The Caprias hit the World - HARD!!! UPDATE 4/21 TRIP REPORT LINK ADDED pg 7!


well, all that's left now is the happy ending.
Aug 4, 2005

Okay, maybe not. But this is still going to be a pretty cool trip report cause i'm a pretty cool gal. Sometimes. I think. :hippie:

I'm Capria (one of my many nicknames... which sometimes extends to Lia Capria, Capria Moon, Moonie, Leeea Capria Mooon the LOOOON Baby, etc. Yeah, this is going to be THAT kind of trip report. Enjoy!) and I will be guiding you through this totally spellbinding and marvelous trip report about my most favorite place on earth.

Next month I will be taking my 8th trip to Walt Disney World. Along for the wild ride is my mom. We are really more like best friends than mother and daughter. I admire her because she is the most giving person and puts everyone before herself. Everything is more fun when we're together and I'm so excited for this trip. We're going in less than a month and just finalized this baby on Saturday. I'm kind of dying. This whole trip was actually my mom's idea, and it's to celebrate my birthday. We won't actually be in the World ON the day, but we're leaving soon after. Again...kind of dying.

A little about your fabulous cast... we lead kind of non-stop lives. Seriously, something is always happening and we barely ever have a second to just chill out. This is a MUCH NEEDED vacation! I won't bore you with ALL the sordid details, but a lot has happened since our last trip, and I could NOT be more on the edge of my seat about this one. I keep starting to cry just thinking about it. It's kind of hard to get down to Disney for us. I'm an actress and my schedule is always changing. Show business is absurd and I do not recommend being a part of it unless you have this crazy undying passion and desire deep in your soul to do it... which is what I have.

Anyway, you just never know when you're going to be working and when you aren't. It killed me that I missed going to WDW last year but it just wasn't possible, which is great, cause I was working a lot, but not great cause I missed my HOME! I even missed Food and Wine which sucked. A lot. I can't plan so far ahead as to book a trip for this years F&W, and also I just didn't want to wait that long. Plus... did I mention... it's my birthday soon. We don't take birthdays lightly around here. Heck NO. It's going to be a celebration to end all celebrations.

I am TOTALLY DISNEY OBSESSED in many ways. I would name my favorite Disney parks, attractions, characters, movies, ETC... except I CAN'T. I'm too in love with IT ALL! It's pretty hard for me to dislike something Disney. I even like Maelstrom. So there.

My mom loves Disney too, not as much as me, but she does *get* it the way us Dissers do, you know? She knows the magic. She appreciates the details. She loves any random useless Disney fact I throw at her. She loves the little things. And we are not park commandos. We take it on the slow side. We know that we aren't going to see it all and so we soak in what we can so just call us Spongebob.

It's because of my mom, really, that I love Disney - she took me to see my first movie in theatres when I was only three. A local theatre was showing Snow White, and she made the very good decision that this would be a perfect first movie theatre experience for me. I still remember that day, believe it or not. It is one of the first memories I can recall.

She bought me every Disney movie before I was even old enough to ask. And her and my dad took me to Disney as a child many many times, starting when I was about to turn 5. That was many years ago, and yet I still remember that trip very clearly too. More on previous trips later!

I've been to Walt Disney World almost every year since our first trip. It's funny how the tables turn. As a child, it was my parents doing the planning and telling me where we'd be going and what we'd be doing. Then, I discovered the DIS and that changed everything. Now I plan the trips!

For this trip, the only things my mom knows is where we're staying and that we're headed to the beach one day. She told me she wanted me to just make everything a surprise like I did on past trips. I planned a ton of ADRs and special things, didn't tell anyone, and just guided. We loved it and I can't wait to surprise her again! Even though it's my birthday, it's how it has to be done. I'm the Disney obsessed, over-planning control freak. I even ordered my own cake - LOL! It's funny though, because we are kind of spontaneous people. So it's likely some of these plans will get thrown out the window.

