The Piggies are back . . . and this time they're hungry! 12 DAYS OF FOOD! UPDATED!

Oh a Disneymoon - you lucky thing!! Where are you planning on eating?

Our must-dos are Ohana (Who doesn't love unlimited meat passed around on a big stick?), Sci-Fi (DF is a big horror/sci-fi fan), Artist Point (We want to do one Signature, and this is closest to our taste), Raglan Road (My new last name will be McShane ;)), and Flame Tree (We love BBQ).
We did a Christmas trip in 2005 and we had to purchase extra sweatshirts and long sleeved t-shirts to make it through the trip!!! I wore my heavy coat that I brought on the plane from Tennessee almost every night...I thought I was going to freeze my nose off!!:scared1:

We went back in January of 2007 (I think) and we wore shorts the whole time, only having to add a long sleeve at night. :confused3

This year, I'm going to be prepared for any weather, since it can and will do whatever it pleases. I'm packing shorts, jeans, and long and short sleeved tops. I'm also packing a couple of fleece hoodies, just in case. I'm sure I'll have my coat and gloves from Nashville on my person when I arrive, so that will just be extra insurance.

Do you have to do laundry when you are here, or do you just really pack a lot??? I'm always curious about the mundane details of other's lives....:laughing:

EEK!! Thanks for the warning - I have warned my family and re-planned my packing - the UGGS are coming with me!!!:rotfl2:

We always do laundry on a two week trip - I'm not too sure if we will need to on an 8 night trip . . . I suppose if we get either all good or all bad weather we will have to as I plan on taking a few items of each! I like doing laundry - its an excuse to sit by the pool and do nothing while its doing!!!

So excited to read your report!!!!:

Thanks!! :goodvibes

Ooh, you two ordered exactly the same thing as us at Le Cellier!! Well, except for dessert, as we skipped that in favor of F&W choices (Belgium Waffles...mmmm...). I just love the cc soup and the pretzel bread. I think the latter is so popular mainly because it's so good dipped in the soup! I was on :cloud9: eating my filet and risotto. It was sooooo yummy. My DH didn't love that potato gratin. It had a very strong onion flavor. We, too, had a wonderful server. Can't wait to go back!!

We've always had good luck at HOB. Sorry your experience wasn't quite as good as past visits. Tony's fries do look delicious, though!

I was very self-conscious taking photos at Le Cell, too. It's such close quarters there that you really get noticed when you do that! We appreciate you willing to embarrass yourself for us!!:rotfl:


Oh, I forgot about the Belgium waffles - we planned on going back for them and sacrificed them for the horrid deep-fried icecream!

It is really noticeable taking photos in Le Cellier, more so than any other restaurant!! The things we do . . .!!!!

Both fries look very yummy, but I agree-- WTH with no potato coming with the ribs?? That is very cheap to me-- ridiculous! I can't believe it was well over $100!

I know!!! Who doesn't want potato with their meat?!!! Ridiculous decision!

Fab reviews SG! I so want the beignets, but will no doubt not make it to POFQ on the buses! We were also most disappointed about GMYO no longer being a snack credit and no extra toppings! I recall Nick was most put out and nearly walked out!!:rotfl: we gave in though and was still worth it, just annoying!! xx (am dying for an Earl now, thanks very much!!)

You have to go try the beignets this year!! DD will love them! Walk over to DTD and get the boat to POFQ . .. you will be pleased you did!!!:goodvibes

I wish you had warned me about GMYO not being a snack anymore - I was aghast when they told me! Aghast!!!!

Subscribing!! Loving your report!


WPE is always good-- very reliable and lots of selections!

I love that huge menu - something for every mood!

Loving the food pics and the review :) Will be adding the Captains Cider to my list and looking for the self serve Dole Whip. Yummy!

I am looking forward to that cider!!! Ohh the dole whip, I have a total craving for that now. In a way I wish I hadn't have tried it, because I can't stop thinking about it now!

Getting to the party really late, but definitely enjoying the reviews! :yay::yay::yay:

We didn't get to Earl of Sandwich on our last trip and I totally regret it. The original looks amazing and I love horseradish, so definitely on my "to do" list.:thumbsup2

Our piggy family did get 2 helpings of dessert at O'hana...the server looked a little surprised when we asked for the second one...:rotfl:

I envy you - we were too embarrassed to ask for seconds - now I wish we had!!!!

You you must try the Earl, I know some people don't think a sandwich is a good use of a dining credit, but I just love everything from there!!

OH wow the Mac and cheese there is REALLY good! At least it was when I was there a few years ago.

