Time is dragging


Earning My Ears
May 24, 2008
Well, we're just past the 7 month mark in our 15 month deployment. He's coming home for R&R in 83 days. And, the time has slowed to a crawl. :( There was a time where the days just flew by & I couldn't believe we were at the 100 day mark 'til he comes home for R&R. But, the last 17 days have DRAGGED by. And, unfortunately, he's feeling it too. And, he's really homesick & I just don't know the right words to say. Esp. when I'm feeling so sad myself.

Sorry, I'm just having a pity party right now. :sad1:
There are always the times that just drag. Sorry you are feeling it. Just think about seeing him and know that it will be here before you know it!

Hang in there!:hug:
I'm so sorry you have hit the rough spot. It feels like you can't get out and aren't making any forward progress. Think about it like this, you have made ALOT of forward progress. You have made 7 months of progress actually.

Do you have plans for R&R when your husband comes home? Why don't you and he or you all as a family start making some tentative plans, whether its just looking at places online and sending pictures back and forth or brainstorming places you'd like to see at the end of the deployment if you are going to go on a vacation at the end of the deployment.

For your husband, make up some cute funny goody box. Recently for my husband, who is also a bit down in the mouth, I sent over a Jimmy Buffet cd, some water balloons and water guns, those fake flower leis, sun hats, and a beach ball telling him while he is out in the sand he might as well have a "beach party."

Can you think of something that would brighten his day like maybe a movie box with some movies, microwave popcorn, and some hard candy? A coffee box with some cappucino coolers, some biscotti, hard cookies, and maybe a book or local newspaper.

What about taking him on a "vacation?" Take a picture of him with ya'll on a picnic, out to dinner, to the movies, out fishing or walking through a garden. Every so often take a group picture with him in and at the end make a small scrapbook to send to him.

In the end all I can tell you is to look forward. Today you got up and maked another day off the calendar making it one day closer to him coming home. Be positive that it's not starting over from the beginning. We all know how much that sucks. BIG HUGS. I know this is hard:hug:
Thanks, girls. I know that the time really is passing, it just feels like forever.

We are fortunate that we're going to Disney on R&R, so we're definitely planning that. I sent him a whole care package with Disney books & brochures, Mickey confetti, etc. It was so fun to put that together! It's definitely helped us stay close & keep our eye on the goal. :)

We'll get through this. We just need to keep our heads down & keep chugging. *sigh*
I understand how you're feeling. The first 9 months seems to have flown by, but the next 2.5 months seems to be going in slow motion for me. I think I just keep looking at the calendar b/c it's so close. I'm just going to stop looking at the calendar and start some projects, like a clean sweep of the computer room and redecorating dd's room.
I just saw this post, but wanted you to know I'm still thinking about you, and I hope the time has passed more quickly recently. My DH is away for pre-d. training, and time is dragging here too (they don't have cell service). I know that time will pass so quickly on leave though that I almost don't want it to come, because then he'll just be gone again. Just keep chugging through it, there's not much else to do. I hope that time flies by to R&R for you!
Annie I see you...............can you guess who this is? Hint: I have red hair from MSSN. :)

I was messing around and found this site. I love it. :)

We are wanting to head to Disney for Christmas because hubby is leaving shortly after the new yr.............but, not sure if we can find something that is avaiable at Christmas for us. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I just saw this post, but wanted you to know I'm still thinking about you, and I hope the time has passed more quickly recently. My DH is away for pre-d. training, and time is dragging here too (they don't have cell service). I know that time will pass so quickly on leave though that I almost don't want it to come, because then he'll just be gone again. Just keep chugging through it, there's not much else to do. I hope that time flies by to R&R for you!

Thanks. It's definitely started to go by faster. We're at +/- 68 days! :cool1: It'll get here eventually. Fortunately, when he goes back, we're looking at less than 4 months, so that's good, at least!

Annie I see you...............can you guess who this is? Hint: I have red hair from MSSN. :)

I was messing around and found this site. I love it. :)

We are wanting to head to Disney for Christmas because hubby is leaving shortly after the new yr.............but, not sure if we can find something that is avaiable at Christmas for us. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

JACKIE!!! How are you, girl?!?! It's good to see you! :hug: I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find something for Christmas! I'm sorry hubby is leaving again, though. :(


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