The Flat Adventures of Weird and Ninja


PARTY ON DUDES!! :woohoo: :banana: :cool1:
How have I missed this thread for so long? I miss you two! :hug: Glad to see things are going, from the looks of it, pretty great in your lives. And how great that I finally know what you both *actually* look like. :wizard:

Donald is still essentially game home-less. Tried Small Worlds for a while, didn't like it. Enjoy Wizards, but it's too time consuming. I graduated in May, was in WDW when VMK closed... still waiting on the right job at the right type of school for me to come along. I could've been employed by now, but it would've been for schools or school levels I didn't want to work at. So, for once I'm being picky and waiting for the job I want.

Good to *see* y'all again. And happy birthday, Ninja! :yay:
you guys are a really cute couple :thumbsup2

Awww, thanks! :goodvibes

OK, sometime between May & now you guys got together!!!! What the heck?

I am painting today, so I don't have time to go back through the whole thread. But I will, I will!

:love: :hug:

When Ninja told me about this comment, I came here to read it and I could NOT stop laughing! It most certainly was sometime between May and now, July 5th, to be exact! :thumbsup2 Glad to hear that you'll catch up on the adventures!

Simply adorable!

~ Pizza

Thanks Captain! pirate:

How have I missed this thread for so long? I miss you two! :hug: Glad to see things are going, from the looks of it, pretty great in your lives. And how great that I finally know what you both *actually* look like. :wizard:

Donald is still essentially game home-less. Tried Small Worlds for a while, didn't like it. Enjoy Wizards, but it's too time consuming. I graduated in May, was in WDW when VMK closed... still waiting on the right job at the right type of school for me to come along. I could've been employed by now, but it would've been for schools or school levels I didn't want to work at. So, for once I'm being picky and waiting for the job I want.

Good to *see* y'all again. And happy birthday, Ninja! :yay:

Sorcerer! It's great to hear from you! It's funny how we're reminded of you everytime we saw anything with Donald in it. We are doing pretty well in our lives, granted, we don't have VMK to keep us company but we do have each other :lovestruc

Sad to hear that Donald is game home-less. As you can see, we had/have quite a few issues with dealing without VMK! Our "game" is taking them out of their carrying cases (either my sketchbook or Ninja's bag) and getting a picture before people see! Congrats on your graduation and I hope you get the job that you're waiting for! :thumbsup2 See you around!

Update possibly tonight!! Look for it! :goodvibes
To anya.sparrow, PizzaCaptain, Aimbier31, PrincessNewsie, and acehorseytink ... thanks so much for the birthday wishes and kind messages :) Although I don't have much spare time to write on DIS, I do check it almost every day. I'm way behind on most of the TRs I read. It's disappointing when work interferes with DISing!

How have I missed this thread for so long? I miss you two! :hug: Glad to see things are going, from the looks of it, pretty great in your lives. And how great that I finally know what you both *actually* look like. :wizard:

As Weird said already, congratulations on your graduation! We've definitely thought of you many times, especially when we were at the World of Disney store in NYC. Totally wish that I could meet up with you in game and see you in your Stitch hat! :hug:

Anyway, I still don't have time to do a flats post just yet (maybe later today or tomorrow?), but I just wanted to post some of the things Weird has been doing for me during birthday week. On Facebook, there's an application called Graffiti, which is basically like Paint on Microsoft (except that it has a really cool replay option!). Anyway, they're Disney-related so I felt it was very appropriate to share here!


Thanks so much, Weird :) Love you :love:
A few Sundays ago, my parents were invited to a wedding for the son of one of my dad's friends. Did you get that? A wedding for a couple that my parents do not personally know. I just do not get that at all. I know it's a Chinese thing, but it doesn't make sense to me. I don't want people I don't know at my wedding! What difference does it make to me? That's what makes me really want to have a destination wedding. Not necessarily in Disney, although I would definitely have a Disneymoon ...

Gosh, I'm so tired that I didn't realize how long that digression was ... where was I ... oh right ...

So my parents went to a wedding and instead of heading home to spend the night by myself (my younger brother went to a cousin's house), I went home to Weird's house after church! I was a tad bit nervous just because I didn't really want to eat dinner with his parents again because I'm psycho as I have issues eating in front of people I don't really know. But that's a whole different story.

Our plan was to go biking along the Belt Parkway just because that was something I always wanted to do as we would pass by in the car. We had to change into comfy non-dressy clothes and as we did that, I was very interested in Weird's penguin tie. I never knew how to tie a tie before, and many of the boys at school last year didn't know what to do on Wednesdays when we had chapel. So I was very interested in learning even though I didn't think it was possible.

Well, what do you know. It is possible! At least when you have your boyfriend teach you ;)

Anyway, it took a little bit before we headed out. I used Weird's sister's bike, but it didn't have much air in the tires so they had to be filled. Weird's dad had to get the pump from the basement and so Weird's dog came upstairs in to the backyard. Thankfully at that point I was sitting on the patio area so he couldn't get to me even though he wanted to. I'm not a dog person.

