Updated: Beth's Trip (Our last 2 days! - DHS) - post 78

Are you guys all better? You have been so quiet lately.
So Wednesday is our day "off". We got up and the "adults" grunted at each other awhile. Julia had asked to go to BBB this trip and in June I had told her hopefully she could in Oct. She had mentioned it a few times, but I had said probably not. She wasn't happy because she wanted "rainbow" hair. Last trip she had gotten pink spiky hair. Of course _I_ want her to get the princess hair with the little crown, but noooo not my daughter! I decided that morning while she was mooning the animals on the balcony to call and make her an appt for early afternoon. We could walk around DTD awhile while there and take Jared to the Lego store (Jared loves legos). So, I called... appt for 2:15, great! I wrangle Julias naked butt off the balcony and stuff her in a swim suit, throw Jared his and off we go to the pool.

We grab brunch at the cafe thingy (I can't remember what its called, but its just average like most of them) and eat outside at the tables. Then the kids play in the pool and we relax in the hot tub. About 12:15 we head up to the room to dress. I told the kids we were going to DTD so we walk Lucas and head to the buses. We wander through a few places and go over to the store with BBB.

Mike walks around with Julia and I register her. At this point she has *NO* idea. The fairy godmothers ask where she is and I told them she doesn't know, but pointed to her. I can kinda tell something is up she says to the other "oh Julia?" then she whispers "this is the one" to another girl. I am confused and figure they are talking about her chair and Lucas taking up so much room in the salon, hehehe. So off I go to walk around with Julia. While we are walking around a security person comes up "Joe says to tell you Hi!" Aww yaaaay! HI JOE!!! When the buzzer goes off I tell her and she gets *SO* excited!

So she drives up and they tell her she is getting her hair and makeup done AND she has been selected as "The Princess of the day". Ok, I am confused. Well they put a cape and crown on her and parade her around the store.... stopping at the front window.


Apparently Princess for the day means she gets her makeover in the front window!!! Not back in the back with all the other girls! She was *SO stinkingexcitedthatitwasn'tevenfunny*. I had tears for her (I find myself crying a ton when she gets special things or something goes easily for her). And sooooo the makeover begins:


People didn't know whether to look at her or the dog relaxed and sleeping on the floor at her feet. The sparkle in her eye as she looks out the window at the people watching her just says it all! I love this pic.

And the finished product:


Please note that the pics from the rest of the trip she will look similar. The hair lasted until I took it down on Saturday... eep!

While she finished her makeover *he* took Jared to get a treat at the Lego store. We catch up with them, wander around a bit more and then decide to take a boat ride. Any guesses where we are heading?


Well yes we decide since its only about 3 and we have dinner ressies at O'hana later we might as well take a little detour on over to visit a friend. We will just play on Disney transportation awhile. So we stop and visit our friend:


As always everyone was *SO* nice. They had made a banner for Julia with the princesses on it that is now hanging in her bedroom. We saw Mike and the manager and the new "boss" and bragged on everyone a bit to him. Very fun time, mostly with Mike. Sadly they all had to work and we had already taken up about an hour of their time by this point so we headed in and had a cheeseburger flatbread (no mustard, please). Then we walked around the resort a bit. *He* had never seen this resort (he wasn't on our June trip). So we checked out the pool and went over to catch a bus to Magic Kingdom, or Epcot... whenever came first. MK happened to come first so we rode over to MK. As we were getting off the bus, my phone rang. My friend, Antia, lives in Bradenton. She had planned to go with us part of the week, but with the goings on with my husband she had decided she could not be around him and be respectful in front of my kiddies. I was sad, but I understood.... I was having trouble myself. Anyway she calls it goes something like:

Where are you?
Getting off the bus at MK to go to Dinner.
Where is dinner?
At the Polynesian (she knows where this is, she stayed part of the trip with us in February).
Oh, you are eating at that place you liked? The one upstairs?
Yep at about 8.... gonna sit in the beach and relax until then
Oh... well I will let you go, have fun

So we head on over to the monorail and we asked if *he* and the kiddies could ride in the front. They had never been in the front, with her chair its not really an option and I am trying to accomplish little things like that which won't be possible without 2 adults at Disney... knowing we may be on our own from now on, who knows? Well I do, but you gotta wait to find out ;).

