Today's show tension? (4/19)

But geez Jes, you'd think we'd have even BETTER odds with this method!
Not when he runs up to the wheel, stops it and pushes the dart into the wedge he likes best.
Mostly based on the pretty colour of said wedge.

Wait... You can read?! (Insert picture of Draco Malfoy when he finds out Crabbe/Goyle can read)

Bugger!! You beat me to it!!
I've been waiting for a bit before responding to you guys on this thread because - well, first off, I've been sick with a ridiculous virus all week, but mostly because I wanted to sort of let you guys know where I'm coming from with my positivity all the time.

Here's the thing... my kids [who are now 18 and 14] were only 2 and 6 on our very first trip to Disneyland. Watching the joy they exuded during that first trip was the coolest thing my husband and I had ever seen before. We had so much fun watching them have the time of their lives and it was quite addicting. Every time something new came to Disneyland, we absolutely loved it because our kids loved it. It was fun and Disneyland did not ever leave us disappointed.

Fast forward a few years later to when the kids were 7 and 11; that would be our first visit to Walt Disney World. We, like many folks, noticed a lot of differences between Magic Kingdom and Disneyland - some of which were not-so-great. But, the thing was, we lived on the East coast now, so WDW would most likely be the Park(s) of choice and we'd either need to overlook those differences and continue to enjoy it for what it was or cough up the money for flights for the 4 of us to continue going to Disneyland instead.

I'll be honest and say that every new thing that has come along since our first trip to WDW in 2008 has been pretty cool. One example; I thought Spectromagic was cool, but I was excited when it went away and the MSEP came along because that was familiar to me and I missed it. I can't think of one thing I can honestly say that I'm disappointed in. Is that a choice? You bet it is! I could totally choose to be annoyed at so many things at the Parks, but why? If I'm going to put forth energy, it's going to be positive. While I realize that it might not make for the most exciting conversation under the sun, it's still how I choose to be.

The other thing is; people might make fun of it, they might come off as rude, they might think I'm ridiculously boring because of it - but I don't worry myself with any of that because I already know that I cannot change their opinions just as they cannot change mine - and, that's alright too. The world would be a really boring place if we were all the same and agreed all the time. Believe me, when/if I don't like something, I am very honest about it. I just don't tend to read/listen to reviews of a lot of stuff because I want to experience it myself before I pass judgement. I also happen to believe in Disney as a company who has provided much magic and joy to my family over the years. So, if y'all don't mind (or, even if you do), I will continue to have a positive outlook on upcoming things at the Parks until those things prove to be no fun at all - and then I'll still do my absolute very best to find the good in it anyways because that's how I roll. :goodvibes
Thanks for sharing your story, @WebmasterJackie!
Although, I will admit ... I think it's sad that we live in a world where you have to explain excitement and positivity. One of the reasons why I love seeing you on the show is that when I go to Disney, I generally have that same "everything is great" attitude because I don't want to look for problems. Sometimes I see the problems, but I prefer not to seek them out or dwell on them when I do see them. Even though I'm back to my usual angry self once I leave Disney property, I really love seeing that positive attitude on the podcast (and here on the boards) and knowing that I'm not the only one who is excited by what's going on at the parks (and beyond).
Jackie, thank you for always being a shining beacon of excitement and positivity!
Jackie, you're wonderful.

I tend to err more on the "Kevin" end of the spectrum at times (sarcastic, snarky, opinionated, yet honest and willing to listen to others) however, I do enjoy hearing your thoughts.
I always try to be devils advocate and argue both sides (maybe not here as much as in my real life) but I think that has become more prevalent as my career has progressed and I've taken on more analytical roles.

Jackie, I know you will and certainly don't need me to tell you this, but keep being you babe.

I do wish they wouldn't (jokingly/in a friendly way) pick on you quite as much, whether it is or isn't, It can come across as a bit awkward to those listening. But I love the dynamic of the team, so I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too? :)
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You can be "everything is awesome", but just have something to say. Bring some substance to your praise, like Lou Mongello on his show or like Kathy always does on The DIS (and come on, if anyone is a "beacon of positivity" it's Kathy!).

Jackie seems very nice, I don't want to come across criticizing her as person. Anyone would be lucky to consider her a friend. But The DIS is meant to be entertaining. Hers are the only segments where no one else talks, because trip planning threads aren't interesting. And when she says she doesn't worry at all about being "ridiculously boring" (her quote), well... then maybe you shouldn't be on a podcast? If you don't care if you're boring the listeners, should you really be on the show?
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Jackie seems very nice, I don't want to come across criticizing her as person. Anyone would be lucky to consider her a friend, and I totally wish her the best. But The DIS is meant to be entertaining. Hers are the only segments where no one else talks, because trip planning threads aren't interesting. And when she says she doesn't worry at all about being "ridiculously boring" (her quote), well... then maybe you shouldn't be on a podcast? If you don't care if you're boring the listeners, should you really be on the show?