So as a fun little twist to this report, I decided to not share our itinerary. I've decided to leave you guys as in the dark as my mom is. You guys can be surprised along with her. Where are we staying? Playing? Eating? You'll have to stick with me to find out!

Here are some ~*~CLUES~*~ :wizard:
We're staying on property.
First we're staying at a moderate resort, then moving to a value.
We're going for more than a week, but less than two.
We have ten ADRs. Two at MGM (not changing the name), one at MK, one at AK, one at EPCOT, two at Animal Kindgom Lodge, one at the Grand Floridian, one at the Poly, and one at Downtown Disney.
We will be on property the whole time with the exception of our beach day.
We don't have free dining but we've got that kick butt free $500 gift card baby!
If my plans hold up we'll be visiting EPCOT the most, followed by Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom.
Our flight leaves super early on our first day and leaves late on our last. Gotta squeeze every last Disney second we can!

That's all for now... but i'm about to post some pictures from past trips. Enjoy. :woohoo:

Edit: I will be including an index, for those of you who only want to read the real updates. However, I tend to ramble... a lot... when I respond to people who comment/ask questions about this report so if you are as fascinated by my thoughts and opinions as you totally should be, I suggest just reading through this whole thing!

3/22: Pictures from The Past Part I
3/22: Pictures from The Past Part II
3/25: The Healthiest Dog in the World Part I
3/26: The Healthiest Dog in the World Part II
3/28: Past Trip Stories #1: I Ain't Never Had A Friend Like THIS
3/30: Past Trip Stories #2: Everyone Has A Crazy Aunt
4/01: Pre-Trip Preparations and Other Ramblings
4/02: Camera Update
4/05: My Love Affair With Disney Food
4/08: Birthday Update!!
4/11: LIVE FROM DISNEY! Part 1
4/13: LIVE FROM DISNEY! Part 2
4/20: WE ARE HOME!
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Here are some pictures from my last birthday trip. This was probably my favorite trip ever and I think about it all the time. This is only a small selection, so if you like them I can add more! (Really, i'm just trying to kill time until our trip...ever since we finalized plans and booked on Saturday time has been dragging it's BUTT. Big time.)

But first, a story!

My amazing Sony Cybershot camera actually broke on the first day of this trip! Isn't that lovely? We had to trek off property (it was scary out there, you guys!) to Best Buy and buy a new one. So I got a Panasonic Lumix and it took BEAUTIFUL pictures on this trip, then started to slowly decline. Cut to 2010 and it's pretty much shot. People keep telling me I should get a more expensive (my Sony was about $250, Panasonic about $400) and fancier camera. Photography IS a hobby of mine, and I actually think I do it pretty well. I just don't wanna drop a huge chunka change right now, so I think i'm gonna get another Cybershot. I actually loved my Sony way more and even though everyone tells me Canon is 34982490 times better, I gotta go with my own experience. I think i'm going to order this one. But... crap, I need a better optical zoom for concerts and shows. This camera stuff is hard. Anyone have a great Cybershot they can recommend?

Enough chatter! Onto the pics!!! :thumbsup2


"I hope we never lose sight of one thing... that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney. Now if that isn't the most inspiring thing you've ever heard, i'll eat my hat. Come on. Once upon a time, Walt was just a kid drawing pictures of cute little animals. And now, look at what he created has turned into. It's proof that you can do and be anything. Cynical people may call me naive, but I don't care. It's the truth. Next time you're at Disney World, look around. Everything you're seeing was once a far off seemingly impossible dream and now you're standing in it. That is why I love Disney. When you wish upon a star...:wizard:




Don't you love it when the parks are like this? Nearly deserted. Some people complain about crowd levels in April, but I think as long as you don't go Easter week, you're good. It's one of the best times to go in my opinion. April also has the least rainfall of all months in Orlando. It's not insanely hot constantly, but not chilly either. Also if I haven't mentioned yet, it's the month in which I was born, making it obviously the best just because of that. :3dglasses


I loooove this building. I love all the archeticture at MGM. Ah, the Hollywood that never was and always will be. They portray it beautifully.


