The Official New Mom Thread

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Yep, Gymboree will email you when it's gymbuck time. :goodvibes
MommyPoppins said:
If you feel that she isn't getting enough you can always bf her and then give her a few ounces of formula. But if she is growing and gaining weight and peeing and pooping then she is getting enough. You can't go by what people say(10-15 minutes on each side every 2-3 hours blah blah blah...) You have to do what is best for your baby. I knew a woman whose babys would only nurse for about 15 minutes total and they thrived. Every womans body and milk is different and every babys needs are different. I wouldn't think about the bonding time as being a hinderent. I cherish the time I got to bond with my DS # 2 and 3. I didn't get time right away with DS one because they said he was cold and DS #4 was HUGE(over 9 pounds) and they had to do a glucose test which took a while so I didn't get him right away either. Both DS 1 and 4 have had more issues with nursing than my other 2 who I was able to nurse right away. Anyway Kaleb (#4) wants to nurse ALL the time so I nurse him and then give him a couple of ounces of formula. He doesn't seem satisfied with just nursing all the time. As for letting them cry. Ever since the day I brought my kids home from the hospital I have taught them to go to sleep on their own. When I nurse them I lay them down to sleep even if they are still awake. If they cry a little its okay. It won't hurt them. After a while they will learn that when you lay them in their bed, it's time to sleep. While the "experts" say you can't spoil them when they are infants, I say heck yeah you can. :teeth: I wouldn't call it spoiling though. It's obvious your baby would rather be in your arms than anywhere else, but we all know that its just not possible or healthy for anyone involved to hold our babies 24/7. I believe in teaching them good sleeping habits from as young as infants. It's worked for our 4 kids. But not every method is good for every family. You just have to find what works for you and your baby and stick with it. :grouphug:

Both DD useally only take one side at a time, and often for less then 10 min. If they still seem hugnery I will offer the other side, but most of the time they don't want it. (Edited to add, I am only nursing the baby now, I was just talking about when DD#! was a baby too. :) )

As far as sleeping goes, I belive the same thing and have always done what you do. Put them down clean, feed, and comfortable and they are alseep in like 2 min. DD#1 (now 4 years old) was sleeping for 7 to 8 hours at 8 weeks. However my baby now still only sleeps for an hour or 2 at a time. The most she has ever slept was 6 once the 1st night we were at WDW. Otherwise there has been like a few times she has slept for 4 hours and I can count those on one hand. She doesn't have a problem falling alseep, it is staying alseep.

If it has been more then 2 hours when she wakes up she will scream and scream forever and not fall back to sleep. If she has been feed, she will fall back to sleep on her own.

Not sure what to do. :guilty:

BTW, I like Gymboree too, it is so funny you can tell all the cothes bought there instead of some other place. The patterns are just so different. I have the cutest dress for DD#! with red poppies on it. Every time I see that print I know where they got it. Oh goody, DD#2 should fit in it soon. I love dressing girls.
Gwene - if she's gaining weight and having plenty of wet diapers, I wouldn't worry. In the beginning, I tried to get BR to eat every 3 hours like "they" say to, but he just wasn't interested. Right from the start he was only eating every 4-7 hours. But he had plenty of good diapers and gained 19 ounces in 2 weeks, so I know he's doing fine on his schedule. Noe, if she's NOT gaining, I would supplement.

I go back and forth on Gymboree - some boy collections are good and some are not. I did buy the entre pilot collection this winter... :)
I don't know if anyone of you is interested, but I received a $5 coupon for Similac formula today. I don't use it, so if anyone wants it, PM me, and I'll send it to you.
katerkat said:
I go back and forth on Gymboree - some boy collections are good and some are not. I did buy the entre pilot collection this winter... :)

I know...that's why I've always been just kind of so-so on Gymboree. Their boy stuff is either drop dead darling or totally ugly to me....or just "eh." There have been a few collections I bought for my boys (hence why I know about the Gymbucks) but in the 7 years since I have had kids, there really has never been boys stuff that I just LONGED for like the girl stuff. BabyGap on the other hand often has super cute boy stuff. As does Osh Kosh. I often said, "If I ever have a girl, this store is gonna kill me." In some ways I am glad I have 3 kids and just don't tool around the mall as often; nor do I usually have cash burning in my pocket to spend on expensive kid's clothes! :teeth:

I did get an email that all their clothes on sale were an extra 20% off.
DisneyPHD - Well I've never had that problem. You could ask your pediatrition. I know that mine would say either feed her and live with it, or let her cry and cry and cry. My 3rd DS woke up everynight and we never did the let him cry thing, we were just too lazy that time, but he only got up once at night and I just brought him into bed with me. When a baby gets used to getting up its better than going back to sleep to them. If Kaleb were to do that when he was that old I'll let him cry for as long as it takes. You could try the other method where it takes weeks to get them to sleep. I don't know whats its called but it never appealed me to because of how long it takes and how long you have to go without sleeping. Maybe she isn't getting enough cereal/baby food at night? I feel for you. :grouphug: I hope you can get some sleep soon. :flower:
MommyPoppins said:
DisneyPHD - Well I've never had that problem. You could ask your pediatrition. I know that mine would say either feed her and live with it, or let her cry and cry and cry. My 3rd DS woke up everynight and we never did the let him cry thing, we were just too lazy that time, but he only got up once at night and I just brought him into bed with me. When a baby gets used to getting up its better than going back to sleep to them. If Kaleb were to do that when he was that old I'll let him cry for as long as it takes. You could try the other method where it takes weeks to get them to sleep. I don't know whats its called but it never appealed me to because of how long it takes and how long you have to go without sleeping. Maybe she isn't getting enough cereal/baby food at night? I feel for you. :grouphug: I hope you can get some sleep soon. :flower:

That is what my Dr. did say. It won't hurt her to feed her, as long as you are willing to do it. The problem is I am not willing anymore and the alterntive isn't working for us either. My poor 4 year old DD shares a room with her too. Luckly it doesn't seem to bother her too much, but it does not seem fair to me to make her share a room with a screaming baby all night. :guilty:

Thank God I am not working. However there is no "nap when the baby naps" when you have more then one. (or even a husband as Today 05:05 PM
Colleen456 said! :rolleyes1 )

Every night I go to sleep with faith that "tonight is the night" and every 2 hours I get up, bring her to bed and feed her. Some nights I try to put her off and those are much worse.

The thing is she is the happiest and healthies child otherwise, so I must be doing something right.
Just wanted to say hello to you all. Hope you don't mind me reading and catching up on all of you and seeing what I have to look forward to shortly.
Plus, I love seeing the pictures of your little sweeties!:flower:
DisneyPhD, that sounds exactly like Madison. Starting around 4 months she woke up twice each night and by 6 months was back to every 2 hours, occasionally 3. Prior to that she slep really well, and she fell asleep in her own bed by herself too. Well like I said, she would not cry herself to sleep, she'd just cry for hours till she got her milk and this went on for weeks till we gave up. Well about 2 weeks ago I tried again and this time seems to be working. She still gets up at night (slept all night twice so far) but only once and it's at 5-5:30. As soon as I nurse her she goes back to sleep till around 8-8:30. So I can handle that for now and we'll be working on eliminating the 5am feeding soon (well, we'll be weaning altogether soon). She'll go without it now, but she cries for good hour, then sleeps like 20 minutes, cries another hour, etc. till she's up for the day. So we're making progress. So if you can stick it out, 13 months seems to be the magical age for us (yes, I know we're not there yet, but way more progress than any time I tried so far).
Gwene-Madison only ever nursed for 7 minutes max when she was an infant. From the time she was about a week old till she was maybe 6 or 7 months she'd be totally finished with a nursing session after 7 minutes, and if I didn't switch her after 3 or 4 minutes she would only nurse on one side (which left me in pain, so I had to switch her). She'd do that about every 2 hours till around 6 months when she started cereal, then it was more spaced out. Well, excluding nighttime, then she'd go about 6 hours till she was 4 months or so. As she got older she'd nurse a bit longer, but I think that has something to do with my milk production, as I always felt incredibly full if she went longer than 2 hours between feedings when she was a newborn, but after about 6 months I never felt that way, and now I only feel like that if it's been like 12 hours, so I'm guessing I'm not making as much milk so she has to nurse longer to get what she wants. Still though, it's only like 10-15 minutes total now.
justhat said:
DisneyPhD, that sounds exactly like Madison. Starting around 4 months she woke up twice each night and by 6 months was back to every 2 hours, occasionally 3. Prior to that she slep really well, and she fell asleep in her own bed by herself too. Well like I said, she would not cry herself to sleep, she'd just cry for hours till she got her milk and this went on for weeks till we gave up. Well about 2 weeks ago I tried again and this time seems to be working. She still gets up at night (slept all night twice so far) but only once and it's at 5-5:30. As soon as I nurse her she goes back to sleep till around 8-8:30. So I can handle that for now and we'll be working on eliminating the 5am feeding soon (well, we'll be weaning altogether soon). She'll go without it now, but she cries for good hour, then sleeps like 20 minutes, cries another hour, etc. till she's up for the day. So we're making progress. So if you can stick it out, 13 months seems to be the magical age for us (yes, I know we're not there yet, but way more progress than any time I tried so far).

Yes, that sounds like Lily. If I just nurse her it goes pretty smothly, but many times a night. If she ever falls asleep and isn't full she cries in her sleep until she gets feed.

13 months, uge, I guess we are at least half way there so I made it this far......We are reaching the just let her cry phase, just because we are all so tried.

