Ah who needs the pictures anyway? You don't need pictures to find out I had a great time for my first day. Anyways I'll post the second day of my trip as soon as I can.
I can tell you had a great first day and am anxiously looking forward to reading about Day two.
But I must warn you right now the second day in Epcot is actually the worst day of the entire trip. I won’t spoil you or anything until I post it up but I will say this though the whole “losing my family” thing gets worse from here on in.
I'm sorry it was a rough day, but it is nice to know it got better.
Day 2: Epcot 9 August 2011

I’m just gonna say this right now: I hated the second day it was probably the worst day of the entire trip I mean the other days while I was at Disney World was great but you gotta have a bad day on your holiday right? It can’t always be sunshine and lollipops all the time in Disney World but oh well. The day started out okay as we went to Epcot we didn’t do much in terms of the first visit there. We went on Spaceship Earth it’s nothing really special it’s just a ride about how we’ve evolved as humans so yeah not much to say about that. Test track on the other hand is another story though. At first I was really anxious by this ride at first I thought it was going to be some kind of rollercoaster after seeing the high speed track near the entrance but once I got onto the ride itself I actually enjoyed it. It was a cool and intense ride and it was nothing like a rollercoaster. A bit of a funny moment when I was on the track I started singing the chorus to Gorillaz 19/2000 because the track itself actually reminded me of the music video for 19/2000. In conclusion Test Track is one of the coolest rides I’ve been on while at Disney world. We then decided to check out the world pavilions after a bit of lunch over in the Mexican Pavilion at Cantina de San Angel and I had the Cantina Nachos which I liked very much. I loved the music inside the restaurant I was topping my feet to the rhythm of the music while I was eating I really do have a thing for Mexico even though I’ve never been there before. After lunch I decided to do some exploring while I was in the Mexican Pavilion it was starting to drizzle and who should I see by his usual meet and greet spot? But Donald Duck himself. But before I could even get a chance to go up to him the cast member that was with him told the other guests that he was going to be meeting in the temple because of the current conditions so after he met one last guest in his spot he then left for the temple I then decided to follow him into the temple by taking the main entrance inside. I then went into the temple and it was nice and warm inside and then went to see where Donald was. But he wasn’t there I guessed he hadn’t come inside yet so I decided to do something while I was waiting for him to show up.

So I then went on The Gran Fiesta boat ride to keep me occupied. I love The Three Caballeros it’s a very under appreciated film. It’s colourful, creative, the songs are catchy and I think Panchito and Jose Carioca are characters that do not get much credit where it’s due. I mean it’s good that Disney hasn’t forgotten all about them. What with them having 2 episodes in the House of Mouse and they have their own attraction in Epcot but I really think that Disney should go a step further and make a cartoon series on the pair of them with Donald. I mean it would be awesome! They would have misadventures all around South America and I’d love it if the cartoon was in 2D animation! In fact Disney why don’t you commission this idea and have me work for you? Plus it would be a lot better than the crap that you’ve got on the Disney Channel and Disney XD. But anyways I’m sidetracking here the ride was very nice and it did capture the goofiness and nature of the movie but I wouldn’t say it’s a favourite and I’m not going to go back to the ride in a hurry but I will say it’s a nice way to let off some steam when your over in the Mexican Pavilion and it’s a fun little ride that’s a lot better than It’s a small world. After I got off the ride I then wandered into the centre of the pavilion and there standing near the fountain was Donald he had arrived. I then whipped out my autograph book and pen and then waited in line to see him. I played around with the drums they had on display just to kill some time. Then my turn came I went up to him and prior to meeting him I had made up this little chant when I was having my Cantina Nachos I was singing this chant to Donald and it went: “Mexico’s awesome! Mexico’s awesome! Mexico’s awesome! Mexico’s awesome!” And immediately after I did that Donald start shaking the air as if he was carrying maracas he signed my book and then when he was finished he tipped his hat to me I then nodded in acknowledgement in his direction and then left the pavilion.

