~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

D!! I LOVE your haircut, with bangs - it looks so good on you. Been trying to keep up with your PTR! Glad to hear that you are starting to get your outfits together and throwing out some new ideas. I think a Chip and Dale bag should be a definite. And I love Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. I can't wait to see what V comes up with. I cannot believe March is already here. This trip will be here before you know it.

Good job on the backpack and duffel for V - did you find it on ebay?

Let us know how your Dad is doing okay?

Hope your sewing goes well this week! Always looking forward to pics and what all you are working on. Have a great rest of the week!

As always, hugs and prayers.
We were at WDW last Oct 21st to 26th and we had gorgeous weather. It was in the 70's and low 80's the whole time. We were able to wear shorts and go swimming. It was sunny, too. You'll have to watch the forecasts as your trip gets closer because they sometimes get cold weather. We were there the year before during the same week and it was a little cooler, but not by much.

Yes - I remember both of our October trips wearing capris and tees for the most part... There were a few evenings I have pictures of me wearing a sweatshirt. But I do remember it being hot during the day and being able to swim as much as we wanted to. So, I guess I'll just pack like normal - LOL and pack everything. ::yes::

I'm glad you had a good day yesterday.

I hope you have a great day in your sewing room.

Last weekend it snowed a lot here. So now we have 39 inch of snow. The temperature is also going to stay below freezing point which is good because then it won't get icy outside again. I prefer the temperature being below freezing point during winter so we don't get so much ice outside. I really hate when the temperature jumps all over the place and one day is below freezing point and the next day is above because then it gets very icy outside and difficult to walk.
We still have 2 months left of winter.

It was nice to have a couple of good work days in a row.

YIKES!!!!! That is a lot of snow!!! Most of our snow is gone - we still have some in the shadowed areas - which varies, but nothing more than 12" deep. All sidewalks and roads are clear. Looking ahead at our forecast - we are supposed to be up in the 50's on Sunday and nothing below 40 for the next 10 days after that. We will probably still get a few more snow storms - but this time of year, we rarely get anything really cold and the snow melts fairly quickly. I would say that we have 1 month left of winter - but it's an easy/melty/muddy month. :thumbsup2

No problem! Looking forward to hearing about it if you decide to do it!

Great haircut! Love your necklace too:

Me too... I am working on it... We'll see if I actually get it done or not? :thumbsup2 I think it may be next on my list?

Thank you - I still haven't had a chance to play with it to see if I like it... Maybe today? Thanks - it was a gift from my Aunt for Christmas - I've been wearing it every day lately... The girls and I each got one - all a bit different... They are really cute!

Your hear looks great. I love your necklace :lovestruc

Thank you!!! I think I will like my hair - when I get a chance to style it. The necklace was a gift from my Aunt - the girls and I each got one, all of them different, but Disney. I wear mine every day, I love it!

Love the photo of you, the girls and Thomas. So sweet!!

Ugh, group projects. Gives me nightmares. Bad enough when you have a project on your own to do, but add several people to the mix makes it harder to coordinate the meetings. Hope they can get together to finish it on time. Poor V!!

Can't wait to see your outfits for your trip. You always look great no matter what you put together.

Love the new hairstyle. You look FABULOUS!!

We are getting ready for the family to arrive for a short visit. Running around getting things done so we can just sit and do puzzles, color, play-doh and tea parties.

Have a great day!

Thanks!!!! I am still so bummed that I didn't get any of the pictures that I wanted while they were here. I wanted one of just us with Thomas and Lara... I also wanted one of the girls with Thomas and Lara... Neither happened. And it will be a very RARE thing that they are ever all together in one place - so I missed my chance. I am happy for the one picture though. :lovestruc

Totally - it's going to be terrible for her - since her job is probably the most time consuming, and she can't do any of it with out the videos - which they haven't even done yet. It's going to be a long week for her! :(

Thanks - I am excited to have a few new outfits for this upcoming trip. :woohoo:

Thanks!!! I haven't had a chance to style it myself yet... Maybe today? :scratchin I just look at that photo and see all of the wrinkles that are starting to appear... Sigh. Oh well - maybe it gives me character? LOL

Oooh - have FUN!!!! It sounds like you have some great plans!!! I'd love to be a kid in your house! ::yes:: When do they arrive?

