TR-Mission:Exploration of new worlds by Capt’n Wrongway Wendy-Complete

WOW - what an amazing holiday, and such STUNNING photos!!

I love your photo of the Padang in Singapore, my mum and dad lived in Singapore for about 4 years in the late '60' dad was a groovy professional ten-pin bowler - hysterical!! :hippie:

Anyway, he used to play cricket on the Padang - and we have been back to Singapore a couple of times now - and always we go to the Padang to see where Big Daddy used to play. I recognised it instantly in your picture - thanks for the blast from the past (and for the AMAZING trip report)!! :worship:

Thanks. Happy to bring back memories - I don't think I knew they had professional ten-pin bowlers??? and glad you are enjoying the posts. Hope you'll enjoy touring Scotland and Spain with me when I get to them too.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics. PIO and I were discussing it on another thread (did you feel your ears burning :wave2:) and Singapore looks lovelier than I imagined it to be.

I thought it might mean I was going to hear I'd won lotto (sort of like itchy palms) - :lmao:
Loving the report - DL Paris is beautiful. Can't wait to show DD when she wakes up..

Hope she is a very pretty park as everyone says and if you are not a big thrill rider, lots of additional walk-through type attractions.
Apologies for the slowness. I am always behind...

Aussie Wendy, I just finished reading. What a great TR, you have a wonderful way of describing things and I love your photos! I spent 10 years of my children in Singapore and have a love hate relationship with the country. Its always interesting seeing it from a visitor's perspective. I must admit I have not been back for a while and your TR has me wanting to visit the new additions.

We never did make it to the other resorts in DLP so its been great seeing them through your TR! Your photos is helping us relive wonderful memories. Love your photo from BTMM. Classic!

Can't wait to follow on the rest of the trip.
Stardate: Wednesday May 15

Captains Log: Destination Paris the city. Post 1.

Having been living in a different dimension for 2 days it was time to see real life so today we caught a train to Paris. The day started cold and drizzling like every other and I woke at 6.30 feeling tired, headachy and hungry. Grumpily took aspirin, threw some clothes on and went to breakfast and afterwards just climbed back into bed for another hour for some warmth and snooze time (sometimes Captains just need that little extra tlc). Feeling 100% an hour later and after hot showers, we caught the bus to the train.

Jessie was out for meet and greets today.

These daffodils show just how late spring is in Europe this year.

We bought our Mobilis day passes and were on the 9.30 train so considering my extra nap, not bad and I was now feeling much more like sightseeing. It was easy to change to the metro to Trocadero and there our lady was.

The River Seine, running high due to flooding upstream.

An old fashioned merry-go-round

The queues were amazingly short and it would probably have only been a 30 minute wait to go up but I had been teased by pics taken from Tour Montparnesse which include the Eiffel Tower in the views. We walked across Champs de Mars and I led us eastwards towards the metro. Whilst the First Officer started muttering about my navigation again, I delivered him to Dupleix, albeit one station earlier than where I thought I’d be. From here it was an easy ride to the tower.

The queue to go up was about 10 mins and only because there is only 1 lift and a Japanese tour group just beat us. Up top there is an inside section with a café and small gift shop and big viewing windows and up the stairs an exterior viewing platform, partly glassed in but with gaps for piccy taking- and it was empty:

The views were stunning-here is an almost 360 look at Paris:

The Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower with the Arc de Triomphe to right.

Close up of the Hotel des Invalides and Arc de Triomphe

Jardin des Tuilleries and the Louvre, Sacre Coeur in the background

St Sulpice to left, Notre Dame right to the rear, Luxembourg Palace right.

Palais du Luxembourg

Cimetiere du Montparnesse

After gawking, we were starving and headed out and across the road, to a Galleries Lafayette shopping mall, walked straight into the first restaurant we saw that looked pretty good-an Italian place. Cannelloni and a large glass of rose for me, lasagne and a Heineken for DH followed by a tiramisu for me and we were pretty relaxed. DH sent a bragging text to DD who despairs that we always feed her breadsticks when on hols as we don’t find time to stop and eat.

continued next post
What great pics of Paris. Somewhere I can hear La Vie En Rose playing.

