The Rum Runners: A Pre Trip Report - UPDATED: 8/2/10

I must be channeling my inner girliness given that I'm destined to spend the rest of my days in a testosterone laden environment.

I'll be happy to provoke your inner princess whenever you feel the need. ;)

:cheer2: I'm a runner (5K's only) .....And I love PTR's!!!

Hmmm. Then this is a good place for you to be! LOL

I'm thinking maybe I can swing the Food and Wine one next year.


Oh, and dude, I just looked at the Tutto Italia kiosk menu and my Italian Margarita was NOT listed. Heads will roll if I end up there in September with the man and cannot partake of my favoritest alcomaholic beverage!

YAY! I'm in for this PTR/trainwreck too! :cheer2:

Hey, welcome! Long time no see. Hope all is well. :goodvibes

a freak snowshoveling accident

This BEGS an explanation, you know that right?

I already have blisters on both heels, a ridiculously unhappy hamstring, and a bruise on my other shin because my bad leg wouldn't hold me up when I got off the couch the first evening...I fell into the coffee table! :laughing: Good times!

I can't WAIT to get out there today! :rotfl:
My friend Jill and I are not athletes, by any stretch of the imagination, unless you are speaking of the prowess with which we can consume french fries and McDonald's chocolate shakes.

For that, Jill would take the gold and I'd likely tie for silver.

And we are certainly not runners. If either of us is in danger of missing our train home (we both live about an hour and a half from where we work), we don't run to catch said train. We wait for the next train...and how convenient, the train station has a McDonald's...with shakes...and french fries. Fancy that.

But we both have the same dream. A dream of being healthy. Of maintaining a healthy weight, eating well, and being able to climb the 6 flights of stairs to the cafeteria from my office without requiring an EMT upon arrival.

Thus the birth of our blog: Fat Girls Slim
I won't get into much of it here but it's a place where we blog about the ups and downs, ins and outs, joys and hissy fits of getting healthy. If you're interested, check out the link in my siggie. Stop by, say hi!

We've both been struggling a bit in the exercise arena, so when Jill suggested Cool Running's Couch to 5K program, I was interested. I'd done some research on the program in the past and was even interested in trying it out...but that never succeeded past the interest stage. Jill jumped on the bandwagon first and will be a week ahead of me in training. More info. on the training program in coming posts.

We live in MA, yours truly in Southeastern MA and Jill in the Metro West area, so until you're a 'hardcore' runner, the running season is generally April to November. After that you have to break out the cold weather gear and subscribe to the fact that a hot chocolate is in fact NOT a substitute for a 5 mile run. We've got 8-ish months to acclimate...

So, here we are, your runners:


Taken on a snorkeling excursion on a Caribbean cruise we took together in 2006. My smile in this pic totally belies the fact that I was terrified of getting seasick on the smaller boat.

I'm Tinkerbellarella, a.k.a. Nikki, a.k.a. Boo (to my man), a.k.a. Mommeh (to my kittehs), a.k.a. Deeda (to one of my godchildren), a.k.a. TK's long lost sister:


Taken at some random Halloween party a couple of years ago. I went as a 'Madam' the man went as my 'Muscle'. Good times.


Taken in Epicot in September 2008. That's a peach bellini from Italy. Third best alcoholic drink in Disney, following the Lapu Lapu and the Italian Margarita.


From the same September 2008 trip, with my friend Missy. She's not running but I'm sure she'll be part of our Support Group. And no, I'm not nekkid.

I'm a full-fledged Disney addict. And Disney geek (funny how all those people who call me a Disney geek also call me to help them book their trips...). I've been to Disney 11 times in my 30 years, mostly as an adult. My September 2008 was my first foray into the Deluxe resorts (at the Poly) and despite it now being a personal preference for all future trips, my wallet is not necessarily down with that and I still maintain I'd sleep in a broom closet if it meant a trip to Where the Magic Lives.

In addition to this trip, I may also be going with the man in September for our first "together" trip in the 12 years we've known each other. GASP! Be still my beating heart and cross your fingers. ;) He's not a Disney lover per se, so even the remote possibility of this trip coming to fruition is a HUGE step.

I don't have any children, but have cats :-)cat: :cat:) and godchildren (a princess: and a pirate: ) instead. I work long hours, far from home but adore the people I work with and my actual job (most days). I haven't done any consistent running since either gym class in HS or my few seasons on a soccer team around age 12, it's a toss-up.