We stayed at Pop Century on this trip. I adore this resort, I really REALLY do.





How could you not love a place that literally has CAN YOU DIG IT? and BOOGIE DOWN written on the side of their buildings? The Grand Flordian may be beautiful, but there are no giant 70's guys with afros painted on anything. Which I think was a mistake in the design of the Grand Floridian, I really do.
Head to the next post! I tried to post a bunch more, but they said it was too many pics, so I split them in half... kinda. Anyway scroll for part two! popcorn::
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Oh, the magic. :cloud9:


Love love LOVE Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade! I didn't see this on my last trip, so I made sure that we have it planned for this one.


Pluto was all up in my business this day. You could even say he was all up in my George Foreman if you were Mariah Carey. Which would be awesome. Mariah, if you're reading this, ILU girl.


Have you ever spotted this in the Tower of Terror line queue? It's one of my favorite hidden things that's not really hidden at all. I am OBSESSED with this attraction and all of its details. I can not express my love for the Tower of Terror. Every little detail from the time you reach the end of Sunset Boulevard and hang a right, to when you're walking out of the gift shop, is perfection. This little sign says: "it's easy enough to be pleasant / when life hums along like a song / but the man worth while / is the man that can smile / when everything goes dead wrong." Yup, i'm one of THOSE people who lingers and lingers soaking up every detail. I have to. It's the genius of Disney.


Ah... Heaven.




Fantasmic rocks. And guess what folks? This picture was taken from a great seat and we did not arrive 27 hours ahead of showtime. More like 20 minutes. I don't know why people think that you're going to die if you aren't sitting in the front row or something. Everything is giant, you can see from anywhere. I really don't get this craze. Same thing with Wishes. I understand wanting to be in the front row for a parade, but Wishes happens above you in the sky. You could be standing in a man hole and see what's going on. So don't dress if you're a bit late and wait less than 8 hours to see one of these amazing shows!



Boy am I a huge Aerosmith fan. Couldn't have picked a more perfect band to create an attraction around unless it was The Beatles. Or the Stones. I'm a classic rock kinda gal. Not to mention the attraction kicks you know what. I'm almost as in love with it as I am the Tower of Terror and that my friends is a LOT.


Can ya spot the naturally occuring hidden mickey I found? Pretty amazing huh?


AND A HIDDEN DONALD! Do you see him? So much fun. I actually think this is an accident too. I know some street cleaners do "paint" characters on the pavement with water, but I don't think that happened this time.

In my next installment, I will give some details about how I planned the when and where of it all!!! And we will discuss FOOD!!!

Thanks for reading :lovestruc Until next time... have a MAGICAL day! :wizard::wizard::wizard:
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hey lia! Thanks for joining my PTR! I'm here to read up on yours!!! Now back to catching up!

Can't wait to read your plans! You're keeping me in suspense!!! You were speaking of you and your mom's relationship and I seriously felt like I was reading about me and my mom. We are also best friends and we love doing things together!! Can't wait to go with her to WDW!!

Your pics are great! You really have an "eye"!! Can't wait to see and hear more!!

Hey Lia! You really know how to capture the magic of WDW! As a former Cybershot owner, you really really really REALLY should consider a DSLR. I got a Canon EOS Rebel xsi last summer and immediately fell in love with it. :love: I mean, how could you resist a camera that takes pictures like this within minutes of taking it out of the box:


Can't wait to hear more details! You've got me hooked!
Hey Lia! :wave2:

I'm excited to hear more about your trip. I love that you're keeping it a secret from your mom. I love surprises!!

I also totally agree with you about Aerosmith. I, too, am a big classic rock fan, and Aerosmith is awesome. I just wish I wasn't such a chicken and could get up the guts to ride the RNR. The idea of going upside down scares me. :scared1:
Hey, I have readers! :wave2: :welcome: GUYS!! You rock!!

I already can tell this is gonna be a good one. A good Trip Report, that is.

hey lia! Thanks for joining my PTR! I'm here to read up on yours!!! Now back to catching up!