Thank you.
Destination Paris the city Post 2

Onwards, I had plans to walk along the Promenade Plantee, the forerunner of the High Line in NYC, where a disused freight rail line has been turned into a garden walkway. Since we were this end, we decided to join it about half way along near the Jardin de Reuilly.

It was a lovely walk. A lot of the flowers were not yet blooming but it would be stunning when all the roses and late spring flowers were out and it was fun looking out at the beautiful French architecture along the way.

Jardin de Reuilly (borrowed as our pic didn't come out)

My man

Some of that gorgeous architecture

This piece is famous-12 replicas of Michelangelo’s The Dying Slave on a police building of all places.

More architecture

Detail of a balcony support

Spring blossom

At the end near Bastille we came down. Underneath the railway arches on this stretch, called the Viaduc des Artes, trendy boutiques have set up.

We crossed the road and made our way towards the marina called Bassin de l'Arsenal and the start of the Canal St Martin. However, crossing a road, my ankle suddenly turned and encumbered by scarfs and jumpers and leather jackets I was face-planting the tarmac before I had any time to save myself. Probably a good thing or I might have broken my wrist or something I guess. As it was, cheek to jowl with the road, DH rushing madly out to stop crazy French drivers from running over me, I felt more foolish than hurt. We continued as planned, DH having wiped a graze on my cheek with antiseptic wipes in case of any French road germs, me limping along.

Here is a pic of the canal with the Colonne de Juillet in Place Bastille in the background. There was an antiques fair on its banks.

By now my ankle was feeling sore, as was my shoulder and knee and my cheek was throbbing, but I was determined to continue so we headed across one of the little bridges over the Seine to Isle St Louis. Unfortunately I was too full from lunch for another icecream at Bertillon – should have waited but at lunchtime wasn’t sure we would do this this afternoon. This area was the most crowded with people we have seen so far.

Padlocks smother Pont de l'Archeveche and we noticed in our travels around Spain, on any bridge there were always some nascent locks ready to start a profusion.

We had a look at Notre Dame. They have built a big viewing platform in front for its 850th celebration and will hold events there. Can’t say it added anything despite the promotional material – (from the website: The heart of this anniversary will be the pilgrimage which will be offered to everyone and which will begin on the cathedral square on which will stand an ephemereal building especially designed for the anniversary. We wish to offer to everyone to look at the Lord and the Virgin Mary and rediscover the beauty and the wealth of Notre-Dame de Paris. You can already write up this pilgrimage in next year calendar! And another “An impressive, 13-metre high structure will stand in front of the building for a year.”)

The ephemeral building which I am sad to say we didn’t photograph (and can’t find a pic of on the web presumably because no-one finds it photo-worthy) looked like very temporary stadium seating with a ramp from the back and steps at the front. It detracted I felt from the front of the cathedral though did give a slightly higher viewpoint for which to photograph the façade or just sit and look. Behind were some marquees which this week were selling super-expensive bread and pastries as part of some promotion of French food -why buy there when such great alternatives at 50% of the price up the street?

I took advantage to sit for a bit before we had a walk inside – my ankle wasn’t up to the tower climb.

Detail of statuary on the front

Gargoyle detail from below

Rose window

The plan had been to spend the rest of the day at the Louvre which has late opening Wednesdays then go up the Arc de Triomphe for views of the Eiffel Tower “twinkling” its lights on the hour after dark. However, I felt too sore and tired for a protracted wander in the Louvre and decided to call it a day early. It was not our first visit to Paris and hopefully, will not be our last.

We walked back along the quay side passing my favourite arrondissement-St Germain, with its flower and pet shops and stalls along the pavement.

The Concergerie

Flower stalls

Continued next post
Exploration Paris the city post 3

It was an easy trip back from Les Halles to Marnee la Vallee. We got in around 6.30 and I remembered the parade was on at 7pm and I was a bit concerned our dinner booking tomorrow at Walts might mean we got out too late to watch it all. So it was an easy detour although we didn’t nab the best spot being last minute.

