The Irvine's and Dendy's do Disney together....Disney will NEVER be the same!!!

Still fighting the urge to swap to the Poly....we're gonna be charging to our room, so I'll just have to order her to put it on the room key for tips, right? I've got her saying "yes ma'am" for everything I tell her we're doing, cause she'll get mad at me otherwise!! LOL It's a little more for 2 rooms, but it may be worth it to not feel blah, right??? Please help me ya'll!!! LOL

If the budget allows I would go for it. If our budget allowed we would be switching over to Poly or BC. I don't want to blow our whole vacation fund this trip because I want to go back in Nov/Dec to see the Christmas lights.
Good idea. Everytime I bring it up to DH, he says stay put, even tho he'd like to stay at the poly. I dunno dude. We'll see what happens. I hope your weekend is going good, I gotta upload pictures and stuff....who knows when I'll get to do that!!! LOL
You are kicking butt on the weightloss Christie! Keep up the good work!!!

Love the AK pics. Looks like everyone was having a good time. I'm staying at the Poly for this upcoming trip. It's a dream resort for me. I've questioned that decision a million times but I'm not switching.....unless we buy DVC before our trip. I don't think that will happen though. :goodvibes

Hope you're having a great weekend!
You are kicking butt on the weightloss Christie! Keep up the good work!!!

Love the AK pics. Looks like everyone was having a good time. I'm staying at the Poly for this upcoming trip. It's a dream resort for me. I've questioned that decision a million times but I'm not switching.....unless we buy DVC before our trip. I don't think that will happen though. :goodvibes

Hope you're having a great weekend!

HEY LEANN!!!! Yea, I'm kicking butt!!! Feels pretty darn good too. Had the treadmill on an incline this morning, and hills usually kick my butt, but I did alright. As of today, I'm down a total of 15 lbs!!!! :cool1: I'm waiting until the first part of June to go clothes shopping for me, until then, it's thrift store city, once I shrink out of my 12's. If I could just get rid of this muffin top, I'd be in 10's!!

The poly is our dream resort too. It would be nice.....if they have a weight room, and the quiet pool is deep, I might just do it. I need to be able to tread water somewhere....that helps the MD I have in my body. Chris wants the weight room, he's doing good too, beefing up. He wants to be buff at 40!! Which is coming up FAST for him. But he's doing good about it. HUGE party at my house on May 22nd!! Big enough to where I'm gonna get a keg!! LOL We're starting early in the afternoon, so if ya'll are in town, let me know and I'll give you directions, we're 45 mins east of disney!!!!

Also, Chris is letting me get the AP's again, I gotta get them one at a time tho...but that's alright. We'll have them before it's time to go in June, and we can activate them, and the other tickets all at once. Anyways, happy monday to all....time to get to work, earn the disney money!!! :lmao:
I'd say too that if the budget allows, go for it! I know I went back and forth for a while. I really wanted to stay at CBR. But in the end I couldn't justify spending the extra $1100, cause we need two rooms of course.

Glad your nose is feeling better!
Well, due to an unforseen financial emergency, the poly is out. :sad1: I gotta downgrade to a moderate. I'm lucky we don't have to cancel all together!!! Should still be able to do the tickets the way I wanna do them, so that's not an me about Coronado Springs.....UG! :headache:
Well, due to an unforseen financial emergency, the poly is out. :sad1: I gotta downgrade to a moderate. I'm lucky we don't have to cancel all together!!! Should still be able to do the tickets the way I wanna do them, so that's not an me about Coronado Springs.....UG! :headache:

I hope everything is OK. I'm glad you didn't have to cancel. I've never stayed at CS so I can't help you there. I have thought about downgrading us to Pop to save the extra $$$ we are paying for CBR, but I really want to stay at CBR. I have to pay the rest of our vacation off by April 8th. I still owe $200.
Thanks Dana. I was on skype last night with my friend...she twisted my arm, and said she'd help pay for the room. I REALLY didn't want her to do that, but she said the magic words...that "it'll make me feel better" Which of course tugs at my heart strings. So, I guess we'll keep SSR. Not sure if Sami can come or not, I'm hoping she can, but her grades are slipping, so we'll have to nip that in the bud quick!! Things are okay, just a little stressed. We'll be alright. Anyways, looks like my bestest bud is saving the day....again!!! HAHA She always does that!! I wish you knew how awesome she is....anyways. Got to get to work, hopefully today is a better day there!!
Oh, I know how that feels. We figured we would be staying at the CBR and had to decide to stick with the ASMu suites because of the $$ We're still going to Disney, everything will be just ducky!
HEY LEANN!!!! Yea, I'm kicking butt!!! Feels pretty darn good too. Had the treadmill on an incline this morning, and hills usually kick my butt, but I did alright. As of today, I'm down a total of 15 lbs!!!! :cool1: I'm waiting until the first part of June to go clothes shopping for me, until then, it's thrift store city, once I shrink out of my 12's. If I could just get rid of this muffin top, I'd be in 10's!!

