UPD: 07-17! A Princess, a Tinker Fairy, and an Artist! - A Princess Half Marathon TR!

Great day at Epcot! And great treasures you bought!

I love the crepes in France. When I actaully went to France, there was a creiperee (sp?) right outside Eiffel Tower that I must have visited 20 times during the course of 3 days there. They are soooooooooo freakin' good!!!

In the back there is a counter service place that also has some amazing looking desserts! I wanted to get back to them after the 1/2 and never did. Something to put on my list for 'another time'.

I love those little twinkle lights in the sidewalk at Epcot. One of my favorite things to see on the way out of that park.
Ah! I am loving your TR, you little one is so cute and I am so proud of him for making in ALL day long in epcot! haha he's got disney in his blood :) But I have to ask is your DH being a rebel with the pink magicband, cause if he is WOOHOO! If hes just a fan of pink then I like him even more :) hehe Can't wait to read more :thumbsup2
wow--you guys had a great end of the day at epcot! it looks great!

I love your mickey earrings--cute!

perfect Evangeline picture in the stars! did stormy get to see that or was he already asleep? the first time our girls went, our oldest LOVED that part of the sidewalk and DH had the hardest time getting her to leave!

loving the topiaries! especially captn hook and the croc!

best end of the day picture ever! stormy sleeping in the stroller--clearly had the best Disney day ever! love it!!
Great day at Epcot! And great treasures you bought!

I love the crepes in France. When I actaully went to France, there was a creiperee (sp?) right outside Eiffel Tower that I must have visited 20 times during the course of 3 days there. They are soooooooooo freakin' good!!!

In the back there is a counter service place that also has some amazing looking desserts! I wanted to get back to them after the 1/2 and never did. Something to put on my list for 'another time'.

I love those little twinkle lights in the sidewalk at Epcot. One of my favorite things to see on the way out of that park.

Jeaallllooous! I'd love to go to France some day. And a zillion other places in Europe. <3

Ooo, that's gonna go on my list too. Baloo had just run back to save on time, so I didn't even see what the stand looked like, and he wouldn't have noticed anything besides what he was there for. He's kind of narrow visioned when he's going for one specific thing. :rotfl:

Ah! I am loving your TR, you little one is so cute and I am so proud of him for making in ALL day long in epcot! haha he's got disney in his blood :) But I have to ask is your DH being a rebel with the pink magicband, cause if he is WOOHOO! If hes just a fan of pink then I like him even more :) hehe Can't wait to read more :thumbsup2

Thank you! :)

Haha, he's so curious and excitable he wouldn't really go for any downtime the whole trip. Later on in the trip we went back to the hotel in the middle of the day (for me, day of the race I was exaaausted, lol!) and I ended up having to have Baloo take Stormy outside for playing, because he was having none of this "nap" business when there was OMGSOMUCHTODOGUYS! He really does have Disney in his veins. A couple of Disney World commercials have come on the last few days, and each time he stops in his tracks, points, and goes 'wooooow!'. Baloo and my sister think I'm projecting, though, but I swear he recognizes the castle.

Lol, a little bit of both, I think. When we were customizing our magicbands, I asked what color he wanted and he shouted "Pink!" so I picked that for him. I asked him basically every week until they shipped if he was sure and he kept saying he wanted pink. I think he ended up really liking the shade of pink when we got it too.

wow--you guys had a great end of the day at epcot! it looks great!

I love your mickey earrings--cute!

perfect Evangeline picture in the stars! did stormy get to see that or was he already asleep? the first time our girls went, our oldest LOVED that part of the sidewalk and DH had the hardest time getting her to leave!

loving the topiaries! especially captn hook and the croc!

best end of the day picture ever! stormy sleeping in the stroller--clearly had the best Disney day ever! love it!!
He was already asleep by that point, which is sad, I'm pretty sure he woulda enjoyed the lights. <3 Next time we go back he should be able to make it.

I was pretty excited to see Capt'n Hook too. =D I think he was the only villain I spotted.

We have another one where me and Baloo are pretending to sleep next to him.