To me, the DIS isn't just entertaining - it's informative too. Sometimes information can be a little boring to some people. Maybe nobody else in the room cares about the trip planning threads because they're not planning a trip. But (from what I understand) the point of Jackie's segment isn't to entertain the people in the room, it's to highlight some threads that may be useful to someone planning a trip. I'll admit, I've never checked out a thread just because Jackie mentioned it ... but I'm also not currently planning a trip. If I was planning a trip, I think Jackie's threads would be the most important and interesting part of the show for me.
Just because she bores some people, doesn't mean her information is not relevant. I don't think Pete would bring her on the show if he thought her information was completely irrelevant to everyone.
To me, the DIS isn't just entertaining - it's informative too. Sometimes information can be a little boring to some people. Maybe nobody else in the room cares about the trip planning threads because they're not planning a trip. But (from what I understand) the point of Jackie's segment isn't to entertain the people in the room, it's to highlight some threads that may be useful to someone planning a trip. I'll admit, I've never checked out a thread just because Jackie mentioned it ... but I'm also not currently planning a trip. If I was planning a trip, I think Jackie's threads would be the most important and interesting part of the show for me.
Just because she bores some people, doesn't mean her information is not relevant. I don't think Pete would bring her on the show if he thought her information was completely irrelevant to everyone.
I tend not to check out thread in other areas of the boards because they're so long and a lot of the stuff is repeated over and over, but I did check out the "how is the DIS making you broke" one from this month, and I've gotten a couple of tips that I'm now looking into.
But as you said, I'm currently planning a trip, if I wasn't, I probably wouldn't have.
But also, not everyone is a veteran of WDW/the boards/the podcast, everyone is new at some point, so this would apply to them for example.
And there's ALWAYS newbies!
First off @WebmasterJackie - very sorry to hear about the virus you have and hope you feel better super fast!

also, I think most of us love the view you bring and it actually is really helpful to be reminded of the job that Disney has brought most of us over the years (sometimes can be easy to focus on the negatives - but generally being in Disney park is still really cool!) - so I hope that come though!
Jackie seems very nice, I don't want to come across criticizing her as person. Anyone would be lucky to consider her a friend, and I totally wish her the best. But The DIS is meant to be entertaining. Hers are the only segments where no one else talks, because trip planning threads aren't interesting. And when she says she doesn't worry at all about being "ridiculously boring" (her quote), well... then maybe you shouldn't be on a podcast? If you don't care if you're boring the listeners, should you really be on the show?

I agree with you that the segment doesn't really work, but I think its not necessarily all Jackie's fault. The original segment needed some freshening up because oftentimes the most "popular" threads are not really the most productive or useful threads. But I have also found that the "best" trip planning threads haven't been that useful either. I don't think I have ever visited a thread that has been mentioned in the show. Not sure why, but I have never been motivated enough to do it.

I also agree with you that the segments are dead. No one else at the table seems to listen or participate (other than Pete) in the segments, and if it comes off as the people at the table aren't listening than you can't really expect the audience to be that engaged as well.

Jackie might not have done anything to rejuvenate the segment, but I felt the segment had run its course anyway.
Jackie - First of all, hope you get better REALLY soon! Next, Princess Jes and MaxRebo already so eloquently stated most of how I personally feel - so - read what they wrote to you, and come back to me, I'll wait. :). Last but DEFINITELY not least - I love you just the way you are, even if we don't always feel about/see things the same way - keep being you, girlfriend! Besides - what would be the MOST boring to me is if everybody on the Team felt/acted the same (or even posters here!). Everyone has their own opinions, attitudes, and outlooks, and are totally entitled to them! What a boring world this would be if everybody was the same!!

I will also point out one of the reasons Pete STOPPED doing the "top threads" (as somebody else has already pointed out) is that HE felt there was too much negativity on the boards, and in the top threads when those "top threads" shows were done - so - that says to me he WANTED and ENCOURAGED Jackie to report on and talk about the threads she does, AND to put a positive bent on things......and as it's been stated many times here before - the man who BUILT and OWNS these boards and the show gets to decree WHAT and HOW things are discussed on them.......don't like it, don't read/watch. (Mini rant off)

Back to Jackie - :hug::grouphug::hug:
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Jackie---I LOVE YOU! I love that you are positive about most things and I think that should be applauded, not ridiculed. Your opinion on things should be respected, not belittled for entertainment purposes. We each get to have our own opinion---- that's how it works. My opinion doesn't make yours wrong, and vice versa.

