The Duggars

Jim Bob served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999-2003. He also ran for U.S. Senator in 2002. Both he and Michelle has their real estate license.

The believe in living a life of JOY (Jesus-first, others-second and you-third). Even for people who are not believers, the idea to put put others before yourselves would definitely makes this world a better place.
I was watching a show on TLC about them.........I didn't watch the whole thing, but I have seen previous shows about this family.
but this was the first time I saw their finished home. all I can say is wow!
I would love to know their budgeting/spending tips.......their house is amazing, just perfect inside, and filled with everything you could imagine they would need or want.

I don't care for this family, the older kids raise the younger ones. Also much of the NEW house was donated but I agree its a beautiful home.
Jim Bob served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999-2003. He also ran for U.S. Senator in 2002. Both he and Michelle has their real estate license.

The believe in living a life of JOY (Jesus-first, others-second and you-third). Even for people who are not believers, the idea to put put others before yourselves would definitely makes this world a better place.

I find this hard to believe that they put you third. They have plenty of "me" time to keep reproducing, that's not putting you third.

Also Michele seems to be a great delegator without doing very much work herself, except in the bedroom.

Sorry but I also don't agree with children raising children. I have no problem with kids helping out, but does Michele do any housework, cooking or laundry herself? Or is she just the dutiful wife ready to jump in the sack?
I understand the religion and quiverful theology, but I think what is happening in their family is bordering on abuse.

I definitely have a problem with that...

I completely agree.

Hey I don't care how many children you want to be blessed with, but when you can't fully raise them yourselves, that's a problem.

With the Duggars as soon as the child is weaned they are assigned to an older sibling for them to get up with during the night, etc. That is mothering and just wrong. It is the parents responsibility to do that and to feed, clothe, etc. not their older siblings. I think it is sad.

Plus someone else said they thought they ate healthy. I don't really think always eating canned veggies is so healthy. It is the least healthy way to get a vegetable in you. And that tater tot casserole is full of fat and just junk.
There is one normal big family I watched they were from England, they have I think 15 children. The kids go to school, she feeds them normal food and SHE takes care of the family. I think it was Sue and Ivan Povey was the name..
Can you explain the shock factor? I would love to know.

I did say she as being submissive to her husband. She believes as a Christian that she is leading her life the right way. I dont understand all the judgements. But, as Christians being the target of sarcasm is expected.

Why are people so uncomfortable out of their comfort zone instead of embracing differences in all of us? I am just confused.
I really don't think this is the reason. Many here are Christians and still don't agree with the way this family works. It's not just a matter of judging, or failing to embrace differences. These kids seem to be in an abusive situation, no matter what you believe.

It's just sad. And the kids don't know any other way of life, I'm sure it seems normal to them. They have a lot of love, I guess, but there's more to life than laundry and childcare.

And also, many Christians are against the Ezzo books, so I wonder if they don't follow something else. Nothing that I've seen on the specials resembles the babywise method, which if you actually read the 1st book is really fine. We followed it for DD and although people say it's a strict, schedule based thing, it's absolutely not. It actually allows for flexibility with feedings and things. DD was sleeping throught the night by 2 weeks, nursing well and was very happy. She's healthy and strong and loving.

Ok, I'm researching now, and it seems that the "On Becoming Babywise" book does not have that stay on a blanket thing, but maybe their other books do. And there's no crying for hours thing.
There is one normal big family I watched they were from England, they have I think 15 children. The kids go to school, she feeds them normal food and SHE takes care of the family. I think it was Sue and Ivan Povey was the name..

I saw that one too. They were a nice family and the Mom was a Mom. Not just there for breeding purposes. She actually took care of the kids herself.
As liberal & un-religious as I am, I think the Duggars are quite inspirational. Michelle and Jim Bob are laid back with a quiet energy and joy. Their kids seem happy and they all play the violin, how impressive is that?? Also, their children will be ahead of their peers by learning how to do things at a young age. They have a beautiful house with an abundance of land to run around...they got it made.

On the other hand, their children are insulated from the world. The Duggar children will experience a culture shock if they choose to live outside the compound when they grow up...the older ones will probably stay true to the Duggar beliefs but the tiny young ones will probably break away as they get older. Theirs will be an entirely different Duggar experience than what the older children experienced.
I really don't think this is the reason. Many here are Christians and still don't agree with the way this family works. It's not just a matter of judging, or failing to embrace differences. These kids seem to be in an abusive situation, no matter what you believe.

