The Flat Adventures of Weird and Ninja

This is the last WoD installment so I'm a tiny bit sad about that because it brings back memories of a fun summer! But all is well ... we've got a few pictures from our summer, including a biking day from this past Sunday!

There was this decorating thingie in front of the window next to the grand staircase. When I got closer, I noticed that it wasn't just some random decoration ...

It was covered with the Muppets!

When I was sitting down to take that break, Weird and Ninja admired the architecture in the church across the street.

Creepy elevator! I didn't like being under it!

This was unique to me. It was in the POTC section so it's the doggie by the jail! The keys part was cute!

I second what the seagulls are saying ;)

This was above the Potato Head section.

When I'm in any store, I love looking at the journals. I have way too many journals. I remember i used to start a new one all the time! Although I type in online journals (public and private), I still think there's something soothing about writing by hand.

Ninja wanted to go to Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!

I love stationery too!

Happy to see that Mulan and Shang were put next to the more popular Disney couples!

These will be bought when I have my own place!





Haha, okie dokie ... I realized that I didn't really have many flats pictures on my camera. But don't worry, Weird and Ninja did see everything I posted with their own eyes! Last picture from WoD ...
The Aurora PM figure is darling! I haven't seen Sleeping Beauty in ages--it's scheduled to come out of the vault this fall, so I'll be getting it then. :goodvibes

I'm also not much of an art person--particularly modern art. I do like abstract art in pure terms of decorating my apartment, but spending a day staring at it on walls and trying to find meaning in it is not my thing at all. Disney art I get! :rotfl: I also like the Mickey-fied version of the POTC scene. Hilarious!

Why does it not surprise me that you're a fellow journal fanatic? It got to the point where, whenever people got me a gift but couldn't think of anything else, they'd get me a journal. I've been living off that stash for a while, but I kinda miss picking some out myself. And I really like unlined pages even though I don't draw in them. Lines are too directive, I guess. :rotfl:

Private journals I only do hand-written. I agree; there's just something soothing about it.

I'm sad the WOD posts are over, but I'm looking forward to the bike-riding one! I love biking and sometimes consider moving out to Boulder just because it's so much more bike-friendly than my area. I hate riding except in early morning because I always feel like I'm going to get hit by a car.

Anyway, yes. Looking forward to the biking post! :thumbsup2
After a bit, the guy asked if I wanted tape because he had tape, but at that point they decided to stay up! So Weird took the picture and then the guy and girl commented that it was cute. I explained, "Oh, they're from Virtual Magic Kingdom" and the guy said, "Didn't that close?" The girl then said, "Yeah, my aunt played VMK and she printed out her characters too and does the same thing." Ahhh! It was exciting to us that there was actually someone in the outside world that knew of VMK!

I knew that they used to sell the POTC codes at the NYC WoD so I thought that it would be a bit more known, but the reaction from the CM photographers said otherwise. However, when these two people knew what it was (they were working there), Weird and I were like, cool! Haha, of course, I didn't ask if the girl knew what her aunt's character's name was!

ROFL!! That girl was my niece Michelle!!! She told me all about you being in the store and having fun with your flats. In the past I have embarrassed her in WDW taking pics with my little dizpinfriend... LOL!!

I really should get into the city to visit the store before it closes. There is no set date as of yet, from what I understand. I will be sad to see that location close - such a beautiful store. I worked at that location from 1996 - 1999 when it was still technically "The Disney Store". There is an entire storyline to the themeing of the store.

I have never chimed in in regards to your flat adventures, but I do read them, and they always bring a smile to my face - keep em coming!!!


Cool story about the CMs (are they still CMs outside of Disney?)
The only reason I thought twice about calling those 2 CMs was because they didn't have on the uniform. Everyone else was wearing the same WoD outfit.
I just continued reading through the thread, and saw the question about CM's being called CM's. They are indeed!! Technically, the WOD 5th avenue location is considered WDW property - it falls under the theme park division, and all the cast members in that building hold a WDW ID and receive the same benefits FL cast receives.

I am surprised they were not in costume - I know my niece works downstairs in the stockroom, and deals with inventory, but from what I understand, all cast on the clock should be in costume... I'm gonna have to ask her about that...
The Aurora PM figure is darling! I haven't seen Sleeping Beauty in ages--it's scheduled to come out of the vault this fall, so I'll be getting it then. :goodvibes

I remember seeing the commercials on TV that particular movies would be going back into the vault. I didn't understand what the big deal was as a kid. That's before I appreciated Disney movies (I grew up watching them, but it wasn't a huge deal to have them). Now I realize what it means because you can't just go out and purchase it from Best Buy! Haha, or Target, because Weird and I love Target.

I don't know about buying all the movies though because if things between Weird and me work out ... he has a lot of them ... and ... hehe.

