The Last Minute(-ish) Pre-Christmas Trip....

As I mentioned in my introductory post, I have fibromyalgia. There are posts all over these boards from people trying to figure out how to deal with fibro and a Disney trip. Many end up deciding that an ECV will make things possible. The catch is that fibro is a disorder which manifests differently for every sufferer. If I tried to sit on an ECV, my thumb (the one that needs to keep doing the same thing all day) would scream at me within an hour. (Well, it actually only took 10 minutes before I was in pain when I tried it last year, but, I think I could have put up with the pain for about an hour.) If I wanted to use a wheelchair, I'd probably end up in pain from inactivity -- plus, I'd need to come up with someone to push me.

My fibro generally likes exercise. Of course, because fibro can't be kind the whole way, my fibro hurts while exercising and immediately after it hurts even worse. But, the next day, or two days later, I feel better if I've exercised heavily than I would if I hadn't. It's a bit of a challenge to push through and in the last couple of years I've been struggling with it more and more. But, when we first came to Disney I'd just (in the previous year) finished running a half-marathon and I was able to remind myself that my body hurts now, but, will feel better later.

Last January, we decided that we needed to go to Disney during my break week in March and we made some last minute plans that rivaled this set. Then, at the beginning of March (last year), I had a Curling mishap and tore lots of things in my knee. I was on crutches until just before our trip and then borrowed a cane from a friend. (I maybe should have kept using the crutches longer, but, I'd gotten lazy and kept putting them down -- the cane seemed like a good compromise because I could actually convince myself to use it most of the time.)


My DW has a genetic disorder that keeps the layers of her skin from sticking together properly. It's something she's dealt with all her life and as invisible disabilities go, it's not too bad. But, she gets blisters from any sort of friction on her skin and once they start, they just keep growing. If a "normal" person tells you that their foot hurts and they think they might be getting a blister, you can walk slowly and then stop to look at it 15 min later and you'll probably see a small blister. With my DW, if you spent these next 15 min walking, the blister would now be bigger than a quarter and still growing (even without any more walking at that point). So, when she says that she needs to stop, we need to stop -- right there!

It took me awhile to get used to this issue, but, I think I'm finally there. In our regular lives she's able to manage things well and though she gets the occasional blister it's not too bad. (Likely 3-5/month and only one of those seems bad.) But, at WDW, there's all that cement (to deal with the crowds) and all those things that she wants to see that you have to walk to.

When we planned our first WDW trip together (the one after our honeymoon, where we were only coming to FL for WDW), she was asked, "how are you going to do that" and she replied, "I'll just have to walk slowly and wear my magic boots (a pair of hiking boots that she gets fewer blisters in than other footwear)."

Well, we arrived at our resort around 1pm and she'd figured things out such that she said, "let's go to DHS (then MGM) for the afternoon and evening because they have an EMH." She'd planned the trip and I said, "sure". We got to the park by 2:00. Her planning was good, with some running around (for me) to get FPs she was walking slowly and generally only purposefully, but, by 4 or 5 she was saying that her feet were sore. By 8:00 when the EMH started, she sat on a bench rather than coming with me to get a wristband -- fortunately, the CM took pity on me and gave me one for her (this was back in the day when they actually scanned the card before handing out the wristband). By the time we left the park at 11:00, I was noticing a two-year-old walking along in typical distracted two-year-old fashion who seemed to be speeding past my DW and I realized that we had a problem.

So, I detoured at the exit to ask the Stroller & Wheelchair people about w/c rentals. She told me that I could get a length of stay card at my resort that would be cheaper than just renting daily. My DW still kept saying, "I'll be okay," but, I argued that it was worth getting the card, "in case". So, I went in to the front desk when we got back to POP and the CM said, "I can just lend you a w/c if you'd prefer". I said that was fantastic and headed back to the car with a w/c. By the next morning, my DW had trouble getting dressed because of the need to use her feet (believe me, they looked bad!) and was willing to give the w/c a try. By the end of the vacation, she agreed that we couldn't have done it without the w/c and she'd gotten somewhat used to my pushing her.

