The Running Thread - 2018

What has been your longest run recently? You still have plenty of time to prepare, not for a PR, but just to make your race not quite the suffer fest. I think if you can get to a long run of 16 or 18 miles two weeks out, you will be ok.

I am in an odd place, coming off 2 fall marathons. Right now, it is more about healing the stuff that hurts and maintaining fitness. I will probably move to training mode after Thanksgiving.

My last two long runs are 14 on 10/20 and 10.5 on 10/28.

My super dumb aggressive attempt to salvage the race, long runs are as below:
Date - LR - MPW
11/17 - 12 - 23
11/24 - 15 - 31
12/01 - 17 - 35
12/08 - 20 - 36
12/15 - 15 - 34
12/22 - 20 - 40
12/29 - 16 - 36
01/05 - 12 - 28
01/13 - 26.2 - 41

So maybe a little bit of a tapper, but IMO by the time I get there, those run will just start to get to the point where I feel comfortable. I also imagine that these long runs will have some walking involved in them, but the time on my feet and the moral boost I will get I think will help. I am open to ideas at this point from anyone who would like to offer it. This week is 3 tonight, 5 tomorrow, another 3 Thursday and 12 on Saturday. Next week i'll go to 5 days of running.
here is the link:

it is my understanding that the VA3 does not have a setting that will do this automatically. you have to do it manually for each workout. there is also a correction option for individual workouts in strava.
Oh yes, I misunderstood and thought that there was a permanent setting for it. That is how I have been doing it (from Strava, because it uploads there like 1 second after I save the activity so I'd never fix it in Garmin before that happened :) )
ATTWOTD: Cold-I ran my first cold training run in “feels like” 26 degrees last Saturday. The best advice I got from a fellow runner was the neck gaiter to breathe into for the first few miles, warming the air before it hit my lungs. I also wore long base layer tights and smart wool socks, a tech long sleeve shirt and a wind breaking jacket which was mostly unzipped after the first mile. I have Aftershokz headphones and a knit beanie that I got at a race worked great without putting too much pressure on my ears and messing up my headphones!

I have been reading everyone’s responses very closely though because I fear that we will have a much colder than normal winter in AR.

ATTQOTD: Training- I am not currently training for a January race. Focused on my first half on December 2nd-Palm Beach marathon weekend. Training has been going great for that though thanks to @DopeyBadger! I expect to go right into a plan for the SW Rival Challenge in April.
My last two long runs are 14 on 10/20 and 10.5 on 10/28.

My super dumb aggressive attempt to salvage the race, long runs are as below:
Date - LR - MPW
11/17 - 12 - 23
11/24 - 15 - 31
12/01 - 17 - 35
12/08 - 20 - 36
12/15 - 15 - 34
12/22 - 20 - 40
12/29 - 16 - 36
01/05 - 12 - 28
01/13 - 26.2 - 41

So maybe a little bit of a tapper, but IMO by the time I get there, those run will just start to get to the point where I feel comfortable. I also imagine that these long runs will have some walking involved in them, but the time on my feet and the moral boost I will get I think will help. I am open to ideas at this point from anyone who would like to offer it. This week is 3 tonight, 5 tomorrow, another 3 Thursday and 12 on Saturday. Next week i'll go to 5 days of running.

Can you increase the length of your midweek runs? Your LR is almost 50% of your MPW--try to keep it around 25-30%. I would up the weekday runs and keep it to 4 days/week before moving to 5 days. The 3 mile runs--any speed work involved or just getting mileage? If you are just racking up mileage, make those 6-8 miles (maybe not immediately, but soon). If you can, cross train 2 days/week. Bike (indoor or out), elliptical, strength training, whatever floats your boat.

Again, it may not be the training cycle you envisioned, but all hope is not lost. I would probably cut out one of the 20 milers for fear of injury or burn out before race day. Or just run for time and when you hit that, stop running--I try not to go over 2.5 hours. I think 12 the week before sounds like a good plan (12-14 seems to be my magic number).
My training is going ok. I'm doing a Dopey Badger plan and it's different than the traditional plans. The long runs don't go that long and I'm a bit worried about that but I have faith :) I had an 8 miler a couple weeks ago that felt like the perfect run and that I could keep going forever. I had to skip my 9 miler this past weekend though because I had some foot/ankle pain and it felt safer to give them a couple extra days of rest. They feel ok today and I'm planning on trying a run this evening.
Can you increase the length of your midweek runs? Your LR is almost 50% of your MPW--try to keep it around 25-30%. I would up the weekday runs and keep it to 4 days/week before moving to 5 days. The 3 mile runs--any speed work involved or just getting mileage? If you are just racking up mileage, make those 6-8 miles (maybe not immediately, but soon). If you can, cross train 2 days/week. Bike (indoor or out), elliptical, strength training, whatever floats your boat.