Thank you - you too! :lovestruc

Such a cute haircut! Love it!

So, thanks to you, I am now obsessing over what I will wear on our trip. LOL! I always wore capris with walking shoes, but now when I look at those pictures, I just don't like it on me. As you know, I have been giving the whole leggings look some thought. I am not sure if I am ready to go that route yet. Maybe I can ease myself into it by starting out with the short skirt OVER the leggings... I do have two or three pretty short skirts. They look nice on me, but I only wear them when the kids are not around... just self conscious, since I am pretty strict with my girls regarding modest clothing. :-/ Anywho...we shall see. You always wear the cutest outfits that are completely flattering. I am so not good with that sort of stuff. I follow a few fashion blogs, and I do have some staple items I would like for the summer and our trip: white chuck taylors, chambray shirt, boyfriend jeans, a longer more fitted hoodie with front pocket, and a pair of cuffed denim shorts (longer ones, like bermuda length, I think.)

Thanks!! I haven't had a chance to style it myself yet - hopefully today... Then I can determine if it's something I like - or if I am going to immediately work on growing my bangs out again. LOL

Hahahaha.... I KNOW the feeling! I am constantly (constantly) on the look out for items I can use for my outfits... Lots of basics work well. I am not sure what I am looking for, for this upcoming trip. I think I've found my Halloween themed outfit? I found the shirt last week - but I haven't tried it on yet (I need to do that) and make sure it's long enough to cover my behind with leggings... It will definitely need to be altered - as it's a mens long sleeved tee shirt - so something will need to be done with the sleeves... Just not sure what yet? And the sides will have to be taken in too - so it's not quite so boxy on me.

I did do the skirt over leggings option on the trip with Suzi... I think it's a good option, however, I wasn't impressed with how it looked on me - part of the issue is that I had my belt too loose and I didn't know it - so it was just hanging there... And I think the skirt was too long... I think it does need to be a shorter skirt to pull it off with leggings - but that's just me.


I've also learned that solids - specifically - dark solids look best on me... Only because my accessories tend to be a little bold - and I think the solids tone them down a little bit.

I am very flattered that you enjoy my style so much! :lovestruc I tend to put a lot of thought into my outfits, making sure that they are modest enough for me - and if I am wearing leggings - that my behind is covered sufficiently... I have one pair of denim shorts - which is a shorter pair... I don't necessarily enjoy wearing those too much - but they are super comfortable, so I do wear them. The same brand finally has a pair this year with a longer inseam - I may splurge and buy this pair, because I do wear those shorts often.

So far - your oufits sound great - you have some great basics which you can mix n' match quite well to make several outfits. I cannot wait to see how they all come together. :lovestruc Let me know if you want any help from me. :thumbsup2

I love the haircut! I think the bangs look nice, but I know first hand it can take a while to get used to them if you've been without for a while lol

Thanks!! I am still a bit nervous about them, as I haven't had a chance to style them myself yet. I keep having flast backs to my short - ultra short - hair from a few years ago and how terrible it looked on me... So, hopefully I can pull off bangs? :scratchin

D!! I LOVE your haircut, with bangs - it looks so good on you. Been trying to keep up with your PTR! Glad to hear that you are starting to get your outfits together and throwing out some new ideas. I think a Chip and Dale bag should be a definite. And I love Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. I can't wait to see what V comes up with. I cannot believe March is already here. This trip will be here before you know it.

Good job on the backpack and duffel for V - did you find it on ebay?

Let us know how your Dad is doing okay?

Hope your sewing goes well this week! Always looking forward to pics and what all you are working on. Have a great rest of the week!

