~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Well at least I get to enjoy some of the action. lol I am planning a trip as well in 2017 with my kiddos. Hope you will give it a look. Link in my sig. I will check out those TR's soon. Heading to bed now and hopefully I can finally get over this cold.:sick:
We watched two of those shows. One of them put the family in a Victorian setting, where they had to cook on a stove that burned coal, I think. All I remember is that they could never get enough hot water from the stove. The other show left a lasting impression on me. They had put families in a homesteading environment, where they had to build their cabins and grow their own food. That was a rough life. But the thing I remember was that one of the families was a very rich family from Malibu. They lived in a huge home in real life and everyone did their own thing. They never saw each other. But when they lived in the cabin they were together all the time. Once the three month homesteading experience was over and they went back to Malibu they really missed living in the little cabin. They had liked being a close knit family. I think that says a lot about what is really important in life, not the huge home but the family togetherness.
I think you are right about the orange strap even though orange and purple look great together. A black strap would work or maybe you could do a detachable strap that you can change to match your shirt. Or maybe a multi-colored fabric would work, too.

Yes!!! We watched and loved the Homesteading one... I remember that family from Malibu - that's what stuck in my mind too. I'd love to see that show brought back... It would have a whole new spin with all the portable devices now - in just the last 10 years, we've all become so "mobile".

I think so too... I think I will do black - it's just easiest, and even though orange would look great - I just hate to have a huge orange line going through the center of my body. :scratchin LOL

I didn't know the VB Disney fabrics were available for purchase!!! I might need some.....

You can sometimes find them on Ebay and Etsy... They are quite expensive though - IMO.

I would probably go with the black strap. Even though the orange strap would look great with your purple shirt, you said you might use this bag a bit more outside of Disney? A black strap may lend a hand in it being more usable in everyday life.

I can't wait for the weather to break here too! We're supposed to get 50-60's next week so I told DH that I wanted to go disc golfing as soon as we can do so without freezing lol

Hope you have a great weekend as well!

I think so too... You are very right. :scratchin I am very much leaning towards black right now.

I cannot wait!!!! Today is supposed to be OK - but it's really supposed to warm up tomorrow... I am definitely walking tomorrow - and hoping to incorporate some running too. :lovestruc

Ahhh... Disc Golf... Josh was an AVID disc golfer when I met him... He never goes out anymore - which is sad, not sure why that is? He used to play in tournaments all over MN - and was pretty good at it. Me, otoh -I have NO aim, so I just chased my discs everywhere and prayed for the best. LOL We had lots of fun on the disc golf courses when we were first dating and first married. I'd love to see him get back into it again - but with his back, I am not sure he could? I hope you are able to get back out there soon.

I think I would go with a black strap -- then you could wear it with pretty much any Halloween colored shirt. And you wouldn't have to worry about matching the purples.

That's what I am thinking too... Sometimes it's so hard to decide. LOL

Can't wait to see your Halloween bag. You have a great eye for color/matching fabrics together. So whatever strap you decided on will be perfect!

Poor V, I really hope this project comes together easily and they are able to complete it on time.

The kids arrive today! Watching the time and it is going by very slow. You are more than welcome to stop by for a tea party, LOL I have to make princess cupcakes with fairy dust on them for our tea party. We devote all our attention on the little ones. We sit on the floor from the moment they arrive till they leave. They should be back here for a visit in the summer for about two weeks. I am hoping I can take my oldest niece to American Girl and do lunch.

Love your pic! Can't believe you are wearing flip flops. I am usually bundled up till May. If it's not at least 70 degrees or above I am just cold.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

I am very excited to get it done and share it here. :)

I hope so too - they did a lot of video yesterday, but it was windy and most of the video is ruined due to the wind noise. :( Poor kid. Not sure if she can put music over the wind and still get the same effect - or if she will have to do it all over?

Awww... So exciting!!! I hope you have a wonderful time - I know you will!!! :lovestruc That sounds like it will be a fun visit too! Enjoy!

