The Caprias hit the World - HARD!!! UPDATE 4/21 TRIP REPORT LINK ADDED pg 7!

:wave2: Just joining in.
Pooh Bear is just the cutest dog!

I can't wait to hear all the details of where you're staying and what ADR's you made.

I am glad to hear you want to stick with the cybershot. My husband got me a pink cybershot for x-mas to use on this trip, but after seeing everyone using the more expensive DSLR I really wanted to upgrade. I am hoping it works out okay, I really don't want to lug around a bigger camera.

Looking foward to more!
awww pooh bear!!!!! sooooo precious!! I just love dogs! I'm so glad she's healthy!! :flower3:

Thanks :hug:

:wave2: Just joining in.
Pooh Bear is just the cutest dog!

I can't wait to hear all the details of where you're staying and what ADR's you made.

I am glad to hear you want to stick with the cybershot. My husband got me a pink cybershot for x-mas to use on this trip, but after seeing everyone using the more expensive DSLR I really wanted to upgrade. I am hoping it works out okay, I really don't want to lug around a bigger camera.

Looking foward to more!

:welcome: Thanks for reading & joining in!!

I haven't decided... YET... how exactly I will be unveiling this information. Meaning our trip details. I know there are hundreds (probably more like thousands) of Dissers on the edge of their seats waiting so I have to make sure to do it the right way. :lmao:

Yes, I will be picking up a new Cybershot soon. But I REALLY want an SLR. Big time. Actually the one I picked out is around $2400. :scared1: For that I could go on another Disney trip. So that isn't happening anytime soon. But I am excited to have any camera at all because I have been using the camera on my BlackBerry for like 8 months now and boy does that stink. When I get the new Cybershot, I will be so excited that I will be taking pictures of everything, probably each and every strand of my hair. Yeah, THAT excited! :woohoo:
I Ain't Never Had A Friend Like THIS

So, I'm one of those girls who surveys the parks for the hot cast members. Yeah, you heard me. I LOVE the Prince Charmings, the Aladdins, the Erics. Not in an obnoxious way. Most of the time. Did you guys know that some Florida locals call Haunted Mansion the make-out ride? Nevermind.

At the time of our 2006 epic ten day Disney trip to celebrate my birthday, my cousin (who was 6 at the time) was obsessed with Aladdin. When I told her I was going to Disney, she kept talking about how lucky I was to get to see Aladdin and Jasmine, so I knew I had to get pictures of them to show her.

Towards the end of our trip, I still hadn't seen them, so we headed to Adventureland to look for them by the magic carpet ride. Sure enough, there was Aladdin and Jasmine meeting fans outside one of the stores. Aladdin looked quite good. I'm just saying.

So anyway, along with them was a huuuuuuuuuuuge line of people. I didn't want to wait that long to meet them, so I just decided to take some pictures of them from the side. They were in an area blocked off with white rope (the kind they put up for parades) so I went to the left of them against the rope and started taking photos. Aladdin kept looking my way. I figured it was because he noticed I was trying to get some good shots and he was just being nice. I was standing next to a parked stroller that had a princess balloon tied to it. All of a sudden, Aladdin leaves Jasmine and the huge line of people without a word (they seemed pretty annoyed at this), and walks over to me.

"Hi!" Aladdin said. My pre-school years crush of the animated Aladdin flashed before my eyes as he smiled and I laughed on the inside.

"Hi!" I replied.

He then grabbed the princess balloon, and whacked me over the head with it.

Yeah. I'm not making this up.

It was so ridiculous and silly that I froze. I mean... what do you do when Aladdin whacks you over the head with a princess balloon at Disney World? Or any kind of balloon? Anywhere?!

I just started laughing. Silly things happen to me all the time. I'm a silly person. But this was kind of in another league. Even I was not expecting to get hit. At Disney. With ANYTHING. By any character. Ever.

Aladdin was laughing too and did not say another word. I wondered if he did this to many people or if I am just a lucky guest.