As always, hugs and prayers.

Thanks Carol! I haven't decided if I like them yet or not, hopefully today I will get a chance to style them, and make a decision... I have lots of headbands to cover them up if I don't like them. LOL ::yes::

I am super excited to be gathering outfits, and trying to figure out what I want to wear for this trip... It's really hard, because I feel like I've reused the same stuff over and over and over again - and I am feeling like I am ready for a change. We will see if I am able to find the time to make a few new things for myself? Not sure what V's plans are - if anything?

Hahaha... Yes - I did find them on Ebay... The duffel was $49 shipped, and the back pack was $69 shipped... So, almost half off of retail. I am OK with that - it's a little more than I typically spend on them for birthdays - but I know that she will get lots of use out of the set for many years to come. Now, to find Allison's pattern for her birthday - Purple Punch... It's an older pattern - which has been a challenge, as they didn't make the Campus backpack in that patterrn - and I don't like the straps on the larger backpack that they did make... So, I am thinking I will try to find the large duffel and maybe the weekender for her? I am not sure? I need to get a move on it though - as her birthday is before V's. ::yes::

Dad is doing OK - I was supposed to call him yesterday and I forgot... I need to do that today. Sometimes it's so hard, because I am an early riser and early to bed type person... And he is a late riser and late to bed type person... So we are only awake together for a few hours every day. :scratchin

THanks! I've had a very productive week so far! It's been really good. I am totally caught up on my schedule and I've even found the time to work on something for our upcoming trip. ::yes::

Much love and hugs to you, as well Carol! It's always good to see you here! :hug:

That is so cool! I would love to have a full set of VB. I love the Where's Mickey pattern too - it is my favorite!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your hair! It looks so good on you. The side-swept bangs are great for the shape of your face.

I highly recommend Ebay... Aside from my Hipsters - where I am picky about pattern placement... The bigger pieces (backpacks, duffels, Vera Totes...) have enough pattern on them, where it's almost impossible to get a bad pattern placement with the gamble of stock photos when on Ebay - and the prices are right. Most of the time, you can find things for at least 50% off and most of them are free shipping. I've gotten most of my VB Disney items off of ebay. So, it's a good place to start, IMO. :thumbsup2

Thank you - I still haven't decided if I like it or not... I think I am going to town this afternoon - so that will require me to do my hair, then I'll have a better idea. ::yes:: Hopefully I can figure out how to style them. LOL

I hope you have a great day!


Yesterday was a pretty good day for me... I did Level 2 of my 30DS right away in the morning... It's a lot of plank work and it's a hard work out, but I survived - barely. LOL

I made a crappy breakfast, which didn't satisfy me for long - and led to my snacking for most of the afternoon. I know better - but I was too lazy yesterday to devote too much time to breakfast. Today will be better.

Then I worked all day in my sewing room... I was able to get my next bag cut out and quilted. :woohoo: On top of that - I was able to get my Halloween bag - for our upcoming trip - cut out and quilted. :woohoo: Which is awesome - I find if I can just get that part done, I am able to work on the rest of it as I have the time... I love the fabrics I have chosen for this bag - they are very Halloween-y, and just fun! I can't wait to see it come together. ::yes::

I made dinner last night, and sat on my tablet for a little while... Then I went up to bed and watched more Downton Abbey... I believe I am on Season 2 Part 4 now. :thumbsup2 Just love that show!

Today... It's a heavy lifting day for me - squat day, to be exact... Which I will do just as soon as the girls get on the bus.