Hahaha.... I wear flip flops the moment I can go outside with out getting snow on my feet. It's been a bit chilly over the last few days - and probably not flip flop weather at all, but my feet can't handle being stuffed in shoes any more. LOL

Thanks - same to you! :lovestruc

Your new haircut is cute. I wear my bangs to the side and it took a little while to get used to it.
It's strange seeing you in capris and flipflops It snowed last night. Next week it's supposed to get warm again.
My daughter booked a short trip to Disney for the beginning of May. She said that her husband and her were going through Disney withdrawl and had to go.
It's been somewhat quiet around here. They're on a cleaning spree at work and the photo lab is still acting up but what else is new.
I like the idea of a Halloween bag. Congrats on finding the Disney Vera bags you were looking for. I'm nor sure if I like the new Disney patterns, though.
Have a great weekend.

Yes - they are definitely taking some getting used to... I think they need to be, at least, an inch longer. I think they are just a hair too short right now, because I can't even tuck them behind my ears a little bit.

Hehehe... It snowed a bit here yesterday too... It doesn't bother me too much - as long as I don't step in it, I don't mind wearing flip flops in anything over 30°.

Awwww... Good for them!!! I hope they have lots of fun! :woohoo:

Thanks! Yes - I am happy I've been able to find the ones I have found... As of now, I don't like the new Disney patterns. The purple one is OK - but I am not sure I will be getting any of it? I haven't decided yet.

Thanks - same to you! :lovestruc

I would go with black as well...since it does pretty much go with everything.

Glad you will be getting good weather soon. Same in NY. I am very happy about that as well becuase this afternoon I am going home for my Spring Break! So nice weather is always appreciated.::yes::

Best of luck with running again!

Yes - I think you all are right. ::yes:: I am really leaning towards black.

I cannot wait for good weather... I love this time of year for that - I hate all the mud though... Poor dogs have to come straight into the house from outside and right into the kennel - otherwise I get mud all over the house.

I hope you had a great trip home! :lovestruc

Thanks - I think I may need it. LOL

I LOVE the size of this wristlet...I may need that name in a pm...:)

D~ what about a Bright Green color for the strap...but then again it would stand out. So if you don't want it to stand out, I would go with black.

Yes - I think you are right, bright green may pop more than I would like too... :scratchin Sometimes it's so hard to decide. ::yes::

What about a detachable strap? So you can change it basted on what you are wearing.

This is a good idea! :scratchin I will have to think about this! Thanks! :lovestruc

Although the orange strap sounds like it would be pretty, I think I would go with a black strap - if for no other reason you can change your mind if you want and not wear a purple shirt.

I hope you got the bag finished!

I am leaning towards this - but the detachable strap above sounds interesting too... We'll see... :scratchin

Nope - I didn't... Yesterday took a total detour from plans. Sigh. Figures. LOL

Well at least I get to enjoy some of the action. lol I am planning a trip as well in 2017 with my kiddos. Hope you will give it a look. Link in my sig. I will check out those TR's soon. Heading to bed now and hopefully I can finally get over this cold.

Some of it - LOL. :lovestruc

Sounds like fun! I will try to stop in this weekend. ::yes::

I hope you feel better soon. :hug:

Hey D~, with V's love of drawing and Disney, have you guys ever thought of dining with an imagineer??

This is not something we have done before... But I do think it's something I want to look into. :thumbsup2 I just have no idea how to find it or how to do it... Gonna have to do some research. Thanks for the reminder. :lovestruc


So... Yesterday did not go at all as planned. Not even a little bit.

I made the executive decision not to work out, because I was being lazy and didn't feel like it. I even had a 2nd cup of coffee - which I normally only do on Saturdays. I sat here all morning watching bow tutorials on YouTube... I have an idea for one of my headbands - and I think I may try to make it myself? :scratchin If I am successful - this could lead to a whole new can of worms for me - as the sky will be the limit... ::yes::

Then I did go up to work... I did finish the applique. But that's it.

