The Widow and the Spinster: The Search for Adventure, Enlightenment, and the Quest for Forbidden food - Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, and New TR Link! 5/23

3:15 came super early
I find that it generally comes about 15 or so minutes after 3.
Here we are driving through town at 4AM - predawn.
Please tell me it was quiet at that time of day.
In Egypt, ordinary people can not move freely about the country. Areas are guarded by police and military checkpoints. We saw this on the way to Alexandria as well. Tourist drivers seem to have an exemption, either that or the tour company registers them at the checkpoint so that they may pass without hassle. Our drivers would just flash a little card at the sentry and they would wave them through. Often times the sentries knew the drivers and you could tell by their smiles.
Sometimes we take our freedoms lightly. I've driven across a good chunk of North America and never worried about whether I could or not.
overnight they have to sweep the desert between Aswan and Abu Simbel for terrorists and other militants.
Tough call... but I think... think! that I like this photo better. Ask me again, and maybe I'll have flipped to the other. Like them both.
While in the bathroom line, there was a rude lady who cut into the line just behind us, and all the way to the front of the line she kept trying to get in front of us. I'm not going to miss all the pushy people who have no sense of personal space.
Despise rude, self-entitled people.
Jill got me a coffee as she finished first. The only creamer they had was the powdered stuff. This is back in the car with my coffee and water. Fancy breakfast huh?
First class all the way!
Turns out those rolls had the nasty pressed meat inside one and cheese in the other.
our guide said that they were trying to extend this Canal to the western desert so that they could grow wheat out there.
Really! Huh.
No those aren't pyramids, they're just big mounds of dirt.
Anywhere else and you wouldn't have had to clarify that!
I realized that on this trip we will have basically traveled from the top of Egypt (Alexandria) to the bottom (Abu Simbel). When I pointed this out to Jill she remarked, "We've gone for Niles and Niles and Niles.

(((((Rim shot)))))

I'm here all week, try the veal, tip your server."
And if you don't believe her, you're in... Africa!
There were two women in front of me who were turned away (after waiting in a fairly long line) for only offering 5 pounds a piece at the restroom.
What?!?!? Really???? I'm... shocked!
I think our guide was a little perturbed that I had to make so many pit stops, but that's what happens to women over 55 like me. Young ladies appreciate it while you can.
It seems that the farther out of civilization you get, the more aggressive the children and old men get at trying to sell you their crap.
Yuck. How... unpleasant.
I felt like the guy in the movie Airplane when he is trying to get into the airport and he keeps getting hassled by religious types asking for donations and ends up in a full on brawl.
OK, so it didn’t get that bad
Darn. Would've been cool to see the photos of that!
Or maybe my tolerance level was just getting even lower the longer the trip went on.
We made it through and past the turnstiles and soon we could behold this!
No way!!! I recognize that right away! Cool!!!
And at this point I tried to use my big camera and it started beeping at me. I took the battery out hoping to reset the camera. And it didn't work. In the hot sun, I couldn't see the screen of the camera well enough to even figure out what the screen was telling me. So I just put it in my purse and carried it with me for the rest of the morning.
:headache: D'oh! Sorry to hear that.
These imposing figures of Ramses were placed at nearly the southernmost tip of Egypt (we were only 20km from Sudan at that point) as a warning to invaders from the Sudan and other African locations that Egypt was a strong warrior country and they should have second thoughts about invading.
Yeah, I'd give it a second thought too!
Massive... and... they moved it all??? :worship:
They are not in the same configuration, but I believe that all the same symbols are inside the oval and that’s what counts.
Sure, I'll go along with that. That's general cartouche knowledge.

Good thing I wasn't carrying the big camera around my neck, otherwise my fellow mosh pitters would have gotten a big fat lens right in the middle of their backs. Or lower if they were taller.
And here I'm thinking "Too bad Alison wasn't carrying the big camera and poking people right in the middle of their backs"
But it felt like it was 1000° with 200% humidity.
in the end, neither of us could take the heat and shoving anymore and we just left.
I guess not! I'm surprised you got as many photos as you did!
Jill called this one, “bringing morning Starbucks.”
I know that the large figure is the King and the other figure is Ra the Sun God, but what they’re doing is a mystery to me.
I have no idea, but to me it looks like they are dueling.
I'm racking my brain to figure out what it is I watched recently that used that temple as a set. I'm guessing it was probably when I binged Stargate but maybe it was something else.