Remember the whole goose chase where I tried to find my family in the Magic Kingdom? Well because of that endeavour, my family had bought two walkie talkies from the local shopping mall outside of Disney World for the next day and they devised a system for me. I was allowed to wander off on my own on the condition that I use the walkie talkie to contact them. Basically it was a walkie talkie for emergency use, any time if they ever wanted me to meet up with them somewhere then I’d go straight to the location where they were at as soon as they contacted me on mine. The walkie talkie while it was useful for letting my family know where I was it did however have one small issue that I would like to address. The issue is that I can’t get a signal if I’m more than 10 miles away from my family’s walkie talkie and I did feel that the walkie talkie it didn’t do much good when I was in Epcot. And you’ll see why once I elaborate on that point in a bit. Anyways my father told me that they were heading for the German Pavilion so I decided to meet them up there and sure enough I found them in the centre of the pavilion while we didn’t really do much in Germany we had look around the shops and then pressed passing both the Italian and American Adventure pavilions until our next stop was at Japan. And this is where the trouble started all because of this damn pavilion. Well we were looking around the shop admiring all the goods they had there I decided to get myself a Sonic the Hedgehog T-shirt which costed roughly $20 - $30 worth. And without any thought of what I was doing I left the shop whilst my mother was buying me the shirt even worse the drizzle had become heavy rain and like anything I ran away from the Japanese pavilion trying to find shelter. Basically I was running around all over the place in Epcot it was a madcap search for a place to protect myself under the rain. I was drenched from head to toe in water and I was so focused on keeping myself dry that I hadn’t noticed that I had left my family behind again. And when I realized I had left them behind, it was already too late for they had already left the shop in the Japanese pavilion. This time around the search for my family was dead serious I tried communicating with them on my walkie talkie but because I was too far away from range I was unable to tell them that I was okay.

Then seeing as I couldn’t stay in the Japanese pavilion any longer I decided to seek back at the Mexican pavilion so I trekked all the way back to the Mexican pavilion I was stuck there for a while. I did the Gran Fiesta boat ride again and sat the fountain and to get dried off but to no avail. When I came out of the pavilion the heavy rain settled down for a bit and then for some reason I went to the Chinese pavilion next and surprisingly I was stuck there as well because the heavy rain had started up again. While I was I looked around at all the different exhibits that China had to offer. I saw some pretty interesting things at the tomb warriors exhibition. I then went out of the exhibition gallery and I exited out I found another character to my very surprise. It was Fa-Mulan! Yes Mulan was there greeting guests inside the temple obviously because of the bad conditions outside. I thought about going up to her but I didn’t. Now it’s not the fact that I don’t like her it’s just the fact that I couldn’t agree with myself if she were a princess or not because from my understanding Disney have made Mulan an official Disney princess into the princess line. Because I know it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie but I really don’t recall Mulan ever being married to a prince or had royalty in her blood like the other princesses do and while I’m on the subject of Disney Princesses, Pocahontas does not count as a princess! How does she along with Mulan fit into the princess line exactly? I mean Mulan was a woman who fought in the Chinese army and Shang was never a prince! Also Pocahontas shouldn’t even exist in the line because Native Americans are not known for royalty! How they managed to get the two in the princess line is beyond me. Plus I kind of a thing about meeting the princesses in general. (Sighs) I’m a boy, deal with it! And that is that I can’t see them unless they are accompanied by their lover. But I would be willing to meet Rapunzel on her own considering that Flynn Rider is no longer with her on a regular basis mainly because she’s a lot different from the other princesses same thing with Tiana hell I was thinking of singing The Wanderer by Dion to her anyway. Those two are exceptions but the rest of the princesses I can’t meet them unless they are accompanied by their lover. But anyways getting back on topic, because of the heavy rain I was stuck in the temple for quite some time. A female cast member came up to me and asked me if I was feeling okay and I told her about my predicament of losing my family and how I ended up in the Chinese pavilion. And she did say to me that the pavilion is a beautiful place to hide out from the rain and I have to agree on this pavilion it’s a really stunning place to come to. I really think that Epcot have got China down to a tie and I wouldn’t mind visiting this pavilion again once I return to Disney World that is.