Allison's been needing a new phone in a bad way, for a long time. If you dig back in your memory - you may remember that she accidentally dropped her's on a photo shoot last summer and completely shattered her screen. We've kept both girls in phones their entire life (however, these current phones were a Christmas gift from BMTL 2 Christmas' ago) - Josh and I decided, since she had a job - it was her job to fix/replace the screen or buy a new phone. It's been a long road - with lots of wasted $$ (in our opinion) and lots of frustration. We were trying to teach a lesson, and it wasn't going well at all. After 2 Iphone 4s (both regular and S version) and an Iphone 5, which she was never able to get unlocked... In the last few weeks, she was back to using her shattered phone - which, because it was so broken, she had NO connectivity - couldn't make/receive calls or texts - could only use her phone on WiFi - and that was iffy. It was time to step in - if only for her safety. I feel terrible, because I did make her spend her own saved $$ - which means she has to start saving all over again for Europe - and she doesn't make that much $$... But again - Josh and I feel that this is a lesson that needs to be learned. In the end, she spent her entire savings, plus I had to chip in just a little bit - which she is paying me back for out of her next check (she is very good about that)... She wanted an Iphone in a bad way - but when she saw the cost of them, vs. all of the others - she ended up going with an LG G4... Josh and I both have the G3 and we love them - I was hoping to get her into a G3, but they didn't have them in the store anymore - so she had to spend more on the G4. In the end - she is very happy with her purchase... She has a decent phone, with decent connectivity and good storage. It is our hope - since she spent her own good $$ on it - that she will be very careful about not dropping it (the other phone was legitimately an accidental dropping - I watched it happen) - but she now knows what it's like to go through life with out a decent phone and how expensive they are to buy. It's just nice to be able to communicate with her again and know when she is driving home from work - that she can call if she needs to.

So... Once we got her the new phone - we had to drive to a store in another town to get the proper case. Then we were hungry - so we stopped at Chipotle for lunch... Then to the mall to hit a couple of stores quick... Then to BFF's house to visit... Then to our local town to pick up V from her group project. It was a crazy day - but a necessary one.

I made breakfast for dinner last night - which is always fun.

Then V and I cuddled in my bed all night long and watched more episodes of Downton Abbey. :lovestruc I know I've said this many times over the last week - but it's so nice to see Sybil and Matthew alive... And then there is Branson - it's so fun to see him "back then" - knowing how his character evolves and how he becomes one of my favorites.

Today... I think I will be working upstairs for a little while - I am going to try to make up for not spending much time up there yesterday. I also hope to get a little work done on my own bag. I don't want to be up there all day - but maybe a few hours? :scratchin

Otherwise... more Downton Abbey... and just being lazy. ::yes::

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Prayers and good thoughts to all of you! :lovestruc

I'm so sorry to hear your day yesterday didn't go as planned. I hope today is better for you :hug:

The kids has to learn what things cost and that they have to be careful with their things. I understand that Allison dropped her phone by accidents and that happens. But I still think it was wise of you and Josh to learn her a lesson by making her fix her phone on her own by either repairing it or buying a new one. I'm glad to hear she bought a case for the phone since that can protect it a little at least. I have the LG G4 and I'm very happy with it.

I hope V's meeting with the school project group went well.

Crossing my fingers that you'll get a lot done in your sewing room today.
Hi, D! :wave2:

I finally made my way over to your PTR. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I followed your last TR. This PTR is long so I may just pick up here.

I also watch Downton Abbey and am in denial that tomorrow is the series finale. We are actually heading to NYC in a few minutes and won't be home until tomorrow night and I told DH that we need to make sure we leave in enough time so I'm home by 9:00 for Downton.