So it was a success! The 2nd monorail was empty in the front. Lucas the chair and I rode in the accessible place and *he* rode in the front with the kiddies.

We arrive at Ohana and we go out and walk Lucas and head down to the beach. We are sitting in the chairs and letting the kids play in the edge of the pool (not too wet! We are going to dinner...). I turn around and here walks my friend Anita with a drink in hand for me! WHOOOT! MY WEEK IS SAVED! My friend knows exactly what mom is needing, a nice stiff drink! So I polish it off and she fetches me another! Yipee skippie! She explains she was worried after my day at Epcot and my family kinda leaving me hanging and she wanted to be a supportive friend and be there for me. I love her! Oh and she became a grandma today (yes she is almost my moms age, but I don't care, I love her!). Anyway, we go up and have an AWSOME dinner at Ohana! Again a perfect view of the fireworks and the lights are dimmed, music! I LOVE dessert... oh I love Ohana! Especially with my umm 3rd - I believe at this point drink ;). She sees I am very relaxed and heads out to OKW where her room is (only one available last minute) and we all head back out to AKV with the plan to meet the next day at DHS.

So my week is looking up with Anita there and a few drinks in my system....

Up next, DHS
Thanks for the update, I guess you are all over the sickies....? Thanks! YOu sent them my way!
We snotted and coughed for 2 weeks! Thankfully we are doing much better in that dept!

I am sorry you have it now! Hope you feel better very soon!
Now THAT is a princess! How pretty is she!? Thanks for sharing the photos and reports with us.
Beth...I found you!!!:lmao:

I'm loving your TR, so sorry that everything in life isn't as magical as we'd always like it to be. Any time you need a disfriend, I'm only minutes away.

You're daughter is absolutely beautiful!!! Her pic at the BBB was adorable.

Talk to ya soon,
Karen Yaay! I am glad you found me! Are you guys planning to go to the Rec day tmw at the blue building?!

No life around here isn't pixie dust lately, for sure. That report is about 2 days away. I have 2 more Dis days and then an "aftermath" update....
Maybe I can get a "sneak preview" of the upcoming posts tmw. :rolleyes1

We are definitely going to try to come to the Blue Bldg.

Glad that things start looking up. Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust :cloud9:
Beth - every time I see a picture of your kids it just makes me smile! They're both adorable!!
Poor Beth, took her kid for a princess makeover and ended up with a punk rock star with a Jasmine fetish! :rotfl2:

Hush, you!!!!! That hair is flippin' FABULOSO!!!! :goodvibes Beth's kids are too, too cute in any case but the hair of many colors is pure STYLE. (hey -- that a was nice pic of you too even if you're still goin' the plain ole head thing)
I love the Julia stories! :banana:
She has such - jour de vive!
You can just see it.
I think Julia and I are kindred spirits...did you read how she was naked on the balcony??????
I had never been to DHS. Yes, its insane, I know. I have bee to Disney 20+ times in my life and I had never been to DHS!!! I was never willing to give up other parks to venture over to DHS. However, this time we decided it was time to give up AK. I mean we had the animals all week at our room anyway, right? :)

The entire group decided everyone was on their own and we would meet for dinner. Dinner was shcheduled early so that we could go to Fantasmic... My first time and I was so excited!

My friend Anita decided to just meet us there. So when we arrived she was by the front gates (she had also never been to DHS, in fact of our group one person had previously been). We went in and looked at the schedules. It was time for Beauty and the Beast if we hurry! Off we went and we got there just as it started. Julia *loved* it.... I enjoyed it also!

Now we all know next to BATB is the Tower of Terror! I was *SO* excited! We walk up and I tell *him* that he can wait with Julia and Anita and I will take Jared and then he can take Jared while we wait. Sounds good! Anita doesn't like anything scary. She says she doesn't think its a good ride.... I told her it was fine! *cough* I told her that it was just a little bouncy ride through an old haunted hotel. *cough*. So we walk in 5 min wait. While in line she is being skeptical and I am telling her to shuttup because she is riding *wink* and Jared is telling her she will be fine because he will hold her hand, HA! She is saying "are you sure its just a little bounce?" "Well, I *think so* thats what I read. I have never been on it before, remember?" *cough*. So these 2 teenagers behind is are giggling and she is reading warning signs and I told her she would be fine stop looking at them. The teenagers keep giggling. We get to the point that the line splits and they decide to follow to continue laughing at her, hehehe. We get on the ride and I say "see it can't be too bad there are no shoulder straps!" she is relieved. As the ride starts she says "You know my worst fear in life isan elevator falls out from under me". I said "Well its bouncy. Besides we should all face our fears it will be fine". The ride goes and does the little show and we go to the actual fall and as the photo snaps you can read on the picture she is saying "KILL" with her mouth. She is yelling "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" to be exact, but the photo was snapped during the word "kill" and I was lauuuuughing my butt off in the picture! Whoot! Its on my ref! I *had* to buy it!

