The Duggars

I have a friend from another board who is actually friends with the wife. All I can say is:eek: when she talks about her interaction with the mom.

I will admit to the blanket training with my dd's. It came in handy on Disney trips keeping them off the dirty carpet. But I never left them there for hours.
I used a twin sheet.
I somehow got sucked into watching the show the other night and they were going on vacation and as the children were entering the camper the dad was "trying" to remember all the kids names. And let me tell you he was not doing well. Are you kidding me!!! I think at one point one of the kids corrected him and he said whatever. Having that many kids is truly sickening to me. You can not give that many children the proper amount of love that each child needs. Why in the world would you want that many kids, if you can't even raise them without the help of the other kids. It is one thing for the children to have responsibility in the family but the responsibility can't be to raise the other children. Sorry I guess I needed to vent. :confused3 the children were entering the camper the dad was "trying" to remember all the kids names. And let me tell you he was not doing well. Are you kidding me!!! I think at one point one of the kids corrected him and he said whatever.

I only have 2 kids and I sometimes call them the wrong name. :rolleyes1 Maybe it's cuz their names start with the same letter? :lmao:
I know I am just being judgmental, but maybe it is because my next Disney trip isn't for 22 months, very sad. :rotfl:
they run a church out of there house that runs 100 plus people that it how it's fair.

the girls go laundry because they are part of a family and as in all families you should do your fair share to keep it running

do you know them personally because I have seen every show about there family and I have never seen them force there children to stay on any blanket

as far as there girls not pursing further education, they (the duggers) are a very religious family and as such they look to the Bible as a guide to raising there children and the Bible has very clear set guides as to the roles of men and woman.

I don't understand your first sentence: can you clarify?

NO CHILD should have to work TWENTY HOURS A WEEK doing the family laundry. That's a part-time job! I'm all for kids pitching in (my kids put their own laundry away, and help me sort and fold and hang.....but it's about an hour a week), but that's out of control.

See other posts about the blanket training. Obviously you haven't seen *all* of the shows.

No, I do not know the family personally. If I did, I'd be cutting the mother's mullet and taking all of the girls to the mall!

I think it's a cop-out to deny your daughters a higher education because it goes against the Bible. Yeesh. My pastor's daughter is a doctor! I guess he didn't care if she got herself some schoolin'.

Doesn't the Bible also say things about greed and exploitation? They certainly know how to exploit those children to get money.
Why in the world would you want that many kids, if you can't even raise them without the help of the other kids.

I've read that the Duggers believe in the "quiverfull" idea, where you have as many children as you can to create sort of a Christian army for God. Not a fighting army, of course, but that's what they call it. On one of the quiverfull websites, the song I'm In The Lord's Army was playing. A quiver, if I'm not mistaken, is the pouch thing that holds arrows. So their kids are like arrows in the Lord's army.
I'm wondering if the kids ever get to play and have fun? All I ever see is them "working" around the house or managing the smaller kids.

I only have 2 kids and they put their own laundry away. I wash/dry and fold it goes into their basket and I sit it on their beds and they put the clothes away and put the baskets back by the washer. I'm a SAHM so everything else I do, but they do pitch in when needed.
I don't think you have much time for fun when you are an "arrow in the Lord's army".
I don't understand your first sentence: can you clarify?

NO CHILD should have to work TWENTY HOURS A WEEK doing the family laundry. That's a part-time job! I'm all for kids pitching in (my kids put their own laundry away, and help me sort and fold and hang.....but it's about an hour a week), but that's out of control.

See other posts about the blanket training. Obviously you haven't seen *all* of the shows.

No, I do not know the family personally. If I did, I'd be cutting the mother's mullet and taking all of the girls to the mall!

I think it's a cop-out to deny your daughters a higher education because it goes against the Bible. Yeesh. My pastor's daughter is a doctor! I guess he didn't care if she got herself some schoolin'.

Doesn't the Bible also say things about greed and exploitation? They certainly know how to exploit those children to get money.

I really have to agree with you. these people are the strangest people I have ever seen in my life.

I have not seen the "blanket theory" cause I had to quit watching these shows.

