The Flippant Trip - (new TWILIGHT TR update 11/16/09 bottom of pg 29)

Loved loved loved your Vegas wedding interruption! :thumbsup2

Thanks so much for sharing that ... everything looked wonderful, you and your dress were gorgeous, your DH was quite debonnair (did I spell that correctly? :confused3 ), and your daughters really look like little princesses!

And the tivo cake is a riot! We don't even have tivo, but I love the cake! :rotfl:

Thanks again, Oy! DH bought into TiVo when it was in like Beta and has conveted MANY! It was such a smooth wedding... really loved it. It's been asked that I post a few more and I'm happy to. Hope you like 'em!

Speaking of advertising, I already signed up on your website! Woo hoo! Thanks for coming over to visit me! I love your NO LURKING rule.. LOVE IT. LOL I'm no lurker, no sir-ee, I'm gonna post till I'm one hundred and three! I will talk for you AND Me cause I'm no... ah well, this has gone far enough. LOL

BUT, the website froze right away after I entered my activation code and tried to get started so don't think I didn't try. I'm workin' on it, I swear!
I just saw that you signed up! Awesome. Let me know if you can't get in. We haven't had any problems? :confused3 After reading more of your TR (only done with page 2, I know I'm slow), I am loving this. You really keep my attention. :goodvibes

My girls really enjoyed the online Magic Kingdom game called, Virtual Magic Kingdom (VMK). It was recently taken off the "air" and it is really a shame because it was GREAT! I won't take the time to explain it but suffice to say it gave you a GREAT fix of you were jonesin' for some DL time.

One of the things you could do was go on a "date" to the Blue Bayou. You would go with a friend and sit down at a table and wave to the "gator-waiter." When he arrived you had to say, "Clownfish please" and then you got your meal and made small talk with you date. The date was a real person.. typically aged 10-13 who was hanging out at the VMK that day, too. Sounds weird but it was SO cute!
I went on VMK only a few times and couldn't understand it. That one sounds like fun. Oh well, glad I didn't get into it as I would have been ticked that it's gone now.

Anyway... the girls GLOVED it (wink) and were so mesmorized with the Blue Bayou that it made the entire meal glow!
We went to the Blue Bayou once back in 1993. It was my parents, my brother, and I. We had always wanted to go there and the atmosphere didn't disappoint. The food did though and there was a bit of family drama. Ugh. I would like to try it again and next time with just my DH and kiddos.

Ok, mini rant: I noticed during planning that the prices at WDW were RIDICULOUS at $26-$39 per plate PERIOD at most places.. now I know that some will balk and say that's a great value but pishaw! The prices at BB used to be market prices.. and cheaper at lunch! Now, the menu looks just like a stock WDW set up with increased prices and less for the money. END MINI RANT... yes I know you think it's worth it... I know, I know... but it's just my two cents. :snooty:
Are you kidding me? How DARE you complain about Disney here! :lmao: No problemo for me. I agree it's expensive but on vacation, you just have to do it.

DM .... aka "Flora" at Fairy Godmothers!
I tried to just edit my previous wedding highjack with more pics but I ran out of room. I did add some to that post of the penny and soemthign else.. I forget. But here are a few more, for good measure.

Grand Entrance of the pirate:

The family tree pendants

For our first anniversary gift, the one that is supposed to be traditinally "paper," I got my husband a Family Tree in the Brazillian rainforest. :hippie:

Our second anniversary (cotton) I made him a craft out of q-tips and cotton balls... you guessed it. A family tree! He's probably sick of it by now! A gold gilded family tree? :scared: heheheheh

Nice job photography lady!

more kisses :love:

Hot from the Bibbity Boppity Boutique!

I don't think I have any other views of the back of my dress. There were clips that attached each "train" to my shoulder. They were pretty but I can't remember what they looked like. I was able to take them off during the reception.

Me Hardy's

The guy in the gold vest and black hat was the officiant. We didnt' even know that we would match him PERFECTLY with our choice of Gold colors for the groom/maidens.. it was just perfect :cloud9: The pirate guy's pretty hot, too! But my husband... he's a tall drink of water, isn't he? :drinking1

Ship at night - I didn't take this one

Next up....we leave this hijacking on the high seas and go back to our regular TR already in progress. :boat: Arg!
Okay, you did it! I cried! Are you happy now?????????????????:rolleyes1

You were so beautiful!:wizard: And you have a beautiful family, too!
Amazing wedding pictures! Thank you for sharing!

And that picture of Captain Jack Sparrow in the beginning of your TR. Ohhh la la !!!

We'll be staying at the TI in September. I'm looking forward to it. Never stayed on that side of the strip before.

