The Running Thread—2023

@Novatrix after driving home from Disney, I checked the availability and now i have 2 nights at Canyon Lodge and two nights at Old Faithful Inn. @The Expert we are flying into SLC and driving to Yellowstone first, then down. I think you have done this before 😉, any tips? We are going the week before Memorial Day.
I've done that drive from SLC to Yellowstone a bunch of times too. On my honeymoon a million years ago for example! No real tips though, it's just long. Have a great time, we love Yellowstone.
My racing schedule is a mixture of tradition and luck of the lottery gods. While I keep up with running routinely, I'm not really one who keeps to a defined training cycle, unless I have a marathon on the docket. And I really enjoy races, as I love the energy and getting to run in different surroundings from my hometown/treadmill.

There's a couple of races I now try to do every year (Broad Street 10miler and a half in my state) which I use as a rough judge of my fitness level.

This year's schedule so far:
Jan - Dopey Challenge
March - NYC Half Marathon (finally!!! This was after 5 years of lottery entries...)
April - April Fools Half Marathon and Broad Street 10 miler
June - Philly Runfest Half Marathon
Sept - Berlin Marathon

As always, I'm going to enter the NYC marathon lottery, but the odds aren't in my favor. I might decide to add some other fall races as we get closer to the season.
I'm going to try to get into Broad Street too! Good luck to both of us!
This is my totally unsolicited opinion, feel free to ignore, but I think you should capitalize on your current training fitness and try and do a marathon this year once you recover. Don't wait for next year's Dopey.

Crossing that finish line at the Disney marathon will always be special whether it's your first or second marathon. By completing another marathon before then, there will be so much less pressure on you at next year's Disney marathon and you can truly soak in and enjoy the experience.

There's no other marathon you can ride a rollercoaster, get photos with characters, cross the finish line with a margarita, whatever else will make the race special to you. Let another race be the painful first marathon, have the Disney marathon be a victory lap.
Strong agree.

My goal this year was the marathon this past weekend. I am also signed up for PW. After these I had hopes of just doing fun things for the rest of the year (maybe RAGBRAI, backpacking trips, a small triathlon or two) but now that I didn’t get to do the marathon I am re-thinking what my next year should look like as I will def be back for vengeance next year.

Part of me is really frustrated at waiting another year to do a marathon but I also really want my first marathon finish line to be Disney. Sigh. I don’t know.

I did this 70.3 and can confirm that the run was super duper hot.
Oooh, I hope you do ragbrai just so I have an excuse to go check it out.
I know a few people here use Strava premium. Lots of reports the price is increasing by as much as double, but communication has been... lacking. Here's a DC Rainmaker post on it.

It looks like mine is going from $54.59 a year to $59.99 so not bad. I don't really use many of the paid features but have used the route finder when on vacation. The Garmin one is ok but not nearly as robust as Strava.

Part of me is really frustrated at waiting another year to do a marathon but I also really want my first marathon finish line to be Disney. Sigh. I don’t know.

I'd use the fitness and find a spring marathon somewhere I really want to run. You'll have another shot at Disney but you have the fitness. You could also try to use the fitness to PR a half if you really want your first full at Disney.
This is my totally unsolicited opinion, feel free to ignore, but I think you should capitalize on your current training fitness and try and do a marathon this year once you recover.

Strong agree

Oooh, I hope you do ragbrai just so I have an excuse to go check it out.

I'd use the fitness and find a spring marathon somewhere I really want to run. You'll have another shot at Disney but you have the fitness. You could also try to use the fitness to PR a half if you really want your first full at Disney.

I feel you all. The other thing keeping me from doing it is that I REALLY need to finish grad school and I feel like that needs to be my primary focus from now until I am done. I don’t know. I also don’t know what marathon I would want to do or how my COVID recovery will go.