But anyways I knew I couldn’t stay in that pavilion forever so I braved the rain and trekked all the way to the French Pavilion while I was there I decided to do something about finding my family so I went to the nearest cast member that I could find but unforuntaely the female cast member I encountered was a character cast member for Belle and the Beast I told her my situation but the problem was she didn’t know what to do with me once she found about it so she took me into the town of the French Pavilion to some cast members that might be able to help me. Luckily there was a male cast member to help me on my way I told him everything that happened to me. He was helpful and very understanding of my situation he escorted me from the French pavilion to future world. On the way we passed the British pavilion and he asked me what I thought considering I am British myself and what I said to him about the pavilion was: “Errruggggh! I hate old fashioned buildings!” You see before I came over to Florida I was being sceptic that I was gonna hate America because from the things that I seen from Family Guy and The Simpsons that they tend to be snarky and take the piss out of the British and just basically stereotype most brits as posh smobs who drink tea, wear a glass monocle and go: “Spit spot cherry-ho old bean!” or just make us sound like we are off the set of Oliver Twist for god sakes. The cast member who was walking me back happened to be American did tell me that Americans do respect us brits but only a minority of Americans respect my country as inviduvals because the majority of yanks think that a british person is something they’ve seen on TV. But then again I could stereotype their county as dumb, gun totting, cheeseburger eating slumbs who don’t know any better than be ignorant of my nationality just for the sake of being ignorant. No offence to your country America, I love it and I wanna come back to the states but god damn it don’t stereotype my country please. Seriously Britain is no different from your country you know. And I have agree with the cast member when he says his own country is very feckle when it comes to my country, and that’s really saying a lot about the country he lives in.

And there awaiting my return in future world was my family. They weren’t very pleased to see me because of the fact that I had just randomly ditched them again. Okay the reason why they were glad to see me in the Magic Kingdom was understandable because of the weather but this time it was out of line for me. My father was very disappointed in me for doing it a second time he said that if I ditched them again then he would disown me from the family altogether and he literally meant it. And as a result I felt really rotten for doing it and to this day I’m trying to forget what had happened the first time I was in Epcot. This is a very sour note for me because I really wanted to go to Epcot on a better day when it wasn’t raining and the sad thing was it was my first time there. I hope when I go back to Disney World I’ll go to Epcot all sunny and then I would do a lot more of the day when I’m there.
I'm sorry you lost your family, and that it would not stop raining. It stinks to be cold and wet and is even worse that you did not have any family around to console you while you were feeling so miserable. I like the Three Caballeros ride too. DS is a huge Donald Fan, so we rode it twice last trip as well.

Getting the walkie talkies was a good idea. Sorry it did not pan out. I am sure that your Dad was frustrated that they lost track of you two days in a row, but I doubt he would have disowned you. We love the Chinese Pavillion too, and I think it may even be my favorite. Mulan and Pocahontas are not princesses. You are correct. I always wondered why Disney calls Mulan a princess but was not aware it claimed Pocahontas was one.

I do not watch the Simpsons or the Family Guy. The humor is a little low brow for me. Not all Americans see the british the way they are depicted in the shows you mention (taking your word for it, since I do not watch them) or the cast member you encountered. I do not really know many british people, but I see them as similar to Americans with more proper speech. That is probably where the term, the Queen's English, came from. I have never heard the expression you wrote, (“Spit spot cherry-ho old bean!”) so I am not even sure what it means.

The term yank or yankee never really identified wiith me. It was used just for northeners back in the day, but some people now use it for all Americans. Personally, I have only lived in the South (for 4 years) and the West the rest of my life. It does not offend me at all, but I just do not consider myself a yank/yankee.

I am glad your days picked up and cannot wait to read more.
But let's not dwell on that day shall we? Like I said things get better after that "fateful day" anyway. Now for the next one I don't know if I should really call a day because I didn't really spend the day but more or less the evening at one of the places in the resort and I was thinking of maybe making a mini report on that and calling those times when I just spend the night at those places as: Disney Night events. Disney Night events is the tiny little bits from the trip at Disney World where I spend the night at the resort and didn't do a full day there. If you wanna hear about them then it's fine by now.
Anymore commenters? No? Then I'll post up my first Disney Night event then:

Disney Night Event 1 - Downtown Disney
Well after my fiasco at Epcot I didn't do much on the next day and pretty much lazed about the appartment. The good thing about the appartment was that it was 2 hours away from Disney World itself and it also had a pool there so that was cool as well. Anyways my father thought it would be a good idea if he took me and my younger sister to Downtown Disney for the night whilst my mother relaxed at the appartment. Of course I said yes because I wanted to know what Downtown Disney was like and my sister also agreed to come so my father drove the rental car that we hired from The Alamo we headed straight for Downtown Disney.

