The Irvine's and Dendy's do Disney together....Disney will NEVER be the same!!!

Third full park day....MK!!! This is my favorite park, for obvious and sentimental reasons. This is also the park we last visited with my friend, so I didn't schedule it right off. For breakfast, we have Crystal Palace booked, that was Chris's contribution!! HAHA it is at 8:25 in the morning, so we'll have to be there early!! We'll run around the park, have lunch where we may fall, and I have a dinner ressie at Tony's at 7:05 pm. I really liked Tony's last time, and Chris has ALWAYS wanted to eat we're going!

My parents should be showing up sometime in the evening on this they can participate with us the NEXT day!! :)

on another note, Sami wants me to make her shirts, I made her the one for Sea World, and now she's hooked. So, I spent a very long time on the creative disign board the other night, and found a bunch of patterns. So, looks like I'll be making shirts!!! I don't mind, it's actually pretty fun!! Anyways, I'm off work today, heading down to the VA, wish me luck!!!

I love the MK too. I can't wait to get back on BTM.

You make great shirts. I wish I could make some for us. I don't know that Dale would wear them if I made them. I may try to do one and see how it turns out and if it turns out OK I just might make a few for me and Dallas. It would be much cheaper than buying a bunch of new clothes.

I am thinking of getting me some of the Skechers Shapeup shoes for Disney. I am going to try and do what I can to strenthen my leg before our trip. It still hurts so bad at times, but maybe it will be better in the next 3 months. I just hope I don't need to get a scooter.

Good Luck at the VA!! I hope everything turned out good!!!!!
Last park day.....EPCOT!!! My parents wanted to be here for this park, they enjoyed it last year in May when we went for the torrential downpour :headache: so they didn't get to see most of it. So, we included them for this day. This day starts out with an 8 am breakfast at Ohana. after that we'll head to epcot, and work our way around that park again. For dinner, we have an early ressie at Coral Reef. I think my parents would like this one, and the kids too. After that, we'll be heading home. Luckily we're only 45 mins away, so we'll be tired, but it'll be a fun day.

On another note.....guess what guys??? I'm going to MK on VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!! :banana: Chris is leaving, my step daughter is coming down so I can take her shopping for our june trip, and we decided to go!! I made a dinner ressie at Kona, that was the only place we could get into at such short of a notice!! Chris will be this is my ONLY chance at a decent valentine's day!!! I'll take pictures, don't worry. Plus I'll take pictures of the new clothes!!!!

I also got a new Vera Bradley mini hipster, I need to take a picture of that too, and post it here. It's cute!!! I got a matching wallet, and eye glasses case too. That will be my new park bag, instead of a tacky fanny pack!!! LOL

In my weight challenge, I'm doing pretty good. I was recommended a thermogenic, that melts fat away, and it's working pretty good. It's not a diet pill, it's a fat burning pill. Let me tell ya, it WORKS!!! I've been taking it since saturday, and my walking is better, i can go harder, and I'm warmer thruout the day. It's weird, but I've lost 3 lbs since saturday!!! I know mrs. nurse, to be careful, i'm taking LESS than the recommended dosage per day, so I'm fine!!! I'm at 7.54 miles out of 60.03 miles in my walk to disney challenge, so I'm doing pretty good. I might wear my pedometer saturday and sunday, since I'm gonna be walking alot. Anyways....that's the update for today. Take care everyone!!!!
Your Valentine's Day plans sound awesome! I'm so jealous. :goodvibes

Congrats on the weight loss too! Sounds like you're doing great!
Wow you are gonna be at Disney on Valentines Day, how special. I wanna live where you

Your plans for the trip look great. I have always loved Epcot and now that we like Soarin it will be the first ride we hit every time :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Thanks guys!!! Chris isn't gonna be here, so it's not gonna be THAT special!! LOL But, I'll take disney as a close second to him!! :) I walked again this morning, so I'm at 9.15 miles total now, on my walk to disney. gives me something to work towards!!
okay, okay, I know, not enough updates.....but, I got some good stuff while I was out shopping last weekend!!!!!! here's some stuff for Sami..