Over the years, her using a w/c and my pushing have become a standard of our WDW trips.

See the next mobility installment to learn about how we dealt with my busted knee last March, our assorted w/c experiences and what we're doing this trip.
Mobility challenges are not something I am looking forward to. But I have a bad disc in my back so I am sure that one of these trips I will end up in a w/c.

Loving your report! Keep it coming! :thumbsup2
Once we realized that we were going to have a 2 night stay at AKV we looked at our dining plans for those two days and added up what we were likely to order at Sanaa, Jiko and Tokyo Dining and figured we'd basically get 2 extra meals, 4 snacks (each) and drink mugs for the same price.

We held off on putting it on the reservation because I still had the waitlist for a third night and we knew that 3 nights of deluxe dining was more than we'd want. But, about 5 days before we left we gave in and called to add it.

Piles and piles of food...but, since you get to spread 2 days of food over 3 days it's not too bad.
About 3 weeks before we left, when we started talking about the DxDP, I fiddled around with the new online reservation system and made a bunch of bookings for places that we might want to eat at.

I confess -- I made far more reservations than we could possibly use and I even made some for the same meal in each of our names using my DW's work number. A part of me felt guilty, but, another part of me figured that the person who picked them up after I released them would be happy to get them and I knew that I'd release the ones I decided not to use.

Places I included in this mad-booking extravaganza:
Boma (breakfast and dinner on multiple nights)
Raglan Road
Chef Mickey's (breakfast)
Kona (breakfast & dinner)
Wolfgang Puck Cafe
(and a couple of others that I didn't find availability for)

Yes, I went a little crazy!
Haha I totally understand why you booked so many restaurants. I love booking them. Once I have 180 days until my trip, everything will be booked :)
About 10 days before we were due to arrive, we sat down and said that we really needed to take some time to figure out a final plan. Yes, we actually waited until the online check-in was open BEFORE we finished our planning.

At that point we were staying at AKV for 2 nights and had three meals planned. We took a look at the menus and at what we'd likely order under various circumstances and decided that the DxDP would only cost a small amount more for an additional 3 meals -- plus, it would take away pressure to order things we could share.

(Remember, back at the beginning, when I said that we don't eat any of the same food? If we pay OOP, the cheap gene rears it's head and I start suggesting that we share appetizers and desserts (I know it's not even worth trying to share entrees). But, the things we both eat, aren't the favourites that either of us dream about. So, knowing that we can simply get what we each want without debating the cost every time is worthwhile -- note: it's only worthwhile because I've already done the math to know that regardless of what I order, I'll come out ahead.)

So, as you know from the final plan (in post #77), we had to re-discuss dining options. And we came up with:

Saturday - Lunch at Sanaa
- Dinner at Jiko

Sunday - Breakfast at Boma
- Dinner at Narcoosee’s
- Some snack credits

Monday - Lunch at The Wave
- Most snack credits

DxDP, 2 days, 2 people: 12 TS credits, 8 snack credits
There's actually a need for 14 TS credits to cover everything we've booked, so, there will still be some discussion as we go. (My DW has also said a few times that she figures we'll need to be willing to spend more for food on the Monday, but, I think she's forgetting just how full you can get on the DxDP.)

Narcoossee's was a lucky ADR. When we decided to get the DxDP, we said that we should eat at 2 signatures...Jiko was obvious and Narcoossee's was our favourite from our previous trips (well, Artist's Pointe might well be tied for favourite, but, we've eaten there 3 times and Narcoossee's only once). I looked for any ADRs during our entire trip at Narcoosee's and the only one I could find happened to be on the night we wished at a time that would include both the Electric Water Pageant and Wishes. :woohoo:

Kona has also been on our list as a "need to get around to getting to" place; it just never seems to fit our schedule. So, we looked at the menus, decided that we were most interested in breakfast and booked that for the mornings we're waking up at SSR. (Yes, at this point we still booked it twice because we were hoping to be able to meet ConcKahuna and I didn't know his schedule. I contacted him about his schedule and then we picked the date and cancelled the extra Kona ADR)

Then, I went about the complicated process of using the online system to cancel many, many extraneous ADRs. Believe me, it took awhile! (Believe it or not, I still had to look for a new Boma reservation since the time we ended up wanting to go, was not one of the many I'd already made.)