Can't wait to read your plans! You're keeping me in suspense!!! You were speaking of you and your mom's relationship and I seriously felt like I was reading about me and my mom. We are also best friends and we love doing things together!! Can't wait to go with her to WDW!!

Your pics are great! You really have an "eye"!! Can't wait to see and hear more!!



It's nice to hear you have that relationship with your mom too. Many of my friends can not stand their moms. My mom and I go out to dinner, movies, shopping, etc all the time together and my friends marvel at this. Truth is i'd rather hang out with her most times than anyone! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the compliment on my pics. I try!!! I can't wait to get my new camera and then this thread will be JAM PACKED with pics!!! :cool2:

Hey Lia! You really know how to capture the magic of WDW! As a former Cybershot owner, you really really really REALLY should consider a DSLR. I got a Canon EOS Rebel xsi last summer and immediately fell in love with it. :love: I mean, how could you resist a camera that takes pictures like this within minutes of taking it out of the box:


Can't wait to hear more details! You've got me hooked!

Ho. Ly. CRIPES. That's a great pic. What a beautiful baby as well. What clarity! I feel like I'm looking at a baby right in front of me, not a picture. Great, now you've done it. I want one of these awesome Canons I hear are the best things ever. Sigh. I also like that it's called a REBEL. I could then name it "Rebel Without A Cause" and call it that instead of a camera... hmm... these are important factors when you lead a silly life like mine. Thanks for the tip and the compliments!! And thanks for reading!!

Hey Lia! :wave2:

I'm excited to hear more about your trip. I love that you're keeping it a secret from your mom. I love surprises!!

I also totally agree with you about Aerosmith. I, too, am a big classic rock fan, and Aerosmith is awesome. I just wish I wasn't such a chicken and could get up the guts to ride the RNR. The idea of going upside down scares me. :scared1:

Oh honey! As a fellow Aerosmith fan, I must say you just do not know what you're missing!! Crank up WALK THIS WAY and get your BUTT over to Rock N Rollercoaster immediately!!! I promise you, in all my times on this ride, and I tell ya... there have been MANY... since the age of 10 when I waited in line for an hour, chickened out, got back in line, rode, and had the time of my life... I have NEVER had a negative experience. If someone told me, "At Disney all you can do is go to MGM and ride RNR all day" I would still go. SERIOUSLY!! Going upside down IS scary... that's kinda why I like it. But honestly, it happens SO fast that the upside down effect is not so upside-downy. The whole thing is just nuts. The most fun. I crave it, really. I listen to the ride track at home and cry. SERIOUSLY. Unless you're someone who gets sick after these rides, which I agree, truly is not a fun experience, you've just gotta try it. OR at least TRY to try it next time. For me?

Sorry about that novel... what I really MEANT to say in this overlong reply is this: Aerosmith rocks, but not as much as you, because you are reading my TR and they are not. Well, they probably ARE... I mean obviously it is important to them to read about my WDW trip. But they would never actually reply. and you did. So THANKS!! :woohoo:
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Lia, you make me Laugh Out Loud...not just LOL...really and truly laugh...out loud. :lmao:

You really need a RWOAC (Rebel without a cause, add it to the abbreviation thread...). If you can take such amazing pictures with a point & shoot, you will probably tear up with your first few shots on the DSLR.

If you can find a good price and can swing the difference, you could even go with the EOS Rebel T1i. My stepbrother has one and I have considered breaking into his apartment and stealing it. It has even higher resolution AND HD video!!!
Oh my gosh!! That is so awesome!! I was six or seven when Snow White was re-released (a full decade before your experience I think) and my dad took me and my sister. It’s one of MY earliest Disney memory and I think that’s an amazing coincidence!!

Amen, sistah friend with the not changing MGM!! I refuse to do it as well merely on principle!! The NERVE changing the name after all this time!!

I’m loving your pics…the Tree of Life in particular is breathtaking.

