The Tenth Honeymoon is the Best One of Them All! - May '14 TR - COMPLETED 4/19

Day 4.

Animal Kingdom.

Mother's Day!

Emily wants to get Kristin something from Rix, but I tell her that she doesn't eat (solid) breakfast. I tell her Kristin will appreciate the thought, but Emily doesn't want me to tell her. She's a great kid :)

So, it's just the usual chocolate muffin for today. Emily switched to doughnuts with jimmies at some point during the trip, but Dylan stuck with the muffin.

Off to Station Number 4, where we see this pose again.

I think she just likes leaning against that wall.

We get to Animal Kingdom shortly after opening, which is ok by me because the opening isn't my favorite. But wait - we're not even in the park yet, and there's Rafiki!

Kristin and I are huge Lion King fans, so there's always time for Rafiki! Inside we go, and look - it's DiVine!

Never saw her up here before. We're sort of in a hurry right now, though, so no time to watch!

We're headed up for Asia, and that forbidden mountain. We have FastPasses for Kilimanjaro Safari at 9:50, so we have some time. But we're still in a hurry. Everest!

We do find a minute to stop to check out the Up character area. No characters, but they do have this dog-to-English translator thing that you bark into. It's amazingly accurate.

On we go, and as I pass a Cast Member standing outside the entrance to another character area, she tells me that Donald and Daisy are just down the path, and there are maybe two people in front of us. Alright, we always have time for those two!

Kristin's not about to miss out, either.

We just met two of the Big 6, and it only took about 5 minutes! While we're down there, in what will turn out to be an everyday occurrence, the Character CM tells Kristin she loves her tattoo. She shows the photographer, who loves it as well. What's not to love?

And speaking of love, I love this mountain!

We'll see the Nemo show later, but now, it's time to ride! After another picture, of course.

Before we enter, we repeat a photo we got the first time Emily rode this.

She made it! Again! There is hardly anyone in front of us, so we can take our time in the queue.

Relatively speaking. We're still moving fast. Ringing bells along the way, we approach the train. One more photo, and we're there!

Ok, it's time to ride! For real this time!
I said for real!

I love taking pictures on this ride! A lot of time to do it, too. Some of the best parts of this ride, IMO, are when the train is NOT going fast.

You'd think they'd have that fixed by now. It was broken EIGHT YEARS AGO when we first came here. I realize this ride is a maintenance nightmare, but bent tracks can PROBABLY be replaced.

Plan B is put into effect, and now we're going BACKWARDS - you heard that right - BACKWARDS. Fast. In the dark. I kid you not.

And then the train stop, and there's the yeti. Maybe HE'LL fix the tracks!

Oh - ok. No such luck. Looks like he's the problem, not the solution. Better get out of here.

So down the hill we go, and the Disney paparazzi assault us. Then it's back into the mountain, and down under the yeti. Don't you have anything better to do than break the ride, jerk? Unbelievable.

After we exit the ride, and am literally SO MAD at the yeti that there's no way I'm going to go on his ride again. I'm not exaggerating. I was FURIOUS. That thing was APPALLING.

But c'mon, of course I'm going on again.
Back on, and now Kristin has the camera.

How many pictures of Emily can we get on this thing?

Well, at least Dylan's in that one, too. But wait - why are they in different seats?

Because we're on it AGAIN! Ride #3.

On the way up the hill, we keep trying to get a picture of Coronado Springs. This is the best we could get.

It's below both the Swan and Dolphin, just above the treeline.

I get a photo of Kristin.

Hopefully the 10,000 photos from this ride make up for all of the photo-less parts of this Trip Report we've been through already. If not, here are more!

I'll even include some pictures OF pictures.

With me taking a picture, no less! Dylan likes to do the "look bored" face for these photos, which is funny, since he loves these rides.

Another of Kristin, this time from the tattoo side!

Wait, does that mean we're on the ride again? Why, yes it does! Ride #4!

We've gotten pictures of just about everything on this ride, besides the yeti. And this.

Whoa. That last ride was rough. I can't ride the Carousel without getting queasy, but I can usually ride coasters without any problem. But maybe my limit is THREE times in a row for this one :)

I evened out pretty quickly, though, just in time to take this photo:

Alright, enough Everest! Let's go see some animals!
There are some things to see along the way, too!

In spite of probably doing more cardio than Kristin or me, Dylan wants to sit down at every opportunity. If he could lay down, he probably would. Well, if he's going to sit, I'm getting a picture.

See how happy he is when he's sitting?

And these two!