I hope you have a nice day. :thumbsup2
We're going to be having our own phone adventure today as our younger DD's phone needs to be replaced. She's agreed to help pay for it and got very frustrated last night when she was looking at the price of phones online. I think now she appreciates even more that we've completely covered the cost of her phones ever since she got one!
I have an idea for one of my headbands - and I think I may try to make it myself? :scratchin If I am successful - this could lead to a whole new can of worms for me - as the sky will be the limit... ::yes::
This seems like a natural progression of your skills. :) You can use your vast stash of fabric, too, and even coordinate with your bags. Yes, the sky is the limit.

It is our hope - since she spent her own good $$ on it - that she will be very careful about not dropping it (the other phone was legitimately an accidental dropping - I watched it happen) - but she now knows what it's like to go through life with out a decent phone and how expensive they are to buy.
That is a very good lesson to learn. Our young grandsons want expensive phones and tablets without any understanding of how much they really cost. I'm glad our kids were raised before all these expensive, must have electronics came out.
Hi, my name is Caroline, I also live in Minnesota! I live up north in Duluth. I read your trip report and loved it. My DD 16 and I have been doing mother/daughter trips since she was 9, we have so much fun. We are going in April and again in October like you are. I found this report of yours and really enjoy reading your daily entries. I also love Downton Abbey and Matthew was my favorite! I have all the seasons on DVD and enjoy watching them over as well. Thanks for your great reports, looking forward to more. I also have a son 22 and a hubby who just don't get the Disney love that Andi and I have so we do the trips w/o them. They have both been twice and they feel that is enough LOL!
Ahhh... Disc Golf... Josh was an AVID disc golfer when I met him... He never goes out anymore - which is sad, not sure why that is? He used to play in tournaments all over MN - and was pretty good at it. Me, otoh -I have NO aim, so I just chased my discs everywhere and prayed for the best. LOL We had lots of fun on the disc golf courses when we were first dating and first married. I'd love to see him get back into it again - but with his back, I am not sure he could? I hope you are able to get back out there soon.
Lol I just got to the point where I feel like I'm actually playing decently as opposed to just chasing my disc around at the end of last summer. We have a really great course that runs through one of our state parks, through the woods, up and down ravines, so it's definitely an excellent way to get some exercise in while having some fun!

Your weekend plans sound fairly similar to mine lol I love lazy weekends!!
I hope you had a great trip home! :lovestruc
I did thanks! It is nice to be home and see my friends and family for a little while. Going off to college makes me realize how much I miss everyone. ::yes::
I made the executive decision not to work out, because I was being lazy and didn't feel like it. I even had a 2nd cup of coffee - which I normally only do on Saturdays. I sat here all morning watching bow tutorials on YouTube... I have an idea for one of my headbands - and I think I may try to make it myself? :scratchin If I am successful - this could lead to a whole new can of worms for me - as the sky will be the limit... ::yes::
OOH that sounds exciting!!:hyper: looking forward to seeing how that turns out!:goodvibes
It's just nice to be able to communicate with her again and know when she is driving home from work - that she can call if she needs to.
That's good Allison now has a good working phone. Especially for safety reasons, its always best to have a working phone, even if it's not the most high tech.
I made breakfast for dinner last night - which is always fun.
Yum, I love doing that! I could eat breakfast food for any meal lol:rotfl2:
I'm so sorry to hear your day yesterday didn't go as planned. I hope today is better for you

The kids has to learn what things cost and that they have to be careful with their things. I understand that Allison dropped her phone by accidents and that happens. But I still think it was wise of you and Josh to learn her a lesson by making her fix her phone on her own by either repairing it or buying a new one. I'm glad to hear she bought a case for the phone since that can protect it a little at least. I have the LG G4 and I'm very happy with it.

I hope V's meeting with the school project group went well.

Crossing my fingers that you'll get a lot done in your sewing room today.

Well, yesterday didn't really go as planned either... It's oK though.