In the next couple of days, I checked that our waitlist for the 3rd night at AKV didn't come through (we wouldn't have wanted 3 days of DxDining, so, everything would have needed to change again) and actually got around to adding DxDP to our reservation.
Over the years we've used a variety of resort wheelchairs and learned that their maintenance leaves a lot to be desired. We've also learned that airports involve a LOT of walking and that my DW usually arrives at WDW with blisters if we fly and she walks.

So, we located a medical supply company near home and we usually rent a w/c from them to bring with us. The first time we rented from them they talked us into a transport chair (4 small wheels) because it was cheaper. It worked reasonably well -- except for the time my DW pulled herself through a doorway when I was holding the door open (behind her) and not holding the chair and she went down a small hill in Pangani without any way of stopping herself.... So, the next time we rented we insisted on a full chair.

A couple of years ago we were travelling with some friends and flying out of a US airport a few hours away. We wanted to be able to drive a single car for fuel efficiency reasons and they had an infant with a large stroller and were bringing scuba gear. So, we decided to use a resort chair and if necessary call an Orlando-area company for a rental. We checked in at POR and they said that they didn't have any chairs available. But, POFQ did, so, we walked over there to pick one up. At the end of our 2nd last day we were watching Wishes from the train station on Main St. and left the wheelchair in stroller parking with a fair bit of personal markings on it -- a hat with a name on it and a bright orange bandanna. We came down the stairs after Wishes to find that the wheelchair was gone. We looked everywhere, several staff members tried to help us, etc. It was gone. Many people on the disboards seemed to think that it was stolen because it was a resort chair and that someone figured it was fair game. But, honestly, why would ANYONE think that stealing a wheelchair was okay, regardless of what type of chair it was???? Don't you understand that if a wheelchair is there then there is someone who needs it?

Because it was a Disney chair that was stolen, CMs were able to make it such that we didn't get charged for it. But, it's made us nervous everytime since then about renting a chair from home. So, now we always travel with a bike lock as well to use to lock the chair to itself and prevent an unthinking person from stealing it -- and there've been many times when it's looked like someone did try to walk away with the chair before getting stopped by the lock. It really boggles my mind!

Last March when I couldn't really walk, I obviously couldn't push my DW. So, we didn't rent a wheelchair. I tried to talk to her, before we left home, about what she was going to do and she simply said, "I'll walk." Well, on our arrival day we headed over to DTD for a few hours and even though she was walking next to hobbling me using a cane and moving slowly, she had to admit that night that her feet were already bothering her. So, at 10:30 that night we called Buena Vista Rentals and they said that they could get us an ECV by 8:00 the next morning that we could use for 3 days (we were only planning 2 park days) and then return it to another resort (we were changing resorts on our 2nd park day). It worked out pretty well, but, my DW definitely used her feet up more with an ECV than she does when I push a wheelchair. This problem became obvious as we tried to move our stuff into VWL at the end of our 2nd park day as my DW took over my cane because I'd gotten faster than her.

One of the things we've really struggled with is the number of people on here who seem to believe that anyone using an ECV who is overweight must simply be lazy rather than understanding that disabilities which have mobility challenges often lead to weight gain. So, on several occasions my DW has commented that she feels like people take her need more seriously because she's using a w/c than they would if she were using an ECV. As we maneuvered around the crowds at AK on that first ECV day, we both noted that the fact I was walking with a cane seemed to mitigate any other comments we might have run into -- I mean, if I was willing to walk with a cane, then, obviously, she must be worse!