My intial thoughts to Downtown Disney is this: It's pretty the Disney Village of Disney World but a whole lot bigger and like Disney Village they have many things that the latter place has especially with the West side I really had a sense of deja vu while I was there I just kept on thinking of Disney Village and I know it wasn't there but I was half expecting Cafe Mickey to show up around the corner I really did think that at first. We didn't do much while we were there we just kept flitting in and out of the various shops we did come across an exhibition for two NASCAR like cars which I'm assuming are from the ESPN wide world sports complex center. I'm not really a sports fan myself but I have heard of NASCAR is very dull. Seriously 20 or 30ish cars going around a curved circuit? Boring! And for the record I haven't been to the ESPN wide world sports complex center and I wouldn't recommend it the only thing I know about that center is that they had Phineas and Ferb doing Meet and Greets there before they had their offical meet and greet spot over at Disney Hollywood Studios. And that's my prime knowledge of the ESPN wide world sports centre just the fact that Phineas and Ferb used to meet there and that's it.

Anyways going back on topic, we then headed towards DisneyQuest and as you know I'm a video game junkie which means I'm a huge sucker for arcades so we decided to stay there for awhile. Once I was inside I then spotted that they had the Donkey Kong arcade machine I had heard so much about it that being me a Super Mario fan and that it's Mario's first ever game before he became famous. I wasn't very good at it but I had a stab at it anyway. And the funny thing was that it a lot of coins inside of it so I could retry again and again.

I decided to do some exploring around the place so I went up all the way to the fourth floor now am I the only one that will say this but I really hate virtual reality gaming. I mean it's bad enough that Microsoft and Sony are copying Nintendo's ideas in the gaming industry but why in the name of Thor is Virtual reality still existing in video games? What the hell is wrong with playing video games with just a basic controller huh? What's wrong with that? I just really hate the notion that you have to wear a stupid looking helmet and wear gloves to play games. It's a stupid concept! Anyways mini-rant over I reached the fourth floor and found something that I really liked: Invasion! An ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter. Now that was something I could get my head around because I was shooting aliens. I had tons of fun while doing this but can somebody remind what that ride that Stitch's great escape replaced was? I know it's a ride that people enjoyed but I don't understand what it's about. Anyways I went on the ride alone and the cast member who was there set the driving controls to auto pilot and like I said I had a lot of fun with it.

Now unlike with Epcot, the walkie talkie actually proved useful here both inside and outside and yes I had it with me again. I then went downstairs to meet my father and sister who where on the third floor we then did the
Bowl-o-rama and I was actually pretty good at it I managed to beat both my father and sister playing it.

For the rest of the evening we didn't do much besides browsing through a sunglasses shop where my father needed to check if he could some new lenses for the ones he already had. Other that not much to say about this sorry this one was short but there really wasn't anything that memorable to report but it's tons better than the first visit to Epcot and I really am gonna be harping on and on about it throughout this trip report so bear with me on that one.
Relaxing at the hotel can be a lot of fun on a Disney trip too, so your morning sounded nice to me. We love Downtown Disney as well. I am not a gamer and my kids are young (4 and 3mos), so we have not been to Disney Quest yet. Based on what I've read, all the games are included with admission. That may be the reason you did not need any coins (or assumed they were left behind) for Donkey Kong.

I am not a huge sports fan either and also find NASCAR boring, so we have never been to WWoS either.

I do love Phineas and Ferb. We just saw their live stage show last night, and it was really good. DS4 was so impressed.

I am glad the walkie talkies worked better for you at DD, and that you had a better day.
Day 3 Typhoon Lagoon and Disney Hollywood Studios