Impressive Temple!
Abu Simbel was incredible! Not only was it a temple but served as a warning/symbol of the Pharaoh's power on the Southern border. This was an add on to the trip...I couldn't go all that way and not see it. We were repaired with the Australian couple but thankfully the Croatian family and the guncle stayed behind. The drive to and from were so long but it was worth seeing Abu Simbel and to really understand how vast and dry the desert really is.

After the Aswan dam was built, there are no more crocodiles left in the Nile in Egypt....but they do live in the lake but sadly I didn't see one.

That breakfast was nasty! :)

Jill in CO
I'm racking my brain to figure out what it is I watched recently that used that temple as a set. I'm guessing it was probably when I binged Stargate but maybe it was something else.

Impressive Temple!
The last thing I watched with that temple was Death on the Nile, 2022 with Kenneth Branagh.
This was an add on to the trip...I couldn't go all that way and not see it.
I wouldn't have thought of it, to be honest... but as soon as I saw that first photo, I was "Yes! Of course!"
I would have kicked myself if I'd done all that you two ladies did and forgotten to include it.
We were repaired with the Australian couple
I really had to stop and think on this one.
"Did they have an episode with the Australian couple? I know they wanted private tours, but did they write something that happened that I don't remember? Why did their relationship with the Australian couple have to be repaired? Whose feelings were hurt? Jill & Alison's or the Australians?"

And then I got it... paired up again...


At least I didn't have to go back and scour all the updates looking for clues before I figured it out!!
After the Aswan dam was built, there are no more crocodiles left in the Nile in Egypt....
While safer for the people bathing and cleaning etc... I find this a bit sad. And very surprising.
I find that it generally comes about 15 or so minutes after 3.

Sometimes certain times "feel" earlier than others, then again I can't imagine when 3:15AM would NOT feel like too early.

Please tell me it was quiet at that time of day.

I think it was.....define quiet?

Sometimes we take our freedoms lightly. I've driven across a good chunk of North America and never worried about whether I could or not.

Let's hope that a year from now you will still be able to.

Tough call... but I think... think! that I like this photo better. Ask me again, and maybe I'll have flipped to the other. Like them both.

Well I probably took about 30 so of those these two were the best.

Despise rude, self-entitled people.


Anywhere else and you wouldn't have had to clarify that!


And if you don't believe her, you're in... Africa!

((((((( Rim Shot )))))))

What?!?!? Really???? I'm... shocked!

What boggled my mind is that they didn't put their 5LE together so one of them could go after waiting in that super long line.

Yup! That's the one!

No way!!! I recognize that right away! Cool!!!


:headache: D'oh! Sorry to hear that.

Yeah, I would have liked to get some pictures inside the Temple in the ambient light.

Yeah, I'd give it a second thought too!

I'm not sure that I'd even given a first thought to invasion! :lmao:

Massive... and... they moved it all??? :worship:

Yes! It was quite the undertaking. Our guide showed us photos of how they moved it in stages, and that they actually constructed the mountains that house the Temples today. I bet there's a documentary out there about it.

Sure, I'll go along with that. That's general cartouche knowledge.


Of course it is.

And here I'm thinking "Too bad Alison wasn't carrying the big camera and poking people right in the middle of their backs"

:laughing: Then again that goes both ways, it would also be getting pushed into my chest.

I guess not! I'm surprised you got as many photos as you did!

Some were Jill's, and I was sort of snapping photos rapid fire. We did look in just about every room on the right side. We didn't even go on the left side to see what was there, cause that's when we got fed up with the crowds.

We still had another one to go inside, but that's the next chapter.

I have no idea, but to me it looks like they are dueling.

Well yes, I should have said, "the King is defending the Kingdom." But it's the symbolism of his foe that's important. On the Edfu Temple there was a similar depiction, but the head on the figure he is battling tells the story of what is being symbolized.

In another couple updates you'll see the same thing of the King battling his foes at Philae Temple.
I'm racking my brain to figure out what it is I watched recently that used that temple as a set. I'm guessing it was probably when I binged Stargate but maybe it was something else.

You're not the first person to mention Stargate on this TR! Maybe I should go back and watch that if I run out of stuff to watch! Like that's is ever going to happen! :laughing:

Impressive Temple!

It sure is!
Sometimes certain times "feel" earlier than others, then again I can't imagine when 3:15AM would NOT feel like too early.
3:15am never feels anything other than early.
I think it was.....define quiet?
Hmm... based on the videos you posted recently... 50% less than that?
Let's hope that a year from now you will still be able to.
I know of what you speak... the thought crossed my mind.
What boggled my mind is that they didn't put their 5LE together so one of them could go after waiting in that super long line.
I never thought of that. But... can you imagine the conversation??

