Tuffcookie and DS back from FW!


Enjoys an early hour of peace. Is a smart cookie.
Jan 8, 2000
WOW!!! Rhonda and everyone, You were so right when you described FW. We had such a wonderful time. We are already talking about going back next year. The weather was perfect except for a 2 hour bout of rain Thursday afternoon. I plan on posting my trip report when I get all my notes composed. Thanks to all. I never would have known about FW if it weren't for you! TC :cool:
Welcome back!!! We missed you!! I can't wait to read your trip report!

What loop did you end up in? Did you like the location? Did you go to the campfire program? Did you watch the Electrical Water Pageant? Did you visit the petting zoo? Did you rent a golf cart? Did you buy refillable mugs????

LOL! Ok....I'll wait for the trip report - but hurry up! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
Tuffcookie & son I am so sorry we missed you for the Dis Meet. My daughter was in the emergancy room getting treated for an acute swimmers ear infection. I'll write you more later!!

Did any one show up for your Dis meet?? The E night one was a pactically a total bust! I had no idea the Electric parade came through At 8:00. And the Monorail we were on broke down so we didn't even get to Walt and Mickey's statue till 8:45pm DixieDreamer was the only one there and she had seen only one other person. Oh,well live and learn!! the Apr.1,2001 TOT Dis meet worked out Better you can see a pic of us on the Community Board!!! :D :D :D :D



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