All I gotta say is: god damn has this holiday made some development for me. This time was a park day for me and this time it was an improvement over Epcot. A massive improvement there. And I really felt like I was enjoying today and you know I think the magic might’ve come back overnight because the weather was sunny again where we were going. The park we went to this time was one of the water parks: Typhoon Lagoon. And man I now love water parks because of that place. So things were looking up and I was having so much fun there. Apart from being splashed and tipped upside down by those upstart floats at the Castaway Creek! What’s the matter with you floats?! Don’t you know who I am?! Not the legs! (Sobs) Anyways I did the Keelhaul and Gangplank Falls and I even caught got in the wave at the centre beach I went on Crush N’ gusher with my father let’s just say me and him have different opinions on that particular slide if you know what I mean. It’s a bit a of shame really cuz I really could’ve done more if my visit wasn’t cut short over the fact that my sister wasn’t feeling too good and had to leave so soon. You see my sister was once 13 (she’s turned 14 recently on September 30th as I write this) was coming to that age where she starts having her period and unfortunately it had happened while we were there and from what I was told her swimming suit was bleeding from the inside and she had spend the rest of the visit to Typhoon Lagoon confided to a chair near the surf pool. My father hadn’t got the necessary things to help her get better because my mother wasn’t with us when this happened. Luckily she recovered and she was fine to go to the next park for the afternoon: Disney Hollywood Studios or as I like to call it The Park formerly named Disney MGM studios. Why call it this, because my father kept calling Disney Hollywood Studios, Disney MGM studios well giving that he hadn’t been to Disney World in a long while it would make sense for him to call the park by it’s former name. The last time he went was when he went there for his honeymoon with my mother back in 1991 the year Beauty and the Beast came out and the odd thing was that I was born 2 years after their trip. Yeah who knew right?

Our entrance there was a bit sloppy because my father had forgotten to get the park tickets and they were still in the rental car so he along with my sister had to go back on the tram to get them luckily for me and my mother he had mine and her ticket with him so we were able to get into the park before them. They eventually got into the park only for my sister to dart off into the shops I swear she was like a magpie with those shops she did this all the time while I was in Disney world. Every time she saw a shop in any park she would then look around it for a brief moment and then come back out again it was very annoying it was just like stop looking in every bloody shop in the park, damn it! While me and my mother were waiting for my father to get my sister out of the shops she was browsing she and along with me watched a bit of streetmosphere with the citizens of Hollywood. Once my sister and my father were out of the shop we decided to go on Star Tours! I love Star Tours and like the Haunted Mansion it’s one of my favourite rides and it’s a classic for many a guest at any Disney park. Now before the trip I had learned that all versions of Star Tours were going to be refurbished into a new version where you travel to new planets which is Endor and for some reason Tatoonie. And speaking as someone who’s been on the original ride at Euro Disney, I would have to say that this new version is actually great. It’s just as good as the original and I defiantly think giving the ride an update was a wise choice there. Next we went to see the Indiana Jones stunt show which was pretty much the motors cars stunt show from Euro Disney only without the cars and motorcycles and Herbie. Instead of the generic action sequence that Lights, motors action extreme stunt show had to offer it had 3 iconic scenes from the first Indy film.

I’ll be honest I didn’t like the above mentioned show because I found it to be rather bland and generic for my tastes mainly because it wasn’t really focusing on a specific scene from any movie in particular. Now don’t get me wrong, I love hardcore action sequences I’m all for violence in films but to be frank the scene in Lights, Motors, Action extreme stunt show was pretty much made for the show and didn’t do anything spectacular with it. While the Indiana Jones show on the other hand was working with not one but three classic scenes from like I said the first Indiana Jones movie. Now that was something I could get my head around on and I actually liked it over Lights, Motors, Action extreme stunt show in Euro Disney. With that said the Indiana Jones show was pretty cool but one little gripe I have with it. The female host. Okay, she would’ve been okay if it weren’t for the fact that she had a really, really, really, really high pitched voice and she sounded like she was on helium and to me she sounded like a female version of the Squeaky voiced teen from the Simpsons. Whoa did I just reference The Simpsons twice in this whole trip report? Anyways moving on we also went on the Tram tour which was pretty much the same as it was in the Walt Disney Studios park in Euro Disney so nothing to report there.

After we went on the Tram tour my father and sister wanted to go on Tower of terror and of course my mother was squirmish with things that could be scary to her and knowing Tower of Terror’s reputation as a ride, that is quite the understatement coming from me. So I volunteered to look after her while they went on it. It was the least I could do on short notice and considering what I put her through in the past few days and I decided to keep her company and make her smile at least. She wanted to go to Journey into Narnia: Prince Caspian at first she thought it was gonna be interesting but it was a big letdown when we found out it was more than just a summary of what happened in the second movie and an exhibition of the costumes and props that were used in the movie. You know what wouldn’t be disappointing? Seeing Buzz and Woody! Why the hell didn’t I get in line to see them? I mean there meet and greet spot was not too far from the Journey into Narnia thing in Pixar place we kept going past it so why not go over there and see them? Man I had missed a good opportunity there god I would’ve played around with them and it wouldn’t be a big letdown! But oh well me and my mother then wandered over to Sunset Boulevard we bought some water and I got myself some Cheetohs. Why is it with things like Lucky Charms, Cheetohs and Count Chocoula they are discontinued in the UK yet they still sell them over in the US? I really don’t get that. Anyways my father and sister had finished riding Tower of Terror and we all decided to stick around for Fantasmic.