Pins....she's in love with pirates, so we got her pirates pins


She had to have flip flops, so I went to Bass pro shops, got her some Tevas, and a pair of clearance bermuda shorts.



We then went to the disney character outlet in orlando, and I found some stuff there!! :)

Muscle tee for DH...he's already got a grumpy one


we went to a few other stores, couldn't find any capri pants, so we went to florida mall to the disney store. They had the plushies on sale bogo free, so I got 4. Sami got a cheshire cat, she picked out grumpy for DH, I got Chrissy a cheshire cat, and Haden a Mickey. They're the Medium size ones.



I also got Haden a couple of shirts, they had kids shirts 3 for $20.




I was able to find Sami a couple pairs of capris on clearance at sears, and a couple shirts at hot topic. She's madly in love with kingdom hearts!!!





Okay, I'll continue this in another post!!
Okay, so sunday, we went to MK, and wouldn't you know it, I forgot my camera!!! Sorry all ya'll that needed your disney fix! But, I did do a little shopping there too!! :rolleyes1

I found Syl's photo album, it's 4 separate ones by theme park in one box set, and it's really cool!!


I got Chrissy a shirt, she's picky, had to text the picture to Syl to get the teenager's approval!! :rolleyes:


I got a couple of autograph books...


a bracelet for Chrissy


and a camera strap for me!!! Dh has the big one, so I got the small one!!


On another note....I met my first weight loss goal today, my goal was to be in my size 12's by here I am in my size 12's before work!!!


this is a bad pic of me, but it shows how much weight is gone in my face...this was after work on one of my late nights :rolleyes1


I also forgot from the previous post, I got Syl a shirt from Bass pro shops, she's always been told she fishes like a girl, and since we're taking her fishing before disney.....I figured it was fitting!!!


I think that's everything. I also go DH to let me plan a trip in 2011 for his niece and her family, she has 2 kids, one is gonna be 5, and the other will be almost 2....I've been researching online tonight, and I think we're gonna go with the Poly. I ADORE the poly!!! :love: And always wanted to stay there. since i'll have a whole year to pay for it, I figured what the heck!! So, that's the start of that!!! I just love seeing little kids' faces when they first go to disney!!!
:thumbsup2WTG on the weight loss, you look great!!!!!!:thumbsup2

I love your buys!!! I can't wait to go shopping tomorrow and see what I can find. I may not find much, but I 'm gonna look :goodvibes.

We have been extremely busy at work this week. I am totally exhausted, but I can't complain because I'm glad to be back at work. I feel so blessed to have a good job :goodvibes.
First of all congratulations on your weight loss, that's wonderful news!

I was really hoping that I would loose some weight before my vacation, ((which is in two weeks)) But NO such luck. I did however just have a baby 8 weeks ago, so that's my excuse. It doesn't make me feel better though. I hate having all that extra weight on me while walking through the hot humid parks...but OH WELL!

You're so lucky to live so close to the parks, I'm jealous!

I'm enjoying your PTR thus far, your plans look super fun! Hope you have a great time.
Thanks guys!!! I feel pretty good!!! Been doing alot of walking on the treadmill. They say cardio like that is best....Dana, you've seen me before, so you know what a big deal it is!! I like the buys I've gotten so far, not getting anything for me until I know what size I'm gonna be down to...I have LOTS of size 12's stuff, but if I can get lower, of course I'm gonna do it!! :)

Reyasmommy, :welcome: you can do it, I've lost 8.5 lbs in about a month, so do what you can in 2 weeks!! Congrats on the baby....I wish I could have more, I just LOVE kids!!!! I'm getting too old tho!! LOL I can't wait for our trip, but most of all I can't wait to see my friend and her family again. I really miss them!!! They're really special people, and it's been WAY too long since we've spent time with them, or even seen them!!! So June can't come fast enough!!! I love living near the parks, just wish I could afford the AP's again, but DH said because of this trip, we'll have to forgo them this year, but I'm hopeful for next year!! Anyways, off to bake an apple cake for my dad!!! Have a good weekend, and happy shopping Dana!!!
Ok...we went to AK yesterday...had a good day, for the most part. I went with DSD and her mom, and of course Tyler. The weather was chilly to start, but ended up really nice. We get there, go straight to FOLK, and I was picked to do the elephant call first thing!!!! Normally I'm too :scared1: to get in front of people, especially that many people, but I did fine. No nerves, nothing!!! Which I think is cool. We went from there to the safari....had a good time too, saw a giraffe walk across the road like he owned the place. I got a GOOD close up....