Then I will be working all day - today is applique day... Applique day is my favorite day. :lovestruc

I think I need to run to town this afternoon... So, hopefully I will get a chance to do my hair and see if I like it or not. :scratchin

I hope you all have a great day! Prayers and Pixie Dust to all! :grouphug:

Level 2! Im impressed :thumbsup2 I'm still trying to locate my 30DS dvd, it got packed away somewhere during our move :( hopefully I can find it soon! At least I've been consistent with the gym in the mean time :)

I can't wait to see your Halloween bag!!! I'm sure it'll come out awesome, as usual.
Then I went up to bed and watched more Downton Abbey... I believe I am on Season 2 Part 4 now. :thumbsup2 Just love that show!
Downton Abbey is one of the few shows that both DH and I like. Usually he doesn't like the ones I like. I'll be sad when it is over since there are so few quality shows on television.
I love your hair -- it looks great! And you are so pretty -- you don't even need makeup! I'm excited to see what you do for your Halloween bag!
YAY for a great day in your sewing room yesterday :woohoo:
I can't wait to see your Halloween bag.
Love the new do! It suits you really well. Plus the bangs are still long enough that they don't really look like bangs.

I've been gathering all the stuff for my outfits too. I can't believe we're down to just a little over 7 months for our respective trips.

What great presents for V's birthday! That's one of my favorite patterns. I found a woman in one my FB groups who makes things from VB Disney fabrics so I had her make a wristlet for me. It's a little bit bigger than a regular wristlet but I carry a lot of stuff lol.

I can't wait to see what you come up with for Halloween!


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Level 2! Im impressed I'm still trying to locate my 30DS dvd, it got packed away somewhere during our move :( hopefully I can find it soon! At least I've been consistent with the gym in the mean time :)

I can't wait to see your Halloween bag!!! I'm sure it'll come out awesome, as usual.

Typically, when I do 30DS, I do Level 1 on Mondays - Level 2 on Wednesdays - and Level 3 on Fridays... I used to do it the other way - where I did each level for 10 days and moved on - but then I started my heavy lifting a few years ago, and I shifted my aerobic workouts to 3x a week - it was easier to keep track this way and then I feel like I am getting a good rounded work out during the week. If that makes sense?

I hope you can find your DVD soon... I am not sure - but I think I only paid about $10 for mine a few years ago at Target - $$ well spent. Glad to hear you are being consistent at the gym - that is HUGE!!! :woohoo: WTG!

I am pretty excited for it. I did a quick bag for MVMCP in November, because I wasn't sure if I would ever use it again. But I am doing a *real* bag for MNSSHP - well, because I love Halloween and this is our 3rd MNSSHP over the years - so I'd likely go to WDW at Halloween vs. Christmas - I think? :scratchin And - I may or may not consider carrying a Halloween bag at home once in a while... Maybe? LOL In other words, I could see this bag potentially getting more used than a Christmas bag - so I am willing to put in a little more effort. ::yes::

Downton Abbey is one of the few shows that both DH and I like. Usually he doesn't like the ones I like. I'll be sad when it is over since there are so few quality shows on television.

YES!!! DH didn't start watching it (by default) until Season 2... and even though we technically don't "watch it together" - he does look VERY interested when I am watching it. LOL It's a great quality show - I agree with that completely... And there are so few of them now - I sure wish there was more.

We also loved that PBS reality show - I can't remember the name of it, but they would take ordinary people and the would be forced to homestead land, live and work it for ~um~ maybe 3 months? I can't remember... It was super interesting. They had a few spin offs of it too - I think one where people would be put in "Service" and live that way for a few months... Those were kind of cool shows. I just love PBS/TPT. :lovestruc

I love your hair -- it looks great! And you are so pretty -- you don't even need makeup! I'm excited to see what you do for your Halloween bag!

Awww... Thank you! :lovestruc

I am very excited about it - I hope to get a chance to work on it again over the weekend. I'd like to get finished with it asap, so I can begin working on a few side projects I have in mind. ::yes::

YAY for a great day in your sewing room yesterday :woohoo:
I can't wait to see your Halloween bag.

I was happy to be able to get so much done. I am very excited to share my Halloween bag too... I just love the fabrics! :woohoo:

Really looking forward to seeing your Halloween bag! :goodvibes

Thanks! I am really looking forward to sharing it! It will be a fun bag to carry...

