UPD: 07-17! A Princess, a Tinker Fairy, and an Artist! - A Princess Half Marathon TR!

Love the picture with the Viking hat! We love to do hats around the world...stopping at each country and posing for a picture with a hat. I should have more fear of putting on hats that I know other people have had on...but I tend to try to wipe the thoughts away from my mind.

I love your shopping trip around the world so far. Ab picked up a piece of candy from each country for her friends.

You have me really excited, I know that Flower & Garden is not in my future but to get so see some of it being put up with be great to see!

OH MY...I hate when people around me get in uncomfortable conversations...I am also embarrassed, but I am betting that the gentlemen have heard all crazy kinds of things from guests.
woohoo for changing FP on the fly!!

aaaahhhh, stormy's curls......I miss that baby hair....so cute!

LOVING the Viking picture! if any one turned out, that's a good one to get!

some people are so clueless. it's like they have no filter at all between their brain and their mouth.....
I am loving the detailed countries. I want to teach my dd some little facts about each of the countries we are going to visit to make WS more fun for her. Your pics are going to be so helpful. I hope you dont mind if I show them to her :upsidedow

Hats around the World...we are going to do this.
Love the picture with the Viking hat! We love to do hats around the world...stopping at each country and posing for a picture with a hat. I should have more fear of putting on hats that I know other people have had on...but I tend to try to wipe the thoughts away from my mind.

I love your shopping trip around the world so far. Ab picked up a piece of candy from each country for her friends.

You have me really excited, I know that Flower & Garden is not in my future but to get so see some of it being put up with be great to see!

OH MY...I hate when people around me get in uncomfortable conversations...I am also embarrassed, but I am betting that the gentlemen have heard all crazy kinds of things from guests.
Oh my goodness, Hats around the world! That's so happening next time Stormy goes back. He might even leave the hat on his head for it. Lol, it had never even occurred to me that I shouldn't put on hats at the store, until I read a few people here mention they have a 'no trying on hats' policy.

Candy would be a nice cheap way to go too, I might do that next time as well. =D I'm loving all the ideas I get here, ehhe!

woohoo for changing FP on the fly!!

aaaahhhh, stormy's curls......I miss that baby hair....so cute!

LOVING the Viking picture! if any one turned out, that's a good one to get!

some people are so clueless. it's like they have no filter at all between their brain and their mouth.....
Ooooh, the curls. ;-; Those do not last the whole trip. His first haircut was an adorable experience and all, but his cuuuurls. *sigh* Hopefully they grow back a bit.

I am loving the detailed countries. I want to teach my dd some little facts about each of the countries we are going to visit to make WS more fun for her. Your pics are going to be so helpful. I hope you dont mind if I show them to her :upsidedow

Hats around the World...we are going to do this.
My husbands major was European studies (newp, that didn't go anywhere :rotfl: ), so WS is a lot of fun with him in tow. =D And then he's a big ol' nerd, so what wasn't covered through his studies, he was just into as a hobby (Japan, specifically).
Next after China comes Germany! (Totally makes sense, right? :lmao: I never really understood the order of the countries, I sort of wish they went in a little order. Heck, Alphabetical would be good enough for me...)

Baloo has a background in German (not quite enough for a minor, but almost), and studied abroad for a semester in Germany, so it's fun to get to see a little bit of what he got to experience (even if it's not the actual thing).

First picture is:

Pickle ornament! I was taking this picture when Baloo walked up and asked why I was taking a picture of the tree. He looked closer and then went (I'm not kidding) "EEEE! PICKLE ORNAMENT!" We should have bought one, but they were a bit pricy... His reaction was so cute, though. I guess this is a tradition he's always liked from Germany.

In Michigan there's a town called Frankenmuth. It's a lovely city, but it's a bit of a tourist city. Ok, it's a lot of a tourist city (I wouldn't call it a tourist trap persay...) It's downtown is very Bavarian (their nickname is "Little Bavaria") and I have no idea how this town happened (Besides lots of German settlers there). Anyway, in my mind, Germany and Bavaria are two different things, I couldn't tell you why. I guess I think of Germany as the whole Berlin Wall sort of thing, and it my mind it's always the 60s, but Bavaria is all old timey.

So this always makes me surprised:


And, for the second time, I went "But this is Bavarian!" and Baloo, every so exasperatedly, again had to remind his geographically ignorant wife that Bavaria is German.