The poly is our dream resort too. It would be nice.....if they have a weight room, and the quiet pool is deep, I might just do it. I need to be able to tread water somewhere....that helps the MD I have in my body. Chris wants the weight room, he's doing good too, beefing up. He wants to be buff at 40!! Which is coming up FAST for him. But he's doing good about it. HUGE party at my house on May 22nd!! Big enough to where I'm gonna get a keg!! LOL We're starting early in the afternoon, so if ya'll are in town, let me know and I'll give you directions, we're 45 mins east of disney!!!!

Also, Chris is letting me get the AP's again, I gotta get them one at a time tho...but that's alright. We'll have them before it's time to go in June, and we can activate them, and the other tickets all at once. Anyways, happy monday to all....time to get to work, earn the disney money!!! :lmao:
WOW Christie! Fantastic weight loss!! Keep it up girl! I have no doubt you're going to hit that goal by June at this pace. :cool1: Joe and I are hard at working out too. I joined a gym on Saturday and met with a personal trainer last night. I'm meeting her again tonight so that she can REALLY kick my butt. The gym has daycare so that will make it a whole lot easier to work out regularly. I bet you're feeling so much better. I want that feeling too! My DH, Joe, turns 39 on the 17th of May. He's trying to get buff too. I'm likin' what I see so far. :lmao: :love:
Well, due to an unforseen financial emergency, the poly is out. :sad1: I gotta downgrade to a moderate. I'm lucky we don't have to cancel all together!!! Should still be able to do the tickets the way I wanna do them, so that's not an me about Coronado Springs.....UG! :headache:

Hope everything is okay Christie. :hug: I've only stayed at POFQ and CBR. Loved both of them. Hope everything works out. :sad2:
Wow Leanne....your DH's birthday is close to Chris's. His is May 18th!! And of course Tyler's on May 19th. Yea, they're both taurus's!! Sounds like things are gonna work I'll take Syl's help, and stay at SSR.
Alright, a week late, but that's alright I guess. Here's some pics of Arabian nights from last saturday. Tyler LOVED it!!! His first dinner show!!! He was clapping, and hollering, and just having a good time!!!

We got him a light up sword, man these tourist traps are EXPENSIVE!!! I got the tickets cheap thru the bank, so the 15 for this wasn't TOO bad!!


Before the show, Chris was playing with me. He had a few beers in him, so he was being funny, so I held out the camera and took our picture!! :rotfl2:


Tyler before the show


some of the stunts, if they're blurry, I"m sorry. Was playing with my camera to get good shots.





Tyler liked this show so much, he wants to go to medieval times for his birthday. Since his birthday is so close to Chris's, we'll do that the weekend before. Probably take 3 other kids with us......god help me!!!! HAHAHA Then we'll have them all sleep over, and have cake here at the house and that's not too much farther away.

Next up, pictures of other stuff I bought.
Alright, more stuff I got, some stuff is from, and some from, and others from michaels. Here's a plush Simba for Haden, I got the mickey, but they have a huge orange cat named Simba, so Syl thought he'd get a kick out of a plush Simba, so here he is!!


I got me a pair of flips from NFL, and Sami some. I had to get mine pink, so Tyler won't steal them!! :rolleyes1



got some other stuff from sierra trading post, they have more than just shoes!!! Got a bathing suit, but I don't think it'll fit Sami, but it'll fit me!!! And got her a pair of sleep pants. But, I think I'm gonna give her my disney PJ's, cause they're too big for me any more.



Got a new Kingdom Hearts tee too....think I'm gonna steal this one tho!! LOL We got the game, and we like it.


A grumpy for Chris


got 2 of these sleeveless tee's...Chris likes these, and I figured I'd like one too!!


got some shorts with tigger on them, they're the create your own, but I think I got them too big....CRAP!!! LOL


Chris's new CG shorts....these are NICE!!


These are the lanyards from michaels


got 2 of these lanyards too


Got Chrissy a Pin, and some clear holders for our room keys


and these were the things from michaels too....little trinkets for the kids.



I think that's all of it, for now!! HAHA I still need SOME stuff, I think Sami is done. My closet is getting full!! LOL AH well, it's for the best, right??

I hope everyone had a good weekend, mine was good, Chris was home so I'm happy!!! Lost another lb, so down to 157. It's slower this week due to mother nature....I really don't like her LOL :rolleyes1 Anyways, off to work tomorrow!!!!!

Oh, I also got Princess and the Frog, man, I was laughing so hard I was crying!!!!! :happytv: VERY good movie!!!!
Alright, a week late, but that's alright I guess. Here's some pics of Arabian nights from last saturday. Tyler LOVED it!!! His first dinner show!!! He was clapping, and hollering, and just having a good time!!!

