Trip Report #18 is DONE!


DIS Veteran
Sep 24, 1999
I FINALLY got trip report #18 posted--less than a week till #19, but I did it! You can find it on my website at
The new spa treatment is is out there as well. Also, if you haven't checked out the "secret" deck 7 and 8 aft overlooks and the dual portholes in the deck 1 staterooms, they are still there.
I also made some changes to my website, including a new menu and "Back" buttons on each page to make navigation easier.
Enjoy! Lots more updates coming up after trip #19 on Feb. 7th.
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If I don't say it before you leave, "Have a great #19!!!". I'm heading over to your site to read #18. We have a l-o-n-g way to go for our #4.

Tina :)
Magic Western 1/18/03
350 days
All the work and effort you put in to make things easier and interesting for the rest of us! You're so thoughtful and it is much appreciated! Have a great #19. We are leaving soon too. We'll be on the 2/10 Wonder! So excited for first cruise- can't wait!
Hi guys,

It was great to read your trip report. We really did have a great time aboard the Wonder and it was great meeting you and Tony!

We are so envious of you. We wish we were going back on the Wonder!!!! We booked our 7-day Magic cruise but it's not until January 18, 2003. It's soooo far away!!!! We're not sure how we are going to wait that long!!!!

Take care and have a FANTASTIC vacation!!!!!

:bounce: :bounce:
Just read your trip report, and am soooo looking forward to going. It will be our first cruise ever and first for Western sailing.

I was reading the parasailing your husband did on CC. I also want to do it but am chicken. You state it was only 3 minutes, the excursion statement on DCL website says 45 minutes with 7-9 minutes airborne time. 3 minutes I may actually try, 7-9 mins. I have some reservations about.

If you're up there and then want to come down is there a way to let them know and will they take you down. Like I said before have never parasailed, want to do it, but in the same breath am chicken.
I just asked hubby and he says he doesn't recall them mentioning a could probably ask about that before signing up. But he does have one warning...they can only reel you in so fast, so if you wanted to come down, it would take a little time. But he says he thinks you will love it so much that you will want to stay up longer!
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