After the tires were properly filled ... haha, and Weird brought his dog back downstairs, we were off! I had to see if I remembered how to ride a bike because it has been MANY years. And it was really important that I be able to remember since I want to go on the church's bike trip in October! Well, thankfully I slowly go the hang of it again ... hence the "it's like riding a bike" phrase.

Here's my DBF (hehe) by the Verrazano Bridge.

And here's be me by the bride. Yes, I know I'm not using proper English, but this installment is rather yucky in terms of writing. I'm all allergied up so I'm partially not here (and it's also why I'm taking a break from not working to write this up ... so can't focus because my head's in a cloud!). BTW, if you noticed, Weird and I have the same color scheme going on ... he's such a silly. Notice my flying hair.

Of course, Weird and Ninja came along as well. They were very happy to see the V-bridge together on such a gorgeous day!

After riding in the other direction for a while, the 4 of us took a break on a bench. We were waiting for the sunset. Weird and Ninja took a break from all that ... riding in Weird's pocket.

The pic in my siggy. We have humongous heads.

I watched the sunset! Haha, we were waiting for it and then Weird turned to say something to me (with the back of his head facing the sunset) and he totally missed it. Haha, but I saw it. So we still haven't really watched one together, but I found it to be so beautiful!

It was getting late and we didn't want to get bitten by mosquitos so we headed on back. We tried to take a picture that didn't accentuate our large heads. Haha, it didn't work ...

Lastly, a picture of the bridge at night. Can't quite be captured very well in a picture, but it is really pretty.

I definitely want to go riding again! Looking forward to the church bike trip that's, I think, 30 miles! Of course, I need to get through 2 weeks of school to get to it ...
Happy Birthday a little late!
Hope you had a great day / week.

Cute penguin signs!!!
And very cute bday cards!

Sounds like a nice bike ride.
The pictures are great!
And here's be me by the bride.

Weird just pointed out to me that I put bride instead of bridge. Hehe, I wonder where my mind is ...

We were so jumping the gun before and discussing our Disneymoon. Initially we wanted to stay on site because I had never done that before. But then we were talking about how it might be easier to stay at my family's timeshare. It's a lot more relaxed and would probably be cheaper for us. Plus, we wouldn't have to do anything on a schedule that way since we're very go-with-the-flow kind of people when it comes to plans (with health issues, that's what we've had to get used to doing). And I do just absolutely love it there ... there's a lazy river water ride (and slides that we wouldn't do~) on property and that would be so relaxing on non-park days!

Then we were talking about how we'd have to wait a certain time frame since you have to be 25 to rent a car (technically I can do it next year since I just turned 24, but I wouldn't do the driving!). And we could still eat at some Disney restaurants and do some resort hopping to see where we'd want to stay in the future!

Oh, by the way, we're still a ways off from our actual engagement ... :rotfl:
Happy Birthday a little late!
Hope you had a great day / week.

Cute penguin signs!!!
And very cute bday cards!

Sounds like a nice bike ride.
The pictures are great!

Thanks Kathleen! Birthdays and birthday weeks would be much better if I could take off from work, haha ...

Can't wait to see all of your pics soon!
Weird just pointed out to me that I put bride instead of bridge. Hehe, I wonder where my mind is ...

We were so jumping the gun before and discussing our Disneymoon. Initially we wanted to stay on site because I had never done that before. But then we were talking about how it might be easier to stay at my family's timeshare. It's a lot more relaxed and would probably be cheaper for us. Plus, we wouldn't have to do anything on a schedule that way since we're very go-with-the-flow kind of people when it comes to plans (with health issues, that's what we've had to get used to doing). And I do just absolutely love it there ... there's a lazy river water ride (and slides that we wouldn't do~) on property and that would be so relaxing on non-park days!

Then we were talking about how we'd have to wait a certain time frame since you have to be 25 to rent a car (technically I can do it next year since I just turned 24, but I wouldn't do the driving!). And we could still eat at some Disney restaurants and do some resort hopping to see where we'd want to stay in the future!

Oh, by the way, we're still a ways off from our actual engagement ... :rotfl:

in the car rental boat with you!!! (not boat, but car, you know what i mean!) we are honeymooning (disneymooning May 17-24, and then we are going to the keys for a week. it would be so nice to rent a car and drive through florida and sight see... but i am thinking it's not gonna happen. at least we're staying on property at BCV for our disneymoon :goodvibes

josh and i had been together for three months before i joined and started making his desktop background a pic of my dream engagement ring. sooooo it's never too premature for the bride bug to bite. :wizard:
Somehow I lost this thread and never thought to check it! :scared1: I don't know how that happened. (Well, I really's because I have about a million things on my to do list!) Now, I will have to make a whole bunch of posts to catch up on your flats adventures! I hope you don't mind!

