The Year of the Mouse! A SURPRISE trip, with another one in the making! COMPLETE 8/11

SCORE! 2 rides on Soarin' in less than 30 minutes!

Wow, that's really impressive!!!

We were on the very first ride--how awesome is that?!

Really awesome. Also unheard of!! How lucky!!

my child had been BEGGING to go there. She is in kindergarten and they were studing Presidents. She had a report due and her president was Ronald Regan. So she was thrilled when we finally made it over there.

So funny. I'd like to see that because I know so little US kids...not sure if I'd get them in there....

Then we used our FP for TSMM and the Frozen Sing-a-long

These are the two things we are going to go to HS for!!

We absolutely LOVED it.

So glad it was great. I do hope to see this...but...I don't think we have your stamina...we will see if we are still awake by then after going for morning EMH!!

my wonderful hubby agreed to stay behind with Kate so Allie and I could go!

What a nice hubby you have!!
Catching up on your last couple of posts. I'd love to say I can't believe all the rain on your AK day, but I swear it rains every time I"m in that park. I love AK, but I don't need all the rain to remind me I'm in Asia. Rainforest cafe looks like a lot of fun and surprisingly good food. We used to have one by our house but its long gone so I haven't been in probably 15 years or so. But I know my daughter would love it. And then an evening in Epcot. Despite the rainy start, you all sure got a lot done.

Ahh the ever elusive empty MK opening. While your BoG breakfast is unquestionably overpriced, an empty MK and walk to mine train just make it almost worth it. Though $100 for breakfast for 4 is quite ridiculous. But mmm, that cronut looks divine. Clearly no sugar going on there.

Can't believe how much you all got done that morning at MK. And love the nachos and ice cream for "lunch"

Your meal at Hollywood Brown Derby looks great, especially that beef. I've contemplated doing the Fantasmic package, but we typically go during non-peak seasons so we haven't needed it yet. Though I'm with ya on not loving MGM. It is clearly a park in massive need of a major rehaul. And while it sounds like its coming, closing down attractions in a park with next to nothing already is not the way to handle it IMO.
Wow, that's really impressive!!!

Really awesome. Also unheard of!! How lucky!!

So funny. I'd like to see that because I know so little US kids...not sure if I'd get them in there....

These are the two things we are going to go to HS for!!

So glad it was great. I do hope to see this...but...I don't think we have your stamina...we will see if we are still awake by then after going for morning EMH!!

What a nice hubby you have!!

Yes, it was a LONG day but totally worth it! I'm glad I planned a little down time for the next day. I tend to wear my family out!
Catching up on your last couple of posts. I'd love to say I can't believe all the rain on your AK day, but I swear it rains every time I"m in that park. I love AK, but I don't need all the rain to remind me I'm in Asia. Rainforest cafe looks like a lot of fun and surprisingly good food. We used to have one by our house but its long gone so I haven't been in probably 15 years or so. But I know my daughter would love it. And then an evening in Epcot. Despite the rainy start, you all sure got a lot done.

Ahh the ever elusive empty MK opening. While your BoG breakfast is unquestionably overpriced, an empty MK and walk to mine train just make it almost worth it. Though $100 for breakfast for 4 is quite ridiculous. But mmm, that cronut looks divine. Clearly no sugar going on there.

Can't believe how much you all got done that morning at MK. And love the nachos and ice cream for "lunch"

Your meal at Hollywood Brown Derby looks great, especially that beef. I've contemplated doing the Fantasmic package, but we typically go during non-peak seasons so we haven't needed it yet. Though I'm with ya on not loving MGM. It is clearly a park in massive need of a major rehaul. And while it sounds like its coming, closing down attractions in a park with next to nothing already is not the way to handle it IMO.

Ugh, the rain put me in a seriously bad mood. And I should have expected it.
Agree that BOG is overpriced, but bearable when you have the dining plan, lol.
Day 4, Part 1: Downtown Disney, MK and meeting the Frozen Sisters!
We slept in until 10:30--my kids are awesome. They LOVE to sleep. We had to wake them up this day.

I hadn't really planned on going to DTD, it underwhelms me. But we didn't have any firm plans and it was so hot already. We knew going into a park mid-day was a recipe for disaster, so we hopped on a boat and headed downtown.