As Aladdin started walking back towards Jasmine and the crowd, I started laughing even harder. Hysterics. Tears. This happened because the reaction of the line of people was the most hilarious part of it all. The looks on their faces. Some were mad that a girl who was not in line was getting time with Aladdin before them. Some just laughing at the randomness of it, like I was. But most? Had these confused, frozen, no-idea-how-to-react looks on their faces and it was priceless.

The best was Jasmine's.

You know the part in Aladdin where Jasmine is told she is to marry Jafar? The look on her face? That was pretty much it. I was almost on the ground laughing.

After a few seconds, Aladdin and Jasmine went back to posing with adoring fans and I walked away, dumbfounded and wondering if I had dreamt what had just happened.

Fast forward to the next day. Yeah, this isn't over.

It was our last full day at Disney. We hadn't gotten a chance to see the Share A Dream Come True Parade yet, so I made sure to be at the Magic Kingdom in time for it. I arrived right before it began and luckily there was still room in the front row for one person. I sat on the curb and really, really enjoyed the parade.

I see the Aladdin float start to approach from down Main Street. I wonder if it's the same Aladdin. Not that there is more than one Aladdin. But...uh... you know what I mean. The float in front of Aladdin was just about to pass by when I realized that yes, it was my friend from yesterday.

I realized this because he started waving furiously at me. Not the usual Disney character wave, either. It was the kind of wave that one might do if they were lost at sea for days and they finally spotted a ship. I smiled and waved back. I thought of ducking. I mean, who knows what he has up on that float. I didn't want to get pelted with anything. You have to learn from experience with men, i've found. Usually I use the fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me school of thinking. This time it was whack me with something once, shame on you; whack me with something twice, shame on me. I checked for nearby balloons. Thankfully there were none. I was safe.

People around me had noticed the intense waving and looked at me like they were trying to figure out what TV show they knew me from. Nope, not a celeb, just a target of your favorite Disney character!

Those of you who have a copy of the Share A Dream Come True track probably know the Aladdin part by heart. Aladdin says, "I never had a friend like - like you!" When he said "you" he pointed to me and blew me a kiss. I know he does this to someone during every parade, but considering the previous day's events, I found it quite funny.

I actually went back to Adventureland later that day looking for him. I had a bone to pick with Mr. Aladdin Sir. But alas, he wasn't there. I never saw him again, but I'll always have the ridiculous memory of getting assaulted with overpriced Disney merchandise by one of my favorite characters. Isn't that what Disney World is all about, after all?

Up next: Everyone Has A Crazy Aunt
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That's hilarious! I can't just see you doubled over with laughter! :rotfl2: You'll have to post a pic of "your" Aladdin.
what a great story!! You had me smiling & laughing the whole time! that's so funny that he wacked you with the balloon!! lol! Hope you get to see him again! :love:
Hey there! Since you posted on my PTR I thought I'd come on over to check out yours. Love all your pictures...they are great!

That is hilarious about Aladdin! :rotfl:
Oh, Aladdin. :lovestruc

He is the most gorgeous specimen of the cartoon species. His hair is gorgeous. And his big brown eyes are gorgeous. And he wears that purple vest that highlights all of his good features.

So, the fact that Aladdin hit you in the head with a $15 balloon makes me incredibly jealous. Al, if you are reading this, feel free to hit me with whatever you want. I'd prefer something soft, but hard works too. My head is tough. I can handle it.

Seriously though, that is a great story. I've never met Aladdin and Jasmine in the parks. I've always been too afraid that I'd make a fool of myself by just standing there awkwardly and drooling in Prince Ali's presence. Maybe this year I'll have to suck it up and get a picture. :upsidedow
That's hilarious! I can't just see you doubled over with laughter! :rotfl2: You'll have to post a pic of "your" Aladdin.