Because I have that annoying condition where the blood pools in my legs, real Weird had me sit down for a bit because I had been on my feet too long. Good thing because I didn't realize my heart was going pretty quickly at that point trying to pump the blood back up. So we sat in a corner of the 2nd floor. I was holding Weird's hand ... my heart was going pretty quickly then too, but in the good way ;)

So cute! I love that you're holding flat Weird's hand!

They also checked out some of the merchandise, looking to see if they could get some writing utensils to make going back to work and school easier.

I love the pens! I wish I would have thought to buy one while we were there!

Gotta hop on a monorail to head to Animal Kingdom! They asked the CM if they could sit in front ... unfortunately, it was already taken so they didn't have that experience just yet.

Hopefully, they'll get to ride in the front soon!

Then went to ride Test Track at Epcot. They rode the first time together and then thereafter, took advantage of the single rider line. They were able to ride it 6x before Ninja was tired of having to fix her hair each time they went on the outside track.

I hope no scary men tried to talk to Ninja while she was without Weird! :rotfl:
2 more I've read! Hopefully I won't get this far behind again, but I really want to read these!

Arrrr, shiver me timbers!

You make a good pirate!

I ended up not doing the Mr. Potato Head box, but Weird and I had fun putting one together virtually! Haha, we didn't like any of the nose options.

When we did the box, we didn't like any of the real nose options! They need a better selection, apparently both on the computer and in person!

I think this is one of the best flats pictures of the day just because of the story behind it.

I saw these Mickeys like this and I wanted a picture with the flats because they were set up in the same way that they're set up at the park (squished onto the shelves). I was having a little bit of difficulty trying to get them to stay up. I was determined to get them to stay even though there were 2 people near us watching.

After a bit, the guy asked if I wanted tape because he had tape, but at that point they decided to stay up! So Weird took the picture and then the guy and girl commented that it was cute. I explained, "Oh, they're from Virtual Magic Kingdom" and the guy said, "Didn't that close?" The girl then said, "Yeah, my aunt played VMK and she printed out her characters too and does the same thing." Ahhh! It was exciting to us that there was actually someone in the outside world that knew of VMK!

That's too funny. :rotfl: That was so nice of them to offer after seeing you struggling!

I get sad every time I hear you mention VMK because it sounds like so much fun! I wish I could have tried it out. :guilty:

Anyway, we moved on to the 1st floor. Lots of girly things in the back! Jewelry and costumes and all that! Part of the little girl in me really liked the plastic Mickey rings. A picture would do!

Those are so cute! I always love stuff like that, but never end up buying it. I did get a plastic color changing heart ring similar to those from Del Sol once for free and I wore it all the time for a couple months and people looked at me like I was insane sometimes! ;) I wonder how they would react if I actually wore a Mickey shaped one!?
They had all the charms to look at too!

That looks like the cell phone charms they sold at WDW. I was seriously considering one, but was worried it would scratch up my phone and I couldn't think of anything else to do with it.

We didn't look at the second half of the 1st floor yet so we kind of went through it quickly. I always like the keychains, not that I actually use them for keys! The Mickey one I bought from WDW in February is actually on a zipper on one of my bags. I really liked this keychain because of the design (I wanted it on a bag or a cap). Too bad it was the squishy rubber kind.

I never use keychains for keys either! I always put them on bags! I also like that design, but hate the rubber keychains.

The reason Weird took this picture was also to capture the two people standing behind me. They were the ones who offered tape and knew about VMK when we took the flats picture with the Mickey plushies.

This made me laugh and I have to tell you why. It reminded me of when me and my friends were in high school and we would take what we called "convenient pictures" of us with the boys we had a crush on in the background. There's so many pictures of us doing random things or having random looks on our faces because we were actually trying to capture a crush in the background of the picture! I actually still have one of these pictures in the glove box of my car. DBF still gets annoyed every time he finds it, but it has moved with me through 4 cars now and I can't bear to get rid of it. :lmao: (Now, I'm admitting the stupidity and patheticness of me and my friends in high school!) Your picture made me have a giant flashback to us doing the same thing.

And then a cute Mickey ice cream scoop. I'm frowning because both Weird and I are lactose intolerant and can't actually eat ice cream. I used to be able to eat a little at a time, but I'm uber sensitive now so I only risk it when I know I can handle the discomfort.

Awww. I would be so bummed if I was lactose intolerant, my love of dairy products, especially ice cream, is just too strong! DBF's family all have it so I know how uncomfortable it can be.

It was cute how they had all the NYC specific pins.

I love the NYC pins. If I ever make it there, I am definitely going to buy one!

We asked someone else to take another one of us and Weird purposely asked him to get all the letters into the picture. The man did so, thankfully, a little crooked but at least it's not just VE!

