Thanksgiving Magic 11/23-11/30... Lets try again, mcnuss!

I looked through each and every one of the docs to find even the slightest hint of our dining rotation. No such luck. I know you mean by "just wanting to know". I can't stand to be left out of the loop on anything, especially when there's food involved!

I called a couple of times and could not find out my dining rotation. They either don't know or won't say, I suspect the former. I think it's as the one thread suggested, only wedding parties and certain other package groups find out their rotations in advance. So, no biggie, we'll all have a little surprise in our lives. :)
I asked my TA about this, and she called her Disney rep who told her that there is a dining manager for each ship who handles the rotations/table assignments and that they only do this a few days before the cruise. She thinks it a fairly automated system that factors in # in the party, age of children, and our requests for large or small tables.

I agree, DisneyDarwin, it'll just have to be a nice surprise when we get there.

BTW - are we the only ones here with late seating?
Allison -- I would love to have taken later seating, but my DDs could set clocks by their stomachs -- we've tried eating later on prior vacations, but it never works for them. Is main seating really as loud as I've been told?

We are late eaters at home, with me working and all of DD's activities, we generally don't eat until 7ish. I figured if she got hungry beforehand, I'd get her a snack to tide her over. She's actually not that much of a dinner eater at home - breakfast & lunch seem to be her 2 big meals. I don't know about the volume during early seating, but I was hoping to avoid the youngest of the kids. (Not that I object to kids, obviously, just would prefer not to dine with quite so many of them.;) ) I also liked the idea of going to the early shows and being free as a bird once dinner was over.

The thing I am learning from these boards is not to even try to plan everything. We are just going to go with the flow. If the late seating does not work out, or we don't feel like getting dressed up, we'll go to Topsiders. It's a vacation, and if I worry about it like I worry about work, then it defeats the purpose, ya know?


ps: I am so glad Chanukkah does not start until we get home! We are having a "ChanuMas" party (my husband is not Jewish, and DD is being raised more Christian than Jewish, although we celebrate all the holidays) this year and I want to do it on the Friday night after we return. Phew!!!
We will ask about a private table for four when we get there. Due to DHs schedule we rarely eat as a family throughout the year and we are looking forward to having the table just for us. My TA said that they will probably arrange it for us, but to make sure we do it ASAP when we check in.

Have any of you ever asked for this and gotten it?

PS Allison: My last name is O'Toole and we do the same thing!
Deb -- It sounds like we are in the same boat. My husband's last name is also quite Irish. When friends suggested that I hyphenate my name when we got married, I declined as I thought it would sound as though I was ethnically confused! :)

As for the table thing, we asked to be placed at a small table, thinking maybe we'd get lucky with a table for 4 on our own. However, after reading many posts on this subject I am pretty sure they will match us with another family of 3 at a table for 6. Hopefully it'll be a good match.
On both of our 4 day cruises we were placed at tables for 7. On the first cruise the other family came to dinner only once. They said they ate at Plutos or had pizza the other nights, supporting the old adage "different strokes for different folks". They had an excellent cruise and skipped most meals and most shows! Anyway, we felt pretty loanly as a party of three at a table for seven. Last year we were seated with a family of 4, a grandfather and grandmother and their two grandchildren. DD became fast friends with the little girl and we enjoyed ourselves. So, we've been alone and with others and we enjoyed both.
My only concern about the cruise is the issue of eating with strangers. I've been wary about it all along, but I know that once we're there and in the moment, it will be fine.

Can you believe it's 30 days away?

disney is your DD doing? The girls are looking forward to meeting her. DD10 plans on wearing a black baseball cap with a mickey shaped ying-yang on the front. Maybe your DD will spot her and say hello. DD10 would love that!

mcnuss...we'd also love to meet your family too! If you see that hat, please say hi!

Yes, we need to figure out how to meet each other on Saturday. DD is excited - I'll find out what fashion she'll be wearing. Have R drop here a note. I'll be easy to spot --- I'm 6 foot, 230 pounds, and I'll be wearing a yellow Castaway Cay shirt with character signatures all over it. And, with a little luck, we'll be near the front to the boarding line, probably playing UNO (a strange family tradition).

By the way, what's a Mickey-shaped ying-yang? sounds almost x-rated! :)
lol! too funny!!

Picture a circle with the mickey ears on top. The center is filled in with the black and white ying-yang design. This design was very popular back in 97 when she got it at wdw.

I will figure out our wardrobe soon and let you know how to spot us. I will be in sharp contrast to DisneyDarwin, as I am just barely 5 feet tall, and I assure I will not have lost 20 pounds in the next 4 weeks!!! Anyway, it would very unusual for us to be near the front of the line, as we are not know for our early rising habits. I suspect we may get on the bus at the Hyatt at around 11:30 after a leisurely breakfast and maybe a swim.
My TA still has my docs actually. She got them and found that my transfers were done incorrectly (we are going just 1 way with DCL, they had cancelled us completely) so she is waiting until the package is complete b4 sending. That said, I assure you that the minute they come, I will fill them out. I am kinda kooky that way!
count us in. family of 4, dw,dh,dd11,dd9

been to WDW probably 10-15 times, lost count. but this is our 1st time aboard the Magic

26 days, but who's counting?


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