Ohh thats it, decision made - I will have that next time!!!!! :goodvibes

Our must-dos are Ohana (Who doesn't love unlimited meat passed around on a big stick?), Sci-Fi (DF is a big horror/sci-fi fan), Artist Point (We want to do one Signature, and this is closest to our taste), Raglan Road (My new last name will be McShane ;)), and Flame Tree (We love BBQ).

Ohana and RR are must do's for us as well! I think Artist Point will be the next signature we try. We had an ADR for sci-fi one lunchtime this trip, but missed it in favour of trying Captain Cook's . .. bit of a mistake!! Oh well, next time!

Where is the Tag Fairy when you need her/him?! :rotfl2:


SERIOUSLY digging the report! Your level of detail is awesome. Subbing!:banana::banana::banana:

Ah, thank you!!:goodvibes

Wow that leCellier meal looks yums!! Loving the reviews!!

It was so good; I could eat it again now, much nicer than the stir-fry I'm about to eat!!

Will get Chef Mickey's up tomorrow!
Dinner tonight was at Chef Mickey’s . . . we had dinner here a couple of years ago and loved it. We had an early booking – 5.20 – as we were going to MNSSHP for the first time . . .

These are our outfits! I was so excited to dress up!! We don't really celebrate Halloween in the UK to the same extent you do, so this was great!


Anyway! Considering we had such an early ADR and arrived on time we had to wait over 15 minutes to be seated . . . when they finally took us through at least half the tables were empty – I hate it when they do that!

Service was OK here – we both really thirsty and went through about 4 pomegranate lemonades each! The server seemed a bit surprised but she kept them coming! Characters were hit and miss. Goofy and Pluto played with us for a while. Minnie and Donald said a quick hello and posed for photos. Mickey just walked past and waved and didn’t even stop for a photo!

The line for the buffet was huge and moved really slowly. Outside of Disneyland Paris where the buffet lines took about 20 minutes to get to the front (and I’m not exaggerating!!) this was the longest I have ever waited in a buffet. In fact it was so slow that we each got our appetiser and entree plates at the same time to save us having to get back into the line. In reality it was about 10 minutes but that’s still a long time in a buffet line, I think! One lady decided she wasn’t going to wait and came and shoved in the line in front of me without saying a word of apology or explanation, just as we got to the carving station!!! I wasn’t happy!!! I was torn between tapping her on the shoulder and pointing out where the back of the line was, or moaning extremely loudly (and boy, do I have a loud voice when I try!) about people who line-jump. I went for that option . . .!!!!!

First plates . . . this is mine. I had some cherry tomatoes which were nice – very firm and fresh. Some lumps of cheese – well, you can’t go wrong with cheese can you?! This was nice tasting. Just cheese but I could have eaten a whole plateful to be honest – I can’t get enough of the stuff! Pasta salad and potato salad – both fairly nice – the potato salad was nice and creamy. And two bits of cornbread which were nice – fresh and tasty.

This is Tony’s first plate:- just salad and focaccio bread. He can’t remember the salad but says the bread had nice flavour and was soft and fresh.

I will post both of our entrée plates together as we seem to have had pretty much the same things as each other!


We both had ham from the carving station. I had prime rib as well. I thought both of these were really nice, especially the ham – it had a lovely taste. Broccoli was nice – lightly cooked. The mashed potato was lovely – as you may remember I have an obsession with mash and this was light and creamy. We had creamy dauphinoise potatoes as well which were really good – we both loved those. Turkey casserole was really nice – big lumps of turkey in it! The gravy was really tasty and flavoursome. . . you can see on the photo how close it is to the edge of the plate - well I managed to drip it all over my toes walking back to the table!!! Yuck!! Tony had some cornbread as well which he liked, though not as much as the one from House of Blues. Tony especially liked the dauphinoise potato and the turkey casserole and gave them 9/10. I give the whole plate a good 8/10.

Dessert! This is my plate!

We have here a sugar free brownie – that was nasty! More like cake instead of brownie, and nasty artificial taste. The oreo mouse was really good – mousse was lovely and rich, and the oreo was perfect – hadn’t gone soft at all. I went and got a second of these!! The cheesecake . . . I really didn’t want to like this as I was so full, but after one bite I was sold – really thick, tasty and creamy – lovely! So I ate it all. And felt very ill for most of MNSHP!!!!!

Tony’s plate.

Carrot cake, brownie and ice cream. The ice cream was average, carrot cake was good, brownie OK. He was really full before we got to dessert though which may have affected his opinions!

All in all a pretty good night. We would go back again, after a couple of years away!