It was a good parade. I was amused by the parade-Nazi getting cross at kids (and me) sitting on the kerb. He told me off in a stream of French – what?? I wriggled back so I wouldn’t be in the way at all, like at any other Disney parade I have been to; no – he was back – more streams of French screaming and hand waving. I gave up, I got up and as I had crowds surging, pushing me forwards off the kerb, I shifted across the road to where DH had picked a spot safely protected by a bin. The CM continued to harangue children up and down the line – for sitting on the kerb, for touching the rope, for skipping up and down-I thought he was going to arrest one poor little girl once. He was the only cranky CM we came across - but boy, he shouldn’t have been on parade duty.

The parade, however, was really good, with catchy music that they were selling on a DVD in the stores (they kept trying to sell me one when I enquired about a Dreams one). I liked the Princess Float which also included Tiana and Rapunzel, my favourite The Lion King, Peter Pan with very ferocious looking pirates. At the back of the last float was Tinkerbell. We didn’t get a pic from our position (well if I had had a camera I could have – but mine broke down in Singapore not to be resurrected).

Post 4

and the last pics (grr just didn't fit but can't leave out Duffy!)

After the parade we caught the Sante Fe bus as a shortcut to reach the garage minimart for some supplies; had our cup of soups with bread and cake for dinner and asleep by 9.30! Dicovered my right knee-cap is very, very sore but ah well, at least my face doesn’t look like I have been beaten up!

Capt'n s lows and highs: Highs: Tour Montparnesse, lazy Italian lunch, Disneyland Parade
Lows: Getting more intimate with the French tarmac than panned; everyone coughing in our face on the Metro-the whole of Paris is sick!
I feel like a broken record telling you how fantastic your photos are but they truly are :goodvibes

Looks like Duffy had a great time at DLP. Did he manage to get to the top of the beanstalk? The photo of the "real" Duffy with you and your Duffy, looks like a Goldilocks & the 3 Bears photo. I'm trying to work out if you were posing as Mama Bear or Goldilocks?

Love, love love the photos of you and your DH out and about around Paris. You've done such a great job of capturing the Parisian architecture from the vistas all the way down to the minute detail of the gargoyles. For this reason I can't to get a look at Spain through your lens. :)

Here's hoping your fall didn't cause you too much pain for the following days of your trip.
What great pics of Paris. Somewhere I can hear La Vie En Rose playing.

Thank you.

My pleasure PIO - yes I could hear it playing as we walked along too!!

Aaaahhh. Paris. DD loves all your photos too.

Glad to oblige - 1 more day at DLP left with less pics mostly of Disney Studios I think and Dreams.

I feel like a broken record telling you how fantastic your photos are but they truly are :goodvibes

Looks like Duffy had a great time at DLP. Did he manage to get to the top of the beanstalk? The photo of the "real" Duffy with you and your Duffy, looks like a Goldilocks & the 3 Bears photo. I'm trying to work out if you were posing as Mama Bear or Goldilocks?

Love, love love the photos of you and your DH out and about around Paris. You've done such a great job of capturing the Parisian architecture from the vistas all the way down to the minute detail of the gargoyles. For this reason I can't to get a look at Spain through your lens. :)

Here's hoping your fall didn't cause you too much pain for the following days of your trip.

Aw thanks :blush: Not up to some of the experts on here but we were pleased with most -they captured our memories which is what the aim is! NO Duffy didn't make it right to the top-it got a bit high for a little bear...and I think I was definitely Mama Bear not Goldilocks. As for Spain - lot of short listing to be done - but first ditto the Chelsea Flower Show and Harry Potter Studios Tour-that's gonna' be hard-every display was click click click.
Wendy - you make everything sound so wonderful! Disneyland Paris looks beautiful - I, too, love the pink palace, and the dragon!
And those photos of Paris - how stunning! Particularly those from the lookout above! Those vistas are beautiful - and you had a lovely clear day, too!