This is Jill, my running mate and general partner-in-crime for the January trip/half marathon, a.k.a. Jilli, a.k.a. Jillsebeth, a.k.a. Mommeh (to her kittehs), a.k.a. maker-upper of her very own words:


In't she cute? I love her hair. I'm not brave enough to cut my hair that short yet. Maybe someday...


Jill and her brand new nephew, Max.

Jill is a couple of years younger than me. She and I met at work and became friends pretty quickly. She hasn't been to Disney in about 15 years and even then, only did a couple of day trips at the parks and didn't stay onsite. Her Disney geek does not run deep (yet) but I'm hoping to convert her. She's not a DISer, so unless she signs up, all Jill-isms shall come through me.

Jill is also child-less but mommeh to two kittehs as well. And as of just yesterday she became an Auntie for the first time to her very own pirate:. (Congrats Jilli and welcome to the world Max!!!) She's single and still on the lookout for her Prince Charming.

Jill also was the ultimate anti-athlete in HS and so it's her first dip into the pool o' exercise.

There's no way we'd be able to do this ALL alone, so we're compiling a Support Group to help us along the way (in addition to all of you wonderful DISers). Our core group is small, but growing:

My man, a.k.a. my Boo, a.k.a. Babe, a.k.a. Can't you just go to Disney with me already?


From a wedding in 2008. Aren't we cute? Not sure what brought on the peace sign...


From our US/IOA trip last April...SOOO close to the World. We DID eat at Cali Grill. Baby steps...

I love my man. :love: In many ways, he is my rock. He's a your typical guy's guy - into UFC and football (I'm with him on that one) and red meat and paintball and any extreme sport vehicle which requires the use of a helmet. We've known each other for 12-ish years - were together for 4 years, apart for 4, and have been back together for 4. A trifecta. LOL He's a gym addict and in GREAT shape but is not a runner. However, he has said he will run with me whenever I ask and is into eating healthy with me. He will not be joining us on this trip (at least at this point, though I doubt that will change).

As I mentioned earlier, neither of us has children but we do have kittehs. And they feature in a big way in both of our lives, so we'd like to think they're supporting us. They will obviously be staying home on this trip, but I think they'd LOVE to visit the House of Mouse, for obvious reasons.

My kittehs, Isabel (brown tiger-stripe) and Dory (black and white):


Activate lasers in 3...2...1...

Jill's kittehs, Ellie and Clementine, in that order:



Laziness is catchy from your mommeh. Trust us.

My long, lost, sister, with whom I was reunited here on the DIS, TarzansKat, a.k.a. TK, a.k.a. KittyKat, a.k.a. Leia (I'm Luke):


TK is not a fan of having her photo on the net, so this will have to suffice - our CBR window from our May 2009 girlie trip.

We aren't sisters biologically but we're definitely sisters in spirit. If she weren't expecting Nugget Numero Dos, she'd probably be training with us. She lives within driving distance of me (thank goodness) and we get together as often as life allows. She's been uber-supportive thus far and will probably start training for a future race once the Nugget has arrived.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Crissy, or If You Had Wings, to all you DISers. In addition to Jill, she is partly the inspiration for the program and this trip. She'll be running the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathonin the Fall and I'm hoping to learn a lot from her. If you haven't found it yet, check out her PTR. Totally. Shameless. Plug. :thumbsup2

Wings' PTR is HERE!

There you have it folks, your cast of characters. I'll be sure to update you if and when it grows.

UP NEXT: Rum Runners? Really? Are you Captain Morgan employees?
Yay! I've already checked out your blog and I'm excited to see your journey!

I started C25K a few weeks ago, I just finished Week 4, Day 2, and I'm SHOCKED that I can run in 5 minute intervals. SHOCKED. I couldn't breathe the first day after 1 minute and here I am running 5 minutes! It really does work, I'm excited to see you and Jill try it as well.

Your kitties are ADORABLE! :lovestruc
I started C25K a few weeks ago, I just finished Week 4, Day 2, and I'm SHOCKED that I can run in 5 minute intervals. SHOCKED. I couldn't breathe the first day after 1 minute and here I am running 5 minutes!