:lmao: yes I will have to! I have been searching for the disc with ALL my trip pictures to no avail! But when I do he will be posted for all the world to see!

what a great story!! You had me smiling & laughing the whole time! that's so funny that he wacked you with the balloon!! lol! Hope you get to see him again! :love:

I'm glad someone finds me amusing LOL. And wouldn't that be the most hilarious thing? For him to still be there. We need to have a reunion of sorts. :laughing:

Hey there! Since you posted on my PTR I thought I'd come on over to check out yours. Love all your pictures...they are great!

That is hilarious about Aladdin! :rotfl:

:welcome: and thanks for reading & the compliments ;) It is appreciated!! :wizard:

:rotfl2: Okay, I can't believe you let him get away!

Subscribing in here. I love your writing, and can't wait to hear more!

Hi Laura... so glad you've decided to join in on my PTR cause I love yours! and... I KNOW!!! That could have been my SOULMATE :lovestruc right there. Ah well, if it's meant to be... love will find a way. At our wedding there will need to be many of those princess balloons for sure. ;)

Thanks for reading!!

Oh, Aladdin. :lovestruc

He is the most gorgeous specimen of the cartoon species. His hair is gorgeous. And his big brown eyes are gorgeous. And he wears that purple vest that highlights all of his good features.

So, the fact that Aladdin hit you in the head with a $15 balloon makes me incredibly jealous. Al, if you are reading this, feel free to hit me with whatever you want. I'd prefer something soft, but hard works too. My head is tough. I can handle it.

Seriously though, that is a great story. I've never met Aladdin and Jasmine in the parks. I've always been too afraid that I'd make a fool of myself by just standing there awkwardly and drooling in Prince Ali's presence. Maybe this year I'll have to suck it up and get a picture. :upsidedow

:rotfl: I'm glad to hear i'm not the only kid who toooooooootally wanted to be Aladdin's princess!! I always had a crush on Eric too. He is just dreamy.

Yeah, I didn't mind the whack over the head so much. It was a balloon, not an ashtray or something. I wasn't injured but my heart will forever be SCARRED!!! He is the love em and leave em type!!! Or... whack em and leave em!!!

You TOTALLY have to get a pic next time! So do I. I need to make a POINT to get a picture with Aladdin this trip. You know, for old time sake. :lmao:

Thanks for reading =)

Well, I have to say that this is a completely different sort-of PTR---NO DETAILS???? I'm not sure I can handle it---I am a control freak, who thrives on details---I need to know everything! :rotfl:

Now that I think about it, this is a great way to have a huge following for your trip report. We'll all be checking every day to find out where you stayed, when you stayed, where you ate........;)

I will be waiting for some more details. BTW, I can't wait to read the next installment, "Everyone has a crazy aunt". In my case, it's a crazy sister! :crazy:
Hey girl. I finally made it over here. I am LOVING it so far. :)

:rotfl2: Aladdin!

Hey! So glad you're joining in!!!:woohoo:

Well, I have to say that this is a completely different sort-of PTR---NO DETAILS???? I'm not sure I can handle it---I am a control freak, who thrives on details---I need to know everything! :rotfl:

Now that I think about it, this is a great way to have a huge following for your trip report. We'll all be checking every day to find out where you stayed, when you stayed, where you ate........;)

I will be waiting for some more details. BTW, I can't wait to read the next installment, "Everyone has a crazy aunt". In my case, it's a crazy sister! :crazy:


I understand! I am quite a control freak myself. However, I thought it would be interesting to do something different on here. I LOVE reading TRs and PTRs, but sometimes it can get a little redundant, like "We went here. We did this. It was fun. I love Disney World! The end." and I find myself bored. SO I thought this would be fun and different =) I'm really glad you like it and that you're joining in. I love your TR!

and yes, oh yes. The next installment is one for the books, trust me!! I have my crazy aunt to thank for that! :rotfl:

Thanks for reading guys. :)

I LOVE reading TRs and PTRs, but sometimes it can get a little redundant, like "We went here. We did this. It was fun. I love Disney World! The end." and I find myself bored.