I'm also not much of an art person--particularly modern art. I do like abstract art in pure terms of decorating my apartment, but spending a day staring at it on walls and trying to find meaning in it is not my thing at all. Disney art I get! :rotfl: I also like the Mickey-fied version of the POTC scene. Hilarious!

I definitely agree. I think abstract art would look great at home, especially if the colors chosen are very pleasing to you. But I remember going on a field trip to see all the Jackson Pollock paintings in JHS and we were all like ... "Seriously? This is what we all came out to see?"

Why does it not surprise me that you're a fellow journal fanatic? It got to the point where, whenever people got me a gift but couldn't think of anything else, they'd get me a journal. I've been living off that stash for a while, but I kinda miss picking some out myself. And I really like unlined pages even though I don't draw in them. Lines are too directive, I guess. :rotfl:

You're like Weird then, with the no lines! I prefer lines ... in fact, if I buy a journal for myself, it has to have lines. I can't write straight without them. I used to be really bad, but I guess now as a teacher I've had to learn! Haha, I used to get really slanted on the whiteboard at work!

Actually, the little journal that I carry around with me in my bag all the time is from Weird! He drew my name in the Secret Santa thing we had at church MANY years ago. We were supposed to put down 3 things we wanted so that the person would have options (and so that we wouldn't all get like, B&N gift cards or something, haha). The first one was a journal that could fit in my bag. He got it for me before we were friends so that was kind of our first interaction. Hehe, definitely one of my favorite journal gifts!

Private journals I only do hand-written. I agree; there's just something soothing about it.

Writing it by hand on actual paper can be much more cathartic. But I also do it online too just because I type a lot faster than I write. It depends on the situation and my mood. But I also think that having it actually written gives it more oomph. Like it means more than just words floating online. I feel like the pen is not only mightier than the sword but also mightier than the keyboard.[/QUOTE]

ROFL!! That girl was my niece Michelle!!! She told me all about you being in the store and having fun with your flats. In the past I have embarrassed her in WDW taking pics with my little dizpinfriend... LOL!!

I really should get into the city to visit the store before it closes. There is no set date as of yet, from what I understand. I will be sad to see that location close - such a beautiful store. I worked at that location from 1996 - 1999 when it was still technically "The Disney Store". There is an entire storyline to the themeing of the store.

I have never chimed in in regards to your flat adventures, but I do read them, and they always bring a smile to my face - keep em coming!!!

WOWWW! Haha, that's so cool! I was wondering if there was any chance that the person was a DISer! I mean, it had to be a DISer and also a DISer who still checks the VMK boards!

What's the storyline to the store's theme?

Thanks for keeping up with our adventures! Haha, we know that people do look at it since we see the number of views go up. We get a lot of joy just by sharing them, even if people don't comment. But thanks for coming out of lurk mode to let us know about your niece! Haha, I told Weird right away, and we think it's just so cool!

I just continued reading through the thread, and saw the question about CM's being called CM's. They are indeed!! Technically, the WOD 5th avenue location is considered WDW property - it falls under the theme park division, and all the cast members in that building hold a WDW ID and receive the same benefits FL cast receives.

I am surprised they were not in costume - I know my niece works downstairs in the stockroom, and deals with inventory, but from what I understand, all cast on the clock should be in costume... I'm gonna have to ask her about that...

Ooo, that's pretty cool to get the same benefits! Weird said he wants to work there to get those benefits. We'd have even more reason to head to Florida!

At first, I didn't know if they were just looking around the store like we were. I thought that we might have been in their way because they wanted to shop or something. But then I saw that they had the tape and tags of some sort in their hands so I felt better. Haha, even though Weird and Ninja have been to a lot of places, we're still sometimes hesitant to take them out depending on who's around. Haha, wow ... I'm still amazed that she was referring to you!

She look familiar??? teehee!!

Haha, that she does!!! :goodvibes
A few Saturdays ago, Weird and I went to see Spamalot with a bunch of friends from church. We don't have any pictures from outside the theater or anything like that, but we do have one flat picture to share! The group was heading off to eat at Tony di Napoli. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling so well so we wanted to head back home (haha, well separate homes ... but we had dinner together first).

As we walked out of Tony's (I was a little sad about that because I really liked the caesar salad when I ate there a few years ago), we turned around and Weird points out that we're right across the street from Conde Nast! AHHHHH!

Haha, okay, here's the deal with Conde Nast ... as you know, Weird's in school for architecture. He's been teaching me things here and there ever since we went to Liberty Science Center and saw the skyscrapers exhibit. We were examining the models and there was one that made me say, "This is a building? It looks like books." It ended up being my favorite one just because it looked like books!