Love the little model train track thingy. I like to think that it's there because of Walt's love of trains. I hope it is.


Selfie, to show off how FL was murdering my poor hair. As if it's not curly enough already.


Here's my outfit picture. My plans were to make a character inspired outfit for each park day, this one was a little slapdash. It's supposed to be Evangeline. I couldn't find any material with stars on it, so it's just black with white polka dots. I don't think it's a great character outfit, but I did end up loving the shirt. Super comfy.

More Flower and Garden!



Some time in the gift shop and we came away with this:

I was going to pick a sticker with the bear of Berlin or something (Baloo has a picture with the actual thing), but Baloo really wanted a stein. This was the one in our price range. I also realized that I didn't put up a picture of my Mexican owl, so there's that too.

Next up was Italy! Of all the places in the world I want to see, this is at the tippy top of the list. My dream vacation is a cruise around Spain, Italy, and Greece. That's a looong way off, though! So this is probably as close as I'm getting for awhile.




We spent some time just taking in the buildings, and then headed into my favorite gift shop.

So pretty! I just want to pick up every single one! But there's a mean ol' sign that says no touching. Oh to be 3 again...


This is probably my second favorite BATW item, after my owl. They had a whole box of them and it took us awhile to decide on one we both liked.

Seeing us off from Italy, Lady and the Tramp!

We didn't get to see the movie in American Adventure on our Honeymoon, so we planned to see it this time. Annnnd that didn't happen. :rotfl: Stormy was starting to get cranky. When we got there, it would have been a 20 minute wait, so we decided to just let Stormy do a little running. We popped into the gift shop, and I decided that I'd be skipping America for BATW, as everything was covered in red, white, and blue or waaaay too expensive. I got my next Penny and we stepped outside in time for:

Stormy loves drums, so he was pretty excited when they passed by. I'm sure he would have helped out, if he'd been allowed to.


I pointed this stand out and said that I supposed funnel cakes are American, I couldn't think of anywhere else they came from. Baloo replied with "Truly the greatest of American inventions." :rotfl2: So I took a picture of the stand, and he asked if it was going on Facebook. "Maybe..."

After our brief time in American Adventure, we were off to Japan (another country that Baloo has been to! He really gets around! Lucky jerk)
subbing! :goodvibes

I have a little about Stormy's age and another thats 6 months old :scared1: and I am hoping to do the Princess Half next year and having a similar family trip with all of us. Loving this TR:cloud9:
Oh my goodness, Hats around the world! That's so happening next time Stormy goes back. He might even leave the hat on his head for it. Lol, it had never even occurred to me that I shouldn't put on hats at the store, until I read a few people here mention they have a 'no trying on hats' policy.

No so much a no hat trying on policy...but more like people leave BUGGY things behind in the hats sometimes. :scared1: We got to deal with the lice thing with DD one time and the only thing we could pin it to was some hats she was trying on in a store.
You continue to excite me that I may get to see some of Flower & Garden! :goodvibes

One of the things that I have on my list when we are in Venice this summer is to get a mask...and of course lots of pizza and gelato!

I had not thought about the trains and the Walt connection...cool! I like the thought that they are there for him.

Glad that Stormy got a chance to do a little running and listen to the drums! I get such an American pride when I see them and imagine them playing.

Funnel cakes...now your talking! I LOVE their pumpkin spice seasonal one!
Fun purchases!

Great update. Cute pics around the world! :)

Thanks! :)

subbing! :goodvibes

I have a little about Stormy's age and another thats 6 months old :scared1: and I am hoping to do the Princess Half next year and having a similar family trip with all of us. Loving this TR:cloud9:

Yay! Welcome! :wave:

I have a friend whose sons are about those ages too (2 and 6ish months)! She seems to have her hands full, I dunno how you guys do it, Stormy is almost too much for me at times! :rotfl: I hope you're able to do the Princess Half! It was so much fun and the best experience ever! I think it's also a really great first 1/2 to do (I was worried about staying focused the whole 13 miles, and there's no issues there, between the on course entertainment and then the other runners. :love: )

Thank you!

No so much a no hat trying on policy...but more like people leave BUGGY things behind in the hats sometimes. :scared1: We got to deal with the lice thing with DD one time and the only thing we could pin it to was some hats she was trying on in a store.