I always thought that was in Philadelphia? Is there another one in NYC or am I wrong? I always wanted my picture with the Love statue. I'm so jealous you were there! But that picture is so cute! :goodvibes I wonder why on earth that lady would cut out the letters? Isn't the letters the whole point of having your picture taken there? :confused:

Just like Irky always has pictures with statues, this is the first picture that started the tradition of Weird getting a picture of me with our sushi!


At one point, Weird pointed behind me and I thought something was happening. When I turned back around, I saw that he had put his piece of avocado on my plate. I absolutely love avocado! And Weird ;) Savoring that last piece, yummy!

Weird's so sweet!
I never LOVED ice cream that much before I was lactose intolerant. I had to be in a mood for it (not really something I could have every single day like some people I know!). But once I couldn't have it ... oh man, it got to be torturous! I'm always wanting a Chipwich. And I love Dove chocolate ice cream bars. I really want to try the Klondike bar with Reese's. But alas, I have been sticking to sorbet lately. I've never tried soy ice cream before. My mom said she'd get it for me to try, but I figure not being able to eat ice cream is a good thing because then I don't waste my calories on ice cream. I do enjoy chocolate cake a lot more anyway ;)

When my students tell me they don't like ice cream or chocolate, I always say to them, Get out of my room! I can't be associated with someone who doesn't like ice cream/chocolate! :rotfl: Then they get annoyed at me!

I told one of my students from last year that yesterday when she told me she doesn't like Disney. I said (this is all teasingly of course!), Get away from me. I can't even have you stand next to me with talk like that! She got so mad. "There's better places to go than Disney! It's just a little mouse running around!" :scared1: :eek: I couldn't believe my ears! I obviously won't be seeing her post on the DisBoards! (Sorry, that got way off topic!)

But I'll forgive you since you have a medical reason and your enjoyment of chocolate cake makes up for it! ;) And now you made me want a chipwhich! I love those.

Here are some more pictures from World of Disney from my camera. A slightly different view of the 2nd floor from the 3rd floor. How creepy is that elevator!

Definitely creepy!

Boo's door! So cute! Reminds me of the Monster's Inc game for Gameboy where you need to find the pieces to build it back together.

That's cute and that sounds like a game I would enjoy!

And I had to get this one too because Weird and I just recently watched Peter Pan on DVD. I don't think I had ever seen it beforehand! Doing one of the quests in VMK would have been so much easier if I had seen it. I was standing in the Pirate Treehouse and saying, "Wendy ... Wendy Darling ... Tinkerbell" and trying to list out all these names. Haha, finally someone told me that it was "Tiger Lily" and then I was able to walk off that plank!

I just started to re-watch all the old Disney movies. I've been getting them from Netflix one at a time and just recently watched Peter Pan. I don't really remember ever seeing the Disney version before. I honestly didn't find it all that great. I love other versions of the story though!
These were great! They're all pins!

Wow! Those pins are awesome.

I think I may have ridden the teacups once in my lifetime. I'm not really into spinning.

You've ridden it one more time than me! :laughing:

Love that this is our version of art. Haha, well at least for me. I don't really appreciate art that much! A trip to MOMA? No thanks. Just let me see some Disney Fine Art!

I'm with you on that!:thumbsup2
There was this decorating thingie in front of the window next to the grand staircase. When I got closer, I noticed that it wasn't just some random decoration ...

It was covered with the Muppets!

Wow, that's awesome!

Creepy elevator! I didn't like being under it!

It looks like Weird is in trouble there! The Witch looks none too happy with him!

I second what the seagulls are saying ;)

:goodvibes Too cute!!

When I'm in any store, I love looking at the journals. I have way too many journals. I remember i used to start a new one all the time! Although I type in online journals (public and private), I still think there's something soothing about writing by hand.

I love stationery too!

Yes! I love journals too. I used to have a ton of them, but I find it hard to have time to sit down and actually write anymore. I barely even update my online journal. I know I still have all my old hand written journals from middle school and high school though.

I love notebooks and stationary also. I think it all fits in with my school supplies obsession. I have a ton of notebooks, some that aren't even written in, but I loved them so had to buy them.

My travel notes notebook is a PotC one!

Haha, okie dokie ... I realized that I didn't really have many flats pictures on my camera. But don't worry, Weird and Ninja did see everything I posted with their own eyes! Last picture from WoD ...

It's ok, we still love seeing pictures of the real Weird and Ninja's adventures, too!

I can't look up at buildings because tipping my head back gets me really dizzy. So Weird took a picture instead! Haha, it doesn't look like a book though ...

Nice picture!

Random picture that doesn't have anything to do with the flats ... I have to put a sign on the front of my door with my name and then listing the classes I teach there. A few days ago, I downloaded the Waltograph font so I knew I was definitely going to use that! Then I wanted to add a personal touch too. All my students know that I absolutely L-O-V-E penguins (and I love Weird too, but they don't need to know that~ ;)) so I added them on to the sign. However, it wasn't quite enough because it needed some Disney. So I added some Mickey ears! Hehe. Makes the penguins even better!