I do like the idea of PRing the half. I feel like I could. I think my training plan times for what is easy etc could be adjusted but I have no recent race data that’s not a triathlon to inform them. I have thought about maybe training to PR a 5k this spring. It wouldn’t take much to PR lol.

And yes @GollyGadget — come hang with me in Iowa!!!
So here's a question for the hive....may as well make it a QOTD.

How do you pick your races and make your schedule?
Do you find a race you really want to do and plan around it?
Pick a distance, map out when you want to run it and then find a race that fits the bill?
And if you feel like sharing, what's on your schedule this year (or that you're hoping makes it onto your schedule)?
ATTQOTD: I set my schedule in a few ways. One, enter a race I really want to do, like last year when I entered IM Busselton. Two, pick a distance I want to do at a suitable time of year, like this year when my friends and I are considering a 70.3 in the fall in Barcelona or Cascais. Three, my friends and I all talk ourselves into doing something together, like what we've signed up for this winter.

Tentative schedule for 2023:
RAK 76 triathlon (Jan)
Dubai Creek Striders half marathon (Jan)
RAK half marathon (Feb)
Flying Pig marathon (May?)
Challenge Roth (Jun)
70.3 Barcelona (Oct?)
70.3 Cascais (Oct?)
Oceanman Dubai (Nov)
So here's a question for the hive....may as well make it a QOTD.

How do you pick your races and make your schedule?
Do you find a race you really want to do and plan around it?
Pick a distance, map out when you want to run it and then find a race that fits the bill?
And if you feel like sharing, what's on your schedule this year (or that you're hoping makes it onto your schedule)?
Hmmm. A combination of things. Some of it is convenience, some is the race experience/course.

- The Peachtree road race (10K) each year is a combo of tradition and one that my younger son still wants to run with me. Not sure how many more I'll do if he doesn't want to do it.
- Disney MW. The first time was me deciding to attempt a half, training for it, and doing it. At the time, a half seemed like a stretch (funny how the distances seem more reasonable once you've done them). The second time I decided I need to complete my first marathon, so I did the Goofy. After a long stretch where getting back down there was problematic, I realized that my lockdown sanity runs were getting me back into decent shape, and that work schedule, the children's visitation schedule, and finances all lined up for 2022 MW so I went for the Dopey which had been on my bucket list for some time.
- Marine Corps marathon. A combo of wanting a MCM medal and that course. I successfully entered twice in the past and both times couldn't make it due to divorce chaos. It's on my to-do list for 2023.
- NY marathon. If I ever do it, this would be wanting to do that course.
- Pi Mile Road Race. This one is the course, the nerdiness of the distance, and it being at my alma mater.
ATTQOTD: There really isn't any particular way I decide my race schedule every year. It always depends on many variables, mostly avoiding conflicts with my kids schedules and how much time/money/training can I devote to running. I'm really having trouble this year nailing down a plan. Just too much going on in my world lately!! The only thing I know for sure is I'll be running the Groundhog Half Marathon on Feb 4 - it'll be my 8th time running it, not because I love it, but because I'm stubborn and it's a streak I just can't let die. :P

2023 race possibilities:

May: Flying Pig Marathon or River Bank Run 25K (I know I need to make a decision soon so I can start training).
October: Indy Monumental Marathon or Grand Rapids Half (PR effort)

I'll also enter the NYC lottery, but I know it's unlikely.
ATTQOTD: There really isn't any particular way I decide my race schedule every year. It always depends on many variables, mostly avoiding conflicts with my kids schedules and how much time/money/training can I devote to running. I'm really having trouble this year nailing down a plan. Just too much going on in my world lately!! The only thing I know for sure is I'll be running the Groundhog Half Marathon on Feb 4 - it'll be my 8th time running it, not because I love it, but because I'm stubborn and it's a streak I just can't let die. :P

2023 race possibilities:

May: Flying Pig Marathon or River Bank Run 25K (I know I need to make a decision soon so I can start training).
October: Indy Monumental Marathon or Grand Rapids Half (PR effort)