Haha, yeah, I'd figured. I've been lucky so far. But...Icky...
Working on an update today. :) We've started spring cleaning here. It's harder than I thought. We have so much junk. :rotfl: And I'm trying to get our upstairs room made into a spare bedroom/sewing room (we bought our house just over a year ago and the upstairs has sort of just been a catch all until now). AND I'm trying to get it done before the 5th, when my sis comes over for spring break. Ahahaha. :rotfl2:

In the mean time, enjoy Stormy's running bib/medal board I made him yesterday!


I gave it extra hooks for any runs he does in the future, to fit standard sized bibs. :)
I can't believe I didn't comment last time! What is wrong with me?!?

I like all our shopping around the world purchases. I think the owl is my favorite so far--cute!

I like stormy a medals board! I see more runs coming his way!
The next country up was Japan! This was my favorite country when we went for our honeymoon, and I still love it, but I think I preferred Morocco this trip. I had read about the sugar person before our honeymoon and staked out a spot up front and she made a sugar otter (you don't get to keep them though. Sad)


From our Honeymoon! Obviously this has nothing to do with this trip, but I still love this picture. :rotfl:


I think it's sort of funny and sort of sad that they have these "Nikon picture opportunity!" posts around Disney World. I guess I just feel a tiiiiny bit insulted that I need to be told to take a picture of this giant honking temple gate thingy (and then how I've only spotted a couple, so like, are only a few places "worthy" of being official picture spots? Or are they like...sponsored by Nikon? So many questions).

Inside the "Spirited Beasts: From Ancient Stories to Anime Stars" exhibit, I took a few pictures of my favorite spirits.


Oni and Mochi bunny!
Stormy has a paci that has a moon and a sleepy bunny on it, and we call it his mochi binky. The moon bunny is one of my favorite stories, because the bunny makes mochi. How freaking adorable is that??


Tengu, another favorite of mine.
I asked Baloo about the Japanese spirits while we were there, because a lot of them talk about things like "demon spirits" (the Oni), because by a Westerners eye, that sounds evil, right? He said that despite their origins, most of the Japanese spirits are basically neutral, not good or evil. He said the Tengu have killed loooots of people (in myth), but it's all basically in defense of nature. One of the spirits I didn't take a picture of were the Kappas, which are one of the few that seriously freak me out...


There's a manga/comic (later a live action show, I forget if it ever became an Anime as well) called Train Man, or Densha Otoko. It's based on a possibly true story (it's been neither proven nor disproven) of a man who stood up to a drunken passenger on a train who was harassing some women, then later goes on to date one of the women (and uses online chat forums for advice and support). It's a pretty sweet story. In the show, they have an anime they watch, and the woman on the right in this picture is the main character of the anime, and she's based off of Moon Rabbit. She later got her own anime as well, Getsumento Heiki Mina (literally Lunar Rabbit Weapon Mina). In case anyone's ever cared about/noticed the crazy bunny doll with carrot rockets. :rotfl:



A couple building shots of Japan.

We spent a bit of time in the store, because it has the coolest stuff! I wish I could spend so much more money in there. I wanted a tea set, and a kimono, and a bunch of pretty wall scrolls and...


I did come away with some tea paraphernalia.

Tahdah! Owl tea cup!

We asked where the penny machine was, and were told this one was also in International Gateway.

We left Japan and entered Morocco! I don't remember seeing it at all last trip, but I don't know how I could have missed it! It's gorgeous! I guess some good things about having Stormy with us is that I'm more focused on keeping him happy, and he hates being in buildings or shopping, and loooves exploring. So this trip we saw a lot of just the buildings themselves (which are so spectacularly detailed!)



I figured it wasn't actually a store, like it says, and I voiced my disappointment that it wasn't. Baloo pointed out that it was still SOMETHING (the "Gallery of Arts and History") and I was more pleased about that then if it had been a store. I'm not sure why.

We entered to check out the jewelry, weapons, and clothes on display. Fantastic!



Baloo had seen me take a picture of the ceiling in China and looked up and realized how ridiculously intricate it was, and said "I should start looking up more" So here he is looking up, when he saw me taking another picture. After the picture he basically was going on about how crazy the details are.


Stormy, rocking out his humidity-attacked hair (just like his mommy!)

We went back out into the courtyard.