I can't wait to add more Disney touches to my room! Last year, the students and teachers moved from room to room. I actually only taught one period each week in my own homeroom class. Now the teachers are going to stay in their own rooms so I can decorate it! I didn't care last year because I wasn't there to enjoy it (or watch my stuff!). So it's gonna be all about the penguins and Disney!

I love it! I can get away with the Disney font at my school but the other teachers would probably tease me too much if I put Mickey ears on something! It's such a great idea!

Hi everyone! Weird and I are still alive, but we're fully engrossed in our school and work things. I can't believe that it's ONLY Wednesday! I feel like I've been teaching for at least 3-4 days this week! Plus, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are total stink days for me because I don't have a prep period! Maybe that's why it feels so long for me.

I hope things are going well with school! (And for Weird if you're reading this!)

We're required to have a prep everyday, but there are days when I don't get one because I have to cover a class and I know how crazy it gets. It makes the day feel so long!

I think I might finally be caught up!
I thought I was all caught up, but obviously not. I can't believe I missed this thread for so long! I promise it will never happen again! :thumbsup2

Not quite a flats picture but I really wanted to share it anyway! One of my students went to the local fair this past weekend and had this made for me! Other than Weird and Disney, my other love is PENGUINS! This is so perfect for the empty space behind my desk in my room!


(Haha, I do have a last name, I just blocked it out ...)

This student is an 8th grader, and I'm absolutely bummed that I didn't get the 8th grade homeroom as I requested (he was in my ELA class, New York State Math Coach class, and 7th grade homeroom last year). He improved dramatically in ELA because he actually cares about the subject now. His mom always says that he loves reading because of me. I had somehow been able to open up the door to good books, to show how exciting they could be in my class. As a teacher, of course, that in itself is a greater gift than any penguin gift.

Hehe, not that I don't absolutely L-O-V-E my penguin name thingie! ;)

That is so sweet and such a great story!

I have drawings and birthday cards students made me saved. They are the best gift they could have ever gotten me. I know I will keep these things for a very long long time to come. So much better and more important than a gift card or a candle or body lotion.

Anyway, I still don't have time to do a flats post just yet (maybe later today or tomorrow?), but I just wanted to post some of the things Weird has been doing for me during birthday week. On Facebook, there's an application called Graffiti, which is basically like Paint on Microsoft (except that it has a really cool replay option!). Anyway, they're Disney-related so I felt it was very appropriate to share here!


Thanks so much, Weird :) Love you :love:

Ok, I have to admit that I am totally jealous of Weird's Grafitti skills. You should see my attempt at Graffiti! :eek: It's scary.

I am in awe of those drawings. :worship: DBF doesn't even know what I draw him half the time! He's like, What's that supposed to be!? :rotfl2:

A few Sundays ago, my parents were invited to a wedding for the son of one of my dad's friends. Did you get that? A wedding for a couple that my parents do not personally know. I just do not get that at all. I know it's a Chinese thing, but it doesn't make sense to me. I don't want people I don't know at my wedding! What difference does it make to me? That's what makes me really want to have a destination wedding. Not necessarily in Disney, although I would definitely have a Disneymoon ...

I want a destination wedding for the exact same reason!!! :goodvibes And, I've always wanted to get married on the beach!

Well, what do you know. It is possible! At least when you have your boyfriend teach you ;)

Yay! Good job! I've never learned, but always thought it would be useful. DBF is good at it and said he always used to tie the other boys' ties in his dorm when they had to get dressed up because none of them knew how!

Well, thankfully I slowly go the hang of it again ... hence the "it's like riding a bike" phrase.


Here's my DBF (hehe) by the Verrazano Bridge.

And here's be me by the bride. Yes, I know I'm not using proper English, but this installment is rather yucky in terms of writing. I'm all allergied up so I'm partially not here (and it's also why I'm taking a break from not working to write this up ... so can't focus because my head's in a cloud!). BTW, if you noticed, Weird and I have the same color scheme going on ... he's such a silly. Notice my flying hair.

Of course, Weird and Ninja came along as well. They were very happy to see the V-bridge together on such a gorgeous day!

After riding in the other direction for a while, the 4 of us took a break on a bench. We were waiting for the sunset. Weird and Ninja took a break from all that ... riding in Weird's pocket.

The pic in my siggy. We have humongous heads.

I watched the sunset! Haha, we were waiting for it and then Weird turned to say something to me (with the back of his head facing the sunset) and he totally missed it. Haha, but I saw it. So we still haven't really watched one together, but I found it to be so beautiful!

It was getting late and we didn't want to get bitten by mosquitos so we headed on back. We tried to take a picture that didn't accentuate our large heads. Haha, it didn't work ...

Lastly, a picture of the bridge at night. Can't quite be captured very well in a picture, but it is really pretty.