It's just sad. And the kids don't know any other way of life, I'm sure it seems normal to them. They have a lot of love, I guess, but there's more to life than laundry and childcare.

And also, many Christians are against the Ezzo books, so I wonder if they don't follow something else. Nothing that I've seen on the specials resembles the babywise method, which if you actually read the 1st book is really fine. We followed it for DD and although people say it's a strict, schedule based thing, it's absolutely not. It actually allows for flexibility with feedings and things. DD was sleeping throught the night by 2 weeks, nursing well and was very happy. She's healthy and strong and loving.

Ok, I'm researching now, and it seems that the "On Becoming Babywise" book does not have that stay on a blanket thing, but maybe their other books do. And there's no crying for hours thing.

Honestly- I am glad that the babywise books worked for you and I am not saying that you are a bad parent or your kids are abused- but- ezzo books have been cited as the cause in many cases of failure to thrive. At 2 weeks old a child should not be sleeping through the night. They need to eat every 2-4 hours. If they are nursing it is about every 2 hours. These are their needs nutrtionally. Like I said- I am glad they worked for you and I am sure your children are wonderfully healthy etc., but most children based on what I have read are not when following those books.

I just wanted to add that link so nobody could say that I was making that up.
We homeschool but I wear jeans, own a TV and use bc!

Where is the tag fairy? :rotfl2:
Good for you, BTW!

This thread is seriously fun. popcorn:: It has all the elements of a good firefight...religion, birth control, parenting, taxes, feminism, child labor, etc.

This is why I :love: the DIS!!!
snugglepeas wrote:
they run a church out of there house that runs 100 plus people that it how it's fair.

the girls go laundry because they are part of a family and as in all families you should do your fair share to keep it running

do you know them personally because I have seen every show about there family and I have never seen them force there children to stay on any blanket

as far as there girls not pursing further education, they (the duggers) are a very religious family and as such they look to the Bible as a guide to raising there children and the Bible has very clear set guides as to the roles of men and woman.[/QUOTE]

we must not have the same bible...
they do infact run a REAL church out of there home, that the attendance runs over 100 people per service

I have no problem with the girls doing 20 hours of work per week, when I was a teen my sister and I did all the house work most of the cooking, almost all the laundry, and watched out younger brother every day after school as both of my parents worked 2nd shift, so we both worked more than 20 per week on household chores

well I must have missed the blanket training stuff, but personally I think if you yourself dont have perfect children and a perfect parenting style then you should keep your mouth shut about others choices on raising there children.

I also dont think they tell there girls that they should not go to college in fact the majority of there children would like to be a missionary and that requires
college training.

I personally think they are going a wonderful job with there children there are so many children in this world these days that disrespect there parents and hang around the mall just causing trouble and these kids spend time as a family and do in fact spend time with other kids there own age, but there parents choose to allow them to do so with adult supervision and maybe if more parents did this there would be fewer teen pregnancy's.

I mean no disrespect but it's "their" not "there".

I point this out because i had to read your post a few times before getting your message, and If I was making an error in my words i would like someone to point it out to me so I could learn from it.

I hope this doesn't offend you. I wasn't meant to:flower3:
I'm not impressed with them. I think they're shifty and selfish. They've been allowed to claim their home as a CHURCH, so they pay no taxes. They are a non-profit organization. How is that fair?

A couple of those young girls spend over 20 hours a week DOING LAUNDRY. That's not right.

I really don't like the way their toddlers are forced to sit on their blankets. That's the only way they can keep track of them. They're never allowed to crawl around like normal babies.

The girls are not encouraged to pursue further education; only to marry and be a wife and mother.

The food that they eat is absolute JUNK. One look inside their pantry will make your arteries harden.

I could go on.............................

Me too. And his politics are a little scary as well. And really, if Jim Bob is so religious, why is he selling his family out to the Discovery Channel?
I watched the show the other night too. Most of the time with my mouth wide open in disbelief! It seemed so cult-like to me!
There is one normal big family I watched they were from England, they have I think 15 children. The kids go to school, she feeds them normal food and SHE takes care of the family. I think it was Sue and Ivan Povey was the name..