And then let Stormy do some free range. There weren't a whole lot of people here (so sad!), so we figured he could get some energy out. I am so glad we did! He found us the most beautiful, random spot. He ran through a very inconspicuous archway, and we were in this:

This is just....What?? It doesn't seem to be being used for anything (I figured maybe a character meeting spot, but Aladdin and Jasmine were meeting around the corner in the bazaar area, so I'm not sure)


Look at this! And there was no one in there! We stood in there letting Stormy explore for a good 10 minutes and not one single person came through.

He finally got tired of the empty room and ran back out into the street. While Baloo chased him around, I went shopping. Initially I wanted a scarf, but the only ones that came from Morocco were waaaaay too expensive (darnit!), but I eventually found a gorgeous candle holder that said 'handmade in Morocco', yay!

I went to the corner of the store (where lively music was playing) to get a pressed penny, and found that Stormy had followed his ears to the same area and was charming the cast members by dancing to the music! I couldn't get my camera out in time to take a picture, boo!

After the mini dance party was over, Stormy decided it was time to move on. We packed him up in his stroller and made our way to France!
We missed the sugar sculptures last time. One of these trips I want to see her. Did you know they donate all her sculptures to a children's hospital? That's pretty awesome.

You guys are doing some great exploring in WS! We've never seen most of that stuff!

How cute stormy was having a little dance party! The girls did that with some musicians in AK. It's fun to see them enjoying themselves!
I'm back and caught up!!

Cute medal board for Stormy's medal. I still have my Wine & Dine waiting for me to do something.. I had grand plans for it & now I keep thinking I'll wait to put my other ones I plan to get in the next year with it.

But then I think.. maybe I should do them separately.. and then I give up and forget about it... and spend my time on the DIS instead! :rotfl:

I love your little' shop around the world' day you are doing! I might try that next time when there are no kids. My kids don't like World Showcase so I never get to spend as much time there as I want. But next two trips- no kids!!! So...................

When my Sarah was a toddler (and she was very, very active) we found that same area in Morocco to cool down and just let her run. We probably stayed there an hour and almost no one came in - it was awesome! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to see France, England & Canada!!
We missed the sugar sculptures last time. One of these trips I want to see her. Did you know they donate all her sculptures to a children's hospital? That's pretty awesome.

You guys are doing some great exploring in WS! We've never seen most of that stuff!

How cute stormy was having a little dance party! The girls did that with some musicians in AK. It's fun to see them enjoying themselves!

Yep, she said at the start they donate them to the local children's hospital. <3 I hope some child loved my otter. :goodvibes

Hehe, we almost got him to dance in AK too, but he was getting tired, and they were wrapping up just as we got there. Maybe next time! All the dancing kids are so cute, hehe.

I'm back and caught up!!

Cute medal board for Stormy's medal. I still have my Wine & Dine waiting for me to do something.. I had grand plans for it & now I keep thinking I'll wait to put my other ones I plan to get in the next year with it.

But then I think.. maybe I should do them separately.. and then I give up and forget about it... and spend my time on the DIS instead! :rotfl:

I love your little' shop around the world' day you are doing! I might try that next time when there are no kids. My kids don't like World Showcase so I never get to spend as much time there as I want. But next two trips- no kids!!! So...................

When my Sarah was a toddler (and she was very, very active) we found that same area in Morocco to cool down and just let her run. We probably stayed there an hour and almost no one came in - it was awesome! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to see France, England & Canada!!
Thanks! I mostly like how it came out, I wish I had gotten the ear a little more rounded. I might try to fix it later, but I have so much other stuff to get to. :rotfl:

My board is next, and I think I'm going to give it multiple hooks, so that I can put multiple Disney medals up, so they're not overlapping. Gotta show off the Disney bling! My first one, I only gave it one hook, so all the medals pile up together. In hindsight, not the best idea.

The two quotes I'm debating on for mine are:
"You are stronger than you seem, Braver than you believe, and smarter than you think." (Pooh) Kind of long, but I think I could make it fit.
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" (Walt)
The Walt one seems better if I'm trying to do multiple hooks for medals...So I may go with that one because of space, even though I like Pooh better.

Haha, it's nice still being in charge of where we go in the parks....not much longer on that now. Stormy is two in May. :scared1: Next time he goes back, he'll be over three! Yikes!

I can't believe no one goes in there, it's a little sad. So pretty and peaceful! (I guess if everyone went in it wouldn't be so peaceful, though, haha!)
Great additions to your collection from Around the World. I love that little gallery in Morocco.