I definitely want to go riding again! Looking forward to the church bike trip that's, I think, 30 miles! Of course, I need to get through 2 weeks of school to get to it ...

I love all your pictures and the story. It sounds like you guys had a great time!

Weird just pointed out to me that I put bride instead of bridge. Hehe, I wonder where my mind is ...

We were so jumping the gun before and discussing our Disneymoon. Initially we wanted to stay on site because I had never done that before. But then we were talking about how it might be easier to stay at my family's timeshare. It's a lot more relaxed and would probably be cheaper for us. Plus, we wouldn't have to do anything on a schedule that way since we're very go-with-the-flow kind of people when it comes to plans (with health issues, that's what we've had to get used to doing). And I do just absolutely love it there ... there's a lazy river water ride (and slides that we wouldn't do~) on property and that would be so relaxing on non-park days!

Then we were talking about how we'd have to wait a certain time frame since you have to be 25 to rent a car (technically I can do it next year since I just turned 24, but I wouldn't do the driving!). And we could still eat at some Disney restaurants and do some resort hopping to see where we'd want to stay in the future!

Oh, by the way, we're still a ways off from our actual engagement ... :rotfl:

I like staying offsite sometimes. So much more space and so much cheaper!

Glad to hear you're planning things! ;) :rolleyes1

ETA: It only took me two hours, but I am officially caught up! And I still am loving the Graffiti pictures! I want Weird to draw something for me! Hahaha! ;)
Irky! It's always a great surprise to see someone commenting on our thread (especially when there haven't been any updates!) but it's an even better surprise to see when you comment! To all of the entries! :lmao:

I did a quick recap of your first TR bc I couldn't remember what your DBF did since you said he couldn't decipher your graffiti drawings ... could it be because he's too busy engineering software? :goodvibes And another random thing, I think it's funny how he likes the movies just like I do! I thought I was the only 20something year old browsing Target for deals on Disney DVDs! I would love to see your DVD collection though, since I only started not too long ago so I have a pretty small collection. My mom actually owes me a copy of the Lion King because she lost it. :mad: :headache: ... I know, I know.

Thanks for taking the time to catch up on our adventures, Irky. Hope you stay tuned for more! :thumbsup2

A random thing that I noticed when looking at the posts of WoD ... the eyes of the elevator are looking at the viewer in the 3rd floor picture :

But then in the picture with me, it's also looking at the viewer ...

Am I going crazy here or do other people see it?! :eek: Extra creepy elevator!
josh and i had been together for three months before i joined and started making his desktop background a pic of my dream engagement ring. sooooo it's never too premature for the bride bug to bite. :wizard:

Hehe, after reading this, both Weird and I joined separately! I used to look at all the knottie bios all the time, but I thought it was a little weird to join because I wasn't actually with anyone at the moment! I remember I used to always say, "I want to get married" because the prospect of the wedding and reception just seemed like so much fun! Now knowing all the work and stress that goes into it and also now that I've got my Weird, I don't necessarily want to get married. Now I want to be married!

Then we looked at engagement rings, and he pretty much knows the kind of ring I want (something very simple). The other day, he made a ring out of a twistie tie and on the webcam, it looks pretty real! Ahhh, I'm getting all excited :)

Somehow I lost this thread and never thought to check it! :scared1: I don't know how that happened. (Well, I really's because I have about a million things on my to do list!) Now, I will have to make a whole bunch of posts to catch up on your flats adventures! I hope you don't mind!

Yayyy! Irky's back :) I figured you were busy with school things because I was too! I think it's interesting how people don't think teachers have a lot of work to do. They think we have less hours since we get out around 3. Umm, not even close! I don't know what other job requires so much work outside of the actual workplace!

Recently, Weird and I were also looking at Disney merchandise, you know, for the house we don't yet have. Here are just a few of the things that caught our eye:

For the many cakes I intend on (not) baking. But we love Wall-E!

For our babies, Powell and Vachel. Haha, when Weird first came to my church, a bunch of the guys thought his name was really Powell! And then a few months ago, my mom told me that Vachel was an actual boy's name! So our children will be Powell (girl) and Vachel (boy).

Um, we're kidding about the names, of course!

These dishes came in a set of four so I was like, "Who are we going to invite over?"

Then I saw these mugs and wondered again, who's going to sit and have a drink with us? This was the caption for that picture (in our private journal): Again, who will we invite? Maybe Irky and her DBF, probably her DH by then!

Hehe :thumbsup2

I hope no scary men tried to talk to Ninja while she was without Weird! :rotfl:

Hehe, Weird wouldn't hear of it! He's always watching out twice as much when he's with me, anticipating whether or not anything might harm me!

I wonder how they would react if I actually wore a Mickey shaped one!?

That's what I think too! There's this cute Mickey ring that Weird found online, and I was thinking about what my students would say if they saw it (you know, after "Is that an engagement ring?!" even if I wore it on my right hand!).