I agree about April being the best time to go. We went the same time last year and never had a speck of rain the entire trip. We stayed off site though and didn’t dine there much so this IS THE YEAR!!

I’m already planning our next trip!!

Can’t wait to read more…
Hi everyone!! Hope you're having a lovely day. One of my favorite shopping websites is taunting me.. today they're having a Betsey Johnson sale... I'm suddenly being reminded of why I keep a very low amount of money in my checking account... it's because of my SHOPPING ADDICTION. You see, I am obsessed with fashion. In one of those dangerous ways where i'd rather buy shoes than food. I really can not be splurging on Betsey Johnson goodies as I just bought a brand new Melissa blazer and a gold cross necklace... don't you love how when you go shopping before your trip, even if it's something not involved with Disney at all... everything you buy is *for* your trip?! :rotfl: I doubt i'll wear a black blazer in DISNEY WORLD, but still i'm saying it's for my trip. Maybe i'll bring it and wear it to dinner one night. Which reminds me... I need to do an update about FOOD! :woohoo: Cause this time I WILL be buying food. And not shoes. Cause Disney's throwin' me a $500 gift card, baby. So we have dining plans out the WAZOO. Not the *disney* dining plan, the *Capria* Dining Plan which is different, more flexible, and more fabulous. Anyway.. i'm a rambler, can ya tell?.. if you're still reading this drivel, I will be updating soon - hopefully!

I also am working on adding more pics from the 2006 trip, and then I gotta get on my old computer so I can show you some pics from my beloved Solo Mess trip in 2008.

Thanks for reading!! :flower3::cheer2::hug::yay: .. and so on.

Lia, you make me Laugh Out Loud...not just LOL...really and truly laugh...out loud. :lmao:

You really need a RWOAC (Rebel without a cause, add it to the abbreviation thread...). If you can take such amazing pictures with a point & shoot, you will probably tear up with your first few shots on the DSLR.

If you can find a good price and can swing the difference, you could even go with the EOS Rebel T1i. My stepbrother has one and I have considered breaking into his apartment and stealing it. It has even higher resolution AND HD video!!!

Well, it's a relief to hear someone finds me amusing :rotfl: It would be a shame for all the ridiculousness of me to go to waste :cool2:

I'm undecided on the camera issue. I can get a pretty pink cybershot for the low low about $184 and be totally happy with my pictures... so I kinda don't want to fork over the money for the Rebel Without A Cause right now. But ohhhh how badly do I want one! I think I may start a little Rebel Without A Cause fund. I could get like a little can and tape a picture of James Dean onto it. I think i'm going to buy the cheap camera for this trip, and then get my Rebel Without A Cause later on this year. Cause I don't think I will want to bring my Rebel Without A Cause *everywhere*... like I could have the Cybershot in my bag all the time for daily use (in HS I used to do this and thank goodness cause I have the funniest pictures from those days), whereas I probably wouldn't want to keep the Rebel Without A Cause on me at all times. I've always wanted to do that. It's a tough decision!! :confused3

Oh my gosh!! That is so awesome!! I was six or seven when Snow White was re-released (a full decade before your experience I think) and my dad took me and my sister. It’s one of MY earliest Disney memory and I think that’s an amazing coincidence!!

Amen, sistah friend with the not changing MGM!! I refuse to do it as well merely on principle!! The NERVE changing the name after all this time!!

I’m loving your pics…the Tree of Life in particular is breathtaking.

I agree about April being the best time to go. We went the same time last year and never had a speck of rain the entire trip. We stayed off site though and didn’t dine there much so this IS THE YEAR!!

I’m already planning our next trip!!

Can’t wait to read more…

:welcome: to this report!!! Whoa, that is quite a coincidence! I've actually never met anyone who has that same memory. Our Disney fandom is connected, girlfriend!

The name MGM is so connected with my childhood it's burned into my brain. It's not the Hollywood Studios! Come on now. It's the same thing when people call what is now the Tomorrowland Transit Authority the WEDway People Mover. Peoplemover? It's a memory for them and that's how it stays!