"I have to go"
"No, I have to go."
"But I really have to go!"
"Well I really have to go too!"

Before they finished arguing, you'd find out who really had to go.
Yes! It was quite the undertaking. Our guide showed us photos of how they moved it in stages, and that they actually constructed the mountains that house the Temples today. I bet there's a documentary out there about it.
Very impressive and quite incredible.
:laughing: Then again that goes both ways, it would also be getting pushed into my chest.
Good point. :)
Well yes, I should have said, "the King is defending the Kingdom." But it's the symbolism of his foe that's important. On the Edfu Temple there was a similar depiction, but the head on the figure he is battling tells the story of what is being symbolized.

In another couple updates you'll see the same thing of the King battling his foes at Philae Temple.
I think I see. So, yes, battling... but the point is who he's battling. But you'd think you wouldn't battle a God? Unless he's battling the negative effects that God might bring?
Abu Simbel was incredible! Not only was it a temple but served as a warning/symbol of the Pharaoh's power on the Southern border. This was an add on to the trip...I couldn't go all that way and not see it.

Yes, it was very impressive and I'm glad we did it!

We were repaired with the Australian couple but thankfully the Croatian family and the guncle stayed behind.

They were very low maintenance, and pleasant.

The drive to and from were so long but it was worth seeing Abu Simbel and to really understand how vast and dry the desert really is.

It was a super long drive, but that was the only way we were going to see it.

After the Aswan dam was built, there are no more crocodiles left in the Nile in Egypt....but they do live in the lake but sadly I didn't see one.

I was looking too!

That breakfast was nasty! :)

Yes, and we get to have it again tomorrow!
The last thing I watched with that temple was Death on the Nile, 2022 with Kenneth Branagh.

Jill and I didn't finish that movie last September and now I'm not sure we will.

I wouldn't have thought of it, to be honest... but as soon as I saw that first photo, I was "Yes! Of course!"
I would have kicked myself if I'd done all that you two ladies did and forgotten to include it.

I'm glad Jill had this whole thing all planned out and I just hitched a ride! :thumbsup2:

And then I got it... paired up again...


I know! I was confused by that for a bit as well, and I was there. :lmao:

3:15am never feels anything other than early.

No. It doesn't. Or should I say yes, it doesn't.

Hmm... based on the videos you posted recently... 50% less than that?

Oh yes. It was quiet. Not a sound could be heard. Not even a mouse.

I know of what you speak... the thought crossed my mind.

::yes:: And that's all we will say about it.

I think I see. So, yes, battling... but the point is who he's battling. But you'd think you wouldn't battle a God? Unless he's battling the negative effects that God might bring?

Yeah, see that's where I wish my brain wasn't overflowing with information. Everything is symbolism. So the God that he is fighting represents something. I'm so overloaded right now, my brain doesn't want to work.

In two weeks I will be on a descent into MCO, and checking into a Copper Creek Cabin the following day. I can't wait to get there! But so much to get through before I can leave!
Next we queued up for Nefertari's Temple. Ramses built this temple as a gift for his queen. Think about that guys when you’re contemplating your next Anniversary gift!

By now, the lines had become quite long. It wasn’t even 9:30AM yet!



So we got ourselves in line…..


While we were waiting, Jill took this panoramic shot of both temples.


Here we are getting closer.


This temple celebrated Hathor plus it had many references toRamses as well.


I believe this is Ramses, as it bears his Cartouche and he’s also wearing the double crown.



I’m not sure which god this is, it could be Isis or Sekmet, the sun on her head should be a clue.


This is the kind of crowding that you would have to push through just to get to the main attraction in the tomb.


This is what I finally got once I waited past the crowds.


More ornate carvings on the temple wall.



This carving at the exit/entrance Ramses is slaying his enemies. Then we exited the temple.


Since I didn't eat much of my "breakfast box", I was hungry. I also didn't get enough caffeine in that tiny cup of coffee along the road. These two things did the trick for the drive home. They also wiped me out of all my Egyptian pounds that I had in my pocket.


And then we headed off on this pathway. It was basically the exit so that we didn't have to fight the sea of tourists who were now flocking into the Temple grounds in droves.


This cruise ship does cruises on the lake only.


This map near the exit of the ticket center shows just how many sights there are to see in the area. Certainly enough to warrant a return visit. The only one we were going to see is the Philae Temple you can find near the center of the large circle. And that’s in just a few hours.


