Universal Web Site Input Needed!


DIS Veteran
Mar 8, 2000
As many of you know (thanks to all who visited), several months ago I created Universal Orlando Information Overload, an unofficial guide to Universal Orlando. Unfortunatly my attempts failed due mainly to lack of time on my part, lack of feedback from visitors, and lack of fresh or new information.

I now have more free time to visit the parks and am considering launching the site again in the next few weeks. This time I would like to offer information to more or less suplement what is found on Pete's sit (usfinfo.com), rather than competing with it. I've come up with several ideas and would like your input on my ideas as well as any additional ideas you may have!

1) Overall reviews of each park, including attractions, shops, and restaraunts.
2) Guide to savings and discounts available for Universal Orlando. Ie - How to maximize savings by using an AP, entertainment card, etc.
3) Message Board- At the end of each ride review I would feature a direct link to the message board, allowing users to comment on each ride or ask other visitors questions, etc.
4) A guide to special events at Uni. Orlando such as Mardi Gras and HHN
5) Information on small attractions near Uni Orlando. (Wonder Works, Skull Kingdom, etc.) Many people ask what to do on their first evening in town or after the parks close!
6) A rumors page.

What do you think about these ideas? What else would you like to see? Please let me know ASAP. Also would you like a graphical site or more of a text/content site?



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