This made me laugh and I have to tell you why. It reminded me of when me and my friends were in high school and we would take what we called "convenient pictures" of us with the boys we had a crush on in the background. There's so many pictures of us doing random things or having random looks on our faces because we were actually trying to capture a crush in the background of the picture!

Haha, this isn't pathetic at all! When my other friends and I went to a Christian concert many years ago at West Point, there were lots of good-looking guys there in uniform! We had to take many of those convenient photos!

Awww. I would be so bummed if I was lactose intolerant, my love of dairy products, especially ice cream, is just too strong! DBF's family all have it so I know how uncomfortable it can be.

Thankfully I'm not so lactose intolerant that I can't eat cheese! Everyone used to call my family the "cheese family" because we liked it so much! For me, the sharper the better! It was funny because Weird and I went to Outback a few weeks ago. It was his first time. I really like the bleu cheese chopped salad so I ordered that, and he had it and liked it too. But then he took one bite with a big bleu cheese crumble in it and he had to stop. I guess if we ever have that again, I get to pick out all the crumbles first! Yummy.

I always thought that was in Philadelphia? Is there another one in NYC or am I wrong? I always wanted my picture with the Love statue. I'm so jealous you were there! But that picture is so cute!

Haha, I'm not sure! I feel like we just randomly found it, but Weird said he kind of had an idea it was somewhere in that area.

I told one of my students from last year that yesterday when she told me she doesn't like Disney. I said (this is all teasingly of course!), Get away from me. I can't even have you stand next to me with talk like that! She got so mad. "There's better places to go than Disney! It's just a little mouse running around!" :scared1: :eek: I couldn't believe my ears! I obviously won't be seeing her post on the DisBoards! (Sorry, that got way off topic!)

:rotfl: One of my students said the same thing! He always asks where I would go if I could go anywhere, and I automatically reply, "Disney." And he's like, "But there's more to see than just Disney!" And his mom volunteers at the school a lot so when I saw her, she had a Disney shirt on and I was like, "HAH, your mom's wearing a Disney shirt!" He said, "I never said I didn't like it, I just said that there's so many more places to see other than WDW!" I guess he just doesn't understand. Haha.

Of course, there are plenty of other places I would like to go to with Weird. Like Wash DC, as you know!

I just started to re-watch all the old Disney movies. I've been getting them from Netflix one at a time and just recently watched Peter Pan. I don't really remember ever seeing the Disney version before. I honestly didn't find it all that great. I love other versions of the story though!

Yeah, that's what I thought. I didn't think that the movie was that good. The only thing that was bugging me was that I couldn't figure out whether or not it was real! I totally thought that the movie would be better than it was.

I love notebooks and stationary also. I think it all fits in with my school supplies obsession. I have a ton of notebooks, some that aren't even written in, but I loved them so had to buy them.

We would so get along as shopping buddies! I mean, school supplies are awesome as it is. But when they're Disneyfied?! They're even better!

It's ok, we still love seeing pictures of the real Weird and Ninja's adventures, too!

:goodvibes Glad to hear it!

We're required to have a prep everyday, but there are days when I don't get one because I have to cover a class and I know how crazy it gets. It makes the day feel so long!

Because of budget cuts, we're down to only 4 preps a week. Fortunately and unfortunately, I have 2 of the 4 are Monday! I mean, it's great on Monday, but it stinks on Tuesday and Wednesday when I don't have any break other than lunch! This Wednesday was pretty tough because I didn't even have lunch since we had curriculum conferences on MWF during our lunch periods!

I have drawings and birthday cards students made me saved. They are the best gift they could have ever gotten me. I know I will keep these things for a very long long time to come. So much better and more important than a gift card or a candle or body lotion.

Definitely! I have a ton of soaps and such from Bath & Body Works. I appreciate the gestures in giving gifts, but the things I love the most are the written things. When students write a card or something, ahhh, those are great!

Glad to hear you're planning things! ;) :rolleyes1

Haha, I don't know if everyone else in our lives is in agreement like you are!

ETA: It only took me two hours, but I am officially caught up! And I still am loving the Graffiti pictures! I want Weird to draw something for me! Hahaha! ;)

Haha, you never know, Weird could totally be bored drawing on my wall and need another wall to draw on! You could always PM your name for Facebook ;)

I'll try to work on another installment of ... something soon!
Back in August, I went on a family vacation to Virginia. We traded our Florida timeshare for Virginia because of the shorter driving distance. Of course, I would have loved to head back to lovely Florida, but I knew that it would've been really hot then anyway. After having been there in February, I've been spoiled by the cool weather! Anyway, Virginia was just the kind of vacation my family needed ... a time of relaxation and doing not much of anything!

Of course, doing not much of anything gave me many opportunities to take flats pictures! Here is the crew heading out on the drive. Weird and Ninja, of course, and then little Mickey and Bailey!