Anyway, the story continues as I was reading a food blog (The Amateur Gourmet). Adam had written a review about the cafeteria in Conde Nast so I IMed Weird and said, "WAITTTTTTTTTTTTT, conde nast is in MANHATTAN?!?!" Haha, all this time, I didn't realize that it was in the city! He got a kick out of that. I mentioned the thing about the cafeteria and so Weird told me that the guy who designed the cafeteria was Frank Gehry, who was the same guy who designed the controversal Disney Concert Hall. Haha, see, it does eventually come back to Disney!

Weird, are you proud of me that I'm bringing my architecture knowledge to DIS too? ;)

Anyway, with that whole back story in mind ... Weird and Ninja in front of Conde Nast!

I can't look up at buildings because tipping my head back gets me really dizzy. So Weird took a picture instead! Haha, it doesn't look like a book though ...

And lastly, me in front of one of my favorite buildings! Well, my favorite building in NYC. All those memories :)
What's the storyline to the store's theme?

You asked for it!! This was written for a store newsletter back in 1998 based on promotional materials we had received during our training...

Since this was written, some department’s decor has changed drastically from when the location was first opened, but you will get the gist of it from this.

The article was titled "History in the Making"

Thousands of families, boys, girls, children of all ages have traveled from all over the world to visit the largest, most spectacular Disney Store. It is a mini Disney World right in the middle of NYC. Guests pour in looking for their favorite movie or their most memorable childhood experience. Mostly they come to experience the Disney magic.
But what if you took away all of the Cast members, guests, and all of the merchandise? What would be left? You would find a home away from home! Complete with all of the hidden treasures you have come to cherish in your own home.
In 1926, the buildings that housed several famous families began to surface. The completion of what became a residential mansion took place in 1928... The same year Mickey Mouse was born. The Walt Disney Imagineers designed the store to mimic what was once a prestigious home. The store was appropriately nicknamed "The House of Disney".
The Imagineers created a way to merchandise so that it was inviting. That being done so that many visitors would feel as they were truly guests. It has been told that The House of Disney is the welcoming site for Mickey and all of his friends when traveling to New York. After the premiere of "Steamboat Willie", it was here that Mickey and Minnie hosted a celebrity filled party for the opening night.
The room known as the Grand Parlor is where most of our guests enter the House of Disney. Its elegance is radiant from corner to corner. From the chandelier with its flickering lights to Grumpy's oversized pipe organ doubling as a cash wrap, the Imagineers left nothing to the imagination. The famous apple from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is perfect for decorating our New York area. And what grand parlor would be complete without an enchanting fireplace.
Some guests may choose to enter through the Conservatory. It is so dreamlike you may even begin seeing faces in the hedges. If you look closely, you will see characters from every movie. Some people have even seen Mickey Mouse in the clouds when they were gazing at the New York City skyline. Reminiscent of Tavern on the Green, the animated hedges are dazzled with sparkling lights and create a refreshing decor for all those visiting.
Not realizing that the store is 40,000 square feet, many never even reach the Game Room. Can you guess after which movie the big screen was designed? If you guessed "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", you are right! The Game Room is fun for all ages. The Imagineers arranged the media area to sample our latest music masterpieces and who couldn't find a trophy stuffed animal in our Plush Mountain?
If you take a walk up the grand staircase, you will discover all of Mickey's precious memories. Hidden in the Gallery are the collectibles we all connect with a tender story. Be careful! Villains like Cruella DeVil may be lurking in Mickey's attic. Take your time and enjoy all of the history dedicated to Disney. Everything you find here deserves a second look. Have you found all six hidden Mickey's? If you need some help you can always ask our mini-animatronic. Hint, hint! You never know what Otto may say.
No matter which room you are in, take a closer look. Ever notice that the tops of fixtures were designed after "Nightmare Before Christmas"? Or that the columns were designed after "Hunchback of Notre Dame"? Can you figure out which balcony is illustrated in the Gallery? Make yourself at home and invite your guests to stay awhile. Share the many wonderful experiences you have had being a part of The Disney Store at Fifth Avenue. Each of you are part of the House of Disney and are History in the Making!!
You asked for it!! This was written for a store newsletter back in 1998 based on promotional materials we had received during our training...

Thanks! Haha, that article made Weird want to go back and pay more attention to the decor!

Random picture that doesn't have anything to do with the flats ... I have to put a sign on the front of my door with my name and then listing the classes I teach there. A few days ago, I downloaded the Waltograph font so I knew I was definitely going to use that! Then I wanted to add a personal touch too. All my students know that I absolutely L-O-V-E penguins (and I love Weird too, but they don't need to know that~ ;)) so I added them on to the sign. However, it wasn't quite enough because it needed some Disney. So I added some Mickey ears! Hehe. Makes the penguins even better!