So, after our usual debate and fears of having it stolen and ending up responsible for paying for it, and some brief discussion of simply renting an ECV for our long park day because my DW was worried about wearing me out, we rented a wheelchair from home for this trip and prepared to get back to our standard routine.
People post ALL THE TIME about strollers being stolen (personal strollers, not rentals!) so the fact that people steal resort wheelchairs shouldn't shock any of us. There are some TACKY people out there. :mad:

I hope renting the chair from home didn't cause any issues!
So come on now, tell the rest of the story!!! :banana:
People post ALL THE TIME about strollers being stolen (personal strollers, not rentals!) so the fact that people steal resort wheelchairs shouldn't shock any of us. There are some TACKY people out there. :mad:

No kidding!

I hope renting the chair from home didn't cause any issues!

Well, there was the time that we landed in SF and they didn't bring the chair up from gate check and just said, "oh, it's probably on the baggage carousel...." We did find it, but, I think it was a fairly lucky find since it was just sitting beside a random baggage carousel that wasn't the one where the luggage from our plane was delivered and it's not like SF is a small airport.

(I did mention our travel curse, right? In fact, if I weren't certain that I am currently at home I'd wonder how I caused snow to fall in Orlando.)

So come on now, tell the rest of the story!!! :banana:

Isn't it more fun when I drag it out?
In order to go on vacation, one must first pack some bags -- well, either that or have enough money to send someone out shopping for clothes once you arrive.

In our household, packing seems to always be a point of contention. We don't have any of the usual problems that I hear from others -- we have similar ideas about keeping weight down and a willingness to do laundry on certain trips, but, not others. But, somehow, the actual act of packing is something that we do quite differently and we both get stressed out by.

My DW used to travel for a living, so, she had Star Alliance Gold status (we're going to miss it now that we're in the first year without it) and was allowed to bring extra baggage at no charge. But, we have rarely needed her extra allowance...we have used it though to check everything under her name so that it gets priority service.

A few years ago we got new luggage and got a large and medium sized bag. We discovered that packing the large one was generally a challenge in terms of weight. So, we got another medium sized bag a few months ago. This meant that we were planning to have less physical space than on our previous few trips and we weren't sure if it would be a problem or not. Thus, we wanted to bring an extra bag in case we wanted a third bag for expansion purposes on the way home.

We also used to have a set plan for carry-on luggage, but, my DW wanted to bring my computer with us -- now that DVC owners get free internet access it seems more worthwhile to bring the computer and stay connected. (Plus, last March I'd had to bring my computer and work during our trip so she'd gotten used to us having it.) Bringing my computer necessitated a different carry-on bag decision.

We'd lucked out and gotten a flight that would land us in WDW by noon on the Saturday right after I was done working. For flights from Canada to the US you clear customs in Canada. So, combining all of this we needed to leave home by 4:20 :scared1: (yes, we worked it out precisely).

So, we came up with a plan that involved packing on Thursday night. This plan seemed reasonable until I got to thursday afternoon and looked at the amount of work I needed to bring home -- remember, I'm a teacher, so, I work many hours most evenings. And I knew that we were likely doomed.

We also had this idea that when we dropped our cat off on Friday night we would go out to dinner with the person who was taking care of him for us. So, friday night around 9pm we knew that we had to get up in 7 hours and we weren't packed yet. Oops! :sad2:

The next morning as we pulled away from home, we finally felt safe to say it aloud and noted that it was the first time we'd packed for disney without fighting. (Whew! This trip seemed to be off to a good start.)
HOLY CRAP! :scared1:
Don't you know about the Packing Mandate? The Mandate states that for any and all WDW trips you must be packed in full a minimum of 12 days prior to departure. Whilst packing you are to consult the Master Packing List.