Again, it may not be the training cycle you envisioned, but all hope is not lost. I would probably cut out one of the 20 milers for fear of injury or burn out before race day. Or just run for time and when you hit that, stop running--I try not to go over 2.5 hours. I think 12 the week before sounds like a good plan (12-14 seems to be my magic number).

Time is a limiting factor on the weekdays so some of the reasoning for 5 days over 4 is just to put in miles. I'm not planning on legitimate speed work because I am increasing mileage and I figure speed work outs will only increase the odds of injury. I think you are right about the two 20 milers so i revised as below:

Date - LR
11/17 - 12
11/24 - 14
12/01 - 16
12/08 - 18
12/15 - 15
12/22 - 20
12/29 - 16
01/05 - 12
01/13 - 26.2

Working on adjusting MPW, but the 20 miler week will probably be a 50/50 ish split. Holidays and travel are another issue I have to deal with. I am going to try to do as much as I can though.
Has anyone had their electronics decide to change themselves when they get wet on a run?
Not due to rain, but my phone somehow managed to cancel one of my fast pass reservations during the Dark Side Half this year. Fortunately, guest services at the park in question was able to restore it. If this happens to you, notify guest services as soon as you find out and know what your reservations are.

QOTD: For those with races either on marathon weekend or around the same time, how is training going for you so far?

ATTQOTD: It's not going well and I've made a huge mistake for signing up for the marathon. It's going to be fun, but brutal experience.
It's going. I'm getting the runs in, but something just feels off.

I also think I made a mistake signing up. Not that my training is going particularly badly, I just dont think a marathon is for me. Oh well.
I'm feeling the same way right now. I alternate between telling myself that I only have to finish the marathon once and wondering what I got myself into.

ATTQOTD: I've got a PoT 10k planned for end of the year. Training was going okay until this week, when I suddenly can't run. I'm downwind from the Camp Fire, air quality is fluctuating between 'unhealthy for people with respiratory issues' and 'unhealthy for everyone'. I have asthma, so...I'm not running right now.
Yeah, the fires are definitely having an impact. So much worse for those who have lost anything, if not everything.
At this point my realistic goal is to finish, take a few character photos, maybe EE, and a adult beverage or two. Having fun is my goal, but hopefully in less than 5 hours.

Does it help your situation if you leave out this part 'but hopefully in less than 5 hours'?

Honestly, that seems like a stretch, give the other data you've provided.
Figured out what the issue was. When I changed up my resort only reservation to a ticketless package to add the dining plan I had to do so by calling it in. The cast member at that time put Jr at the end of my last name, which is something I've never done on my own bookings. So when I put just my last name with my confirmation number that wouldn't work. Added Jr and all the world was right. Beside that, Nearly every day went as planned except one because I was not able to get a early FP for Slinky Dog. Overall a good morning with a minor delay.
Same type of problem here! We are staying at Shades of Green for the first time in January and had to call WDW to link the reservation. The CM could not find any reservation even with the last name and reservation number! After searching for half an hour or so, she added the III'd to DH's name and it popped right up and got linked. Then when we came home from W&D, the SoG reservation had disappeared from MDE for some reason. I called to re-link it and when she couldn't find it, I told the CM to look under the III and she told me, "Oh, that won't make a difference. We don't include suffixes." Eventually, when she couldn't find it, she added the III and got it linked back just in time for me to choose my FP+.

QOTD: Since most of us are experiencing at least some colder weather I thought we could discuss running clothes for the winter today. What items you find work well and others that don't?
I am very cold-natured! Under 45 and I am pulling out tights, long sleeves and possibly a jacket, thicker Thorlo socks, gloves, and beanie or at least something for my ears. My legs never get truly hot except in 80+ weather. If it is a long training run and it starts to warm up, the gloves are the first thing to go into a pocket, then the jacket gets unzipped and eventually left back at home or in the car, depending on where I'm running laps, and the long sleeves get pushed up after a few more miles. The ear protection stays on if there is a cold wind because, for some reason, I get an awful stabbing pain in the eardrums if it gets cold. And I live in north Georgia-- I would probably hibernate for the entire winter if I lived in a truly cold climate!
I have been reading everyone’s responses very closely though because I fear that we will have a much colder than normal winter in AR.
I keep seeing reports of it being a colder than usual winter and am a bit worried myself.

I was waiting to see if anyone would comment on doubling up on pants- my attempt last winter went poorly as I did not have a more loose pair, or a full face covering. It is nowhere near cold enough for that now, but I fear it is closer than I want to think about.
Does it help your situation if you leave out this part 'but hopefully in less than 5 hours'?

Honestly, that seems like a stretch, give the other data you've provided.

