Tips/Advice for romantic evening?


Creative Arts!
Sep 24, 1999
My DH & I are planning on spending an evening without the kids this upcoming trip. Any tips or ideas on what to do, where to go, where to eat? We have been to WDW many times but haven't spent any 'alone' time since our honeymoon in 1980. We figure we have earned it by now! ( The kids will be along on the trip but two oldest (20,17) can watch youngest (10)! ) =0)
It depends on what's romantic for you. If you like to get dressed up and go all out for a fancy dinner, you'd probably want to go to California Grill or Victoria and Albert's. Personally, that's not my kind of thing, though.

DH and I enjoy having "bonding time" at Pleasure Island. We're not typically night club people, but the Comedy Warehouse and Adventurer's Club are both really fun and not at like your typical club. You'll be cracking up laughing at both of them, and DH and I find that laughing together is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend an evening.
My suggestions for a romantic evening at WDW:

1. Priority seating at California Grill at about 90 minutes before the Magic Kingdom fireworks (check the fireworks time before you make reservations). After dinner, go to the balcony outside the restaurant and watch the fireworks. Then, if the timing is right, go to the back balcony and watch the Electrical Water Pageant on Bay Lake in front of the Contemporary Hotel (usually about 10:05 P.M.).

2. Priority seating at Bistro de Paris in Epcot-France at about 90 minutes before Illuminations. After dinner, stroll to a clear spot between France and Morocco between the trees to watch the fireworks. Then walk out the back Epcot entrance and stroll along the Boardwalk. Take in dueling pianos entertainment at Jellyrolls or ballroom dancing at Atlantic Dance.
I had been thinking about posting something about romantic spots, until I saw this one.
We will be there in October for our 10th anny, and I was just wondering what some of you guys had done in the past.
We will be making a day of it on the 18th as we have reserved the Chef's table at V&A, but would love some more suggestions.


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