We were heading to Burger King just to pick up some breakfast on the go, but I can't really last in a car ride, even if it's short, without food in my stomach. I get really nauseous so I popped a few chips in my mouth (haha yes, before breakfast!). I thought that was important to mention because one of them looked like this! And it just reminded me of how much I <3 Weird!

The thing about Virginia is this ... 3 years ago, my family planned a vacation to the same place. The night before I left, Weird and I talked and we both admitted how we felt about each other. We figured that the time apart while I was away would be a good thing because it would give us a chance to really think and pray about whether starting a relationship was right. It was also when I had to kind of overcome my issue with talking on the phone because we left voicemails and chatted once or twice. It was just interesting that I was headed back to the same place and I was with Weird again!

During one of our stops, my dad had to get coffee from Starbucks. Little Ninja indulged in a salty snack of Pretz.

It took a while to get to the place because there was traffic in Maryland in the same spot there's always traffic. But I was able to sleep and I did watch a few episodes of TV shows (Alias and Gilmore Girls).

This is a picture of the room I shared with my brother. It's funny because we're spoiled from our Florida place because we have full size beds and here we only had twins! But neither of us had a problem with it because that's what we have at home.

I liked that this was reviewed in one of the brochures ... had a mention of Conde Nast and it totally reminded me of how much I missed Weird!

Our dinner experience was interesting. We got take out from Olive Garden. That part isn't so interesting but bringing it back was! We drove back home and parked and I took the bag of food out of the trunk. Just 5 steps away from the trunk, the contents of the bag FELL OUT. The bottom of the OG bag was just nonexistent and everything fell out! That was 4 main courses and 4 soups!

One of the soups popped open and it spilled on my foot so I was standing there in shock that all the food fell to the ground and also saying, "Ow!" because of the burn. Thankfully, only one soup popped open and only half of it spilled. The rest was upright and salvageable. The rest of the food was covered in spilled soup but the plastic containers had stayed shut so it was fine. I had to go wash my foot and flip flop in the shower and I said to mom, "There's escarole in the shower now." For a while afterwards, my foot was still warm from the burn, but it was okay.

My yummy minestrone soup that was still safe in its container.

At night, I was really cold. I hopped into my bed and got under the covers and called DBF so that we could talk a little. It was odd not having internet access, but even besides that, I think it was the whole "not-being in-the-same-state" thing that was "new" to us. Of course, as you know, that's definitely not a new experience for us. We've been separated before because of vacations, but it all felt new again because we were a newly happy couple :)
The next day, we pretty much all slept in! I got up in the middle of the night to make a bathroom stop (took my pills too late at night so I drank a ton of water!). After that though, I slept until 10am! At home, I had started waking up fairly early. Haha, not on purpose! I wanted to take advantage of the remaining days of my summer vacation before I had to go back to work. Thankfully I was able to get some sleeping done on vacation!

We had to run a few errands to get food and whatnot. Our first stop was Target. I know it's not really a special Virginia place to go since there are Target stores everywhere, but we wanted to check out the food prices. What I love about Target stores is the Dollar Spot! Why? Because I can buy Disney Princess ice paks for 25 cents each!

I planned on using them in my lunchbox to work because it'll be an extra bit of magic in the day. And let me tell you, these little things make me smile in the day! Bright colors can really affect my mood in a positive way so inside my bright pink colored lunchbox has my bright pink Disney princess ice paks!

That's not all I got. I also got a mouse pad for $1 with a Miss Chatterbox it (you know, the faces like, Miss Naughty or Mrs. Sunshine ... I remember these from my childhood).

Weird and Ninja enjoyed a few other special moments together too ...

Hehe ...

Our next stop was Ukrop's, the closest supermarket.

We had pizza for lunch. Haha, I could have gone for some sushi at that moment, but it definitely would not have been the same as Tenzan or the same company ... oh how I wanted to have sushi with my DBF!

We went to a few more of the stores there. One of the stores was Heaven & Earth, a Christian bookstore. I wasn't really interested in the place except for the little Veggietales pirate playset for the new movie coming out. Weird and Ninja had so much fun pretending they were the pirates who don't do anything!

We also went to Stamp & Memories, a store specifically for stamps and scrapbooking. It's so cool in there. I took a lot of pictures of the sample cards. I would love to be there and really enjoy everything they had, but the prices were more expensive than AC Moore and I guess when you're a store only for that, you have to charge a little bit more.


They did have great Disney things though! Little Disney tshirts!

If they had a Mickey one, I definitely would have gotten it!

The Disney section for scrapbooking!

Weird and Ninja wanted to buy this one, but they didn't know what they would do with it afterwards so instead they asked for a picture.

This one reminded Ninja of the "it's a small world" pin that Weird got for her in VMK. Ninja really wanted it when she saw it because it was so cute and what do you know ... he got it for her through a trade! It was one of her favorite pins!

Some Disney paper:

Can you tell I had a lot of fun looking in this section?

Okie dokie, until next time!


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