I don't LOVE everything Disney does, but I do LOVE Disney. For example, I am not a Disney/Star Wars fan. If it went completely away at the parks, I would be fine with that. BUT, I understand that so many people feel differently and that's why there is so much focus on it right now. That's fine and cool. I still look forward to seeing it and am keeping an open mind.

If someone wants to be pessimistic, stubbornly opinionated and refuse to consider any view other than their own...well, that's sad to me. Keep being you! You're the main reason I listen.
Jackie, so sorry that you have been ill but I hope you feel back to normal soon. Thank you for sharing your story - but please do not feel like you have to explain yourself for anyone. Just be you and do it for your own reasons. As for the segment, I also like a good uplifting story/topic in the podcast and am all for an interesting conversation about up-beat topics. Keep doing your thing and throw in a few easter eggs in there and maybe the rest of the team will perk up and get involved in the conversation. I bet if you reported on a thread about an alien abduction topic, you might have a few people on the podcast perk up and chime in - haha.
Jackie might not have done anything to rejuvenate the segment, but I felt the segment had run its course anyway.
The way I see it, Jackie has been tasked with presenting the most pointless and boring segment of the show. Despite her best efforts, the Top Threads segment continues to be pointless and boring. But I'm not going to shoot the messenger. FWIW, I did get the feeling that Pete started to sense the pointlessness and boring nature of the segment this week and that was the only tension I detected in the show.
I've been waiting for a bit before responding to you guys on this thread because - well, first off, I've been sick with a ridiculous virus all week, but mostly because I wanted to sort of let you guys know where I'm coming from with my positivity all the time.

Here's the thing... my kids [who are now 18 and 14] were only 2 and 6 on our very first trip to Disneyland. Watching the joy they exuded during that first trip was the coolest thing my husband and I had ever seen before. We had so much fun watching them have the time of their lives and it was quite addicting. Every time something new came to Disneyland, we absolutely loved it because our kids loved it. It was fun and Disneyland did not ever leave us disappointed.

Fast forward a few years later to when the kids were 7 and 11; that would be our first visit to Walt Disney World. We, like many folks, noticed a lot of differences between Magic Kingdom and Disneyland - some of which were not-so-great. But, the thing was, we lived on the East coast now, so WDW would most likely be the Park(s) of choice and we'd either need to overlook those differences and continue to enjoy it for what it was or cough up the money for flights for the 4 of us to continue going to Disneyland instead.

I'll be honest and say that every new thing that has come along since our first trip to WDW in 2008 has been pretty cool. One example; I thought Spectromagic was cool, but I was excited when it went away and the MSEP came along because that was familiar to me and I missed it. I can't think of one thing I can honestly say that I'm disappointed in. Is that a choice? You bet it is! I could totally choose to be annoyed at so many things at the Parks, but why? If I'm going to put forth energy, it's going to be positive. While I realize that it might not make for the most exciting conversation under the sun, it's still how I choose to be.

The other thing is; people might make fun of it, they might come off as rude, they might think I'm ridiculously boring because of it - but I don't worry myself with any of that because I already know that I cannot change their opinions just as they cannot change mine - and, that's alright too. The world would be a really boring place if we were all the same and agreed all the time. Believe me, when/if I don't like something, I am very honest about it. I just don't tend to read/listen to reviews of a lot of stuff because I want to experience it myself before I pass judgement. I also happen to believe in Disney as a company who has provided much magic and joy to my family over the years. So, if y'all don't mind (or, even if you do), I will continue to have a positive outlook on upcoming things at the Parks until those things prove to be no fun at all - and then I'll still do my absolute very best to find the good in it anyways because that's how I roll. :goodvibes

Stay positive :thumbsup2
The way I see it, Jackie has been tasked with presenting the most pointless and boring segment of the show. Despite her best efforts, the Top Threads segment continues to be pointless and boring. But I'm not going to shoot the messenger. FWIW, I did get the feeling that Pete started to sense the pointlessness and boring nature of the segment this week and that was the only tension I detected in the show.
Just a question but why do you find it pointless? I think I would agree sometimes maybe it's boring but why should they not talk about the boards? The disboards are why we are all here talking to each other, they also helped start that podcast. I think it would be terrible if they didn't talk about the boards at all and what some of the bigger topics are on the boards.

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