Thanks for sharing - I look forward to more when you can! :) :surfweb:
Stardate: Thursday May 16

Captains Log: Au revoir to DLP post 1

Today the focus was on catching all the shows in Walt Disney Studios. It started off another cold morning though not as wet. Got to the parks at 9am, half way through EMH and first off rode Buzz in Discoveryland.

Entry to Discoveryland

It says "Tout ce qui est dans la limite du possible, doit etre et sera accomli". Jules Verne.

Riding Buzz

So quiet walked round and rode again. I totally thrashed DH (though in terms of scores we were both appalling); given I am not renown for my aim, this was a big surprise-and he was seriously put out which I thought was even funnier!

Then back in Fantasyland we rode Peter Pan and I rode the Carousel (interesting fact: a carousel only has horses and carriages and goes anti-clockwise whilst a merry-go-round has all sorts of animals and vehicles and goes clockwise like the one near the Seine). I loved the horses here but was a bit disappointed that though the outside ring were very high, they didnt go up and down much unlike some, so didnt capture the cantering feeling you can get (yes I am 50+ not 5+).

This pic was taken on Tuesday evening

This horse is magnificent

Me having a ride

Then we headed over to the Studios.

The partner statue

Look who was out and about

We had arrived just after the 10am opening and power walked to Crush in Toon Studios.

I had taken the precaution of a Kwell before we left since I get motion sick. DH couldnt be persuaded after feeling so ill after the backwards section on Expedition Everest in WDW in 2008. The queue was only around 30 mins (a record!)

I was queueing in front of a family of 3, a couple with their little girl, European but spoke English so when we got close I asked could I join them since I was by myself. I was concerned with just light me in the back of one the balance might be really off and I would spin far too much (or not at all). They said yes so I rode with him while she went with her daughter. DH positioned himself for pics but I ended up facing backwards as I came out the tunnel

It was great fun  really exhilarating swooping up and down and round and round - and I am so glad I did it, but very head spinning! I think they thought I wanted to ride with them as I was scared as afterwards, they kept asking me was I ok? Did I enjoy it? I screamed a bit which I saw amused my partner! Forgot to look at the pics and take a photo-bummer. I would have had a look of terror probably!

Somewhere nearby

Onto Cars Quatre Roues Ralle  fun

Stopped for a look at Toy Story Playland. This is done well and I would have liked a ride on the Parachutes but my head was still a bit too spinny so headed back across Hollywood Boulevard to the Backlot.

Continued post 2
Au Revoir to Disneyland Post 2

In the Production Courtyard

Walt and Mickey from a different angle


On display outside Armageddon is the drilling machine Armadillo. This was the actual prop used in the movie to bore into the impending asteroid.

Nearby is the Hollywood Tower Hotel  or is it?

I loved this statue in the Tower garden

Armageddon was ready to load so we jumped in, only to have the doors close just in front of us. We should have exited and done something else-I didnt realise so we waited the longest here I think-25 mins. It was actually pretty slack  meant to be filming the movie and they talked a bit about making the effects. Then you are taken inside a space crafts control room supposedly for the film shoot as it is being bombarded by rocks from a huge asteroid so there are explosions and it rocks and fire shoots out at you  if you were 6 this could have been scary and exciting perhaps  for us it was a bit ?????

Next we lined up for the Moteurs  Action Stunt Show Spectacular. Now we have seen a lot of these over the years, and perhaps we are jaded, but we found this one to be the least spectacular we have seen. There was also a lot of talking and explanations and not a lot of actual action. The warm up was a guy on a motorbike doing typical stunts then we had some very simple car chases with the baddie dodging a group of cars in formation driving in and around the set sort of thing. Lightening McQueen got a feature..

They had a member of the audience selected at the start of the show and the end piece of trickery using that person was quite good. There was the usual small explosion and guy in flames at the end too but the stunts were nowhere near as clever as eg the Indiana Jones Stunt Show at WDW or the old Stunt show at Movieworld where you used to (many many years ago) have a helicopter blow up. At the conclusion they played on a big screen the scenes put together to show it as it would look as an action film.