We exit the ride and I am telling her how proud I am of her and how it was so much fun and how I just loved it, hehehehehe..... I am so bad. I think she was proud of herself. She told me the next week that she told her son she rode it and he was shocked because he would not even ride it (chicken). Although she swears she will never ride it again and she will not get on a ride with me without reading about it first. :rotfl2:

We wait on *him* to take Jared and then we have lunch. *He*, Jared and I go off to ride RR since we are back there. I knew there was *no way* she would get on that just based on the restraints, hehehe. So Jared is a bit nervous and the man in front of us tells him it goes upside down once and I said "oh comeon you can handle that" he says "yeah, once". After the ride he was saying "You lied, we went upside down 2 times!!! You didn't tell me the truth, but it was fun!" Thats my boy! I reassured him I had never been there so I could not tell him how many times and if he thought about it the other man is the one that told him the false information, because I didn't know, that satisfied him.

So we head out of that area and on back towards Ariel. Since I haven't thrown in pics... here we are walking down the street...


We get to the back and go to PLayhouse Disney. After the show Julia visits with the Little Einstines:


Then we head over to see Ariel in her show. Again, Julia was in heaven at both shows. I had no idea what we were in for at DHS. There is no way you can see all the shows and do everything in one day. By the time we finish those 2 things its getting later and we decide we should mosey towards dinner. We met up with everyone at 5pm for Dinner at Primetime Cafe.

After everyone arrives I let them know we are there and remind them about her wheelchair. We were way in the back and it was very crowded, one of tougher places she has had to navigate with her chair. She did very well, but it was not what I would consider accessible and the bathrooms were a nightmare. Potty BEFORE you go there, especially if you have a wheelchair!

So I was kind of excited about this ADR mostly because it was new and new is always exciting. I will say (before the rant) that my pot roast was delightful as was dessert. I really thoroughly enjoyed my meal. The bad? Well, our party was split into 2 tables. Fine, I don't really mind that, we were close enough to yell back and forth if we needed to. I let Jared sit with his cousins and then there were the adults and Julia at the other table (4 and 6, if you are counting). Our tables had different servers.... so orders were taken at different times and our schedule was just overall different, although we came in at the same time. We all know different servers work at different paces. Now, what really irked me was that at the end of the meal it was a total disaster. How one server had to figure out who was on what plan and what to deduct from which room (remember we are in 4 rooms at this point and all but one of us have the dining plan). It was terrible. Ok..... I can handle that, confusing is ok, but I was *REALLY* at the tip thing. Our table was charged the 18%, fine we had 6 ppl and the rule is 6ppl or more. However, the server with my cousins was just awful. He was slow, their food was 20 minutes behind ours, he was flat out *MEAN* to Jared (and I don't mean in a theming kinda way). He had the nerve to put 18% on their bills as well. 18%? Excuse me they have 4 ppl at their table. "But ma'am you are a party of 10" "Well we were not seated as a part of 10, we were not treated as a party of 10. Our food was not served together and frankly I am not leaving you the 1.30 it says I should leave you for my sons meal. I don't appreciate how you spoke to him at all and it was not the theming, because the theming is fun and thats NOT how you treated your other table over there with kids" "Well, ma'am thats the rules" I spoke to the manager..... I didn't leave him any tip and I let the manager know very clearly that I didn't appreciate how he handled my child. Now.... lets just say that I know Jared is not the best behaved child. He can be abnoxious. I am *NEVER* a mom to say anything to a worker at a store that corrects him, unless they are rude. 99.8% of the time he needs it and usually I thank them. HOWEVER, I was facing him the entire meal and he was polite and very well mannered and I was very proud of his behavior (it doesn't happen often) and for the server to be so un-kind.... I was livid. So.... we will go back, but I won't be having *that guy* as our server again (with luck he will be gone).

