Two Days--Two Parks


DIS Veteran
Mar 22, 2001
While we've vactioned plenty at WDW (and enjoyed the cruise, as well), we're new to DL and want some tips on what is not to be missed. We'll only have two full days (May 24 & 25) and are a family of three (our daughter is 11). Will we have time to enjoy a tour (like Walt's footsteps?) and a sitdown meal or should we stick with the park attractions (certainly we'll be back another time!?) How do we get the best seating for fantasmic? Any other special shows that are MUST SEE?

Any input for us novices is appreciated. Thanks! :cool:

3/3/00 Magic
3/3/01 Magic
3/2/02 Magic
If you are spending 2 full days, you might get most of both parks in that amount of time. No way can you do everything in just 2 days. DCA is a one-day park for us, less for some people, about that if you do at least one sit-down meal in the park. (Avalon Cove is very nice. :) ) We consider Disneyland to be a 2-day park, but many people who don't rest and take breaks as much as we do will do it in one day.

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"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
I'd make it a priority to hit first the attractions that are NOT duplicated at Disney World -- notably and most importantly INDIANA JONES! It's ingenious and fun and just plain great. Go first thing in the morning and avoid the LOOONNNNG lines.

If you have EE, try Pinnochio and Alice in Wonderland.

After that, hit Matterhorn bobsleds.

Others that ARE at both parks, but are BETTER at DL include the Haunted Mansion, Pirates, and Small World.

As for Fantasmic...last summer, we snagged a spot right by the light projectors about 30 minutes before the show. Not bad -- and about as good as you can get without forking over the bucks (and losing sleep) for the Fantasmic Buffet.

Consider Fantasmic much like IllumiNations at Epcot. You'll likely get a very good spot an hour or so before. (Some even stake out spots two hours early, but you won't have the time for that foolishness :D)

Also: do NOT miss the Believe fireworks -- far and away the best Disney display anywhere. (They even surpass IllumiNations, I think!) Best viewing spot is from Main Street, near the Walt & Mickey statue.

Have a wonderful time. We're going for our second helping of Disneyland next week! Can't wait!

<font color=blue>
<font face="Alaska">"It's the time of your life, so live it well..."

Greg K.
Forest Hills, NY
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Grand Floridian: '96,'97,'99
Disneyland Hotel: '00 '01

Thanks for the informed reponses! I knew I could collect the information I needed (quickly) by simply asking on this board! Dis is GREAT!

Anyone else? :D

3/3/00 Magic
3/3/01 Magic
3/2/02 Magic
Believe fireworks better than Illuminations!? I certainly have to put that on my list. I think I'll have to see it to Believe it (I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist!) :D

Any other "must sees?"

3/3/00 Magic
3/3/01 Magic
3/2/02 Magic


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