It's one of the photopass pictures. I didn't buy the prints/cd, but I screencapped them all (I'm a bad person... :rolleyes1 ). I usually make a calender, waiting for that to arrive. <3
That picture is perfect! You should totally frame that!

I wouldn't have spent the money on photo pass either since we hardly saw any photographers and didn't get many pictures, but I loved all the little borders and stuff you can add. I'm such a pushover for spending money at Disney!
That picture is perfect! You should totally frame that!

I wouldn't have spent the money on photo pass either since we hardly saw any photographers and didn't get many pictures, but I loved all the little borders and stuff you can add. I'm such a pushover for spending money at Disney!

I was playing with the boarder stuff, it was fun. I think on a future visit we might invest in Memory Maker, I just hope they up the amount of photopass people when we go next. The most pictures we have are from Magic Kingdom (and those are basically all from Enchanted Tales with Belle and dinner at BOG, and a couple meet and greets), and then a handful from AK and Epcot, but none from Hollywood studios. Kinda sad about that.

I have to post some of our real life update stuff, cuz, Easteeeer!

We did our mall Bunny picture (we didn't do one last year, because we did family Easter pictures with a photographer, but she was unavailable this year, so the person we went to for professional pics only did Stormy in the mini session, so I still wanted a family one)

Luckily it was completely empty there, because the first time, he basically wouldn't go near Bunny. We let him play in the play area for a bit, then went back and he was totally cool with it. Grandma was also with us and had given him a penny, which seems to have distracted him. :rotfl: Bunny went to give him a high five after the pics were done, and Stormy was all confused and went to set the penny in Bunny's hand, then snatched it back. Bunny thief!

And here is a preview of Stormy's Easter mini-session pics:

She mailed the CD yesterday, so we'll probably get that tomorrow or Sat. I can't wait! :hyper: He was having some major meltdowns while we were trying to get these taken. Eventually I gave him an apple and he calmed down and became the happy Stormy we usually have, but he wouldn't put the apple (or pen he acquired) down. Ah well! Also, I made the vest he's wearing, hehe!

My baby sister came over for her spring break and she ran a 5k with me (her first!) It was the Cocoa Classic, so chocolaaaate! It was actually a really badly run race (they mis-measured by almost a half a mile, they timed it so the two different races they were running ended at the same finish line, at the same time, we waited over an hour for ANY post run food, and after the first mile marker, they didn't have anymore up.) My sis still seemed to enjoy it though, so that's all that matters. :) The only thing that bugs me is my time looks pretty awful (because of the extra half mile). :rotfl2:

Last thing I wanted to show off is this:

They're fabric jewelry trays. :) My sister made the character cupcakes and I made the trays. We're trying to sell them, I've put them up on Etsy and a FB Disney Sales group so far, but no luck yet. We'll see. My sis has also drawn Ursula and Ariel too, they're super cute. <3 If they ever end up selling, I'm gonna try to get her to do more characters.
could stormy's easter pics be any cuter?!?

and when you said "chocolaaaaate", i totally hear anna and elsa in my head! :rotfl: good job on your run, even if it was all crazy!
Love the earrings you got in the UK! What a great ending to your day in Epcot!

Yay for a race...boo that is was not done well...but you got out there!

Love Stormie's Easter picture...so handsome!
could stormy's easter pics be any cuter?!?

and when you said "chocolaaaaate", i totally hear anna and elsa in my head! :rotfl: good job on your run, even if it was all crazy!

I know, right? :cutie: You'd never guess how upset he was the whole time. :rotfl2:

Love the earrings you got in the UK! What a great ending to your day in Epcot!

Yay for a race...boo that is was not done well...but you got out there!

Love Stormie's Easter picture...so handsome!

Yeah, I wasn't upset about waiting for an hour to get the chocolate, I sort of figured that'd happen. But not having any sort of bananas or water or snacks immediately post race is pretty unacceptable. There were lots of fb posts on their page, and they said they were reading all the feedback, so hopefully next time they can get that sorted.

Joining in! Can't wait for a fun PHM next year :)

Yay, welcome!

I'm excited for it too! <3
The morning started early. Stormy was again pleasantly surprised that we were both up before him, but he was not pleased to be woken up. But he had a race to get to!