Up next . . . Kona breakfast, Columbia Harbor House lunch and Hard Rock Café dinner.
Only eaten breakfast at CM's, planning dinner for next August, looks good. I will save room for a couple of those cheescakes:cloud9:
You looked adorable for Halloween!!!

Too bad you aren't going to be around here tomorrow! It's the official American "Eat Until You Feel Sick Day" :sick: (otherwise known as Thanksgiving!) I think you'd fit right in at my Mom's house! :love:

Turkey, cornbread dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole...yummm I even found the recipe for the Twinkie Tiramisu that they used to have at the Pop Century Food Court and made that. :cloud9:

Wish you were here, but more for me!!!:woohoo:
oh the salivation! what a great report so far, I love that you have some off site places as well, we have a villa next trip, so its great to have some off site suggestions as well as disney yummyness!
We started the next morning with breakfast at Kona Café. I had known what I was having for 18 months – the Macadamia Pineapple Pancakes - with macadamia nut butter, pineapple sauce and ham.

These are THE BEST breakfast in the whole, entire universe – I think they might even beat the beignets! You get three really thick pancakes, and they are absolutely choc-a-block with chopped macadamia nuts which gives the pancakes a lovely nuty, crunchy texture – these are perfect. There was enough butter and pineapple sauce to cover the three pancakes nicely (though I had Tony’s butter from his breakfast as well . . . oink oink!). The ham was lovely and fresh. Such a big portion as well – I like to think I left some, but I’m not sure!! This gets 10/10 – I can’t say how much I recommend these pancakes!:love:

Tony had the Big Kahuna - French toast, Macadamia-Pineapple pancakes, eggs, home fried potatoes, ham, bacon, and sausage. Tony really liked this and says the food was all really fresh and tasty – he gives it 8/10.

We also shared a press pot of 100% Kona Coffee. This was lovely – rich and creamy.

Lunch – we decided to go to MK and ended up in Columbia Harbour House after wondering around undecided for ages. I ordered the Anchors Aweigh Sandwich - white tuna with lettuce and tomato on toasted multigrain bun, followed by chocolate cake. Tony ordered the basket of 8 Chicken Breast Nuggets - Served with French Fries followed by apple crisp.


I was really enjoying this sandwich – there seemed to be more filling that when I last had it a few years ago; the tuna was really tasty, the salad really fresh, and it was really nice and simple – you know sometimes you just want something straight forward? Well a tuna sandwich was filling that need! I explained to Tony how much I was enjoying it so he took the second half to try for himself and left me with half his nuggets!!!!!! :sad2:*Sigh!* The nuggets were actually nice enough, not too exciting but at least the meat seemed fresh rather than being made from reformed bits and pieces, and they were nice and hot. The nuggets get 7/10 and the sandwich 9/10. Tony gave the nuggets 7 and said they were pretty average.

The chocolate cake was lush!! I think it’s the same as the one at Peco Bill. Little sponge, thick layer of creamy, sickly chocolate frosting – what more do you need?! I will always order this if its an option! 9/10

Tony liked the apple crisp but said it really needs icecream with it – I think he said that last year as well – they need to start service it in CA locations!!!

Coming next . . . Main St Bakery and Hard Rock Café!
All caught up again, Sonya!

We have never tried the beignets! Guess one day we need to ..... esp. since we are going to stay just next door at Old Key West again, next summer!

Can't go wrong with the tuna sandwich at Columbia Harbour House either! :love:

Keep up the good work!
Oh my word, I want those pancakes for breakfast right now !!
Sadly it's the 'real world' and I am having porridge :(
Yey, I am finally all caught up again on your foodie report! Your outfits for Halloween were amazing - where Tony find all that Indiana Jones stuff? :thumbsup2 and your Alice costume is excellent: glad you were representing the UK, character-wise!

Glad you enjoyed Kona breakfast - this is always my favourite place for brekkie, though I have yet to conquer the Big Kahuna (eyes bigger than stomach every time....) Looking forward to reading more!

Ha! I've been reading along, but just had to post when I saw you enjoyed what my friends and I refer to as "The Magical Tuna Sandwich" from CHH.

I don't know what it is about that sandwich, but it's magical and ALWAYS hits the spot! :thumbsup2
Mmmmm. Love Kona for breakfast! For dinner, too, actually! :laughing:

I did finally try that CHH tuna sandwich last year and it was yummy! A great alternative to all the burgers and chicken nuggets that seem to abound at lunchtime!

Never commented on your Halloween costumes, either. They were great! You were the perfect Alice!:thumbsup2


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