Yes - we try - I don't think we are the best parents out there - but hopefully she's learned a few lessons over the years. :lovestruc I am glad to hear about your G4 - according to Allison, it has some really good and really bad reviews... So, hopefully her's is a good one too. :thumbsup2

I think it did... V is now sick with that darn cold that went through our house a few weeks ago - or one similar to it. She decided last night that she isn't even going to church today - it must be pretty bad then, because she always goes to church.

I did get a lot done - just not what I'd intended. ::yes::

Hi, D!

I finally made my way over to your PTR. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I followed your last TR. This PTR is long so I may just pick up here.

I also watch Downton Abbey and am in denial that tomorrow is the series finale. We are actually heading to NYC in a few minutes and won't be home until tomorrow night and I told DH that we need to make sure we leave in enough time so I'm home by 9:00 for Downton.

I hope you have a nice day.

Welcome!!! It's great to see you here!!! Please pick up right here.. You are not missing out on anything if you do... Whenever anything trip-worthy comes up, I am pretty good about updating the first few posts on page 1 - so as long as you read that - you are totally caught up. I am kind of in that lull of trip planning at the moment anyways - where I can't quite make ADRs yet - so not much trip stuff is going on. :thumbsup2

I know - I am just sooooo sad... I started Season 3 last night - IMO, the best and worst season all wrapped up in one. I will be sitting in front of the TV at promptly 8pm, my time, and watching it right there with you.

I hope you had a great time in NYC! :lovestruc

We're going to be having our own phone adventure today as our younger DD's phone needs to be replaced. She's agreed to help pay for it and got very frustrated last night when she was looking at the price of phones online. I think now she appreciates even more that we've completely covered the cost of her phones ever since she got one!

Eeek... I really hate phone adventures... And car adventures... I hope it went well for you. It's terrible, IMO, that we spend as much on phones now, as we did on cars when I graduated high school... $1k on a phone now would have gotten a darn good car 20 years ago. Sigh. But it's sad to say - it's very difficult and almost impossible to live life now without a phone, as Allison found out... And living so far out in a rural area, in the winter, it can be very dangerous to not have one. I know I am relieved. So, what did your dd end up with and how did it go? I am anxious to hear! :D Also - remind me how old your dd is... I try hard to remember everyone & their families, but I am really not so great at it. :lovestruc

Love the haircut!!! I also have that necklace.

Thanks - I am getting used to it - I don't love it yet, and I am not sure i will? Maybe once my bangs grow out just a bit - then I think I will like it better. Thank you - the necklace was a gift from my aunt - the girls and i each got one for Christmas... Victoria informed me, the other day, that this one is her's. Oops... I keep meaning put put mine on - but it's really the last thing on my mind. I love it though, it seems to be pretty good quality. :thumbsup2

This seems like a natural progression of your skills. You can use your vast stash of fabric, too, and even coordinate with your bags. Yes, the sky is the limit.

That is a very good lesson to learn. Our young grandsons want expensive phones and tablets without any understanding of how much they really cost. I'm glad our kids were raised before all these expensive, must have electronics came out.

Hahahaha... Yes, it is, isn't it? :scratchin You'll have to look below - I am pretty sure I have a new sickness...

I know - it's so difficult. I know that my girls *know* how much these things cost, but until they have to PAY for them, themselves - I think it's kind of taken for granted. This was a very hard lesson for me to hold out on - I had no idea, originally, that it would take her this long to buy a new phone or fix her old one - especially once winter came and she was driving - most of the time - with no connectivity... I am just relieved that she has a decent phone now.