We stopped at Earl of Sandwich for lunch, the line was long but moved very quickly. We also grabbed a table pretty quickly.

I had the Earl's Club: turkey, bacon, Swiss, lettuce, Roma tomato and sandwich sauce $6.99

It was delicious! FYI for anyone else on the dining plan, you get dessert OR a side here. We grabbed a side and dessert and didn't realize this until we went to check out, so we just paid for the extras.

I had the bread pudding for dessert, it was just ok. Didn't love it and it was kind of dry.

And to be honest, I have no clue what everyone else had. Bad dining reporter. :sad2: I think we were starving by the time we sat down.

After that, we walked around a little bit, did a little shopping. Around 2:30 we headed back to the resort to drop off our purchases and head to MK. We had a late night planned with EMHs at Magic Kingdom!

We arrived at MK around 3:30 and it was PACKED. Luckly we had a FP to meet some very important sisters.....

Stopped for a photo first.

We scanned our bands and were in line to meet the Frozen sisters!

We met them back in March of 2014 when DH stood in line in Norway for 2.5 hours. This was much better than that!

Deep in conversation!

Love this photo! Elsa was soooo sweet to the girls!

Anna loved Kate's light up shoes!

It was a great Meet and Greet. Best part is that it took less than 20 minutes! I'm glad I stayed up late to grab that FP!

Next up it was Philharmagic show!

Then we started to head back out, dinner was at 6:30! We caught a little bit of the Move it, Shake it parade!

After that we headed over to The Polynesian for a dinner we had been waiting 14 months for!!

Next up: Dinner at 'Ohana and EMHs at MK!!!
So jealous your girls slept that late. Mine used to be that way but she's up before 8 almost every weekend lately, which means no sleeping in for me

Your Earl's sandwich looks great, though at relatively inexpensive price you would think that a side would have come with it too.

The girls look so happy to be meeting those frozen chic's ; ) And yeah for 20 minutes. I can't fathom waiting 2+ hours, #Crazy
I Love the shirts you had made! Very cute :) And that Chocolate Spongecake... It looks way too yummy to not try!
So jealous your girls slept that late. Mine used to be that way but she's up before 8 almost every weekend lately, which means no sleeping in for me

Your Earl's sandwich looks great, though at relatively inexpensive price you would think that a side would have come with it too.

The girls look so happy to be meeting those frozen chic's ; ) And yeah for 20 minutes. I can't fathom waiting 2+ hours, #Crazy

I'm VERY lucky when it comes to my girls and their sleeping habits! I was disappointed with the sides at EoS, but it was no biggie. We just paid and moved on!

I am hungry for more!:listen:

Me TOO! I can't wait to have some more of these treats!

I Love the shirts you had made! Very cute :) And that Chocolate Spongecake... It looks way too yummy to not try!

Thanks! I'm working on shirts for our next trip!

That truly is awesome! I think the latest my kids have ever slept in is 9am lol

I guess that is what it

I'm very lucky--we all love to sleep late!
Day 4, Part 2: 'Ohana!
After a great time in Magic Kingdom, we headed over to the Polynesian for a dinner we have been looking forward to for 14 months!

A little backstory here, back in 2014 when we tried this place for the first time with my sister and her husband, we LOVED it. LOVED it. This was our first meal of the trip and it set a tone. We spend the next 4 days searching for another reservation for the 8 of us and ended up cancelling Whispering Canyon Cafe on our last night so we could have 'Ohana again. I'm happy to say it was just as good the 2nd time around! So as soon as I booked this trip, 'Ohana was the first place I booked!

We were excited to start with the yummy pineapple bread!

And one of these! I'm probably in the minority here, but this was so STRONG for me! I'm not much of a drinker, but do enjoy fruity drinks. I only took a few sips, but DH was happy to pick up my slack!

Before long, the salad made it's way to our table, no lettuce wraps in sight!

Then the potstickers and wings!

We were photobommed by our server, who was awesome! I wish I would have written down his name. He was very efficient and made our meal that much more enjoyable!

It doesn't look like I got a photo of the noodles and veggies---boooooo! That was one of my favorite parts! You can bet they were delicious though!

The meats and shrimp were delicious!