I Look forward to reading more. :surfweb:
I just had to say what a beautiful bride you were! The joy on the faces of your DH and yourself is evident. :goodvibes
I have now read your report from page one. I love how you are now addicted to pin trading! It is so much fun, but it is so addicting. Your girls are beautiful. Thank you for all of the park details and pictures. I can’t wait to go in October even if I only get to spend one day at Disneyland, it is better than none. Your wedding pictures are awesome! Your dress was gorgeous. Keep up the phenomenal trip report and thank you for sharing! :cheer2:
Thanks for the extra wedding pictures......everything just looked lovely.

As far as when the wedding vow renwal will be, our 10th is not for 5 more years......see I am one of those plan way ahead girsl. We are celebrating our 5th August 9th. I figure I might as well start planning & dreaming now.
Okay, you did it! I cried! Are you happy now?????????????????:rolleyes1

You were so beautiful!:wizard: And you have a beautiful family, too!

My work here is done! :smokin:

LOL Thanks so much for the sweet comments :hug:

Amazing wedding pictures! Thank you for sharing!

And that picture of Captain Jack Sparrow in the beginning of your TR. Ohhh la la !!!

We'll be staying at the TI in September. I'm looking forward to it. Never stayed on that side of the strip before.

I Look forward to reading more. :surfweb:

He was a handsome dude! pirate: Shivvered my timbers, for sure. We had the BEST time in Vegas. I should maybe do a TR!!!! We commando'd like NOBODY'S BUSINESS! We did the "city pass" for Vegas. It was actually pretty cool but it takes planning and effort to make it worth the money... of course, being a vacation NUT, we had both!

I just had to say what a beautiful bride you were! The joy on the faces of your DH and yourself is evident. :goodvibes

Thanks. It was a good day. :goodvibes Hey, I just noticed you added the "Girls Only" thing to your signature! How cool! Woo hoo :banana:

Those are beautiful wedding photos and I can't believe you actually follow the "gift guideline"!! :lmao: But totally cool gifts.


I like traditions :) and thanks!

I have now read your report from page one. I love how you are now addicted to pin trading! It is so much fun, but it is so addicting. Your girls are beautiful. Thank you for all of the park details and pictures. I can’t wait to go in October even if I only get to spend one day at Disneyland, it is better than none. Your wedding pictures are awesome! Your dress was gorgeous. Keep up the phenomenal trip report and thank you for sharing! :cheer2:

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! October should be good weather. The Halloween Decorations at DL are fairly new and I've never seen them before but they look really cute in pictures :) Have a great trip and thanks for the very kind comments :goodvibes

Thanks for the extra wedding pictures......everything just looked lovely.

As far as when the wedding vow renwal will be, our 10th is not for 5 more years......see I am one of those plan way ahead girsl. We are celebrating our 5th August 9th. I figure I might as well start planning & dreaming now.

I am planning my 40th in Vegas for 2010! I think it may even be adults only! that would be new (and tough) for me. It's hard to plan events like that because I want other people to come... relying on others to get it together even with ADVANCED notice is tough.

Vow renewal sounds fun, too. I'm all for a party... even unbirthdays ;)
LOVING this Trip Report!!! :cool1: The video of your daughter dancing at the wedding was SO CUTE! Now THAT is a girl after my own heart! Sally's too...Sally danced in her little bare feet at our wedding until she couldn't dance anymore.

in honor of your lovely wedding is one of mine with Sally and Jay! Those little bare feet always make me get sniffly! (i hope you don't mind that I posted a pic on your TR!)

You know that people will only throw you beads in NOLA when you flash them, right? For some reason at WDW I always end up with free booze or dessert ... I'm not complaining but I do find the differences interesting. :lmao:

:lmao: I know right?!;)

"the girls gloved it." :rotfl2:

I probably have the wrong reference but I busted a gut when I read that because it reminded me of the blue meanies from Yellow Submarine. I often like to weird out my husband when we're cooking by donning the oven mits and cooing silly things like, "Gooooooood Glove," and, "I Glooooove you," and so on and so forth. ;)

Sally and Teddy love this movie scares the peawaddin outta me! The Blue Meanies FREAKED ME OUT! I did like the bunny with the big rear end and the big nose though...

Just a quick picture post with classic comparrison shots through the years...

Storybook Canal Flashbacks..

Summer 2008

Summer 2007

And the one that started it all... Winter 2004

We loves us some scary mansions!

This trip..

Last summer...

And wholley crap she's cute...

SOOOO cute!!! Gosh they grow up quick don't they?!