We got dressed and made our way to the buses. Here we made our first mistake. I wasn't sure if we were supposed to take the Epcot bus (the races were held in part of the Epcot parking lot) or the events bus. We chose the Epcot bus (we knew it was at Epcot, and we were running short on time, so we figured if the event bus was wrong, we wouldn't have time to correct the mistake), which ended up dropping us off on the opposite side of the parking lot, so we had to hustle across 10 or so sections to get to the races. It was a bit nerve-wracking, and of course, as we got to the correct parking lot, we saw an event bus dropping off people about 20 feet away. Ah well, live and learn!


So early!

I'll take that hat, Daddy!

We waited maybe 15 mins or less for them to start the races. Stormy was in the first set of races, the 100 meter dash. About 3-5 'heats' went before Stormy was up to the start line (he was very upset the whole time, stupid line waiting! He's got no time for this!). Soon, he was off!

Sweet sweet running bliss! Stormy loved it. Goofy was on the 'course', and Stormy steered clear of him.



Crossing the finish line and getting his medal! Our second mistake of the morning was pinning his race bib to his back. They tell you to make sure the bib is on the front and visible for the Princess race, but I didn't think it'd matter for the kid's races. They have picture people at the Kid's races too, though, so I ended up having to search through the unidentified pictures to find any of his.


Yay! Finisher! (And back to fussing, cuz he's not being able to run freeeeeee)
We packed up our stuff and hopped a bus back to the hotel to change quickly, then headed back out.


Start of the park day picture. His shirt says "Field Captain" hehe.

Where were we at?



Animal Kingdom!


Attempt at a family photo. Nope!

Between the Kids race and all the running around after, it was almost lunch time by the time we got to Animal Kingdom. We decided to try to catch a showing of It's Tough to Be a Bug.

Playing with daddy's 3-D bug glasses! This is basically as far as we got. Stormy started freaking out (a lot worse than he had been) about the dim lighting, the people (we were packed in) and the fact that he had just been outside in the nice sunshine, so we asked the cast member to let us out.


Back outside in the fresh air! Exploring the tree of life.

We decided Stormy must be just as hungry as us, so we decided to eat. We had chosen Flame Tree BBQ to eat at, our first time trying it (and I'd heard lots of good things!)


Baloo got the Ribs and Chicken combo (with coleslaw and baked beans, yummy!). I thought the meat was a bit dry, and that the sides were better than the main entree. There was some extra sauce that we got and that helped out a bit.


I got the Smoked Chicken Salad (hey look, a fish free meal!). It was delicious! Maybe a little too much dressing and garbanzo beans, but that's about the only complaint I had. There was a fantastic ratio of stuff to lettuce (you know how in salads there's always way more lettuce than there is other stuff?). The salad had: "Freshly-smoked Chicken, Mixed Greens, Arugula, shredded Carrots, Pinto and Garbanzo Beans, Tortilla Chips and Corn, tossed in a house-made Balsamic Vinaigrette and drizzled with Chipolte Ranch dressing"

We both got unsweetened ice tea. I had a love hate relationship with the straws and such at Animal Kingdom. I love that they're using environment friendly solutions, but dang those paper straws are irritating!


For dessert we got a Key Lime Mousse and a Chocolate Mousse.
The chocolate mousse was suuuper rich, and we weren't able to eat it all (so sad!). Once you got past the weird jello bit on top, the key lime mousse was super tasty, although it seemed more like a cheesecake (especially with the graham crust at the bottom) then a mousse.


Owl! Behind Flame Tree BBQ is a gorgeous outdoor seating area with so much space! After the last two days of eating on the ground, we were very very happy to have a table to sit at (with a very lovely view too!). Stormy even got a highchair! He stuffed his face with delicious baked beans and smoked meats. I think he probably ate the most this meal out of any of them (except for BoG lunch later on).

It was almost time for a showing of Finding Nemo - The Musical, so we made our way from Flame Tree to Dinoland! Just as we parked our stroller the dark clouds that had been gathering started to rain, we got into the building just in time! Just as we got inside, Stormy decided it was definitely time for a nap, I ended up holding him the whole show, so the pictures are a bit off.