This one little zen place makes it look like a lush garden.


When we got back into the van I took a look at my big camera since I could see the display once out of the bright sunshine. It turns out that somehow I had inadvertently hit the buttons that put the camera in timer mode. The beeps were simply counting down the time until the shutter old go. Silly me! But at least it was an easy fix.

And we are back on the road to Aswan.



Now that it was light and I was more awake, I was ready to take more pictures.


As we got back to Aswan I was able to take these pictures from atop the dam.



We had to stop at the ATM on our way back to the ship because I was running out of Egyptian pounds. I had spent my last $200LE (other than bathroom change) on the biscuits and Nescafe at Abu Simbel.

There was a free standing one on the steps near where our cruise ship was docked that was relatively easy to find. The Screen on the ATM was broken and I couldn't see a thing, but somehow Jill was able to see enough for me to complete the transaction and get more cash.

We got back to the ship at about 1:45. Fayed said that he would pick us up at 2:15, but he would call us. He didn't specify when he would call us.

Most of the diners were finished with lunch.


I grabbed all the food I could while Jill rushed to the bathroom. Once I had my plate filled, one of the servers came by to help me carry it to the table. I know they're being nice, but it was kind of annoying the way that they kept taking the plates out of our hands.

I expected him just to set the plate down and then I was going to run to the restroom myself. He motioned for me to sit down, I motioned for him to set the plate down. Finally he said, "Please, sit down."

"I'm going to the restroom!" I said without tact or deference. And just took off. I hadn't had a chance to go before we left Abu Simbel, and we didn't make a stop along the way.

The soup was a vegetable beef broth and was probably the weakest of all the soups this week.


I had some "Mexican chicken", rice, potato, beef wellington, and some Egyptian vermicelli. Everything but the wellington was good. The Beef was super dry.

I was still hungry after that plate so I tried the pasta bar again. Now that I knew to ask for two scoops of tomato and two scoops of sauce, the pasta came out pretty tasty.


They were also having an ice cream bar. I chose chocolate and strawberry flavors. I coated the chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce and the strawberry with chocolate sauce. I put jimmies all over and topped them all with malted milk balls.


Since I didn't get enough caffeine in the morning I ordered a Cappucino. We still had another Temple to tour.


Since we didn't get a call from the guide we went back up to the room. I had brought my change of shoes to Abu Simbel. I didn't want to ride 2-3 hours each way in Tennies, so I had my sandals on. I changed back into Tennies for the afternoon tour and we waited.


Oh yeah, and we’ve been on the boat for 3 nights so far. This plate of fruit was in our room on the first day and it remained just like this until we left. It looked kind of nasty on the first day and it just kept getting worse with each passing day.


Next Up: If I see One More Temple…..
Jill and I didn't finish that movie last September and now I'm not sure we will.
Well, you've seen the real deal now, so...
I'm glad Jill had this whole thing all planned out and I just hitched a ride! :thumbsup2
I'll have to see if I can find someone to plan out my next trip. :laughing:
I know! I was confused by that for a bit as well, and I was there. :lmao:
No. It doesn't. Or should I say yes, it doesn't.
No. Yes... Right!
Yeah, see that's where I wish my brain wasn't overflowing with information. Everything is symbolism. So the God that he is fighting represents something. I'm so overloaded right now, my brain doesn't want to work.
Too much stuff!
In two weeks I will be on a descent into MCO, and checking into a Copper Creek Cabin the following day. I can't wait to get there! But so much to get through before I can leave!
Two weeks will be here in no time. :) And you'll get through what you need to get through. ::yes::
Next we queued up for Nefertari's Temple.
Oh, cool! Another one that I've heard of. Then again, I'd be surprised if anyone has not heard of Nefer.... wait... did you say Nefertari? Oops. Thought that was Nefertiti. Um... so I had to Google. Nefertari it is as Nefertiti's tomb has not been found.

Still... Cool temple.
Ramses built this temple as a gift for his queen. Think about that guys when you’re contemplating your next Anniversary gift!
Uh, huh.

So... just curious... how'd you feel about... "Honey, for our anniversary, instead of buying you expensive jewelry, a new car, or a trip to an exotic location... I instead... got our burial plots all figured out!"

And... I'm positive my mom told me not long ago that one of her uncles did just that! :rotfl:
By now, the lines had become quite long. It wasn’t even 9:30AM yet!
Rope drop. Word is getting out. ::yes::
While we were waiting, Jill took this panoramic shot of both temples.
Thanks for that. Didn't realize there were two.
Here we are getting closer.