The girls participated in the coconut races while DH and I waited for seconds of the shrimp and steak!

I want to say Kate got nuggets and mac and cheese here? I honestly don't remember and don't have a photo of it. Our server was happy to bring her something else and they had several things to choose from!

Finally it was time for the amazing bananas foster bread pudding!

The girls had cupcakes!

To wrap it up, we had another FABULOUS meal here and can't wait to return in October! I hope our families love it as much as we do!

Next up: Extra Magic Hours in MK, Wishes and the MSEP!
Day 4, Part 3: Extra Magic Hours in MK!

Attempting to repeat our 2014 trip, we headed to MK for EMHs. Last time, I didn't pay attention to EMHs much and didn't realized until we arrived that MK was open until 1am on our arrival day. We had our first delicious dinner at 'Ohana and then spent the rest of the night in MK. It was fabulous, crowds were thin and we were able to do sooo much. So as soon as I booked this trip, I noticed EMHs for this night and booked 'Ohana and hoped for a repeat!

Our first stop was POC!

Followed by The Magic Carpets of Aladdin! We actually took a few spins and I had a hard time figuring out why I kept getting wet! That darn camel got me every time! It was also the first time DH and I got to ride something together. We let the girls sit together, it was nice!

We took a few more spins on BTMRR, but I don't have any photos. I think we went 3 more times! Everyone was waiting for the first parade at this point, so most things were a walk-on. We also attempted Space Mountain, but it was down for some reason.

Next, we headed over for Wishes! I had a FP and we made it right as the show was starting. I have to say, I don't think I will do this again. The area wasn't overly crowded or anything, but you couldn't sit down. We enjoyed the show though!

I also had a FP for the 2nd parade, but we decided to head up Main Street in search of a snack and to see if we could get a spot there. We ended up at The Plaza, which had a really long line but moved quickly.

We were able to get a great spot on Main Street and stopped to enjoy our snack! I didn't have any good photos of our ice crea, but it was delcious!!!

The parade started!

We enjoyed it, as always. The second parade is always less crowded for sure!

After that, we headed back for more rides!

Buzz Lightyear! I think DH went to the bathroom, so I sat in the middle and let the girls do the fun stuff!

You can't go to Disney without taking these photos!

Then we decided to try out something we haven't done before!

I actually enjoyed it! Not a must do by any means, but it was cute!

We took a midnight spin on the teacups!

Then we had time for one more ride, MK would be closing in about 45 minutes. We tried for Space Mountain, but it was still down. We never made it on Space this trip, which was a bummer because Allie was finally tall enough.

The girls picked Mine Train, which had a 30 minute wait. We hopped in line, hoping it would be shorter. It wasn't, but the queche we really neat! We enjoyed our late night ride and headed out to the bus stop!

The girls were definitely going downhill when we stopped. But I was very proud, they did great!

We had a GREAT time that night. I just love that we were able to take this trip, just the 4 of us. It was amazing.

We made it back to the resort and crashed! Luckily, we got to sleep in before we tackled our last day. :guilty:

Next up: Sleeping in, dinner at POFQ food court, trying out the arcade!
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Day 5, Part 1: Sleeping in and taking it easy at the resort!
After our late night, we slept unil 10:30. We thought about heading to DTD for lunch, but eventually ended up at the food court for lunch.

DH enjoyed a burger, nothing fancy but he liked it!

I had the chicken nuggets. Yummm. Something about Disney chicken breast nuggets.

I loved the big dessert case that we could choose from. I went with a sugar cookie, so soft and delicous!

The girls each had a pizza!

We even swam for about an hour! The girls LOVED the pool and the slide. DH and I probably enjoyed an adult beverage while the girls swam.

After we got changed, we decided to check out the arcade.

Even the big kid got in on the action!

Eventually we headed to EPCOT. Our first FP was for Test Track!

We enjoyed a Mickey Bar! It was soooo hot!

I had a Mickey stuffed pretzel, it was delicious!

We checked out Figment and the play area

Then we checked in here for our dinner!

Next up: The most disappointing dinner EVER and some final thoughts!
Day 5, Part 2: Yuck!
Even though this trip was a surprise, I had discretly asked the girls what they would like to do when we went back to Disney World. They both said to eat with the Princesses, so that led us to Akershus. When I booked it there was a mushroom ravioli on the menu that looked good. Little did I know they took it off and the menu just didn't look appealing to me.