Thanks for the compliment... :flower3: I love taking pictures of the tree.. so much beautiful detail.

YAY for you already planning the next trip!! and Thanks for reading!! :goodvibes
Hey Lia
Great start to your trip report and I love the pics.

My first movie was at age 4 and it was a double feature of Cinderella and the Aristocats. :lovestruc Can you tell I am a bit older than you all? :lmao:

Can't wait to read more of what you have planned. popcorn::
Oh honey! As a fellow Aerosmith fan, I must say you just do not know what you're missing!! Crank up WALK THIS WAY and get your BUTT over to Rock N Rollercoaster immediately!!! I promise you, in all my times on this ride, and I tell ya... there have been MANY... since the age of 10 when I waited in line for an hour, chickened out, got back in line, rode, and had the time of my life... I have NEVER had a negative experience. If someone told me, "At Disney all you can do is go to MGM and ride RNR all day" I would still go. SERIOUSLY!! Going upside down IS scary... that's kinda why I like it. But honestly, it happens SO fast that the upside down effect is not so upside-downy. The whole thing is just nuts. The most fun. I crave it, really. I listen to the ride track at home and cry. SERIOUSLY. Unless you're someone who gets sick after these rides, which I agree, truly is not a fun experience, you've just gotta try it. OR at least TRY to try it next time. For me?

Sorry about that novel... what I really MEANT to say in this overlong reply is this: Aerosmith rocks, but not as much as you, because you are reading my TR and they are not. Well, they probably ARE... I mean obviously it is important to them to read about my WDW trip. But they would never actually reply. and you did. So THANKS!! :woohoo:

Maybe I will have to give it a try this summer. I feel like I would LOVE parts of the the take off (I have a severe need for speed), the atmosphere, and the soundrack (obviously ;)). But there's just this part of me that is terrified at the thought of going upside down. I guess since it's dark in there I could just pretend it's Space Mountain. Which I love. Maybe I'll ask my little sister (who is really only 2 years younger than me, but calling her little makes me feel older) to drag me on. She's stronger than me. She can handle my kicking and screaming. I'll ask her to pick me up. Throw me in the seat. Strap me down. And then drag my body out of the seat afterwards. And hey, if I die, at least I die listening to Aerosmith and doing something I've always wanted to do... :upsidedow

Also, I totally sympathize with your shopping addiction. I have the same problem. Online shopping will be the death of me. Or atleast my bank account. I just have the hardest time resisting sales. If I find a great deal, my mind is incapable of telling me no. It's so bad. I'm a poor college student. I do not need to be shopping as much as I do. And I totally use the Disney rationale. If I see something I want, it's always "Oh, that will be perfect for Disney." No, Self. A new pair of heels will not be perfect for Disney. But I buy them anyway. And they will sit in my closet for a week this summer instead of going to Disney.
Maybe I will have to give it a try this summer. I feel like I would LOVE parts of the the take off (I have a severe need for speed), the atmosphere, and the soundrack (obviously ;)). But there's just this part of me that is terrified at the thought of going upside down.

The flipping in this ride isn't bad at all. very smooth. more of like spirals than big loops.
Maybe I will have to give it a try this summer. I feel like I would LOVE parts of the the take off (I have a severe need for speed), the atmosphere, and the soundrack (obviously ;)). But there's just this part of me that is terrified at the thought of going upside down. I guess since it's dark in there I could just pretend it's Space Mountain. Which I love. Maybe I'll ask my little sister (who is really only 2 years younger than me, but calling her little makes me feel older) to drag me on. She's stronger than me. She can handle my kicking and screaming. I'll ask her to pick me up. Throw me in the seat. Strap me down. And then drag my body out of the seat afterwards. And hey, if I die, at least I die listening to Aerosmith and doing something I've always wanted to do... :upsidedow

Also, I totally sympathize with your shopping addiction. I have the same problem. Online shopping will be the death of me. Or atleast my bank account. I just have the hardest time resisting sales. If I find a great deal, my mind is incapable of telling me no. It's so bad. I'm a poor college student. I do not need to be shopping as much as I do. And I totally use the Disney rationale. If I see something I want, it's always "Oh, that will be perfect for Disney." No, Self. A new pair of heels will not be perfect for Disney. But I buy them anyway. And they will sit in my closet for a week this summer instead of going to Disney.

haha I agree that if you have to go, dying on Rock N Rollercoaster wouldn't be that bad of way to go! I hope you do try it. I think you will totally love it!