I hope you don't think this about my TR! :flower3: :flower3:

By the way...I know I just got back, but can I come with you?! :laughing:
I hope you don't think this about my TR! :flower3: :flower3:

By the way...I know I just got back, but can I come with you?! :laughing:

Absolutely NOT.. I love your TR. You and your fiance are adorable!!! I love reading about your Disney adventures :goodvibes

The more the merrier!! I am so jealous of your trip with xoktenox because I have alwaaaaaaaays wanted to do a trip with my girls.... but everyone has college and/or work or they don't have the money or... they'd rather go somewhere else! :scared1: Crazy people!
Absolutely NOT.. I love your TR. You and your fiance are adorable!!! I love reading about your Disney adventures :goodvibes

The more the merrier!! I am so jealous of your trip with xoktenox because I have alwaaaaaaaays wanted to do a trip with my girls.... but everyone has college and/or work or they don't have the money or... they'd rather go somewhere else! :scared1: Crazy people!

Okay good. :laughing:

Haha, they are crazy people! Besides my family and Fiance, no one really gets my love for WDW. :rolleyes:
Everyone Has A Crazy Aunt

You all know her. The crazy aunt. Or maybe you've got a crazy cousin. Or the most fun of all: the crazy grandma. The one who gets your mom a book on karma sutra. The one who turns on Gloria Estefan and sings along to the music in a Spanish accent while doing the limbo. The one who sometimes removes articles of clothing at inappropriate times.

Like I said, you know her.

My crazy aunt is one of a kind. And she's actually not crazy all the time, to be fair. The problem is that she suffers from a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. She has to sleep wearing a mask connected to a machine that regulates her breathing. It's obviously a very uncomfortable thing and causes people to not get as much rest when they sleep as others. A lot of the time she is extremely tired during the day due to the lack of rest. It's really nothing to laugh about. Except when, out of her fatigue, she does things that are really, really funny. Then everyone laughs. Including her. So that means it's okay to be in the fetal position cracking up so hard in total disbelief of what she has just done.

I could tell many, many stories on this. But it's a Disney board. So here we go.

About two weeks before we left for our 2006 Disney World trip, my aunt called and said she had to travel to Tampa for work at the same time we were going to be at Disney. She spent her time in Tampa and then joined us for three days at the Pop Century Resort. On one of these days, we had dinner at the fantastic California Grill.

If you eat at the California Grill, you have the privilege of viewing Wishes from a deck that sits atop the Contemporary Resort. Seeing the Magic Kingdom from up there is just breathtaking. So breathtaking, in fact, that some of us kept getting up before the food arrived to go out there and see it.

At one point, my aunt decided to get up and go. My mom, dad, and I stayed at the table. A lot of time passed. At first we just figured, oh she's probably enjoying the gorgeous Magic Kingdom view so much that she's taking her time. Then the food came. My mom decided to go out to the deck and get her. A few minutes later my mom returned saying she wasn't out there.

We weren't worried. I mean, the sleep apnea makes her a little loopy, but not loopy enough that she can't handle it. Not loopy enough that anything actually bad would happen. She usually just says funny things and can't watch 10 minutes of TV without falling asleep and snoring LOUD. Nothing serious. So we figured she had gone to the bathroom or something.

Finally about five minutes later she comes over and sits down. We all say things like "Where were you?" and "What took so long?"

She says, "You guys are not going to believe this."

We all exchange nervous looks.

She continues, "I went to go sit down in that seating area over there just to people watch for a minute. The next thing I know, a member of the staff is tapping me on the shoulder telling me to wake up. Apparently, I was snoring a little bit too."

Now, the California Grill is a nice place. A really nice place. It's fancy and expensive with top notch food. It's not the kind of restaurant you fall asleep in. Or snore in. EVER. If there are any restaurants you could do that in. Which there aren't. But if there were, trust me, the California Grill would not be one of them.

