the queue for the elevator...this was a 2100.


Ok, that does it for the day. We then left the tower, took the metro/RER back to Disney. Took about an hour from where we were in the city.

Next up....Day 5. Travel to Barcelona. I might not get that up today. Look for it in the afternoon Thursday if I don't.
Can't wait to read the rest I'm planning the exact same trip for next June but on carnival since Disney pulled out of Europe :(. Plan on flying in twomdays early to do DLP and Eiffel tower then fly to Barcelona day of cruise. Any tips, comments, or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

The Eiffel Tower was my favorite thing to

see/do on the entire trip. I was just amazed by how cool it is, and how great the views are.

Some background on the tower....

There are 4 "legs" to the tower, 3 with elevators, and one with stairs (and an elevator for dinning guests only. There are also three "floors".

First (1/4 the way up) elevators from bottom go to this level and then up to 2
Second (1/2 way up) elevators from bottom go to the 2nd then this level
Third (top) seperate elevator from 2nd to 3rd

Each floor had two levels to it, one outside and one in, and got smaller as you got higher.

So, 2 of the 4 "legs" were closed for rehab. That left an hour wait for the elevators, or no wait for the stairs.

We took the stairs. 300 of them. Just to the 1st floor. Then 300 more to the second. About 500 feet up total. Then we got on the elevator to the top with no wait! As the # of people on this level was reduced by there only being 1 of 3 elevators running.

You pay to take the stairs, a few euro i think, then pay a few more to take the elevator.

Now pics...

On the way from the metro


View from the first floor...


Same level...


Up to the second...




Views from the top, zoomed in, of various landmarks.



Top (3rd) looking down




Distance to...


From the second looking up (on our way down now)


Elevator back to 2nd, then we did the stair thing again from 2 to 1 and 1 to 0.

From the 1st floor, looking down at the queue for the elevator...this was a 2100.


Ok, that does it for the day. We then left the tower, took the metro/RER back to Disney. Took about an hour from where we were in the city.

Next up....Day 5. Travel to Barcelona. I might not get that up today. Look for it in the afternoon Thursday if I don't.
Great report!

I love Paris...one of my favorite cities!!!

Jill in CO
We did the breakfast thing again early at 0700, then packed up. Left via train for the airport, took about 1.5 hours, only this time it was to the Orly airport, not De Gaulle, as we landed at. We had tickets on the 1300 flight to BCN on Vueling Airlines and arrived around 1100.

After checking in, we found out our flight was delayed about an hour. I was looking out the window at our gate and saw a ton of police and security activity. I jokingly said to my wife, I think someone important is coming. Then I saw this flag flying out in front of the airport....


I didn't take long for me to figure out who it was....


To be far, we didn't get to see the President. This he was already in France, and this was his a/c taxing from accross the airport to get ready for him to arrive to the airport and leave for the home. This is right outside the window I was sitting at, and one gate down from our gate. (Air Force One was not actually using the next gate, just the ramp area around it, as the President doesn't use Jetways)

If I did get to see him, I would have had a great photo with my zoom....


We boarded up, and I had a great view from my window seat...


The flight and airline were both great. About 1.5 hour flight got us in around1530. By the time we got our bags and got on the train, it was almost 1700. 30 mins later we were at our Hotel. The Millenium was around $110 US and very close to the port and Las Ramblas via the metro. (2 stops to both)


Our room. Small, but nice. Worked for us for one night.


Again, shower with no way to stop water from getting everywhere. I can't figure this out.


View from the roof deck



Ok, out of time for today. Going cover the rest of that night soon...
I love your pictures.

I am doing pretty much the same as you arriving very early at CDG and going to Disneyland Paris. I was going to take the TGV, but now you got me thinking that the RER into Paris might be an option, do you see anything on the RER or is most of it underground?

Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the rest of your report.
I love your pictures.

I am doing pretty much the same as you arriving very early at CDG and going to Disneyland Paris. I was going to take the TGV, but now you got me thinking that the RER into Paris might be an option, do you see anything on the RER or is most of it underground?

Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the rest of your report.

It is about 50/50 in and out. The views outside are not great, but as my first time to Europe, I enjoyed them anyway. Near DLP, the RER is outside, but below ground level in what looks like a typical florida storm ditch, just without the water. I think it was done for sound reasons. I think the RER, while longer then the high speed, is worth the price savings. Plus, if you arrive to CDG early, you have some time till the parks open anyway.


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