I was pretty disappointed, the other day though, when she told me that a few classmates had been teasing her, because she didn't have the most up to date phones... That made me so angry... Like it's any of their business - and why should it matter to them anyways? It just goes to prove that there are many kids out there with a materialistic mentality (I guess it's always been that way) - but I was really upset about this. I don't see an Iphone as a necessity - a phone, yes, and finding one that isn't touch screen/web accessible isn't even an option anymore... but spending $800+ on an Iphone, at her age anyways, is beyond ridiculous... Yet that is the status quo. Sigh. I told her - if she wants to save up and buy herself an Iphone when she returns from Europe - that is her choice... but right now - she needs to be saving for that trip - and if anyone bothers her at school about her phone - well - they have an awesome Iphone, but she will be spending the summer in Europe... Soooo... Yah - I am a little salty about it. LOL

Hi, my name is Caroline, I also live in Minnesota! I live up north in Duluth. I read your trip report and loved it. My DD 16 and I have been doing mother/daughter trips since she was 9, we have so much fun. We are going in April and again in October like you are. I found this report of yours and really enjoy reading your daily entries. I also love Downton Abbey and Matthew was my favorite! I have all the seasons on DVD and enjoy watching them over as well. Thanks for your great reports, looking forward to more. I also have a son 22 and a hubby who just don't get the Disney love that Andi and I have so we do the trips w/o them. They have both been twice and they feel that is enough LOL!

Hi there Caroline!!!! It's great to meet another fellow Minnesotan! :woohoo: We are quite far from eachother - I think I've made it to Duluth once in the last 10+ years... but it's a fun city and one I love to visit. ::yes::

Awesome about the girls trips - they are just the best! I wouldn't trade those memories for anything! :lovestruc Fun that you have 2 trips coming up! Did you get an AP for this year then? Where are you staying? Tell all. LOL And what about October??

I don't have all of the seasons of DA on DVD yet... Just 1-4... I plan to get them all, eventually. I think I've seen Season 1 a bazillion times - but the other seasons, not so much. Every time I sit down to binge watch - I never make it much past the first season... Then, by the time I get back to it - I need to start the first season over... Yah - I am a bit strange with my completest mentality. LOL

Again - welcome!!! It's great to have you here and following along. I'd love to hear more about your upcoming trips. :lovestruc

Lol I just got to the point where I feel like I'm actually playing decently as opposed to just chasing my disc around at the end of last summer. We have a really great course that runs through one of our state parks, through the woods, up and down ravines, so it's definitely an excellent way to get some exercise in while having some fun!

Your weekend plans sound fairly similar to mine lol I love lazy weekends!!

Yes - it is great exercise. We do have a course near us - we've done it once... I think that is the only time in the 10 years that we've lived here that we've gone out Disc Golfing? It's gotten so popular over the years - when Josh and I played it, it was just starting to get recognition and popularity. It's such a fun game though... And yes - I am the one who just chases my disc all over the course... No aim - no distance - no hope of ever getting good. LOL ::yes::

I was incredibly lazy this weekend... but it's nice - for sure!

I did thanks! It is nice to be home and see my friends and family for a little while. Going off to college makes me realize how much I miss everyone.

OOH that sounds exciting!!:hyper: looking forward to seeing how that turns out!

That's good Allison now has a good working phone. Especially for safety reasons, its always best to have a working phone, even if it's not the most high tech.

Yum, I love doing that! I could eat breakfast food for any meal lol

I am glad you made it home and you are spending time with your friends and your family. I am sure they miss you a lot too! :lovestruc

Hehehehe... Yah - it's pretty crazy... I'll post pictures below.

Yah - I think her's is pretty high tech - IMO - just not an IPhone or a Galaxy... But even when I was researching phones last summer - I found that neither of those phones had all of the features in one device that I wanted... And I couldn't bring myself to pay $800+ for a device that didn't have everything I needed/wanted. And the LG did - at a fraction of the cost. I've been very happy with it - much happier than I ever was with my previous phone (Samsung Galaxy S2)... So, I was really relieved that Allison actually had the LG in the running, as it's been a really good phone for me - and I was fairly certain that she would like it too. We will see though - she's only had it for a few days. :lovestruc

I know, right? LOL I love breakfast at any meal really.