Kristin LOVES this sign - "May all beings be happy"

There was someone sitting under it, putting on sunscreen, earlier. We didn't want to be rude, but he eventually noticed us standing around and moved down, without us asking! He probably had no idea why we were determined to get a photo in this exact spot, but there it is. The sign.

Here's another sign:

We reach the Safari, and it looks like there is a line for the FP entrance? What the-?

Soon enough, we realize that the line at the entrance was pretty much the only group of people in front of us. We got on pretty quickly. But first, here's Kristin, again!

Lots of Kristin photos today, but it IS Mother's Day! Plus, she's beautiful :lovestruc

Our driver pulls up, and apparently he loves potholes.

While not a fan of potholes, I do like this Safari. And I'd love to tell you about it. But you know as well as I do that a ride on the Safari always results in about 50-75 photos. So I'll cut this story short for tonight.

More to come!

(to be continued)
Safari time! The driver apparently loves pot holes. That makes one of us!

Rather than just showing you pictures of animals, I thought I'd partner them with some fun facts about said animals. Enjoy!

Did you know that a groups of rhinos is called a "crash"? Also, were you aware that rhinos' closest living ancestors are tapirs, horses and zebras? It's true! All true!

"Despite being hunted for food in many areas, in others there is a great deal of superstition surrounding the Bongo by the native people. Some believe that not only eating but just touching Bongo will cause the individual to have spasms and they are therefore not too affected by hunting in these places."

Also, that's Dylan's hand in that shot.

Ok, I can see that this is going to take forever. While these facts are fun, we don't have all day, so here are some pictures of animals:

And here are some pictures of people:

And here are some more pictures of animals:

Did you know that zebras are closely related to rhinos? Oh, you did? Nevermind then. More pictures of animals.

Fun fact: We could actually see BOTH lions that day. I did not think that was a possibility!
Some more animals:

And now, a fountain.

Afterwards, we entered (whatever that store is near the exit of the Safari). Duffy!

"Harambe!" That's my catch phrase for the afternoon. I don't even know what it means. But....harambe!

As usual, this shop has theming.

As usual, this park has refurb.

Great quote! Now check it out, great mountain!

We're leaving Africa (for now), but there's always time for one more photo!

And time for one more lizard!

We take the path behind "It's Tough to be a Bug", which means we get to see MORE animals! Which means YOU get to see more animals! Enjoy!

Fun fact: this thing is NEVER awake. NEVER.

Here's another waterfall:

And another:

Destination reached!

Alright, we're at Flame Tree now. There was some debate about where to eat on this day before we got to WDW, though I'm not sure why. This one is a perennial favorite!

Flame Tree's not open yet, but should be, soon. We're in front of the line when it does. Eventually, they do some sort of opening ceremony where they honor the employees at Flame Tree, and registers are open!

Orders are placed, and I take the kids down to secure a table. On the way, I spot a statue that has clearly inspired the Chinese acrobats over at Epcot...

...and a monkey statue...

...and we're here! This view is one of the reasons why I love FTBBQ, and a lot of people seem to walk right past this area.

Poor fish!

More photos in the area as we wait on the food...

...including another monkey statue...

I meet Kristin up by the food and she brings the first tray down. By the time I get down to the table to meet her, a soda has been spilled. I didn't do it!

So someone is drink-less, but we can always share. So, what did we eat? Kristin got the ribs and chicken.

I didn't want to waste rib room with chicken, so I got just the ribs.

The pump on the barbecue sauce isn't working, so we have to use spoons to get it out. Another guest tells me we should leave the lid off so other people don't try the pump. My thinking is to keep it closed so no bugs get in, but whatever. Not a battle worth even beginning.

Emily got the kids' chicken leg.

And Dylan, feeling adventurous, got the Uncrustable.

(no photo available or necessary)

Not sure how that fills him up, but he claims it does.

I missed out somewhat, since the chicken was FANTASTIC, but Emily and Kristin don't come even close to picking the bones clean, so I got the scraps. Ribs were great as always!

Now on to the desserts. Kristin got the Key Lime Mousse.

I got the chocolate mousse, which you can see in my rib picture. See, Dylan, THIS is why you should've picked from the adult menu!
Afterwards, Flame Tree requires several more photos:

We saw an alligator in that water once. A really small one. But still an alligator. More photos as we leave:


And one more statue, of some animal gorilla pressing a pig.

That's it for Flame Tree! As usual, the ribs and chicken were wonderful, the desserts were simple but delicious, and the scenery and view of Everest can't be beat. This is one of my favorite quick services at WDW. It never disappoints!

Two more photos...