So we wondered over to the arena and surprisingly though we got the best seats in the left far end a little bit of a fun moment before the show started the people in the first row were doing the Mexican wave and then it spread to the second and then sooner or later we all start doing the Mexican wave I don’t know what that was about but it was a good way to kill some time I guess. Now onto the actual show itself: Fantasmic. What did I think of it? Well after seeing it I love it. I love Fantasmic. Before I went Disney World I have heard a lot about Fantasmic and that it was an awesome show and probably the best that Disney world to offer and now I can fully agree with them on that statement itself. It’s such a brilliant show, the special effects were amazing from the water fountains splashing upwards when Mickey first appears to Maleficent’s epic transformation into her dragon form. It was mind blowing from start to finish. It’s defiantly worth it in the evening to see the show and it’s no doubt about it my favourite moment of my trip to Disney World hands down. Just awesome, no other words to describe it just no questions asked. It is that good of a show and I love it to bits. Thank you so much Disney, for providing me a wonderful night spectacle for me watch just thank you so much I really owe you one big time.
That is cool that your parents honeymooned at WDW. My husband and I honeymooned there too, and we had a blast. The only thing that is nicer is watching our kids enjoy themselves. Your parents must have loved seeing you and your sister at the place they opened their marrriage with.

Sorry your Typhoon Lagoon trip was cut short, but I am glad your sister was feeling better for HS. That is my favorite park. I cannot sit through the Indy show anymore as I find it too boring. I love the ToT. We love watching Fantasmic at WDW even though it is not as good as Dl, because it has better seating.

I love Lucky Charms and DS4 loves cheetos. They are staples in our house, so I would be bummed if they discontinued them here.
You and your husband went to WDW on your honeymoon?! Damn, what are the chances of that eh? I guess it is true disney does bring in couples. It's good to know that my parents went for their honeymoon before I was born and yeah you could say that they were happy that I was enjoying myself whilst I was there they don't like to admit it but I reckon they enjoyed themselves the first time they were there.

Man before I went to WDW I wanted to try some Lucky Charms but when I got to America I never got a chance to eat some while I was there. (sighs)

Oh one little thing that I forgot to mention while I was about to leave Typhoon Lagoon I saw Lilo and Stitch greeting guests by the surfboards on the way to the centre beach but unforunately like Woody and Buzz I didn't meet them. And I'm guessing they were only there for photos so whatever.

I'm actually glad that I went to see Fantasmic because now I know that there isn't gonna be another night time show that could match Fantasmic. It was definatly the highlight of the whole trip and I was really drawn into it besides the special effects, I loved the soundtrack for it. I have never seen anything like this show it's so marvelous and I was literally lost for words after I saw it just nothing more to say it's just incredible.
My husband and I did enjoy our trip without our kids, but I enjoy the trips with our kids more.

World of Color at DCA in the DLR is my favorite night time show. Fantasmic is a close second.
Well I wouldn't know what World of Colour is like because I've never been to Disneyland in Califorina. But I'll take your word on it whatever it's about anyways.
I've just watched it and it's beautiful I reckon it comes a close second behind Fantasmic. I didn't enjoy it as much as Fantasmic but it's still a wonderful show. I doubt I'm gonna see it live but it's the closest I'll get to seeing it anyway.
Right update time. The next day is another lazy day so that means it's another Disney Night event but only this time at Epcot....Again I could've done so much more with this park if it haven't have rained and I ran off like that. Ya know the first thing I'm gonna do when I return to Disney World? I'm gonna take that monorail and go to Epcot because I feel I need to make my redemption there. I really do it's like being unloved but no matter that time will come. That time will come.
I love Epcot and am confident it'll find redemption. Lazy days are nice.


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