Enjoy the rest of your time at home! I hope you are able to spend time with everyone that you want to. :lovestruc


Oh boy... Yesterday wasn't much better than the day before. It's the weekend - so I don't normally work out on weekends, as you all know. Yesterday was no exception. But 2 days in a row - I had 2 cups of coffee... And I am probably going for a 3rd day today... :scratchin

And... Well - I am sure you have all guessed, once I get something in my brain - it's very difficult for me to shake it, until I do it. Sometimes, this leads me to set aside the things I *should* be doing, and work on things that I really shouldn't be working on. So, yesterday - I should have been working on finishing up my current custom order... but instead, I had that darn hair piece in my brain - and I HAD to work on that, before I could do anything else.

For the record - before I share photos of the finished head piece... My appliance of choice is a sewing machine... It should NOT (I repeat, NOT) be a glue gun. ::yes:: All blisters aside - it was a LOT of fun to step outside my box and work on something I've never done before, and create with a media that I don't often use.

I did learn a few lessons too...

#1... Glue guns are HOT!
#2... Bigger isn't always better.
#3... Making bows is harder than it looks.
#4... I need a lot more practice.
#5... My bow quality sucks
#6... The more glue, the better (refer back to lesson #1 please).

Anyways... I do love what I came up with... It was so much fun to really create what was in my head... Next time - I think I will be working on a smaller version... Although, this one is adorable... Once I set it on top of my head - the thing is HUGE, and I think it's much to big for my liking - even in Disney. :lmao: I plan to gather a few other supplies over the next few weeks and try again. ::yes::

Shown with a non-matching headband that I had on hand... I haven't even tried to tackle making a woven headband yet... :scratchin



So, my overall opinion is... yes - it's cute... But I do think it's a little much... If I were to do it again - and I will... I will do the exact same thing, but a smaller version. I may still bring this one with me, and if I am in the mood - I may use it? We'll see. I would have to be pretty brave to wear a hair piece that's this large. ::yes::

Then there's the rest of my day... I had to spend a LOT of time cleaning up my mess. Making bows is a messy endeavor.

Allison had to work last night - so V and I ordered dinner from the local bar/restaurant... We didn't have a car to go anywhere, and I didn't feel like cooking.

We spent the remainder of the night in my bed watching Downton Abbey... I fell asleep on Season 3, episode 1. V spent the night coughing... poor kid. She either has another cold - or didn't get rid of the one she had.

Today... I need to do a bit of cleaning... I've been lazy over the last few days, and it shows.

I should make an effort to get up to my sewing room - since I have 2 appointments tomorrow, so my ability to work up there will be sporadic at best.

Josh will be home today... He's been staying at the lake helping his dad get ready for an auction. So, I need to figure out something appetizing for dinner tonight. :scratchin

So, nothing too exciting today... :lovestruc

I hope you all have a great day!!! :grouphug:

Yes glue guns are hot so you have to be careful. Crossing my fingers that you have learned your lessons and that it will go so much better and easier next time. Your new headband looks great even if it's a little big. I can't wait to see the next one you make.

I hope V gets well soon.

Next weekend I'm going on a peer support conference with the Cerebral palsy Association I'm a member off. I'm really looking forward to this because it always fun to meet friends again and meet people that struggles with some of the same things I do. I'm looking forward to it so much that I'm forgetting that I first have a lot of appointments during the week that I have to do first.
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I love all the different colors and patterns that you used in your bow. I can see you wearing it to the MK on a party day, but not necessarily during the party.

That's too bad that Allison was teased about her new phone. Do all of the kids at school have phones now?
Love the headband!! It is a little large and on a normal day I'd think it were strange to see out on the street...but at Disney? Anything goes!!!
That hair bow is SO cute! I love it! Is that a Mr. Potato Head arm holding a Mickey ice cream bar? Adorable! You are so creative! Too cute.