Got some good ones of the kids together....


And, Sami wanted to see Timon, I've never seen him before, so I went for it!!!



one of me and Tyler....look at my swollen nose, I'll tell ya that story in a minute


So, we're in line for EE, and the kids are horsing around, like they usually do, and I look to my right, and then next thing I know, Tyler's hard head is running SMACK into my nose!!! My head cranked back, hit the wall I was leaning against, and I heard a crunch in my nose. NICE. SO, I didn't think much of it, I had a very bad headache for the rest of the day....Kim told me my nose was swelling. It hurt, but I figured it would. So....I wake up this morning, and my head is THROBBING!!! OMG!!! :headache: So, I called my dr, and she squeezed me in, and she looked up my nose, played around with it, took an xray, and my nose is fractured!!!! OMG!!!! That boy has a rock for a head!!! So, she gives me some lortabs, since the advil I took didn't do anything for my headache.....and sent me back to work. As the day wore on, I got more and more sore, the pain pills did the trick for about an hour. Then even my eyeballs started to hurt. She saw a bunch of blood in my sinus cavity, did a saline wash to get it out...I guess so it doesn't become infected. Those sinus washes SUCK!!! head hurts, and I'm a little loopy.....and if I sneeze, my head will pop off, other than that, it was a great day!!! :) Have a good evening everyone!
Hey, how have you been?? Awesome AK pictures and oh my god, sorry about your nose. It hurts so bad getting hit in the nose, I can only imagine by a head coming at you, ouch!
Hey, how have you been?? Awesome AK pictures and oh my god, sorry about your nose. It hurts so bad getting hit in the nose, I can only imagine by a head coming at you, ouch!

I've been good. Yep, hurts bad getting hit in the nose, I'm just grateful that I didn't bruise up really bad, according to the dr, it's all on the inside in my sinus area. But, I'll live, I always do!!

I hope ya'll are doing good, how's the wedding planning going???
Little update....sorry for not being on here too much, my head has been just pounding!!! I'm better now, nose is a little sore, but not too bad anymore. Still can't sneeze without hurting, but that'll come stop soon I hope. :sick:

Anyways, I've been toying around with the idea of swapping SSR to 2 rooms at the Poly. I've ALWAYS loved the poly, just never stayed there!! But, Dh came home, we talked about it, and with 2 rooms, our dining plan will be split, and we're doing a bunch of TS meals doing deluxe dining, and I really don't want Syl to pay for a only getting one check would be beneficial. Also, my parents are working the race in Daytona on the 4th of July, so they gotta set up a few days before hand, and can't come the last day at Epcot. I'm trying to get them to come the first night, but dad really wanted to see epcot I'm torn. Not sure if they'll come or not....I hope they can squeeze us in!!! Other than that, not much else going on....Tyler has FCAT's this week, so wish him luck!!!!
LOVE the AK pictures!!!!!! You look so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HMMMMMMMMM what is going on at Daytona? You should know better than to say those words to a NASCAR fan......:rotfl2:. What is up with everybody wanting to change resorts? I have thought about changing ours several times. I had first booked Pop, then thought about Poly and CR, finally chose CBR, then thought about changing to AKL or WL, and now thinking about changing to BW or BC and maybe even going back to Pop to save some cash...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I need for May to get here and get this vacation started.
HAHAHAHA's that itch!!! I REALLY want the treehouse, so I'll keep calling Disney to see if one comes available. I'm happy with SSR 2BR, but not excited. Big difference. I even thought about going back to the cabins, since we like them so much, but again, it'll split up the dining plan!! I don't want 2 different checks for meals. Not a chance!!'s all together, or me not being happy cause Syl will sneak in paying for meals!! Ah well, I guess worse things can happen, right?