I don't like Finding Nemo all that much, but holding sleeping Stormy makes it a bit more emotionally tugging. And how they bring it to life on the stage is beautiful!

After the show we walked out to a bright, sunny sky (yay, FL!) and Stormy woke up. It was time for fun in Dinoland!


Standing in line for TriceraTop Spin. It's a 7!


Ooo, what's this do?

Next up was Stormy's favorite part of the day, The Boneyard! We had about an hour until our fastpass for Dinosaur (my favorite Animal Kingdom ride!), so we let Stormy loose in the Boneyard. Naturally he scared his poor mommy half to death because since it'd just rained there was water everywhere, and he NEEDED to climb up and down every staircase he found. Naturally.




We don't need no stinkin' rain coats! It started raining again while Stormy was digging, and lucky for us, there was a tarp overhead. Haha, FL! We foiled you again!

We dragged Stormy kicking and screaming (semi-literally) away from the Boneyard to catch our Dinosaur fastpass.

I went first, while Baloo waited with Stormy. In the line I chatted with an older couple and they told me about the trips they'd taken with their kids when they were young, and now the kids were grown, they were back by themselves for the first time. They were really fun to talk to and hear about changes in the parks! And they reminisced about not being able to do all the rides because of the little ones.




My picture! The little girl beside me freaked out a little bit, poor kid!


Baloo's turn! It's pretty funny that he's just like "Oh hey. Dino. That's cool." He's into the whole horror movie thing though, so he doesn't scare easy.


Oh no, Dino's got my babbyyyyy!

We had a date with Expedition Everest next, so it was onto Asia next!
It seems as though I didn't take many pictures on Animal Kingdom day (it was a short day), so I can finish it out in a second update, and I'm on a roll!


First views of Everest!


We separated and Baloo went on EE first, while I waited outside with Stormy.


Soon it was my turn!


Look at that beautiful, safe railroad! Nothing to go wrong there!


Ahhhh! Yeti!


After EE, we were ready for a snack, so started looking for food. We spotted this food truck, but were disappointed to find that that they only had pretzels and ice cream bars (We were hoping for something more exotic). Still a gorgeous truck!


Exploring Asia while looking for food.


I wish there really was a Baloo and Louie's place. I assume it's a meet and greet, but all I could think of was TaleSpin, hehe.

Finally, we had success!

I forget what it was, but there were two stands near each other between Asia and Africa. The first had mostly alcohol smoothie type drinks, and a couple non-alcoholic smoothies. This was some kind of berry deliciousness. Stormy loved it!

And we also found...

Samosas, nomnom! They were at a stand called Mr. Kamal's, and came with a mango salsa. I have to say, I was a bit disappointed in them. Whole Foods has samosas that are addictive, and the only thing that made these go from 'eh' to 'yummy!' was the mango salsa.


Stormy is a fan of anything deep fried...

I know that it's recommended to start your day with the Safari, but I always seem to wait until the very last tour. Maybe one day I'll actually see a decent amount of animals out.


Look, it's our truck!


I have a number of safari pictures, but this is by far my favorite. Such expressive eyes!

After the safari we hopped a train to Rafiki's Planet Watch. Stormy fell asleep...again.

This is probably one of the best shots of my Princess and the Frog daily inspired outfit. Any guesses?
It's Mama Odie! I had earrings and a necklace to wear too, but forgot in my rush to get out the door for Stormy's race that morning.


Chip and Dale are always the best for meet and greets!

Inside the building, one of the rooms had a few Princess and the Frog posters. Yay!


Back into Africa it was getting dark and time for dinner and to wrap up our day! Tomorrow would be the Princess race, so I needed to get to bed early.


We had chosen Tamu Tamu Refreshments for dinner. Their sign didn't lie, it was definitely good eats! We had planned to get our food to go and head back to the hotel and eat there, but because of the environmental friendly stuff, they didn't have lids or to go boxes, so we had to eat there (no way we were trying to carry all that out and onto the bus!)