Love the new do! It suits you really well. Plus the bangs are still long enough that they don't really look like bangs.

I've been gathering all the stuff for my outfits too. I can't believe we're down to just a little over 7 months for our respective trips.

What great presents for V's birthday! That's one of my favorite patterns. I found a woman in one my FB groups who makes things from VB Disney fabrics so I had her make a wristlet for me. It's a little bit bigger than a regular wristlet but I carry a lot of stuff lol.

I can't wait to see what you come up with for Halloween!

Thanks - I think I like them? I was able to do them yesterday - they are kind of an awkward length right now, where they hang right in my eyes and I can't push them aside... I think I will like them better when they are a little bit longer? :scratchin

Yay!!! I am super excited! They will come fast now.

What a fun Wristlet - it looks great! Thanks so much for sharing! :lovestruc


Yesterday - I did my heavy lifting... Again it was a good lift.

Then I worked hard appliqueing all morning. I was able to almost finish the applique on this bag - it's pretty detailed again, so I do have a bit of stitching to finish off today.

I was at school to pick up the girls at dismissal... We ran a few errands, and goofed around at Target for a while...


I dropped V off at one of the homes of the kids in her group project... She stayed there most of the remainder of the day.

I came home, made dinner and relaxed... Then Allison and I went back into town later to get V.

I was able to watch one more episode of Downton Abbey before bed.

Today... I'll do Level 3 30DS this morning.

Then I will finish off the applique and start some pre-assembly work on this week's order. I really want to finish this bag today - but I don't know if I will?

I will probably watch a few episodes of DA tonight. :lovestruc

This weekend - I hope to work on my Halloween bag... I just need to figure out what color I want to do my strap. :scratchin I can do it any color, really... But my issue is - I think I am wearing a purple shirt with black leggings... Right now I have chosen an orange strap... Seriously considering switching to black - just because it will be less bright across my chest - ya know? Any opinions on this? I hate to do purple - just in case I change my mind on the shirt I am wearing - I would hate for different purples to clash.

I hope you all have a great weekend!!! It's supposed to get nice here, starting on Sunday... So, I have it on my calendar to begin running again this coming week. :lovestruc I am a little nervous to see how much I've regressed in the last few months.

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We also loved that PBS reality show - I can't remember the name of it, but they would take ordinary people and the would be forced to homestead land, live and work it for ~um~ maybe 3 months? I can't remember... It was super interesting. They had a few spin offs of it too - I think one where people would be put in "Service" and live that way for a few months... Those were kind of cool shows.
We watched two of those shows. One of them put the family in a Victorian setting, where they had to cook on a stove that burned coal, I think. All I remember is that they could never get enough hot water from the stove. The other show left a lasting impression on me. They had put families in a homesteading environment, where they had to build their cabins and grow their own food. That was a rough life. But the thing I remember was that one of the families was a very rich family from Malibu. They lived in a huge home in real life and everyone did their own thing. They never saw each other. But when they lived in the cabin they were together all the time. Once the three month homesteading experience was over and they went back to Malibu they really missed living in the little cabin. They had liked being a close knit family. I think that says a lot about what is really important in life, not the huge home but the family togetherness.
I just need to figure out what color I want to do my strap. :scratchin I can do it any color, really... But my issue is - I think I am wearing a purple shirt with black leggings... Right now I have chosen an orange strap... Seriously considering switching to black - just because it will be less bright across my chest - ya know? Any opinions on this? I hate to do purple - just in case I change my mind on the shirt I am wearing - I would hate for different purples to clash.
I think you are right about the orange strap even though orange and purple look great together. A black strap would work or maybe you could do a detachable strap that you can change to match your shirt. Or maybe a multi-colored fabric would work, too.
Love the new do! It suits you really well. Plus the bangs are still long enough that they don't really look like bangs.

I've been gathering all the stuff for my outfits too. I can't believe we're down to just a little over 7 months for our respective trips.