The parents need to have their head examined. I had to help with chores as a child and I believe children need to help, but not to the extent that these are required to. Where I come from that is called "Child Labor" and at least a work permit is needed for those under 18 to work that many hours in a week.

If they want to dress the way they do, no problem with that, but every other portion of their life is prehistoric.

I read and follow the teachings of the Bible and I don't recall reading that women shouldn't have a higher education. I think it is wrong to hold them back. How will they ever get along in the future world if they don't get out and experience a little bit of life. I had an over-protective mother and was very shy, and it was hard for me to enter the real world.

Like another poster said, I like Jon and Kate plus 8, now they are a real family with a real, normal life. I don't know if they have any debt or not, but Kate is very cost conscious as I think most mother's are today and she also wants her children to eat healthy and help out around the house, but in a normal way.

Suzanne princess:
I have a friend from another board who is actually friends with the wife. All I can say is:eek: when she talks about her interaction with the mom.

I will admit to the blanket training with my dd's. It came in handy on Disney trips keeping them off the dirty carpet. But I never left them there for hours.
I used a twin sheet.

Can you explain the shock factor? I would love to know.

I did say she as being submissive to her husband. She believes as a Christian that she is leading her life the right way. I dont understand all the judgements. But, as Christians being the target of sarcasm is expected.

Why are people so uncomfortable out of their comfort zone instead of embracing differences in all of us? I am just confused.
I'm originally from AR and have seen this family around. They are old money. His father was an original investor of one of the big banks in AR and they live alot off that inheritance in addition to whatever stuff Duggar Dad is investing and making.

The are considered a tax free establishment because religious services are held on their property. The new house they now live in took years to build because it was built mostly through the blood sweat and tears of the children and dedication of the members of their "church."

The older girls sew almost all the younger kids clothing and they all play an instrument very well. It is extremely sad when children are so excited to see new wshers and dryers because it means less work for them.

Honestly at this point do you really think these children receive individual attention from their mom and dad? They have the buddy system for the children so all the children are accounted for and watched over. It's not about being a parent as it's about getting their unit ready for the holy war I think.
wow! I kind of thought there was an old money element in there somewhere, I mean even with just 2-3-4 kids its hard enough to have mom stay home nowadays, and when i first saw them on tv they had 14 kids!!! and they were just beginning the new house.

i did think there was something just different about them. I don't agree with the wife being submissive and holding girls back, seems those girls are groomed to be little homemakers, and there is nothing wrong with being a homemaker but it seems like they have no other choice.

on last nights show the camera was on one of the boys who was saying the new baby coming is a girl "but thats ok" " i guess the girls need to catch up so we have a lot of boys its ok its a girl"
I sensed an element of disappointment. almost like girls are second class citizens in that demography

oh and I also read on the duggars website that the reason they have so many kids is because when they first married they didn't want kids yet and michelle was on the pill, she miscarried a baby while on the pill, and they felt so much guilt they decided to go ahead and start having kids and take "as many as god gave them"

also their recipes are on their website and yes they are very unhealthy, lots of processed cheap foods.

I was just amazed at the house last night, it is perfectly decorated and has the facilities of a 5 star hotel.......indoor playground, game room......multiple stoves, fridges, beautiful furnishings... etc etc.........
not a thing out of place,
I don't care if they are christian or not, there is no way on this earth she can give individual attention to those kids, its like kids raising kids.
and last night jim bob couldn't remember the names of all the kids either, they gave him a couple trys and he couldn't do it.:)
and last night jim bob couldn't remember the names of all the kids either, they gave him a couple trys and he couldn't do it.:)

This is very sad... They gave a couple chances and he still couldn't remember their names?? :confused3 I can see him mixing their names up but not remembering their names? Very sad..
Can you explain the shock factor? I would love to know.

I did say she as being submissive to her husband. She believes as a Christian that she is leading her life the right way. I dont understand all the judgements. But, as Christians being the target of sarcasm is expected.

Why are people so uncomfortable out of their comfort zone instead of embracing differences in all of us? I am just confused.

I understand the religion and quiverful theology, but I think what is happening in their family is bordering on abuse.

I definitely have a problem with that...
yeah, it is the Ezzos....blech!