We got him a light up sword, man these tourist traps are EXPENSIVE!!! I got the tickets cheap thru the bank, so the 15 for this wasn't TOO bad!!


Before the show, Chris was playing with me. He had a few beers in him, so he was being funny, so I held out the camera and took our picture!! :rotfl2:


Tyler before the show


some of the stunts, if they're blurry, I"m sorry. Was playing with my camera to get good shots.





Tyler liked this show so much, he wants to go to medieval times for his birthday. Since his birthday is so close to Chris's, we'll do that the weekend before. Probably take 3 other kids with us......god help me!!!! HAHAHA Then we'll have them all sleep over, and have cake here at the house and that's not too much farther away.

Next up, pictures of other stuff I bought.

I bet ya'll had a good time at Arabian nights. I like the pictures :thumbsup2. I know places like that take total advantage of the tourists. They probably paid $2 for the sword :sad2:. It is hard to say no to your child when they see other kids getting the thing they are asking for. I try to make Dallas save up his allowance for our trips, but he usually ends up spending it on stuff before we leave :rolleyes1. I love your idea for a birthday party for Tyler, I know he will like that.
yea, we had fun. I had to drive the lush home!!! HAHHAHAHA ah well, i really don't want to blow my whole 16lbs gone on something as petty as beer. Next weekend is one of my brother's birthday parties, they're getting a keg too, so that might be a tempting one! But, I'll make do I guess. I gotta!!!
Alright, more stuff I got, some stuff is from, and some from, and others from michaels. Here's a plush Simba for Haden, I got the mickey, but they have a huge orange cat named Simba, so Syl thought he'd get a kick out of a plush Simba, so here he is!!


I got me a pair of flips from NFL, and Sami some. I had to get mine pink, so Tyler won't steal them!! :rolleyes1



got some other stuff from sierra trading post, they have more than just shoes!!! Got a bathing suit, but I don't think it'll fit Sami, but it'll fit me!!! And got her a pair of sleep pants. But, I think I'm gonna give her my disney PJ's, cause they're too big for me any more.



Got a new Kingdom Hearts tee too....think I'm gonna steal this one tho!! LOL We got the game, and we like it.


A grumpy for Chris


got 2 of these sleeveless tee's...Chris likes these, and I figured I'd like one too!!


got some shorts with tigger on them, they're the create your own, but I think I got them too big....CRAP!!! LOL


Chris's new CG shorts....these are NICE!!


These are the lanyards from michaels


got 2 of these lanyards too


Got Chrissy a Pin, and some clear holders for our room keys


and these were the things from michaels too....little trinkets for the kids.



I think that's all of it, for now!! HAHA I still need SOME stuff, I think Sami is done. My closet is getting full!! LOL AH well, it's for the best, right??

I hope everyone had a good weekend, mine was good, Chris was home so I'm happy!!! Lost another lb, so down to 157. It's slower this week due to mother nature....I really don't like her LOL :rolleyes1 Anyways, off to work tomorrow!!!!!

Oh, I also got Princess and the Frog, man, I was laughing so hard I was crying!!!!! :happytv: VERY good movie!!!!

Love the new stuff :thumbsup2:thumbsup2. You are doing so good on the weight loss. I am getting tired of not losing weight. I have cut back to 1200 calories, I'm on my Adderall XR(which is about the same as diet pills) and exercising, but not losing an ounce. Maybe it will get better once all my lab values get straight.
get your body right, and things will fall into place. I got my head right, and everything starting coming together. so it'll happen, just be patient!!! I walk for 30 mins 3x a week. need to start working on some ab it'll come off there, but that's always the last place to lose it from....unfortunately!!!!
get your body right, and things will fall into place. I got my head right, and everything starting coming together. so it'll happen, just be patient!!! I walk for 30 mins 3x a week. need to start working on some ab it'll come off there, but that's always the last place to lose it from....unfortunately!!!!

I sure hope so girl. I am getting discouraged. I saw that I missed your IM on FB, sorry. I was posting on here and for some reason the IM sound didn't alert me that someone was talking to me on FB :sad2:.
I had to change a couple of days around, my parents should be able to come out the first night, not the last night. They gotta go set up their booth for the race at daytona. Anyways, we're still at the 2 br at SSR, first night dinner is still Kona, and the first full day had to swap some things around, which is not a biggie. We'll do Epcot the first day, since dad wants to go back there, didn't get to see enough in the rain last may!! HAHA We'll go to Ohana for the character breakfast that morning, dad likes those too. He's 64, but just a big kid at heart!! :) And, I hope he loves our time together at disney. I know I do!! I got my brother's birthday party tomorrow, so I'll have to get the camera charged, so I can take pictures, then I'm kidless and husbandless for most of the week!!! Now what to do? LOL I guess the dogs and the cat will keep me company!!! Anyways, ya'll have a good night, and I'll upload pics as soon as I can from tomorrow. You know how the family bbq's always end up!!


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