How can something so sweet and cute be so much work!
DisneyPhD said:
Yes, that sounds like Lily. If I just nurse her it goes pretty smothly, but many times a night. If she ever falls asleep and isn't full she cries in her sleep until she gets feed.

13 months, uge, I guess we are at least half way there so I made it this far......We are reaching the just let her cry phase, just because we are all so tried.

How can something so sweet and cute be so much work!

Good luck! I reached that stage a few times, at 6, 8, 10, and 11 months. Then I gave up and figured I'd just wait till she was weaned. Then I thought about this trip and thought I'd try again and it's going much better, like I said. Hopefully it will be sooner for you though!
My problem is I don't have a track record for early weening. (27 months for my older DD) and I don't want to ween her early just because of this.

Hey justthat, I see we are both going on vacation very soon. Are we going to be there the same time? We are going to be at WDW April 29th to May 3rd and then Vero Beach May 3rd to the 6th. We are staying at PORS while at WDW.

I am very excited about the trip, but I think I need a break and some baby sitting before we go. THANK GOD my mother in law is coming home from FLA next week!!!!!! :flower: I don't know why I have a hard time asking for help. Mostly because my mother in law is the only one who really gives it to me and she has been in FLA since Jan.
Morning! Jimmy slept through the night again last night! This is two nights in a row for us. He does get a little fussy around 3ish. I put his nuk in his mouth and gave his belly a little rub, then he went back to sleep. I know that I have to kind of stop this stuff so he'll sleep on his own, but I am a much happier mommy after two decent nights of sleep.
Last night was a big night for us too. Michael went to bed (awake but well fed and drowsy) at 9:15 and I woke him up at 6:15 to dress him and take him to school for the day. He was sleeping so well but we had to go, so with a little help from his sister we woke him up and dressed him. DD(5) is away with my parents, DH left on a school trip this morning so it is DD(3), me and DS for the next couple nights. It would be so cool if he would sleep like that again...

As for letting them cry, I have always had a really hard time with that. I don't get any sleep, I'm usually crying in my room, and I will go try and soothe them. I've also felt like an idiot many times, even after my first DD had colic and 2nd DD had reflux, I still can't figure out what DS needs some days. I know that the fact I care makes me a good Mommy, even on a bad day. If I was a bad Mommy I wouldn't care, so to all the other mommies having a hard time, remember that you KNOW you are a good Mommy. You know it because you care if you are a good Mommy or not. *hugs to you all*!! Have a great day!
ahutton said:
Last night was a big night for us too. Michael went to bed (awake but well fed and drowsy) at 9:15 and I woke him up at 6:15 to dress him and take him to school for the day. He was sleeping so well but we had to go, so with a little help from his sister we woke him up and dressed him. DD(5) is away with my parents, DH left on a school trip this morning so it is DD(3), me and DS for the next couple nights. It would be so cool if he would sleep like that again...

As for letting them cry, I have always had a really hard time with that. I don't get any sleep, I'm usually crying in my room, and I will go try and soothe them. I've also felt like an idiot many times, even after my first DD had colic and 2nd DD had reflux, I still can't figure out what DS needs some days. I know that the fact I care makes me a good Mommy, even on a bad day. If I was a bad Mommy I wouldn't care, so to all the other mommies having a hard time, remember that you KNOW you are a good Mommy. You know it because you care if you are a good Mommy or not. *hugs to you all*!! Have a great day!

I read somewhere that letting your children cry when they're infants makes them less self-sufficient when they're older. Children who are comforted right away know they can depend on their caregivers and become more independent when they're bigger. Whether or not this is true, I don't know. I do know that it kills me to have Jimmy cry, so I don't do it. Sometimes when he's really hungry, he'll cry until he's purple. I try everything I can think of to soothe him until his bottle is ready, but it doesn't always work. He just stops or cries until the bottle hits his mouth. I hate when this happens, so I'm continually trying to anticipate when he's going to want to eat.

My sister and I are thinking about taking our boys to WDW in August. Jimmy will be 7 mo. then. What do you think? Also, any advice from any of you who have take kids this young to WDW would be appreciated.
I want to comment on several things here:

I don't want to come off as haughty, or Ms. Know it All, cause all of us have different parenting methods and all of us have different babies. I'm just going to share what I learned- I have a BA in early Childhood Development. Responding to babies needs as quickly as possible and not letting them "Cry it out" creates strong bonds between parent/child and helps the child develop a strong sense of security. The theory is that later in life s/he will have the ability to trust others and also be self-reliant if all their needs where quickly met as babies. (look up Piaget and Erickson for more on these theories).

This applies to the newborn stage esp.

