Traveling with TWINS ******


Earning My Ears
Jan 13, 2001
Traveling to Orlando with my 4 year old g/b Twins in 3 weeks, staying at Coronado Springs. We want to spend one or two days at US/IOA. Looking for transportation suggestions from Coronado to US. Also what are your recommendations as far as which park to visit, if we choose to visit only one park,considering the TWins'ages? IOA or US? Thanks for all your help.
USF is one of my favorite parks. We took our son when he was 2, the only thing he liked at that age was Barney. I think if we went back now, he would really Jaws, King Kong and the Nick studios.

This year we are for sure going to IOA, Suess Landing sounds great, and he is so into Super Hero's, any kind.

You'll have a great time no matter what park you go to, IOA seems to be more modern and more advanced, but, USF is fun as well.


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