I think I saw that show too - what shocked me was that everyday after taking the older kids to school, the mom came home and did 3 hours - THREE HOURS - of ironing. Every day. Holy moly! And they had a really small washer/dryer so she did laundry all day, every day too. Plus she watched a grandchild or two as well. Wow. Wowee wow wow.

I go back & forth on the Duggars. Some good stuff, some not so good stuff. I just hope the kids feel like they have a choice what to do with their lives when they grow up. If they want to marry young and have loads of kids, fine, but I hope they're equally encouraged to go to college and see a bit of the world if they want.

But have you ever seen their family pictures? All 17 kids are looking at the camera and smiling!! How do they DO that?!?!! I have 3 and I certainly can't get it done. :rotfl:
I watched the show the other night too. Most of the time with my mouth wide open in disbelief! It seemed so cult-like to me!

Those too were my thoughts! The kids are very sweet though. The mom's hair is irritating she needs to get rid of the lady mullet~!

Oh and the oldest girl was wearing make-up on the lastest show, badly I might add she had on a shade of rouge lipstick that just screamed to me that she got it from her moms 1980's make-up bag! Poor girl she is so pretty, she needs a few lessons in make up application that are not from her mullet stuck in the eighties mom!
I think I saw that show too - what shocked me was that everyday after taking the older kids to school, the mom came home and did 3 hours - THREE HOURS - of ironing. Every day. Holy moly! And they had a really small washer/dryer so she did laundry all day, every day too. Plus she watched a grandchild or two as well. Wow. Wowee wow wow.

I go back & forth on the Duggars. Some good stuff, some not so good stuff. I just hope the kids feel like they have a choice what to do with their lives when they grow up. If they want to marry young and have loads of kids, fine, but I hope they're equally encouraged to go to college and see a bit of the world if they want.

But have you ever seen their family pictures? All 17 kids are looking at the camera and smiling!! How do they DO that?!?!! I have 3 and I certainly can't get it done. :rotfl:

Yes she had no dryer she hung dried all the clothes, she also took care of her two grandchildren. She did all the shopping and fixed all the food, they looked like a real family. The older kids had jobs and was in college, they even took them on vacation...
they do infact run a REAL church out of there home, that the attendance runs over 100 people per service

I have no problem with the girls doing 20 hours of work per week, when I was a teen my sister and I did all the house work most of the cooking, almost all the laundry, and watched out younger brother every day after school as both of my parents worked 2nd shift, so we both worked more than 20 per week on household chores

well I must have missed the blanket training stuff, but personally I think if you yourself dont have perfect children and a perfect parenting style then you should keep your mouth shut about others choices on raising there children.

I also dont think they tell there girls that they should not go to college in fact the majority of there children would like to be a missionary and that requires
college training.

I personally think they are going a wonderful job with there children there are so many children in this world these days that disrespect there parents and hang around the mall just causing trouble and these kids spend time as a family and do in fact spend time with other kids there own age, but there parents choose to allow them to do so with adult supervision and maybe if more parents did this there would be fewer teen pregnancy's.

:thumbsup2 that is what I was going to say.
wonder what you all think about the amish? The children only go to school till the 8th grade. Plus alot of farm work , and hand wash clothes, heck last summer we were in lancaster,pa and I saw a 6 or 7 yr old girl cutting the grass bare foot.( the kids dont wear shoes in summer). But you know what they have good values. With all the lazy kids there are these days how are they going to live as adults,if their parents do every thing for them?
wonder what you all think about the amish? The children only go to school till the 8th grade. Plus alot of farm work , and hand wash clothes, heck last summer we were in lancaster,pa and I saw a 6 or 7 yr old girl cutting the grass bare foot.( the kids dont wear shoes in summer). But you know what they have good values. With all the lazy kids there are these days how are they going to live as adults,if their parents do every thing for them?

I don't mind the Amish.

They don't exploit their lifestyle choices on TV shows like the Duggars do.

Honestly, I've never seen anyone use their children like this family does. The kids do the chores, raise the children and make tv appearances.

What does that mother do again???? Oh yeah, her *wifely* duties. Gotta fill up that quiver.


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