Your laptop goes in your "personal item" which is a Crocs backpack for me. I also have a Baggalini laptop case, but the backpack works better.
Carry-ons contain your necessities for the first 3-4 days. This is especially important if you are switching rooms, because then you only need to dig in the carry-on until you have switched rooms. Of course the exception to that is the stuff in the Shoe Bag. Each person is to have a fully packed 29" bag. Small people like DS can get away with a 25" bag. The Shoe Bag is the mandatory 4th checked bag that holds shoes. And other stuff. Like coffee, tripods and other camera stuff that DH can't cram in his "personal item" camera bag, full size liquids like sunscreen, pool towels, etc. Of course now that we have an Owners Locker SOME of the Shoe Bag stuff will stay in Orlando. But not all of it. :rolleyes1

DH doesn't mind doing laundry on vacation. I prefer to simply pack at least 2 complete outfits for every single day of the trip. Yes, I do have that many outfits. So does DS. No, my bag has never gone over 50 lbs. Close, but not over. ;)
HOLY CRAP! :scared1:
Don't you know about the Packing Mandate? The Mandate states that for any and all WDW trips you must be packed in full a minimum of 12 days prior to departure. Whilst packing you are to consult the Master Packing List.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm pretty certain that I don't have enough clothing to be packed in full 12 days prior to departure...I barely have enough clothing to get away without doing laundry DURING the vacation.

Master Packing lists are a great idea and I know that I should create them. But, every time I have to make a packing list I get VERY cranky -- I blame it on conflict with my mother and packing lists while growing up. Maybe, you can help me overcome my psychological aversion to them?

Your laptop goes in your "personal item" which is a Crocs backpack for me. I also have a Baggalini laptop case, but the backpack works better.
Carry-ons contain your necessities for the first 3-4 days.

I know that I'm ALLOWED both a personal item and a carry-on, but, we usually try to have a SINGLE carry-on/personal item bag between us. I have a small waist-pack that we often pack inside our larger carry-on bag so that it can be pulled out to have travel documents handy when needed. But, we can also put it in the other bag to get it out of the way.

Even though a wheelchair doesn't count against our carry-on allotment, it does create functional limits to what we can bring. I need to be able to carry it all AND push a wheelchair at the same time. (I can put a certain amount on my DW's lap, but, I can't stack above her head -- or, at least, I don't think I should.)

We made sure our swimming suits and a change of clothing for the evening were in our carry-on luggage, but, after that, if our luggage didn't arrive we wouldn't make it 3-4 days without starting to smell.

Each person is to have a fully packed 29" bag. Small people like DS can get away with a 25" bag.

I believe that the bag we've deemed too large is a 28" bag. We were travelling with two 25" bags. We've learned to mix our stuff together when packing. That way, if one bag goes missing we should both have some of our stuff and be missing some stuff.

The Shoe Bag is the mandatory 4th checked bag that holds shoes. And other stuff. Like coffee, tripods and other camera stuff that DH can't cram in his "personal item" camera bag, full size liquids like sunscreen, pool towels, etc.

Believe it or not, we fit all this stuff into our two 25" bags. Doing so requires a fair bit of planning as to how the suitcases are organized. Because we were short on time, I wasn't paying as much attention to the packing organization as I usually do and I was worried that things wouldn't fit. But, I got it all in -- plus an empty backpack that we like to use for the parks so that one of our carry-on bags on the way out could be converted to a third checked bag for the return trip.

No, my bag has never gone over 50 lbs. Close, but not over. ;)

I'm impressed! Part of why we designated the 28" bag as too big was that it took such careful packing to keep it under 50 lbs. As it was my two 25" bags were about 40lbs each. (Granted the scale they were weighed on said 1.5 lbs with nothing on it so it may not have been accurate.)

I forgot to mention our problem with books. It used to be that I travelled with a single book. Then, I would usually buy a book or two on vacation and I'd sometimes make use of the book exchange shelves that you can find all over the place. But, my DW has been working hard in the last year to convince me to use the library instead of buying all books -- she's right, and I've gone through library phases before, it's just hard for me because I'm rather addicted to reading. (It's an addiction that we share, but, my DW is better about having to wait a few days when she gets a craving for a particular book -- as long as it's not a Harry Potter book.)