It is at the time where I will share a mother moment: My first trip to DL with my kid(S) was ALL set to be the experience of a lifetime (though I didn't take any pictures, apparently). However, my little one was sort of a Donald Duck on a bad day EVERYDAY

ummm okay so you make the comparison to Donald Duck like it's a BAD thing...:confused3


This is great so far!!! Thanks so so much for sharing your wedding pictures! The Tivo cake was so flippin cool!!! I love that kind of "inside joke" detail. It's perfect! I love that you had a Groom's Cake. Groom's Cakes are always part of Southern Weddings, but a lot of other people in the country don't have them or even know what they are!

I actually did my undergrad and first Post Grad in Oregon! (That's Ore-GUN, not Ore-GONE! Everyone one the East Coast says OreGONE...children are taught songs about the states that HINGE on the mispronunciation of Oregon! :confused3 :laughing: )

YAY!!! Can't wait for more!!!!

YAY!!! Can't wait for more!!!!


OMG, a celebrity! Over here.. On my little ole TR!! :worship: I have my two idols as readers... now I really have to be on my game!

Note to self: sit up straight... cut and paste all future posts to Microsoft word and do "spell/grammar" check.. CHECK!


Keepin' me on my toes.

Thanks for stopping by MissCammie!

And thank you for sharing your no-shoe wedding photo! Too, TOO cute. That's alot of dress you had there. I am a big fan of alotta dress. :bride:
I absolutely loved your wedding photos!!!!!! What a gorgeous and FUN wedding! I also love the necklaces you had made for your daughters!!

You can go off topic anytime! :rotfl:
OMG, a celebrity! Over here.. On my little ole TR!! :worship: I have my two idols as readers... now I really have to be on my game!

Note to self: sit up straight... cut and paste all future posts to Microsoft word and do "spell/grammar" check.. CHECK!


Keepin' me on my toes.

Thanks for stopping by MissCammie!

And thank you for sharing your no-shoe wedding photo! Too, TOO cute. That's alot of dress you had there. I am a big fan of alotta dress. :bride:

:rotfl2: celebrity? Moi? *no pictures please*



Yes ma' certainly was ALOTTA dress! A whole lotta dress! I'm a Southern girl after all!!!

can't wait to read the rest!!!:goodvibes
:rotfl2: celebrity? Moi? *no pictures please*



Yes ma' certainly was ALOTTA dress! A whole lotta dress! I'm a Southern girl after all!!!

can't wait to read the rest!!!:goodvibes

BTW.. I love that you happened to have a handy pic from your wedding w/o a face! You totally remind me of the neighbor from Tool Time with Tim Taylor. So now in my mind you're a girl Wilson with Annie Pott's voice. :rotfl2:
I absolutely loved your wedding photos!!!!!! What a gorgeous and FUN wedding! I also love the necklaces you had made for your daughters!!

You can go off topic anytime! :rotfl:

thanks! Hey, did you notice I started a new thread on the disneyland main page of threads that is for Vintage home pics of DL?? Of course I can't find any of mine... but you should post yours! They're so cool!
He's got to be the best looking Jack Sparrow I have seen at DL yet! At this angle he looks a lot like Johnny Depp. Mighty fine. :love:

Oh and BTW, very nice report. Thanks for sharing! You have a beautiful family.
Oh, My Gosh the Clips made you look regal. I have never been fond of veils myself but what your Fairy GodMother did with the tulle and clips is wonderful. So convenient to Just remove for dancing. I think if more brides to be saw this --well you might have a hit on your hands. I admire polite children as they are children and I adore husbands that just want to make their wife happy.

This was a fun easy to read TR.

(You must share the quick way to get to subs at rope drop I promise not to tell anyone -- Promise

Oh, My Gosh the Clips made you look regal. I have never been fond of veils myself but what your Fairy GodMother did with the tulle and clips is wonderful. So convenient to Just remove for dancing. I think if more brides to be saw this --well you might have a hit on your hands. I admire polite children as they are children and I adore husbands that just want to make their wife happy.

This was a fun easy to read TR.

(You must share the quick way to get to subs at rope drop I promise not to tell anyone -- Promise


Hi Patty!
Thanks for the nice comments.... :goodvibes I'm glad the wedding pics were a hit with everybody! :thumbsup2

I'm actually not done with this TR... I have the rest of day 2 and also some San Diego stuff to add. Unfortunately, my fingers/thumb have been hurting me lately so I'm laying low on the typing (not that you can tell from all the posting I do on other threads!)

I'll be back, though!!

Whooops... PS; THe SUBS: IT woudl seem that you would want to go through tomorrow land to get to them but you actually enter a little further passed tomorrowland to the right of the matterhorn ... just follow the crowds and the cast members will direct you, too! It wasn't as big of a secret as I had hoped. ROFL


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