I'm thinking about finding some way to tether myself to the treadmill so I don't go flying off the first time. :laughing:
I am selfishly stoked that I rate as part of your cast of characters. ;) Lord knows I am a character. :rotfl2:

What can I say that hasn't been said?

Honestly, I'm super proud of you. I'm proud of you for taking this on, and I'm proud of you for paving the way. Honestly, I believe if you can do it, I can do it, and so I'm here to offer all the support I can possibly give.

And Jill not having been to Disney in 10+ years? YIKES! Get that girl to a 1/2 marathon and then give her a Pina CoLava, stat! :lmao:
I won't run with you but I'll bring the BenGay, ice packs and cute leg warmers to the party!
Hey all! I haven't abandoned this report, there's just some pretty big-time stuff going on with our jobs that has the details of this trip a little iffy. I'm hoping we'll iron them out in the next couple of weeks so that the planning can continue!

Heidi - can I request BenGay, IcyHot and some ThermaCare patches? :lmao:
I'm in! This looks like it'll be fun!:thumbsup2

Unless, of course, you utterly abandon it.....:sad2:

I'm in! This looks like it'll be fun!:thumbsup2

Unless, of course, you utterly abandon it.....:sad2:


Um abandoned? Yes, as of late this PTR has been. Because of some unforseen HUGE life shifts, well, work shifts really, for one 1/2 of the Rum Runners.

I'm in the process of making some decisions about this trip, which would now likely be a solo expedition. I should know more in the next week or two. If I have my way I can tell you that it will not be altogether abandoned. Just possibly delayed. Until Marchish. When all of those Princesses run on the World.

Um abandoned? Yes, as of late this PTR has been. Because of some unforseen HUGE life shifts, well, work shifts really, for one 1/2 of the Rum Runners.

I'm in the process of making some decisions about this trip, which would now likely be a solo expedition. I should know more in the next week or two. If I have my way I can tell you that it will not be altogether abandoned. Just possibly delayed. Until Marchish. When all of those Princesses run on the World.


Hope everything works out. I think the princess is the last week of Feb. next year. I'm toying with the idea of doing a long weekend for that, depending on how I feel after the Wine and Dine, so if you end up going then, it might not be completely alone.
Hope everything works out. I think the princess is the last week of Feb. next year. I'm toying with the idea of doing a long weekend for that, depending on how I feel after the Wine and Dine, so if you end up going then, it might not be completely alone.

That would be totally fantastic. I would LOVE to do that with you, if it came down to it. ::yes::
I know a certain person who will be arriving that Sunday :rolleyes1
I know a certain person who will be arriving that Sunday :rolleyes1

That would make even more of reason why I should try to do that 1/2, :)

March, eh?

That's eight months postpartum for me...


Now, wouldn't THAT be the DISmeet of all DISmeets...


Depending on how everything unfolds, I'd imagine I'd try to make it close to a week, solo: 2/25/10-3/2/10.

More food for thought. I'm hoping I can confirm that this is now a solo venture either today or tomorrow and start giving some big-time thought to February 2011! It's only 260 days away... ;)
Sounds great! I really want to go in March, but am going to have to wait and see on some money issues. I think I have enough credits for a free flight, but my poor AP will be expired by then. :sad1: I'm going to have to save my pennies for a value room. :thumbsup2

You know it shouldn't be that hard to have a meet at somepoint irregardless. We are all in New England. I don't mind a little drive.
Only 260 days. I love the optimism. :thumbsup2

I'm looking at it as 260 days to train...starting this week. I'll be picking up a book (as recommended by Crissy) and getting my butt out walking again.

It's also 260 days to decide on a resort. I REALLY want to stay at CSR but if it's a solo trip in terms of the room...I maybe be bucking up and hitting a Value.

Sounds great! I really want to go in March, but am going to have to wait and see on some money issues. I think I have enough credits for a free flight, but my poor AP will be expired by then. :sad1: I'm going to have to save my pennies for a value room. :thumbsup2

I hear that. I'm hoping to stay at a Mod, but I don't think that'll happen. The Value, solo, is going to be a stretch. I'm not going to worry about the details yet but still...:rolleyes:

You know it shouldn't be that hard to have a meet at somepoint irregardless. We are all in New England. I don't mind a little drive.

So true! Who else is in NE? I'm in MA, you and Kat are in CT, Heidi's in NH...LL's in MA...we could have the NE DISmeet 2010!


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