When we went to Europe this summer, my DW convinced me that we could take library books with us on vacation. This was a big step for me...I'd used libraries, but, always kept the books at home. It just seemed like a big risk to travel with books belonging to someone else. As we were packing for Europe, my DW had a pile of FOUR books (and two of them were hardcover books) that she wanted to bring with her. I tried to talk her down and then ended up giving up and bringing four of my own -- but, at least mine were all paperback. Then, I read them ALL and bought 2 more for the trip home.

So, as we packed this time, I had a stack of books I wanted to read -- I believe there were 14 books in the pile. My DW identified her 4 books (3 hardcovers this time) and I ended up with a pile of SIX books that "I just HAD to bring".

So, not only were we packing in bags that were apparently too small, we were also trying to include TEN books! :scared1:

Can you believe that we got out of the house without fighting?
12 days? :scared1:

i'm lucky if I'm packed 12 hours before a trip!
12 days? :scared1:

i'm lucky if I'm packed 12 hours before a trip!

I'm like you. We've got packing for a trip to DL down pat. Takes us an hour to grab all of our Disney shirts we've made, one sweatshirt, one hoodie and a pair of shorts for each day, plus one pair of jeans if needed.

We figure we'll buy more stuff at the park, so we bring just enough so we have room to take back all the stuff we buy.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. You boys should be ashamed. But then again, DH likes to torment me by waiting as close to departure day as he can before he packs. :sad2:

Hematite, I used to have 2 Packing Lists. One Summer, One Winter. I apparently deleted the Winter one before this most recent December debacle. If I hadn't already deleted it, I would have by now!

There is NO WAY I could do just a personal item as my carry on. The REASON my checked bag doesn't go over is because I pack my carry-on to about 30 pounds. I have traveled with ONE hardcover library book. But we don't read once we get to WDW so I just pack magazines. If I do happen to read while we are there I just leave the magazines I have finished in the hotel room when we leave. If I finish one in flight I tuck it in the seat back pocket of the plane and leave it there.

Pushing a wheelchair while wheeling a 30 pound carry on would be a challenge. Perhaps I should perfect that maneuver now, before I need it. Remember that we take our long trips in the summer, so I have about 20 pairs of shorts and 20 shirts, a couple of swimsuits, that sort of thing in the 29" bag. I count the outfits as I pack. I also pack DS in the order he will need the outfits. For example, I alternate T-shirts with collared shirts in his bag so he won't have to rummage each night before dinner. For my stuff I alternate "park wear" with "dinner attire" to some extent, but mostly I just count to make sure I have 2 outfits for every day. But then there will be other stuff that would be sad if I left it home (NEW stuff, usually) so in the bag it goes.

We have the "souvenir duffle" that folds flat and goes in the Shoe Bag. We typically check one of the carry-ons full of dirty laundry coming home, and I carry the souvenir duffle.
There is NO WAY I could do just a personal item as my carry on. The REASON my checked bag doesn't go over is because I pack my carry-on to about 30 pounds.

You do know that there are weight limits on carry-on baggage too, don't you?

I was just looking for the actual weight limits to quote it to you (it's apparently different for every airline) and discovered that on future trips to WDW I won't be allowed a carry-on at all! :scared1:

I am allowed to bring a book, my computer, my camera, and outer garments, but, I'm no longer permitted to bring a bag to carry all of these items because doing so supposedly slows down security. Ummn...has it occurred to anyone how much it will slow things down to have people carrying everything in their hands???

Pushing a wheelchair while wheeling a 30 pound carry on would be a challenge. remember that we also have to be able to manage EVERYTHING before we check-in. (Even though we drove this time, we usually take the bus to/from the airport.)

Remember that we take our long trips in the summer, so I have about 20 pairs of shorts...

I think I only own three pairs of shorts....


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