Quite the entrance!
I’m not sure which god this is, it could be Isis or Sekmet, the sun on her head should be a clue.
I think after a quick Google search that it's Hathor

This is the kind of crowding that you would have to push through just to get to the main attraction in the tomb.
Yuck... it's the "push through" part of that, that really doesn't appeal. :(
This is what I finally got once I waited past the crowds.
Hmmm... so... "finally"... was it worth it?
This carving at the exit/entrance Ramses is slaying his enemies.
Hey Ramses! How about slaying some of these excess, pushy tourists?
This map near the exit of the ticket center shows just how many sights there are to see in the area. Certainly enough to warrant a return visit. The only one we were going to see is the Philae Temple you can find near the center of the large circle. And that’s in just a few hours.
So much to see in Egypt. I really had no idea!
This one little zen place makes it look like a lush garden.
::yes:: It does.
When we got back into the van I took a look at my big camera since I could see the display once out of the bright sunshine. It turns out that somehow I had inadvertently hit the buttons that put the camera in timer mode. The beeps were simply counting down the time until the shutter old go. Silly me! But at least it was an easy fix.
:laughing: I've done that!
"Why won't this darn thing take a photo???.... oh. :blush: "
As we got back to Aswan I was able to take these pictures from atop the dam.
dam fine photos
There was a free standing one on the steps near where our cruise ship was docked that was relatively easy to find. The Screen on the ATM was broken and I couldn't see a thing, but somehow Jill was able to see enough for me to complete the transaction and get more cash.
I'd be worried about it skimming my card.
Fayed said that he would pick us up at 2:15, but he would call us. He didn't specify when he would call us.
You're just supposed to know these things, ya know.
I grabbed all the food I could while Jill rushed to the bathroom.
:laughing: Sure can see each of your priorities!
Once I had my plate filled, one of the servers came by to help me carry it to the table. I know they're being nice, but it was kind of annoying the way that they kept taking the plates out of our hands.
Yeah... that'd probably bug me too. Just... leave me alone to eat in peace, wouldja?
I expected him just to set the plate down and then I was going to run to the restroom myself. He motioned for me to sit down, I motioned for him to set the plate down. Finally he said, "Please, sit down."

"I'm going to the restroom!" I said without tact or deference. And just took off. I hadn't had a chance to go before we left Abu Simbel, and we didn't make a stop along the way.
I had some "Mexican chicken", rice, potato, beef wellington, and some Egyptian vermicelli. Everything but the wellington was good. The Beef was super dry.
I'm not surprised the wellington was dry, at all... but I am surprised that the the rest was good!
They were also having an ice cream bar. I chose chocolate and strawberry flavors. I coated the chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce and the strawberry with chocolate sauce.
mmmm.... all of that.
I put jimmies all over and topped them all with malted milk balls.
jimmies? What are jimmies? Do you mean the sprinkles?
This plate of fruit was in our room on the first day and it remained just like this until we left. It looked kind of nasty on the first day and it just kept getting worse with each passing day.
Hey! You brought home a souvenir from the museum!
By now, the lines had become quite long. It wasn’t even 9:30AM yet!

Every tourist was on basically the same schedule with the way all the busses and vans caravanned out to Abu Simbel. Hundreds of people all descending at once and the early morning as it gets even hotter (and it was already hot!) the later in the day.
hey were also having an ice cream bar. I chose chocolate and strawberry flavors. I coated the chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce and the strawberry with chocolate sauce. I put jimmies all over and topped them all with malted milk balls.

The ice cream bar was awesome! Made up for a gross breakfast and lunch!
Fantastic picture of me and all my chins! LOL :crazy2:

Jill in CO
The guardians are still in good shape!
More ornate carvings on the temple wall.

Very nice! Still lots of detail!

How was the canned coffee?
This map near the exit of the ticket center shows just how many sights there are to see in the area. Certainly enough to warrant a return visit. The only one we were going to see is the Philae Temple you can find near the center of the large circle. And that’s in just a few hours.

Lots of things to see still for sure! Just fascinating all the sites and relics in these old countries.
I expected him just to set the plate down and then I was going to run to the restroom myself. He motioned for me to sit down, I motioned for him to set the plate down. Finally he said, "Please, sit down."

"I'm going to the restroom!" I said without tact or deference. And just took off. I hadn't had a chance to go before we left Abu Simbel, and we didn't make a stop along the way.
Arg how annoying! Like dude, ok, thanks for the plate carry, but I'M GOOD!
and some Egyptian vermicelli.
Yum, I like vermicelli lol
I put jimmies all over and topped them all with malted milk balls.
jimmies? chocolate sprinkles?