What great presents for V's birthday! That's one of my favorite patterns. I found a woman in one my FB groups who makes things from VB Disney fabrics so I had her make a wristlet for me. It's a little bit bigger than a regular wristlet but I carry a lot of stuff lol.

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I can't wait to see what you come up with for Halloween!

I didn't know the VB Disney fabrics were available for purchase!!! I might need some.....
I would probably go with the black strap. Even though the orange strap would look great with your purple shirt, you said you might use this bag a bit more outside of Disney? A black strap may lend a hand in it being more usable in everyday life.

I can't wait for the weather to break here too! We're supposed to get 50-60's next week so I told DH that I wanted to go disc golfing as soon as we can do so without freezing lol

Hope you have a great weekend as well!
I think I would go with a black strap -- then you could wear it with pretty much any Halloween colored shirt. And you wouldn't have to worry about matching the purples.
Can't wait to see your Halloween bag. You have a great eye for color/matching fabrics together. So whatever strap you decided on will be perfect!

Poor V, I really hope this project comes together easily and they are able to complete it on time.

The kids arrive today! Watching the time and it is going by very slow. You are more than welcome to stop by for a tea party, LOL I have to make princess cupcakes with fairy dust on them for our tea party. We devote all our attention on the little ones. We sit on the floor from the moment they arrive till they leave. They should be back here for a visit in the summer for about two weeks. I am hoping I can take my oldest niece to American Girl and do lunch.

Love your pic! Can't believe you are wearing flip flops. I am usually bundled up till May. If it's not at least 70 degrees or above I am just cold.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Your new haircut is cute. I wear my bangs to the side and it took a little while to get used to it.
It's strange seeing you in capris and flipflops It snowed last night. Next week it's supposed to get warm again.
My daughter booked a short trip to Disney for the beginning of May. She said that her husband and her were going through Disney withdrawl and had to go.
It's been somewhat quiet around here. They're on a cleaning spree at work and the photo lab is still acting up but what else is new.
I like the idea of a Halloween bag. Congrats on finding the Disney Vera bags you were looking for. I'm nor sure if I like the new Disney patterns, though.
Have a great weekend.
I just need to figure out what color I want to do my strap. :scratchin I can do it any color, really... But my issue is - I think I am wearing a purple shirt with black leggings... Right now I have chosen an orange strap... Seriously considering switching to black - just because it will be less bright across my chest - ya know? Any opinions on this? I hate to do purple - just in case I change my mind on the shirt I am wearing - I would hate for different purples to clash.
I would go with black as well...since it does pretty much go with everything.
I hope you all have a great weekend!!! It's supposed to get nice here, starting on Sunday.
Glad you will be getting good weather soon. Same in NY. I am very happy about that as well becuase this afternoon I am going home for my Spring Break!:woohoo: So nice weather is always appreciated.::yes::
So, I have it on my calendar to begin running again this coming week. :lovestruc I am a little nervous to see how much I've regressed in the last few months.
Best of luck with running again!:goodvibes
my Halloween bag... I just need to figure out what color I want to do my strap. :scratchin I can do it any color, really... But my issue is - I think I am wearing a purple shirt with black leggings... Right now I have chosen an orange strap... Seriously considering switching to black - just because it will be less bright across my chest - ya know? Any opinions on this? I hate to do purple - just in case I change my mind on the shirt I am wearing - I would hate for different purples to clash.

What about a detachable strap? So you can change it basted on what you are wearing.
I just need to figure out what color I want to do my strap. :scratchin I can do it any color, really... But my issue is - I think I am wearing a purple shirt with black leggings... Right now I have chosen an orange strap... Seriously considering switching to black - just because it will be less bright across my chest - ya know? Any opinions on this? I hate to do purple - just in case I change my mind on the shirt I am wearing - I would hate for different purples to clash.

Although the orange strap sounds like it would be pretty, I think I would go with a black strap - if for no other reason you can change your mind if you want and not wear a purple shirt.

I hope you got the bag finished!

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