...some sunscreen, and it's off to Dinoland U.S.A.!

...but not until the next update!

[POST=51810537](next update)[/POST]
WOW 4 times on Everest?? I can barely handle once :scared1:

Great Safari pics, so cool that you were able to see the lions! I think I've seen them maybe twice in all my times on the Safari and I have never gotten a good picture.

Love Flame Tree! That's where we have eaten on our last couple trips. I would like to try a new place next trip but I don't think I'll be able to resist, :)
Holy 4 times on Everest! That's crazy! I love that ride, but I might barf if I did it 4 times in a row. Guess the park wasn't too crowded that day, though!

Nice Safari pics. That's always a great ride.

Flame Tree BBQ. That's another place your TRs have made me want to try. And my husband is game for anything. When I asked him if there was anywhere in particular he wanted to eat on this trip his response was "I just like food." So I think we'll be trying Flame Tree.

Looking forward to Dinoland.
so to sum up the last few posts: mountain, broken track, animals, statues (often of animals), food (generally of ex-animals), and waterfalls

Wow - 4 times in a row on Everest! That's great. Gotta love early mornings there especially since it seem the majority of people go right to the safari

Cool you got both Lions in one picture! A lot of those animals must get tired of all the humans watching them sleep :lmao:

Gotta love Flame Tree - definitely one of the better quick service locations in WDW
4 times on EE? You guys are troopers! I don't think my head could handle that.

Your's is the second TR I read with pictures of FTBB. I have to go there to eat simply to sit outside with that view. It's just so gorgeous. Love all the scenery shots.

And look at you - getting all fancy with the animal commentary. :rotfl: Thanks for all those interesting little factoids!
I was going to go and do a couple of updates on my TR, but had a sneaky suspicion that you probably did one over the weekend (I wasn't on much as the kids came to visit us for the weekend from Iowa) and, lo and behold, you had. So no time for me to update from last week's updates, but time to read yours.

Now if I can only remember what I read? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Four times? You are seriously nuts...that is all I am going to say about that. I barely made it off once without losing my lunch.

You crack me up. I'm kind of sorry you didn't continue on with the animal facts. But great pictures of the animals.

You can't beat Flame Tree for lunch. We've missed it the last couple of trips because we ate at Yak & Yeti's sit down; but we are back to Flame Tree in September and I will definitely be having the ribs. Oh and we always sit down at those area of all.

Emily is adorable.

And so glad you got lots of pictures of your lovely wife for Mother's Day.
WOW 4 times on Everest?? I can barely handle once :scared1:

Great Safari pics, so cool that you were able to see the lions! I think I've seen them maybe twice in all my times on the Safari and I have never gotten a good picture.

Love Flame Tree! That's where we have eaten on our last couple trips. I would like to try a new place next trip but I don't think I'll be able to resist, :)

Everest is the best!

I was surpised, since we hardly ever see the lions. Yak and Yeti is good for lunch, too, but can't pass up Flame Tree :)

Great report so far!

Thank you! More updates tonight.

Holy 4 times on Everest! That's crazy! I love that ride, but I might barf if I did it 4 times in a row. Guess the park wasn't too crowded that day, though!

Nice Safari pics. That's always a great ride.

Flame Tree BBQ. That's another place your TRs have made me want to try. And my husband is game for anything. When I asked him if there was anywhere in particular he wanted to eat on this trip his response was "I just like food." So I think we'll be trying Flame Tree.

Looking forward to Dinoland.

Crowd was very light that day. Most people head for the Safari early, anyway. I think.

You'll love Flame Tree. Sit down at the water, too, if you can.

Dinoland is coming next!

so to sum up the last few posts: mountain, broken track, animals, statues (often of animals), food (generally of ex-animals), and waterfalls

Wow - 4 times in a row on Everest! That's great. Gotta love early mornings there especially since it seem the majority of people go right to the safari

Cool you got both Lions in one picture! A lot of those animals must get tired of all the humans watching them sleep :lmao:

Gotta love Flame Tree - definitely one of the better quick service locations in WDW

Yes, lots of animals in this Animal Kingdom.

Early mornings worked out great for us on this trip.

And to think we ALMOST passed up on Flame Tree this trip. What were we thinking?

4 times on EE? You guys are troopers! I don't think my head could handle that.

Your's is the second TR I read with pictures of FTBB. I have to go there to eat simply to sit outside with that view. It's just so gorgeous. Love all the scenery shots.

And look at you - getting all fancy with the animal commentary. :rotfl: Thanks for all those interesting little factoids!