Our dinner was a Slow cooked Chicken Curry and a Vegetarian Curry. We both loved it, although Baloo said that he thought it only tasted as good as it did because we got both. The chicken curry was very strong curry, and the vegetarian was sweeter, so eating both together balanced them out really well, but if we'd each just eaten one, he thought we wouldn't have liked it as much.


Dessert was a cheesecake and a milkshake, pretty standard fare for both. The cheesecake had kind of a strange texture. I'm a fan of fake/box cheesecake, and it was a little thin even for me. The milkshake was a nice light chocolate, but there was soooo much of it!


The street party was just finishing up when we finished dinner, and Stormy got about .5 seconds of dancing in. They had lots of drums (which he loves) so he was sad to see them go (and kept trying to get on the stage to "help")


The fake construction signs make me giggle, because there really IS construction. I love the effort and detail they put into hiding what's going on and not having just a plain brown wall up.


Mushroom lamps!


Found a pressed penny machine. I don't know if all of them have this on there, but I had to take a picture of it. Just in case you thought about turning Disney in for the pennies, this is why it's ok! Baloo got a paralegal cert, so finding loopholes are always amusing to us.


Weeellll, we tried again.

Even though it wasn't very late, we knew there would be a loooong day the next day, and so we said good night to the Animal Kingdom and took a bus back to the hotel.

I met up with a lady from my Corral at the hotel to grab some temp tattoos from her. Our FB group, The Princesses of Corral J, had decided to wear stars on our right calves (totally my suggestion! "second star to the right" hehe) to try to spot each other during the race, and she brought some for us! We also met up with a lady that sold us her Chear Squad pass (her husband wasn't able to come, so she sold it to us for half price), and we finally called it a night!
So glad he liked the kid races. My DS6 will be running them at TOT this year and he is super excited.

I love animal kingdom. It's a calmer park it seems. I am a bit worried about how well the Avatar land will fit in and if the giant blue guys will scare the kids though.
YAY Stormy is a finisher! Great job little guy!

Your day at AK looks like so much fun and at a perfect pace for the little guy!
My favorite picture of the day has to be with Rafiki!
AWESOME update :) love reading about stormy's little race :)

BTW, I think those mushroom lights at AK were Ladybugs hehe :P
So glad he liked the kid races. My DS6 will be running them at TOT this year and he is super excited.

I love animal kingdom. It's a calmer park it seems. I am a bit worried about how well the Avatar land will fit in and if the giant blue guys will scare the kids though.
I can't wait to hear about TOT stuff! After I go for PHM 2015 weekend, we're hoping to do a full trip for TOT 2015 (attempting 2 trips next year, woo!), I'm curious if the kids races are much different between the two. Is your DS going to be doing the full mile or one of the shorter ones? :) And is he dressing up? That was my favorite part about preparing for the kids race, making Stormy's costume! <3

After our day at Epcot, Animal Kingdom was really nice and mellow (and so many less people!), I was happy for it.

I had been hearing a lot about the Avatar expansion, and hadn't fully looked into it yet. So it is, in fact, the James Cameron Avatar? I didn't realize Disney had rights to that (I thought it had been made by Fox or WB). I'm sure they'll do it well, but I feel like Camp Minnie-Mickey fits better. We'll see, I guess...

YAY Stormy is a finisher! Great job little guy!

Your day at AK looks like so much fun and at a perfect pace for the little guy!
My favorite picture of the day has to be with Rafiki!
Rafiki was so much fun! He made such a big show of 'ssshhhh! the baby is sleeping!!'

AWESOME update :) love reading about stormy's little race :)

BTW, I think those mushroom lights at AK were Ladybugs hehe :P
Ooooo, you maaaay have a point there. :rotfl: Ladybugs make more sense than mushrooms.
I can't wait to hear about TOT stuff! After I go for PHM 2015 weekend, we're hoping to do a full trip for TOT 2015 (attempting 2 trips next year, woo!), I'm curious if the kids races are much different between the two. Is your DS going to be doing the full mile or one of the shorter ones? :) And is he dressing up? That was my favorite part about preparing for the kids race, making Stormy's costume! <3 After our day at Epcot, Animal Kingdom was really nice and mellow (and so many less people!), I was happy for it. I had been hearing a lot about the Avatar expansion, and hadn't fully looked into it yet. So it is, in fact, the James Cameron Avatar? I didn't realize Disney had rights to that (I thought it had been made by Fox or WB). I'm sure they'll do it well, but I feel like Camp Minnie-Mickey fits better. We'll see, I guess... Rafiki was so much fun! He made such a big show of 'ssshhhh! the baby is sleeping!!' Ooooo, you maaaay have a point there. :rotfl: Ladybugs make more sense than mushrooms.