We joined the small crowd heading straight into Cinemagique but the theatre was only about half full and we had centre row seats. This was a lot of fun very cleverly incorporating clips of classic movies from the old B&Ws to Titanic and Star Wars, and embedding live actors to tell a story  very funny, and much better than the movie ride at WDS at WDW.

It was now well past lunch and we had a 6pm dinner booking at Walts. Decided to eat lightly and use the internet at Maccas rather than grabbing a QS at the Studios.

I loved this chefs hat seen on the way out.

The Art of Animation hat

Posters under the railway arch.

Lunch over, checked dog still alive and happy, we caught the bus back for a little pre-dinner nap/Disney TV viewing.

We headed back in to Disneyland around 5pm. Outside Hotel New York they had zorbs:

We took some pics of the foyer and surrounds but it is very dark with lights strung up and the pics are blurry. Back in Disneyland we did a spot of shopping before dinner.

I found a faded retro DLP T shirt I liked but it was only L and XL and the L was way too L. So did a bit of a race around seeking an M to no avail.

Dinner at Walts was very nice. We just chose off the a la carte menu as didnt fancy the entrée and main choices on the 2 course deal. We were seated by a window but in a quiet corridor between 2 rooms rather than in one of the main rooms. I had the lamb cooked two ways (roasted and seven-hour confit) with gnocci and DH had the fillet of grilled beef (I think  some sort of steak). Then we shared a desert sampler plate of crème brulee, warm chocolate pudding, fresh fruit salad (was just passionfruit I think) in a chocolate case and mini macaroon. The chocolate pudding was the best of the samples. Accompanied by a nice glass of wine and DH a beer and total cost was E73 (E61 for food) so not much more than the 2 course specials and we like desert not entrees and had a wider choice.

(Borrowed pic since it seems we neglected to take one??)

We were out just in time to see the parade (I had determined the view from our window wasnt very good or I might have prolonged desert and coffee!). Only took a few more pics which I posted with yesterday's views.

We tried a few more stores to find my T shirt with no luck so I bought a 2013 celebration one. Re-rode our favourite rides Pirates, BTM and Phantom Manor while we were in the vicinity then walked over to Discoveryland.

Did the walk through Les Mysteres du Nautilus  shades of Tokyo Disneysea.

I am sure this is Mysterious Island in Tokyo Disneysea?

Watch out for this sea creature that is rapidly approaching:

Safe on the surface, an alternate way to fly into Space.

And another, the Hyperion

I prefer the Enterprise  it's a lot more comfy.

More favourite friends

Continued next post.
Au Revoir Disneyland Post 3

We had time for another ride on IASW. Not sure if I have said but I thought this one of the best IASW. The exhibits seemed more detailed and closer together or something. (Another interesting fact, at DLP the song is sung in 19 different languages including Arabic and Hebrew).

We then headed back to Central Plaza and found ourselves a perch on the second tier of flower beds. Had about a 30 minute wait this time- and I was rapt through-out and noticing more detail this time. Here is the collected subset of pics to give you the flavour (none edited yet):

The magic spilling out after Peter’s shadow escapes.

Beauty and the Beast segment – Eiffel Tower made from tea cups

More B&B



Moving into Hunchback of Notre Dame (note Peter [or might be his shadow] on the magic carpet)

Continued last post
Au revoir to Disneyland final post

The Lion King


Tangled lantern scene

Princess and the Frog

Defeating various villains

The magic has returned conclusion.

Farewell to Disneyland

Capt’ns highlights and lowlights for the day:
Highs – riding Crush, Dreams again, dinner at Walts. Lows: having to leave tomorrow.
Beautiful Wendy. I've so enjoyed this look at Paris DL. I was sharing your pics with my brother tonight (he's heading to France) and I think you're pictures have convinced him to stop by DL for a visit. :thumbsup2

ps. Hope that you were feeling better on this day and that the ankle was not so sore.


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