I wanted to add more, but it taking a LONG time :)

I was going to go and do a couple of updates on my TR, but had a sneaky suspicion that you probably did one over the weekend (I wasn't on much as the kids came to visit us for the weekend from Iowa) and, lo and behold, you had. So no time for me to update from last week's updates, but time to read yours.

Now if I can only remember what I read? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Four times? You are seriously nuts...that is all I am going to say about that. I barely made it off once without losing my lunch.

You crack me up. I'm kind of sorry you didn't continue on with the animal facts. But great pictures of the animals.

You can't beat Flame Tree for lunch. We've missed it the last couple of trips because we ate at Yak & Yeti's sit down; but we are back to Flame Tree in September and I will definitely be having the ribs. Oh and we always sit down at those area of all.

Emily is adorable.

And so glad you got lots of pictures of your lovely wife for Mother's Day.

The facts were fun. There will be more gimmicks coming up soon! I'm catching up on your TR tomorrow :)

Hope you guys have a great 4th of July!

We did! But back to update!
Oh, geez, where were we? Oh yeah. DLUSA, I think they call it on these boards. IDK. W/E. TTYLXOX, cuz IDK what's coming next.

While the feel of DinoLand U.S.A. is completely different than the rest of this park, I do like it. I don't play the games, and the rides aren't the greatest, besides for Dinosaur. But that's cool enough to bring the whole area up. Plus, I've always liked dinosaurs - I knew a lot of the names when I was 4. Still remember some of them, too :)

For example, this is a brontosaurus. I think. One of those big ones.

This is a water tower:

This is an early May crowd at Animal Kingdom:

This is a T-Rex:

And here is another crowd shot:

And here's Br'er Fox!

What the heck? Br'er Fox?

Yes, that's Br'er Fox.

Talk about random character sightings! I'd expect him to be somewhere else. Somewhere wet. A mountain of some sort.

But no, he's here! Someone else was there, but I forget whom (Baloo?).

Oh, I forgot to mention that Dinosaur was down. Not good. Oh well.

We have 11:50 FPs for Everest. We'll head up there now, and come back later. We don't have FPs for Dino right now, but that could always change.

Before we leave, one more photo!

As we walk past Finding Nemo: The Musical (FN:TM on the Disboards, I think. Again, IDK), we notice that the show is seating RIGHT NOW. Ok, we're in!

Kristin gets an incredible picture of a flower before we go in:

And here's what we're seeing:

The show, not the girl. We're seated on the far right of the theater, which is ok with me. The section is asked to move down as far to the right as possible, but forget that. There aren't that many more people coming in, so we'll stay near the aisle to see if it fills up more.

It doesn't, and the show starts. This show is a real challenge for the Canon Powershot, but I try.

Meh. Ok, try again.

Yuck. That didn't work well. Oh well - if you haven't seen the show, do it! It's one of my favorites at WDW. Great movie, and they adapted it really well. Interesting format, too.

After Nemo, we head up to Everest. Yes, we're riding Everest again. We don't learn our lesson, apparently.

First, it's time for a photo op! A CM offers to take it for us. Thanks!

Oh no! I still had the low-lighting setting on, so the photo was way, too bright. As you can see.

Equally upsetting is the fact that THIS photo didn't come out:

The name said "Not yours!" Brilliant!

We ride Everest again, and we've all sufficiently recovered from the earlier ride to enjoy it. GREAT ride! One of the best. Truly amazing.

Moving on from EE, we hit up Kali River Rapids with our 1:50 FPs. Timed that well, didn't we? We're figuring this system out. And we're loving it.

Here's what the girl thinks of Kali:

For some reason, the line for the Fast Pass entrance is HUGE. As in, longer than standby. Much longer. What the-?

Turns out, there's a bottleneck at the gate, but once we're inside, we're through the queue pretty quickly. I try to get some photos along the way.

There are probably Hidden Mickeys all over this place, but I have no idea where. 3/4 family photo!

Getting closer:

I opt to NOT take any photos on the ride, since I have them from other years. And I have a feeling we're going to get wet.

The boat we're in is really fun - two Spanish-speaking older women, and a three-generation family. The grandaughter is telling the grandmother that karma is going to get her on this ride for complaining earlier. She does NOT want to get soaked.

We got wet. All of us. I think karma got the grandmother the worst, though.

Off we go, but not before the CM tells Kristin that her tattoo is one of the best Disney tattoos she's seen. It's becoming ridiculous!

I LOVE the exit to this ride, because the people waiting to ride see exactly how wet you are. And we're really wet. Lots of surprised faces and apprehension in that line!



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