My DS10 (who will be 11 then) is running the 5k with me and said he'd be the mad hatter to my Cheshire Cat. DS5 (who will be 6) is debating between Captain Hook and Spider-Man! The little one is only running the 200 meters I think. Since DH may have to run it with him it's a good thing it's not any longer!

Disney somehow got the rights to the Avatar movie and the "land"will be about the Avatar characters. Not too excited. It was not my favorite film and I thought the blue guys were scary.
great updates! ralph and felix looked awesome! stormy looked like he was having a great time when he was running. looks like you have a future running partner!

love your mama odie shirt! so pretty!

oooohhhhh, samosas! now i'm hungry.....

love the rafiki pic! that's cute!

I thought those were ladybug lights too, but they do look a little mushroomy, don't they? whatever they are, AK looks pretty all lit up. I just love being in the parks at night!
My DS10 (who will be 11 then) is running the 5k with me and said he'd be the mad hatter to my Cheshire Cat. DS5 (who will be 6) is debating between Captain Hook and Spider-Man! The little one is only running the 200 meters I think. Since DH may have to run it with him it's a good thing it's not any longer!

Disney somehow got the rights to the Avatar movie and the "land"will be about the Avatar characters. Not too excited. It was not my favorite film and I thought the blue guys were scary.

Hehe, that's awesome! Chesh is a favorite of mine <3 Is he going to do cartoon Hatter, or Johnny Depp Hatter? If your younger son goes as Hook, your DH should totally go as Smee!

I read up on the plans so far on Wikipedia, and they've mentioned one of the "rides" will be a boat ride showcasing the native flora and fauna of Pandora. That sounds kinda cool, but the other is a simulator ride, I'm not a fan of those. I was ok with the movie (it was very pretty and I definitely have to admire the graphic work), but it was a big ol' mishmash of Pocahontas and Ferngully, nothing really that original.

great updates! ralph and felix looked awesome! stormy looked like he was having a great time when he was running. looks like you have a future running partner!

love your mama odie shirt! so pretty!

oooohhhhh, samosas! now i'm hungry.....

love the rafiki pic! that's cute!

I thought those were ladybug lights too, but they do look a little mushroomy, don't they? whatever they are, AK looks pretty all lit up. I just love being in the parks at night!
Thanks! I hope so, he seems pretty fond of it already, so hopefully I can get him to run races in the future. :) I always love seeing the parents with their kids at the races I go to (and then go 'ahhhh, an 8 year old is passing meeeeee!' Lol!). Now that I'm getting faster I've started thinking about pushing him in his stroller too, but I think that's still a little ways off (I saw someone pushing a double jogging stroller, with 2 kids at least 3+ years old. I almost fell over from exhaustion seeing it!)

I have a few pictures of the lamps AK has. They were all so pretty!
Hehe, that's awesome! Chesh is a favorite of mine <3 Is he going to do cartoon Hatter, or Johnny Depp Hatter? If your younger son goes as Hook, your DH should totally go as Smee! I read up on the plans so far on Wikipedia, and they've mentioned one of the "rides" will be a boat ride showcasing the native flora and fauna of Pandora. That sounds kinda cool, but the other is a simulator ride, I'm not a fan of those. I was ok with the movie (it was very pretty and I definitely have to admire the graphic work), but it was a big ol' mishmash of Pocahontas and Ferngully, nothing really that original.

He just now agreed to go in costume. I am not sure he's decided much beyond that! I am wearing my raw threads Cheshire Cat shirt and probably ears, whiskers and a tail. :)

Lol at Ferngully. That is TOTALLY what I call it too! Ferngully in space!


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