I completely agree about the high heels! Last trip I think I brought three pairs of heels to the world. I just love dressing up... I dress up when it's not necessary. I mean obviously I don't have the heels on for park touring LOL, but when I go to one of the nicer places I wanna rock my heels! I am proud of myself though because I did not buy a pair of Badgley Mischka heels I wanted so bad! They were so gorgeous and on sale but still a lot. I'm finally resisting! More money for the WDW trip! :dance3:
The flipping in this ride isn't bad at all. very smooth. more of like spirals than big loops.

Yes I agree! I forgot to mention that... Rock N Roller Coaster is probably the smoothest coaster I have ever been on. You kind of... don't even know what's going on the whole time. It's hard to explain. But definitely not scary!
Hi my lovely readers :flower3: I hope everyone is having a beautiful evening.

I just wanted to introduce a third member of the cast... someone who won't be joining us. We will definitely refer to her a lot. It's the love of our lives, the center of our universe, our Chow Chow!! Pooh Bear:



Isn't she just the most precious thing you've ever seen? :lovestruc She is 12 years old and had a vet appointment today. We were kind of nervous to take her there in that way that all owners of older dogs are. We had tons of tests done and everything that has come back so far has been perfect :dance3:!! Except for a little infection she has. Luckily it is not contagious to dogs or humans and she just needed an antibiotic. Thank goodness the vet said that it should clear up before we have to leave for vacation because we act like she's a baby, I mean we would have a hard time leaving her. My father is watching her while we are gone, and even though he does take good care of her, there is nothing like a mother's love! :hug: So hopefully within these next couple of weeks she will be totally fine and we will be able to go without worrying!!

Thanks for reading and the next update will include some pictures and stories from previous trips! :wizard:

So last night I updated about going to the vet. Well, he did some tests that weren't going to come back until today. We were anxiously awaiting his call. He called this morning and guess what?

He said Pooh Bear is the HEALTHIEST dog he has ever seen at the age of 12!!!!!!!! :jumping1:party:

He said he could not believe it. He said he checked for every possible ailment or abnormality and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with her! She does have that infection I mentioned, but that is something any dog can catch and is simply treated with an antibiotic, like a cold for us. Compared to the ailments many dogs her age suffer from, it's nothing. I can't believe it. :woohoo: This is the best news ever!!

The vet actually used the words, "I have NEVER seen anything like this."


Now we can really rest easy at WDW knowing that she will be totally healthy and happy! Except for missing us of course ;)

Have a great day everyone... I wish you all the same good fortune we have had today! I promise more Disney pics coming soon! :goodvibes

Awww...Pooh Bear is adorable. I love the color of her fur.

And yay that she's so healthy!! :banana:

My dog is 10 and he's starting to slow down a bit. He definitely takes his time sitting and laying down. It seems like just yesterday he was a little ball of puppy energy. They sure grow up so fast. :sad1:
Awww...Pooh Bear is adorable. I love the color of her fur.

And yay that she's so healthy!! :banana:

My dog is 10 and he's starting to slow down a bit. He definitely takes his time sitting and laying down. It seems like just yesterday he was a little ball of puppy energy. They sure grow up so fast. :sad1:

We love it too... she's a blonde like us! :laughing:

What kind of dog do you have? You should try feeding him organic dog food. We noticed a change in Pooh Bear when we switched over to it. It's a bit more expensive but worth it :)


Update coming tomorrow morning... I am working on stories from previous trips and i've been enjoying getting all nostalgic very much. Stay tuned!



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