I'll also enter the NYC lottery, but I know it's unlikely.
8th time running it this year?
Question for people who have done marathons before: is it normal for your HR to be elevated when returning to running after a marathon? I've done a couple of 30-minute easy runs and for both my HR has been about 10 bpm higher than I would expect. Still within an easy range for the most part but it's a significant difference. Is that just lingering fatigue? My resting HR is completely back to normal, so the higher HR during runs is making me nervous.
Question for people who have done marathons before: is it normal for your HR to be elevated when returning to running after a marathon? I've done a couple of 30-minute easy runs and for both my HR has been about 10 bpm higher than I would expect. Still within an easy range for the most part but it's a significant difference. Is that just lingering fatigue? My resting HR is completely back to normal, so the higher HR during runs is making me nervous.
I can’t speak as an expert but I can tell you I feel normal, did 5 miles yesterday and today at fairly easy pace about 9:45/mile and my HR was elevated about the same as yours after both runs. I was thinking it was due to taking a week off and doing very little for exercise but enjoying the same level if not more food and drink. I would think dehydration would go away as a cause by now as well as replenishing salts/electrolytes. I’m sure there are experts who can break down every detail of the body post race but I don’t worry about it if I feel the same and perceived effort also feels the same.
is it normal for your HR to be elevated when returning to running after a marathon? I've done a couple of 30-minute easy runs and for both my HR has been about 10 bpm higher than I would expect. Still within an easy range for the most part but it's a significant difference. Is that just lingering fatigue? My resting HR is completely back to normal, so the higher HR during runs is making me nervous.

How long does it take for me to recover from a marathon?

I wrote this in 2017, but the data is still relevant. I typically take 9-14 days off after an "A" marathon. It takes me about 21-24 days to feel "normal" again when running (with hard training resuming around 25-28 days). Typically it takes my HRvPace relationship about 42 days to return back to pre-marathon levels. This is based on "A" level efforts though. If you ran the marathon easier, then your HRvPace relationship will return somewhat sooner. My marathon in Nov 2022 didn't go my way and I pulled back in the second half. My "normalness" and HR returned sooner than it usually does.

With that being said, there can be other causes for the increased HR during running associated with certain illnesses. So keep an eye on it, and seek out a medical professional opinion if it worries you enough.
Thank you! That post was really helpful - this describes exactly what I've been feeling lol:
I tend to get hard on myself because pre-marathon "easy" pace don't feel so easy. I feel sore. I feel stiff. My HRvPace data seems all out of whack. Just in general, it feels like when I return to running after a marathon I'm just not the runner I used to be.

Since I was just trying to get a feel for the distance and didn't run all-out, hopefully I will be back to normal in a couple of weeks instead of a month and a half🤞
How long does it take for me to recover from a marathon?

I wrote this in 2017, but the data is still relevant. I typically take 9-14 days off after an "A" marathon. It takes me about 21-24 days to feel "normal" again when running (with hard training resuming around 25-28 days). Typically it takes my HRvPace relationship about 42 days to return back to pre-marathon levels. This is based on "A" level efforts though. If you ran the marathon easier, then your HRvPace relationship will return somewhat sooner. My marathon in Nov 2022 didn't go my way and I pulled back in the second half. My "normalness" and HR returned sooner than it usually does.

With that being said, there can be other causes for the increased HR during running associated with certain illnesses. So keep an eye on it, and seek out a medical professional opinion if it worries you enough.
If it continues, you might want to get tested for Covid. Following last year's marathon, I was infected with Covid and experienced myocarditis for a good month following my recovery.
If it continues, you might want to get tested for Covid. Following last year's marathon, I was infected with Covid and experienced myocarditis for a good month following my recovery.
Doubtful I'm sick since my RHR is perfectly normal. It's only when I'm running that it's elevated, which it seems isn't unusual.
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