Agreed. @LSUlakes, you should remove any sort of a time goal from your mind and switch to "having fun" goals instead. Having a time in the back of your mind is only going to make you feel pressure on race day, which could lead to you pushing too hard and getting hurt. Much better to focus on ways to have fun and enjoy yourself and the day. Here are some ideas to get you started...

- high five a cheering kid as often as possible
- punch the ubiquitous "tap here for power" sign each time you see it
- have a drink at Thirsty River while waiting to ride EE
- ride EE
- lay down with the gravediggers
- take a picture at every mile marker
- buy a pretzel in Germany
- cross the finish line with a margarita in hand
- thank each and every volunteer you interact with
- take some candy from the strangers
- wear a sparkle skirt like @CheapRunnerMike and I do and enjoy the comments you get while doing so
- enjoy the fact you're out there having fun and being physical, something far too many people are unable to do
ATTQOTD winter gear: For sub freezing temperatures I wear
  • SmartWool long socks instead of very thin socks,
  • Long pants, sometimes with fllece inside instead of capris,
  • Long sleeves shirt and other layers instead of tank top,
  • Head band to cover my ears or beanie if it is really cold,
  • Gloves going from cheap 1$ ones to a bit thicker if really really cold,
  • 5$ neck warmer that I can pull over my face if need be,
  • Yak Tracks Running over my older running shoes if it is really covered in ice,
  • An ice cream cone if there is a snow storm and I am hot from running!
I am considering getting pants with wind cutting pannels, full face mask (although I tried some in a store and was not thrilled) and more long socks (especially since my DD discovered how comfy mine are when she borrowed them at Halloween).

ATTQOTD training: Just finished my last race of 2018. Will start a new training cycle to maintain my base and signed up for the Hypothermic Half in February to encourage myself.
Oh yes, I misunderstood and thought that there was a permanent setting for it. That is how I have been doing it (from Strava, because it uploads there like 1 second after I save the activity so I'd never fix it in Garmin before that happened :) )

yeah. that's the routine. but i really must emphasize, this is the only real issue i have with this device. it performs well under pretty much all the conditions i have put it. there is a lot of options in the workouts for pretty much all but the most advanced runners. and, as i mentioned before, the look of it is understated so it goes well in casual or professional situations.
QOTD: For those with races either on marathon weekend or around the same time, how is training going for you so far?
I am training for the marathon, my first. So far so good!

Just over a week ago I ran my longest run ever, 15 miles. I am not going to pretend it went perfectly, but... I did it! I had just returned from a week and a half in Orlando and don't think my legs and feet had fully recovered yet. I also felt like I should have gone just a little bit slower, considering I was looking at almost 3 full hours of running.

Next Sunday I am scheduled for 17 miles. I am looking at this as another chance to get this right!
I hope that everyone is doing well. My apologies for dropping off the thread for awhile. I think it has been about 6 weeks. As I shared (at nausium) I have been recovering from ankle surgery and I just need to step back from the tread, stupid i know but it was hard to not be able to particpate in the conversations. But the good news I lost the cast and then the boot and am now in a sleeve. On Monday I passed my tests and got the go ahead to begin full (but very slow) activity again. So as I do PT I am allowed to start “running” again. It is in quotes because for now, and for awhile, running means walking. But today I went out and walked a mile! I have to say it was just awesome to put on running gear, put in a running podcast and head out the door. Even though it is only 35 degrees and snowing, I loved every second of it!

Most ironic is that it was a slip in the snow that started this whole mess last February. Then my first outing, yep in the snow... Of course I am moving so slow that the chance of another slip are extremely remote.

I hope that training for WDW Weekend and other races Is rolling for everyone!
Agreed. @LSUlakes, you should remove any sort of a time goal from your mind and switch to "having fun" goals instead. Having a time in the back of your mind is only going to make you feel pressure on race day, which could lead to you pushing too hard and getting hurt. Much better to focus on ways to have fun and enjoy yourself and the day. Here are some ideas to get you started...

- high five a cheering kid as often as possible
- punch the ubiquitous "tap here for power" sign each time you see it
- have a drink at Thirsty River while waiting to ride EE
- ride EE
- lay down with the gravediggers
- take a picture at every mile marker
- buy a pretzel in Germany
- cross the finish line with a margarita in hand
- thank each and every volunteer you interact with
- take some candy from the strangers
- wear a sparkle skirt like @CheapRunnerMike and I do and enjoy the comments you get while doing so
- enjoy the fact you're out there having fun and being physical, something far too many people are unable to do

To kind of echo what others said, @LSUlakes - I'm sure your wife and kiddos would rather have you be 45-60 minutes later than when they were expecting then for you to push too hard, get hurt and be completely useless not ONLY for the rest of your vacation but when you get home as well.

In the grand scheme of things, it's just an extra hour - it's not the end of the world. And when you come in faster? They'll be impressed and excited!


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