I'm so sorry V isn't feeling well. There is so much crud going around. My older daughter (21, in college in Utah) is recovering from the flu but the cough is lingering and it just won't go away. The doctor told her the cough might hang on for a few weeks. And my younger daughter (16, almost 17) had bronchitis a few weeks ago and is still coughing a bit, particularly at night. Same story from her doctor -- the cough might last a few weeks even after everything else was better. *Sigh*

You are so sweet to even try to keep everyone's families straight -- you're such a popular person here on the DIS and so many people follow your TRs that I'm amazed you can keep them all straight! Anyway...our phone adventure yesterday....Brie accidentally put her phone through the washer a few months ago and had been using an old iPhone 4 that we had on hand and it just wasn't working properly -- it would shut down on its own, took forever to send and receive texts, couldn't run her banking app and a few others, etc. She had insisted for months that it was fine and she could deal with it...but she is also driving and it gets snowy here, plus she has a job, and sports practice for school, and so we wanted her to have a reliable phone. But, unfortunately, I haven't found a "free upgrade" in ages -- we're with Sprint and used to get free upgrades every two years. Apparently everyone has stopped doing that now and so you have to either buy the phone outright, lease it, or purchase it on an installment plan. After much discussion, reviewing other cell phone service providers, etc., etc., etc., we decided to lease her new phone. I get a loyalty credit plus other discounts with Sprint so it will be $16 per month additional on our bill and she's going to pay that to us each month. Not a bad amount -- it's reasonable for her since she only works about 5 hours each Saturday and it was the best option of the ones we looked at. So she ended up with an iPhone 6s. She's very happy and kept thanking us over and over yesterday. I have to say, both of our girls are SO appreciative of the things we and others do for them, and neither of them are greedy or "entitled" -- they are truly appreciative. I love them so much!
Yes glue guns are hot. The head piece is cute but big. I'd never be brave enough to wear it or any other hairpiece.
Lg's are good phones. My other job at work is cell phones and I do sell quite a few of them. Although cell phone contracts are few and far between since the carriers switched to installment plans. Hopefully Allie has better luck with her phone. I've seen a lot of broken screens even with screen covers.
Sorry V isn't feeling well. I hope she gets better soon.
I'm supposed to go to the auto show later on today and then stop at Kohl's on the way home. Right now I have to straighten up the house and finish the wash.
Have a good day.
Hey D! Just reading along and having a lazy weekend as well. I should have worked out Saturday but was just not in the mood. And then DH and I went for Mexican food last night; I ate terrible (too much and so good) and 2 margs - yikes! Mexican food here in San Antonio is just too too good. Chips and salsa really do me in.

I love your new adventure with the headbands. I foresee new projects in your future. I am not crafty at all, and when the kids had projects in high school and we used the glue gun - OUCH - that thing would always be out to get me. I know you will get the hang of it quickly. Good luck with your Halloween bag! I cannot wait to see it.

Cell phones and kids - they need them but they are so expensive. Shane dropped his a while back, and spent over $100 of his own money to fix it and it worked for a few months then bam, it would work 50/50. The repair was out of warranty so he used a half broken phone for a while; then we went in halves to buy a new LG. He is happy with it and is taking very good care of it. Now Tyler has a broken phone and he went and ordered a refurbished one. I hope its okay. Glad to hear Allison has a reliable phone now, but it was a long, expensive road. She has Europe coming up quickly.

Hope V's project gets done soon; I really detest projects. And hope she starts to get better soon.

When do you get to reserve ADR's?

Have you put any more thought into your Target job?

How's your Dad?

Have a wonderful week D! Good luck on your bags (and headbands!). I will be checking in.

Hugs, Carol
Phew....all caught up again....I am so so bad at this.

Your plans for V's trip look great! Two breakfasts at the Wave is totally necessary ::yes::

Sorry your motivation has been struggling. Do you think it could be because you haven't been able to run? You love running and it seems to motivate you even more. Maybe once spring comes and you can get back out there, maybe things will get back to normal??

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Oh that headband!:rotfl2::rotfl2:
I think you have promise with it....just a bit smaller dear!

Love you!


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