At this point I wonder just how long my aunt was sound asleep in the middle of this place. I wonder how many people walked by and stared. Pointed. Laughed. With confused looks on their faces. I felt bad for her. Then she starts to giggle. So I giggle too. Then we all do. We love her and her unpredictable sleeping habits. Even if they do occur in the middle of a two hundred dollar dinner.

Hey, there are worse disorders and diseases to be stuck with. If you have to have one, it's nice to have one that gives you a good laugh.

Then... the next day happened.

We decided to spend this day lounging around our resort. I was in our room taking a nap. My parents and aunt were outside by the pool for a few hours. I was happy for the uninterrupted, quiet relaxation.

Then I hear a knock on the door. I get up. Look out. It's my aunt.

I open the door. She says, "I did something... really bad I think."

The same nervous look from the night before flew onto my face at that point, I'm sure. We go to sit down on the bed.

"What happened?"

What she proceeded to tell me is now legend in our family. It is the kind of hilariously embarrassing story that gets told at every Christmas and Thanksgiving. My aunt finds it funny herself, so there are no hard feelings. In fact, she cracks up so hard at it in disbelief that it even happened... just like the rest of us.

Here is the story as I heard it. Apparently my aunt had fallen asleep beside the pool. After a little nap, she realized she was starving. She made her way to the Everything Pop food court. According to her, she was so tired that she was in a complete daze and didn't really know what she was doing. She was so hungry and saw a man coming towards her holding a tray of a burger and fries.

My wonderful yet delirious aunt stopped this man dead in his tracks. Stood in front of him. Took a french fry off of his tray and started eating it in front of him.

I would pay a thousand dollars to have a video tape of this encounter.

"Only when I finished the fry and looked up to see his befuddled expression did I wake up and realize what I had done," she told me. I am cracking up at this point. Imagining this man watching some nut take his food and eat it without any hint in her mind that this behavior is not normal. Priceless.

After his stunned silence, the man said, dumbfounded, "Do I... know you?"

"I finally snapped out of it and... what do you say when you do something like that?"

She told me she finally said to him, "I am SO sorry. I am SO SO SO SO SO SORRY. I am just SO tired."

"He seemed kind of scared and just said 'It's okay...' and walked away. Can you believe this?" she asked me.

Frankly I didn't believe it. I mean, like I said, usually she just says or does some silly things. Up until this point she had never stole someone's food and then openly ate it in front of them. Which is the funniest part to me. I mean, imagine you're at your resort walking with your food, minding your own business, and this happens. How do you even react? Thank God she got a calm, understanding individual and not some hot head who would have freaked out and made a scene. I really didn't feel like getting kicked out of Disney World that day.

Next up: A break from the stories, I'm thinking some more past trip pictures or an installment about DISNEY FOOD???
:laughing: Have you seen the "Is this you?" thread? It's where people post pics from their WDW trips that have other people in them in hopes that it's someone on here. I can just see someone walking by and snapping a pic of your aunt while she was either the Cali Grill or by the pool!

:laughing: I would've loved to see that on video tape! That guy's face had to be priceless!

With all that aside, I'm sorry that she does have to go through that. :flower3:
:laughing: Have you seen the "Is this you?" thread? It's where people post pics from their WDW trips that have other people in them in hopes that it's someone on here. I can just see someone walking by and snapping a pic of your aunt while she was either the Cali Grill or by the pool!

:laughing: I would've loved to see that on video tape! That guy's face had to be priceless!

With all that aside, I'm sorry that she does have to go through that. :flower3:

No, I haven't! But that thread sounds hilarious! I always notice when I'm in the background of someone who is taking a picture and think... how weird, they'll have a picture of me forever. If someone had a pic of her sleeping I would never stop laughing!!

Thanks:hug: Actually she has gotten a lot better recently. She still says silly things all the time, but she can actually get through watching movies and stuff without nodding off. Like I said, there are worse things to have, so she doesn't really stress over it too much :thumbsup2

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