They also use AGI (Bill Gothard) homeschooling stuff....all the families are very much the same, quiverfull, all children only wear clothing with COLLARS, pinifores or skirts for girls, no make up, etc....

I like them but that is not my style.

We homeschool but I wear jeans, own a TV and use bc! HA! TMI I know!


That could be the book but I seem to think it might be one of those Ezzo books.
I don't understand your first sentence: can you clarify?

NO CHILD should have to work TWENTY HOURS A WEEK doing the family laundry. That's a part-time job! I'm all for kids pitching in (my kids put their own laundry away, and help me sort and fold and hang.....but it's about an hour a week), but that's out of control.

See other posts about the blanket training. Obviously you haven't seen *all* of the shows.

No, I do not know the family personally. If I did, I'd be cutting the mother's mullet and taking all of the girls to the mall!

I think it's a cop-out to deny your daughters a higher education because it goes against the Bible. Yeesh. My pastor's daughter is a doctor! I guess he didn't care if she got herself some schoolin'.

Doesn't the Bible also say things about greed and exploitation? They certainly know how to exploit those children to get money.

they do infact run a REAL church out of their home, that the attendance runs over 100 people per service

I have no problem with the girls doing 20 hours of work per week, when I was a teen my sister and I did all the house work most of the cooking, almost all the laundry, and watched out younger brother every day after school as both of my parents worked 2nd shift, so we both worked more than 20 per week on household chores

well I must have missed the blanket training stuff, but personally I think if you yourself dont have perfect children and a perfect parenting style then you should keep your mouth shut about others choices on raising there children.

I also dont think they tell there girls that they should not go to college in fact the majority of there children would like to be a missionary and that requires
college training.

I personally think they are going a wonderful job with there children there are so many children in this world these days that disrespect there parents and hang around the mall just causing trouble and these kids spend time as a family and do in fact spend time with other kids there own age, but there parents choose to allow them to do so with adult supervision and maybe if more parents did this there would be fewer teen pregnancy's.
I noticed that the real grandparents are never mentioned. Does anyone know what happened here. I know I saw Great Grandma on the birthday show, but other than that they are never around. If I was the grandma, there would be know way I would not help with all those kids. It just seems odd that they are never talked about. They made a reference on the birthday show about them not being in the picture, but I just wonder why.
they do infact run a REAL church out of there home, that the attendance runs over 100 people per service

I have no problem with the girls doing 20 hours of work per week, when I was a teen my sister and I did all the house work most of the cooking, almost all the laundry, and watched out younger brother every day after school as both of my parents worked 2nd shift, so we both worked more than 20 per week on household chores

well I must have missed the blanket training stuff, but personally I think if you yourself dont have perfect children and a perfect parenting style then you should keep your mouth shut about others choices on raising there children.
I also dont think they tell there girls that they should not go to college in fact the majority of there children would like to be a missionary and that requires
college training.

I personally think they are going a wonderful job with there children there are so many children in this world these days that disrespect there parents and hang around the mall just causing trouble and these kids spend time as a family and do in fact spend time with other kids there own age, but there parents choose to allow them to do so with adult supervision and maybe if more parents did this there would be fewer teen pregnancy's.

No need to get so nasty. Nobody is saying they are the perfect parent here- but the Duggars use a book as their guide that was widely criticized by experts as being abusive. So no- I will not keep "my mouth shut". Just as you have your opinion that you think this family is just wonderful, some of us don't agree with the methods they use to keep them that way. You had to do all the work in your house? Well I am sorry that you had to but I don't think it is right for children to raise children unless they are their own. We work together as a family and we all help out and we are all responsible for each other, but I don't sit around while my kids scrub the floor. I am not Mrs. Hannigan. I am their Mom. If you check their website the kids prepare the meals. At 17 did you want to cook for 20 every single day? Would you want to do laundry for 20 every single day when you were 9? Come on. I don't care what teachings they believe in. I don't even care if they don't want to encourage their girls to get a higher education (although I find that sad) but using children as cheap labor is just plain wrong. What they do is beyond helping out. Also- according to their daily schedule- these kids barely have any down time. They have a full day of chores and school/biblework. This is JMHO as you have yours I have mine.


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