The girls did enjoy meeting Belle!

The Princesses were very sweet, but I thought it was very rushed and nothing fun or spontaneous. It was pretty quick and to the point. The girls didn't know any different though and were thrilled.

They participated in the Princess Parade and loved it!

Now for the food, GROSS. OMG awful! The entire restaurant smelled like raw fish! I ordered some squash ravioli thing that was soooo sweet. DH had the meatballs which he said were ok. The girls each had a pizza. It was so terrible I didn't even take photos. Ewwwwww. I don't even remember dessert.

The worst part, the bill. We were on the dining plan but had one extra meal. I didn't put much thought into it, or I would have paid for BOG OOP earlier in the trip. It was right at$100. This meal, with tax and tip was $180!!!! OMG, I just about died! I remembered why I love the dining plan, because all of a sudden I felt like throwing up. And it wasn't just because of the lousy food. OMG. Always getting the dining plan so I don't have to look at the bill.

Once that fiasco was over, we walked around the World Showcase.

Eventually we ended up back at the resort and had a last night snack of beignets!

And of course we went swimming. DH started packing while I took the girls to the pool. Our trip was coming to an end.

We woke up at 5:00 the next morning and started the 10 hour drive home. We slept, well all of except for DH!

FINAL THOUGHTS: We had a fantastic time! We loved POFQ and would absolutely stay there again, bus service was also great. We had a great time in the parks and only had one not great meal. We have a few new favorites and a few old favorites.

73 days and counting until we head back to Disney to celebrate Allie's 10th Birthday with my parents, DHs parents and my SIL! We have tickets to MNSSHP on October 29th and I can't wait!

Thanks for reading along everyone!

I've loved reading your report, your girls are sweeties and it sounds like you all had so much fun. Thanks for sharing :goodvibes
I really enjoyed your TR especially your Ohana pics. We are trying these same places when we go in Sept. Thank you for sharing
Best part is that it took less than 20 minutes! I'm glad I stayed up late to grab that FP!

I'm so glad to hear that you got through that quickly. I was a bit concerned because for our upcoming trip the only FP+ I could get for A/E was 20 mins before our lunch ADR at BOG....but if it's possible to be that quick we will hopefully be ok.

Then the potstickers and wings!

Those look soooo good.

Our server was happy to bring her something else

I didn't know they did that there - that was my one hesitation about going there with my DS who is uber picky about food.

The girls were definitely going downhill when we stopped. But I was very proud, they did great!

I'm so impressed with your girls!!

I had a Mickey stuffed pretzel, it was delicious!

On my list of things to try for sure!

Eventually we ended up back at the resort and had a last night snack of beignets!

Yum...those look so good! Can't wait to try them!

We loved POFQ and would absolutely stay there again, bus service was also great.

I'm so glad to hear that...we are staying there in Oct and have never been to even see it before. Can't wait. I'm so glad you had a good experience with the busses too.
I'm so glad to hear that you got through that quickly. I was a bit concerned because for our upcoming trip the only FP+ I could get for A/E was 20 mins before our lunch ADR at BOG....but if it's possible to be that quick we will hopefully be ok.

Those look soooo good.

I didn't know they did that there - that was my one hesitation about going there with my DS who is uber picky about food.

I'm so impressed with your girls!!

On my list of things to try for sure!

Yum...those look so good! Can't wait to try them!

I'm so glad to hear that...we are staying there in Oct and have never been to even see it before. Can't wait. I'm so glad you had a good experience with the busses too.

YES, try 'Ohana! They have tons of stuff they will bring for your DS if he is picky. One of our favorites.

You will enjoy FQ. It was a great resort. And so small--even the walk to the other side of the resort is quick and easy. We definitely want to stay there again!
Thanks for reading!
I really enjoyed your TR especially your Ohana pics. We are trying these same places when we go in Sept. Thank you for sharing

Thanks for reading. 'Ohana is one of our favorites and never disappoints!

I've loved reading your report, your girls are sweeties and it sounds like you all had so much fun. Thanks for sharing :goodvibes

Thanks for reading!!!


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