I can't wait to add more Disney touches to my room! Last year, the students and teachers moved from room to room. I actually only taught one period each week in my own homeroom class. Now the teachers are going to stay in their own rooms so I can decorate it! I didn't care last year because I wasn't there to enjoy it (or watch my stuff!). So it's gonna be all about the penguins and Disney!
When is the World of Disney store scheduled to close?? I have never been to NY before but I would love to go, and of course see that amazing Disney store. I could probably easily spend an entire day in that store and enjoy every second of it, and probably not get around to seeing all of it because I would take to much time looking at every little thing. I can never seem to get enough of Disney. When will I ever grow up?? Is it normal for an adult to love Disney so much? LOL I'm a bit sad I guess, but oh well it is who I am... hehe ;)
Oh, and by the way, my friend and I made some flats of our own and hopefully will be posting some pics of them soon. I think we should all share our flat adventures with everyone.
heh im her friend. We are going to a rodeo tonight! (that sounds so random, but they are actually really fun!) I am bringing my cowgirl flips along ;) She is wearing a cowboy hat, yellow princess top and shoes, and some cow boy pants. We might have to share our adventures too- we'll see!
When is the World of Disney store scheduled to close??

From what I understand, the lease is up in 2010 - and Disney decided not to renew, but if Coca-Cola (they own the buidling) finds a new tenant anytime before then, Disney will vacate within 60 days. So it could be 60 days or 2 years.

That space is a prime retail location on 5th Avenue, so I doubt they will have trouble finding a new tenant.
I thought this might be helpful, I found it on disboards-
Disney closing New York City flagship store
Aug 9, 2008

Disney has announced their decision not to renew the lease for the World of Disney store located on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Citing substantial rent increases which would go into effect in 2010, Disney indicated that they are planning to relocate. According to spokesman John Nicoletti "The Disney Stores are going to be reviewing other potential locations in the Manhattan retail market."

Real Estate insiders are expecting Disney to focus on the Times Square area or SoHo which have a strong tourist market. Disney previously had a store in Times Square which is now a Champs outlet.

Wow. I hope they find a good place to relocate it, I would love to visit it someday.
Hi everyone! Weird and I are still alive, but we're fully engrossed in our school and work things. I can't believe that it's ONLY Wednesday! I feel like I've been teaching for at least 3-4 days this week! Plus, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are total stink days for me because I don't have a prep period! Maybe that's why it feels so long for me.

Plus, Wednesdays are supposed to be good days! That's when Weird and I (and flat Weird and Ninja) had our adventures since he was off from work. So it's so difficult to wrap our minds on the fact that we can't see each other today ... :(
Hi everyone! Weird and I are still alive, but we're fully engrossed in our school and work things. I can't believe that it's ONLY Wednesday! I feel like I've been teaching for at least 3-4 days this week! Plus, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are total stink days for me because I don't have a prep period! Maybe that's why it feels so long for me.

Plus, Wednesdays are supposed to be good days! That's when Weird and I (and flat Weird and Ninja) had our adventures since he was off from work. So it's so difficult to wrap our minds on the fact that we can't see each other today ... :(

Yup, we are definitely still alive. Sorry we haven't posted many adventures but alas, the real world is needing our attention way too much. It was easier last week when we had labor day off, but this is our first full week!

I miss you ... :hug:
Not quite a flats picture but I really wanted to share it anyway! One of my students went to the local fair this past weekend and had this made for me! Other than Weird and Disney, my other love is PENGUINS! This is so perfect for the empty space behind my desk in my room!


(Haha, I do have a last name, I just blocked it out ...)

This student is an 8th grader, and I'm absolutely bummed that I didn't get the 8th grade homeroom as I requested (he was in my ELA class, New York State Math Coach class, and 7th grade homeroom last year). He improved dramatically in ELA because he actually cares about the subject now. His mom always says that he loves reading because of me. I had somehow been able to open up the door to good books, to show how exciting they could be in my class. As a teacher, of course, that in itself is a greater gift than any penguin gift.

Hehe, not that I don't absolutely L-O-V-E my penguin name thingie! ;)
My LOVE! :lovestruc


Am I being biased in saying she's beautiful?

My dear Ninja, it is indeed your birthday week! Though we're off to work and school, it doesn't mean I stop thinking about you. I hope you know that you're always on my mind, whenever there's anything that happens, I think about telling you about it right away. As you grow older with this birthday, remember that I'm not far behind you, every step of the way. I pray that as we get older, we grow together in love. I know that sounds really corny but you know me, corn on the fob! I LOVE YOU. :hug:

OK, sometime between May & now you guys got together!!!! What the heck?

I am painting today, so I don't have time to go back through the whole thread. But I will, I will!

:love: :hug:

No time for much else but I'll be sure to edit this!!

I just want to let you know, I reallly really really really like you. And I also love you. ;)

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