After about 5-6 months, it's okay to let baby cry it out a bit if s/he is warm, dry and fed. We did that with our boys- they co-slept with us for the first 5-6 months and then we transitioned them into their crib for nighttime- we would let them cry it out, going in every 15-20 minutes to reassure them. It was hell for me. I hated it. But within 2-3 nights they were sleeping in their own beds, usually through the night, or at least til 4 or 5 AM. Being able to get to sleep on their own is the first step in self-comforting and not needing an outside person to help them cope (be-it Mom, dad, etc..binkies are fine, and I would give my older DS a bottle of water to suck on, and that helped him a lot.). In my experience this makes for more adaptable children. (I have friends and family that would cosleep or rock their children to bed til they were 2-3+ years old and they just had nightmares of a time getting their kids to nap somewhere else or under the care of someone else).

About taking babies to WDW- I haven't done WDW, but I did DL with both boys- Sam when he was 6 months, Josh when he was 4 months. I'm going to DL with Molly this Sept when she will be 6/7 months. It actually is pretty easy with a baby- they like to sleep in their stroller a lot and not want to get out and walk like older babies (like Josh at 20 months at WDW---that was a pain sometimes cause he was too little to understand about staying with us). Just be sure to protect from the sun, realize your pace will be way slowed down, and take advantage of baby swap if you enjoy going on the fast paced rides. Babies can go on anything without a height restriction, which is the majority of attractions! :flower:
We took Lily this past Feb/ early March and she was just turning 7 months old. It was the greatest age. She had so much fun (for a baby) was able to sit up in high chairs, use the baby bjorn and have a good time. She was eating a variety of baby food and that was helpful in restauants, but still nursing (much easier then formula.)

I think 7 months is about the earliest I would go, and it is a good time. My friend who went with us had a 6 month old. It was a little bit tougher. He wasn't sitting up as well unasissed.

The babies where much eaiser to handel then the 2 almost 4 year olds!

I did a trip report, here is a link to it.

We are going back with a 9 month old, and I am rather excited about it. I just love this age. (really my only complant is the no sleep thing.)

I don't like the let them cry method, but lately we have resorted to it (at least for brief peroids of time, alltogh 10 min doen'st seem breif when a baby is screaming!)

Last night wasn't that bad. I got this new memory foam bed topper and it is so comfy that I am falling back alseep well. So I am still woken often, but I am getting the most sleep of the time avialable that I can. :Pinkbounc
DisneyPhD, yes, we're going to WDW soon-Monday actually!! We left our home in DC on Monday and are in Myrtle Beach now. We're staying here till Saturday, driving to Savannah, then flying to WDW on Monday. We're stay at AKL the 18-24 and CR 24-26. So a bit earlier than you.

This will be Madison's 4th trip to WDW-we took her at 3,4,and 9 months (and to DL at 6 months). I really can't complain about any of those ages, the only thing, and it's small, is that at 9 months she was eating foods, so we had to stop and buy jarred stuff then carry the jars around to feed her at meals. That wouldn't normally be so bad, but she hated jarred foods and wanted our foods instead, so we sorta had to force her to eat her food. At home we didn't bother with the jars as much, but I didn't want her eating chicken fingers and fries everyday so we had to do the jars. She never really liked the jarred baby food so they were very short lived in our house. This trip should be easier food wise though because we have scheduled 'nice' meals each day, at least once, so she can just eat with us and we won't have to worry about what she's eating so much. Also she eats anything we eat now so that makes it much easier too. It's just the wanting to walk all the time that we have to deal with!
justhat said:
DisneyPhD, yes, we're going to WDW soon-Monday actually!! We left our home in DC on Monday and are in Myrtle Beach now. We're staying here till Saturday, driving to Savannah, then flying to WDW on Monday. We're stay at AKL the 18-24 and CR 24-26. So a bit earlier than you.

This will be Madison's 4th trip to WDW-we took her at 3,4,and 9 months (and to DL at 6 months). I really can't complain about any of those ages, the only thing, and it's small, is that at 9 months she was eating foods, so we had to stop and buy jarred stuff then carry the jars around to feed her at meals. That wouldn't normally be so bad, but she hated jarred foods and wanted our foods instead, so we sorta had to force her to eat her food. At home we didn't bother with the jars as much, but I didn't want her eating chicken fingers and fries everyday so we had to do the jars. She never really liked the jarred baby food so they were very short lived in our house. This trip should be easier food wise though because we have scheduled 'nice' meals each day, at least once, so she can just eat with us and we won't have to worry about what she's eating so much. Also she eats anything we eat now so that makes it much easier too. It's just the wanting to walk all the time that we have to deal with!

Cool, :cool1: Have a great and safe trip.

I am begaining to wonder if we are really spoiling our kids with all these trips to WDW. It will be the babies 2nd trip and little PhD's 6th trip (and that isn't counting going to DVC Vero Beach last year, orlando, but no WDW, she called it Disney Beach.) She just turned 4 last month. :cheer2:

Have a great trip, looking forward to the trip report.
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