So dinner went semi-quickly and we decided to walk back and hit Toy Mania before heading to Fantasmic. Toy Mania was very fun and Fantasmic was fantastic! :)

At this point you may recall that we were suppose to head home on Friday. However, when Anita came she thought we were staying til Sat. So she got her room til Sat. We decided to stay til Sat also and just spend Friday night with her. No big deal, another day, yipee! The rest of our family was heading out on Friday, as planned. I decided I wanted to go on and stay with Anita on Thurs. So we all went back to AK and I tucked the kids in, packed up my stuff and went to OKW. This was my first visit to OKW. It was more dated, but seemed ok at first glance. I unloaded, grabbed a drink and went to potty. After the *deed*, I flushed, but it didn't flush. I asked Anita if she noticed the toilet didn't flush. She said it eventually went down, just flush again. Well, I wasn't havin that. I was gonna be in this room for 2 nights and I wasn't going to stand there flushing 4 times every time me or the kids pottied. I called the front desk and out came maintence. I knew we would be up, I planned to get throughly wasted... ya know, drink away my cares, while sitting outside smoking. So they came and I had a few and flirted with the maintence dude (he was pretty cute as my blurry mind recalls), it entertained Anita. They ended up needing to replace part of the toilet and about 4 drinks later I was ready for bed and there was the cute dude in our room. They ended up being in the room until 3AM!!!!! and the toilet.... STILL DIDN'T FLUSH RIGHT! Ugh! Mr Cutie wasn't a great plumber.

The next morning, in my headachin state, I called to let the front desk know they were in our room until 3AM AND the toilet STILL didn't work right. Anita got a $100 room credit and we were assured the toilet would flush when we got back that evening. Off we went to get the crew. We loaded up the room at AK and took our stuff to OKW and hopped a bus..... where?

BACK TO DHS! We didn't get to see everything. However, by this time poor Lucas was dragging and I knew we wanted to see Lights, Motors, Action and I knew he would be terrified of the gunshots (he was shot as a puppy) and I decided to give him the day off. It was already noon and the pack closed at 8pm, so we walked him and put him in his pop-up crate and I left a note on the door for maintence.

As we entered DHS we hung a left this time. We went straight to LMA (it was about to start at 1pm). Great seats in the front and it was a fun show. We worked our way across over to Toy Mania again. It was great, there was no one in the special needs line and they let us stay on, yipee!

I actually think this one is Friday:


After Toy Mania we made our way back across to Backlot and towards the front to everything else. The only thing we missed was Indiana Jones. Can't do it all, right? It was a bit warm and its my understanding its not shaded at all, so I am not sure Julia would have made it through the show anyway.

As we were leaving Jared says "aww can't we ride TOT again?!" So Anita and Julia head to the pin place and We head to TOT. No line, they let us stay on twice! Yipee! Everyone was at Fantasmic. So we rode twice and headed out before Fantasmic let out. We took the bus back to OKW. We got off by her room and *he* lagged behind (I thought at the time to call his woman, but who knows) We were walking down the sidewalk, it wasn't very well lit. Suddenly there is a huge thud. I turn around and Julias chair is teetering on the edge of te sidewalk and I quickly unbuckle her and pull her out and her chair slides down over (its about a foot drop). She is crying and scared and I tell her its not her fault. Thankfully a strong healthy man is walking towards us. He helped me drag the 300 lb chair back onto the sidewalk and after calming Julia we head on towards the room. It was at that moment I realized many of their sidewalks weren't lit and not only does she need headlights, but I don't care for OKW... the layout, the non-working toilets. The fact its a pain to get an accessible room, etc, etc.

Once at the room I took the rainbow hair out, bathed both kids and tucked them in. Then I left *him* with the kids and we headed to the bar :yay: :yay:

Saturday, we woke up, visited a little more and headed home. Two more pics you say? Ok ;)



Overall the trip could have been worse. I think I tollerated *him* very very well, considering. It could have been much much better also.

Up next: My overall thoughts on the trip and..... the update of life *since* the trip.
You love to leave us hanging, don't you!

Glad you liked DHS. I think it gets a bad name, but it is more shows then rides (not counting thrill rides).

I can't beleive you had such little lines/crowds. We were there the following week and the it was crowded!


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