My Brother's Boy Scout Troop runs a booth at the races every year, it's the July race there in Daytona, I think it's run actually ON the 4th this year. Dad and Sandy do the set up a few days in advance, which takes us to the end of our trip when they wanted to go to Epcot with us. Our trip ends July 1st, so that's just too tight of a timeline. Anyways, I met my goal this week a day early, yesterday I hit the 150's!!! So that's 13.5lbs lost!! I'm happy, I feel good, and you know what? I'm gonna have to go shopping before we go to disney!!! Oh darn!!! Time to get the little man up.....yaay for FRIDAY!!!!
HAHAHAHA's that itch!!! I REALLY want the treehouse, so I'll keep calling Disney to see if one comes available. I'm happy with SSR 2BR, but not excited. Big difference. I even thought about going back to the cabins, since we like them so much, but again, it'll split up the dining plan!! I don't want 2 different checks for meals. Not a chance!!'s all together, or me not being happy cause Syl will sneak in paying for meals!! Ah well, I guess worse things can happen, right?

My Brother's Boy Scout Troop runs a booth at the races every year, it's the July race there in Daytona, I think it's run actually ON the 4th this year. Dad and Sandy do the set up a few days in advance, which takes us to the end of our trip when they wanted to go to Epcot with us. Our trip ends July 1st, so that's just too tight of a timeline. Anyways, I met my goal this week a day early, yesterday I hit the 150's!!! So that's 13.5lbs lost!! I'm happy, I feel good, and you know what? I'm gonna have to go shopping before we go to disney!!! Oh darn!!! Time to get the little man up.....yaay for FRIDAY!!!!

I don't blame you for calling and checking on the tree houses, they look awesome. I thought about SSR too when making plans, but again I have prolly thought about every resort......:lmao:

We went the the July race in 2005. I think it was the hottest I have ever been in my life. It was nasty and raining and every time they would get the track dried it would start raining again :sad1:. Congrats on the weight loss. I started my diet back today. I know I won't be at my goal by the time we go to Disney, but I hope to be at least 10-15 lbs lighter. I am debating getting a treadmill, but don't know where I would put it. Going shopping to buy new clothes because you have lost weight is a GREAT thing. Much better than going to buy them because of weight GAIN :sad2:.
Don't get me wrong, SSR looks nice, but it's just kinda....blah. At least the cabins have character!! I dunno. Maybe I'll enjoy them....I coulda got BLT 2 bedroom for $500 more, but that woulda put me over budget. Which in Chris's eyes, BIG no-no. I'm doing good staying within my budget. So.....I guess it's just a room, right? We'll all be together, and that's what counts too, right? We'll be eating or in the parks most of the time, so I guess I'll just have to deal. :) Why complain when you're in disney? LOL

I got a REALLY cool deal to Arabian Nights dinner show there in orlando....they're doing financial institution employees for $10, and family memebers and friends for $20. Not bad when Tickets are normally $61 EACH!!!! So we can go and have dinner and a show for less than ONE ticket!! We're probably going tomorrow I'm excited. I'll have to see if I can take pictures!!! Anyways, I'll post pictures of the new stuff tomorrow, gotta charge the camera battery.

Work today was pretty good....the other teller was sick, and our manager was having puppies about it, but I kept a good attitude about it, and just laughed it off. I volunteered to take a longer lunch, so I could stay later, on MY early friday, so that went pretty far I'm sure. Then, they didn't get the keys they needed out of the box, and each of them had the same key!!! So, I had to go BACK to work, and open the key box!! Then they were arguing like a couple of old ladies, it was funny!!! Anyways, good friday.....monday should be fun, Linda's on vacation I'm alone, AGAIN!!!
Still fighting the urge to swap to the Poly....we're gonna be charging to our room, so I'll just have to order her to put it on the room key for tips, right? I've got her saying "yes ma'am" for everything I tell her we're doing, cause she'll get mad at me otherwise!! LOL It's a little more for 2 rooms, but it may be worth it to not feel blah, right??? Please help me ya'll!!! LOL


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