This plate of fruit was in our room on the first day and it remained just like this until we left. It looked kind of nasty on the first day and it just kept getting worse with each passing day.
Gross, why on earth didn't the room steward take it away!
I'll have to see if I can find someone to plan out my next trip. :laughing:

I'm sure you could find plenty of people who could do that for you. They're called Travel Agents. Thank you very much.

Two weeks will be here in no time. :) And you'll get through what you need to get through. ::yes::

Only two band rehearsals, a concert and another rehearsal left to go. Oh and a day at Disney.

Oh, cool! Another one that I've heard of. Then again, I'd be surprised if anyone has not heard of Nefer.... wait... did you say Nefertari? Oops. Thought that was Nefertiti. Um... so I had to Google. Nefertari it is as Nefertiti's tomb has not been found.

Yeah, lots of names are similar.....I believe Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaten, who you didn't hear a lot about on this trip, because we didn't go to Amarna where he made his throne.

Uh, huh.

So... just curious... how'd you feel about... "Honey, for our anniversary, instead of buying you expensive jewelry, a new car, or a trip to an exotic location... I instead... got our burial plots all figured out!"

And... I'm positive my mom told me not long ago that one of her uncles did just that! :rotfl:

Well, it might not have been bad if we did some planning in that area, might have saved me some amount of worry and such.

Rope drop. Word is getting out. ::yes::

Yeah, everyone already seems to know about it in Egypt

Thanks for that. Didn't realize there were two.

Yeah, he built one for himself and one for his wife.

Quite the entrance!

He was pretty grand in the scheme of things......

I think after a quick Google search that it's Hathor


Probably. I did say that this Temple was dedicated to Hathor.

Yuck... it's the "push through" part of that, that really doesn't appeal. :(

Yeah, well then you might not want to visit Egypt cause most everywhere that's what you do.

Hmmm... so... "finally"... was it worth it?

I don't know. After a week of doing, it was just kind of the went until you got to the thing that everyone was pushing to see, regardless of whether it was worth it.

Hey Ramses! How about slaying some of these excess, pushy tourists?

Not a bad idea! :scratchin

So much to see in Egypt. I really had no idea!

Tons! Which is why we think it could warrant a return visit.

:laughing: I've done that!
"Why won't this darn thing take a photo???.... oh. :blush: "

Yeah, and the light outside was so blinding, I couldn't even see what my phone camera was snapping, being able to read the big camera's screen was hopeless.

I'd be worried about it skimming my card.

I doubt there's that much sophistication in such a remote town.

You're just supposed to know these things, ya know.

How? :confused3

Yeah... that'd probably bug me too. Just... leave me alone to eat in peace, wouldja?

Yeah, they were all over us, especially since we were among the only people in the dining room.

I'm not surprised the wellington was dry, at all... but I am surprised that the the rest was good!

the rest of the stuff was hard to mess up.

jimmies? What are jimmies? Do you mean the sprinkles?

My mom always called the little chocolate sprinkles "jimmies", perhaps that was a New England thing.

Hey! You brought home a souvenir from the museum!

Every tourist was on basically the same schedule with the way all the busses and vans caravanned out to Abu Simbel. Hundreds of people all descending at once and the early morning as it gets even hotter (and it was already hot!) the later in the day.

Another reason that if we go back, we should try to get on a schedule that is offset from all the other tourists.

The ice cream bar was awesome! Made up for a gross breakfast and lunch!


Fantastic picture of me and all my chins! LOL :crazy2:

I thought about cropping you out of the picture, but decided against it. :laughing:
The guardians are still in good shape!
Even with moving them and everything!
Very nice! Still lots of detail!
So much detail!
How was the canned coffee?
About what you would expect canned coffee to be......
Lots of things to see still for sure! Just fascinating all the sites and relics in these old countries.
Maybe a cruise on Lake Nasser might be fun, looks like there are lots of things to see there.
Arg how annoying! Like dude, ok, thanks for the plate carry, but I'M GOOD!
Yeah, their "helpfulness" could sometimes be annoying.
Yum, I like vermicelli lol
me too!
jimmies? chocolate sprinkles?
That's what my mom always called them. I told Pkondz, maybe that's a New England thing.
Gross, why on earth didn't the room steward take it away!

I don't think they necessarily thought it was gross. A lot of fruit looked like that....


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