Nice job on Stormies medal and bib hanger! I need to get one made!
Great additions to your collection from Around the World. I love that little gallery in Morocco.

Nice job on Stormies medal and bib hanger! I need to get one made!

The ones I do are pretty easy. :) I got a large board from Home Depot (and got it cut there, woo! It made 4 rectangle ones, and 2 squares), then I paint them and do the lettering (I print out a phrase, then on the opposite side I scribble a layer of pencil, lay it on the board (pencil scribble down) and trace the letters on top. It transfer the pencil markings onto it, then I use a paint marker to trace/fill in that. I've been using a stencil and painters tape to make a design around the boarder, then attach a picture holder to the back (found out it's way easier to do that first, then the hooks on the front, lol!), then I drill holes for the bib hooks and medal hanger and attach those. Depending on how picky I'm being, it only takes a couple hours. Eventually I'd like to figure out how to round the edges and do cleaner lettering. But I like what I do so far, haha.

Working on an update! My sis was here all week for her spring break and I got behind on everything. :rotfl:
Hopefully I can get Day 2 wrapped up! Because Day 3 started with a kids race, yay! So excited!

After Morocco we were in...France!


On our honeymoon vacation, we ate here as our last meal at Disney. At the time, we had been so overloaded with rich food (free dining, heck yeah!) that I just wanted a cheeseburger. Cheeeesseburgeeeer. So I got the next best thing, a fancy pants mac and cheese. I ate maybe a quarter of it. Delicious, but was not a cheeseburger. I'm a little sad about not having tried anything else. Maybe in the future. It was because of our honeymoon trip we knew that we could only handle quick service dining in the future, with the occasional sit down.


Yay, art nouveau!


Uh oh, and a fence around every tree!


Spent a lot of time here, trying desperately to find a nice, inexpensive scarf from France. This...obviously did not happen. Ah well.



Aurora and Phillip!


Cinderella and Charming!

Crossed the bridge and visited the International Gateway and got my Japan and China pennies, then, onto the UK!





Two of my favorite things together! Disney and Dr. Who, mwahah!


Baloo ran back to France, because we had wanted to get a crepe.


Nummy, sugar crepe! Stormy ended up eating most of it.


I ended up breaking my price limit to buy a really cute pair of earrings from this Kit Heath collection. They're beautiful!


The leaf from France is a hairclip, I've worn it a bunch since getting it.
The earrings are from the Kit Heath collection. The store clerk was saying how their store was one of the few that sold sterling silver jewelry, was the only store that sold Kit Heath, and that these earrings were specially designed for Disney. I've got an Irish heritage, so I love the Celtic knotwork (ish) inside the Mickey head. So perfect for me!


It was dark when we got to Canada, and we still wanted to get to a bit of the Future Showcase.


We popped into the gift shop and didn't get anything, because it was chock full of Tim Horton's stuff (awesoooome!). Weeeee...have lots and lots of Tim Hortons near us, so that seemed a bit silly. The gift shop was closing, and I didn't find anything in time.


I ended up picking up a flag Mickey head pin at a post on the way out, haha. We went to see the 360 film and then headed to Mexico for dinner.


Baloo got the Empanadas de Queso (fresh corn masa (dough) filled with Chihuahua cheese topped with green sauce served with corn tortilla chips) and a Paleta (traditional fruit Popsicle) and I got the Torta de Barbacoa (Traditional Mexican Sandwich with Beef Barbacoa, Black Beans, Guacamole and Sour Cream) and a churrito dessert. We both got Jarittos to drink.
It was all excellent. I loved the empanadas, but it wouldn't have made for a very substantial meal (Baloo and I spit our meals). The sandwich was delicious and not as messy as I expected. If you notice the ground, this was another meal we spent not at a table, as it was jam packed at Epcot that night.


We had enough time to get to The Seas (which I figured Stormy would like best).


Ahhh! The shark got my poor baby!

We did Turtle Talk and the Nemo ride. Stormy was pretty tired by now and wasn't really into either, he wanted to go back and play in the shark.


He passed out just in time for the fireworks (which we figured would wake him up, but didn't!)


Posing in the starry sky, on the ground! I'm Evangaline today, after all.


We did Spaceship Earth, naturally. Baloo held Stormy the whole ride (who was still asleep). I'm not sure why it didn't put their faces on the screen too. Maybe because Baloo didn't answer any of the questions? I dunno.


The end of a very long day at Epcot!!


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