Thanks, I Hate It - Disney by non-Disney Fans (DUN)

This trip report was the best part of my morning between meetings. I have a LARGE family like my dad is the oldest of 10 boys and all of them have at least 1 kid, if not more. We even have a set of twins. The majority of us are over the age of 21 and every summer we rent a house at the Jersey Shore. It's like a revolving door because not everyone can be there at the same time all the time but we try to have at least one weekend where everyone is present and accounted for. I can't imagine if we all argued over who drank the fridge Usually, we start with a keg or two, and cases, if we run out beer runs are ordered as needed.

Okay, NOW we are getting somewhere.... KEGS of beer!

PS love the screen name Run4Bacon17!
Oh my! I'm sorry your trip wasn't great, but your recap has brought a smile to my face.

We once went on an extended family trip to Disney. Me, hubby, two sons, my in-laws and my mother. My in-laws cancelled on us twice in the year leading up to the trip, but would come back and ask to be included again. We took a short weekend trip with them a few months prior to going to Florida; it was a nightmare, but we couldn't think of any way to un-invite them to Disney at that point and they didn't cancel on us a third time. In hindsight, we should have just risked being disowned (it happens regularly) and told them we didn't want them to go, but you know what they say about hindsight.

For months ahead of time I begged my in-laws to read the guide books I gave them, look up Disney planning on the internet, etc., to prepare for the trip and get an idea of what they would like to do (my mom is, of course, an angel who just goes with the flow:love:) Of course they said they just wanted to tag long with us and do whatever it was the we had planned. Day two of the trip and my MIL was angry because I didn't ask them what they wanted to do! I did! For months! You said you didn't care!

They complained the entire time that it was too much walking, it was too hot, it was too.... The best parts of the trip were the flights there and back because they flew a different airline in / out of a different airport.

That was the last time we took we extended family trip with the in-laws. We've gone on a few non-Disney long-weekend, trips with my parents, but no big, expensive, extended family trips since then.

We did get a redo on Disney a few years later, just the four of us. It was truly magical. It is the vacation to which all other vacations are compared.

This year we are going back, just the boys and I. Hubby is still around, lol, but he decided the planning and walking required of a Disney trip are just not for him at this time in his life and he is happy for us to go without him. Guess I'll have to take him to St. Lucia for make up for it.

Moral of the story...leave the in-laws and haters at home, no matter the destination.
Oh my! I'm sorry your trip wasn't great, but your recap has brought a smile to my face.

We once went on an extended family trip to Disney. Me, hubby, two sons, my in-laws and my mother. My in-laws cancelled on us twice in the year leading up to the trip, but would come back and ask to be included again. We took a short weekend trip with them a few months prior to going to Florida; it was a nightmare, but we couldn't think of any way to un-invite them to Disney at that point and they didn't cancel on us a third time. In hindsight, we should have just risked being disowned (it happens regularly) and told them we didn't want them to go, but you know what they say about hindsight.

For months ahead of time I begged my in-laws to read the guide books I gave them, look up Disney planning on the internet, etc., to prepare for the trip and get an idea of what they would like to do (my mom is, of course, an angel who just goes with the flow:love:) Of course they said they just wanted to tag long with us and do whatever it was the we had planned. Day two of the trip and my MIL was angry because I didn't ask them what they wanted to do! I did! For months! You said you didn't care!

They complained the entire time that it was too much walking, it was too hot, it was too.... The best parts of the trip were the flights there and back because they flew a different airline in / out of a different airport.

That was the last time we took we extended family trip with the in-laws. We've gone on a few non-Disney long-weekend, trips with my parents, but no big, expensive, extended family trips since then.

We did get a redo on Disney a few years later, just the four of us. It was truly magical. It is the vacation to which all other vacations are compared.

This year we are going back, just the boys and I. Hubby is still around, lol, but he decided the planning and walking required of a Disney trip are just not for him at this time in his life and he is happy for us to go without him. Guess I'll have to take him to St. Lucia for make up for it.

Moral of the story...leave the in-laws and haters at home, no matter the destination.

When we took my MIL to Disneyland, a couple of weeks AFTER the trip concluded, she said to my DH that she was upset because we didn't give her enough time to shop and she wanted to go into ALL of the stores...and she wanted the rest of us to browse with her for hours.

She hadn't said a word about that the entire time. She mentioned ONCE about wanting to do some shopping. She some of the Main Street shops for a couple of hours on one of our park days. When we were there, she said that was fine and she was satisfied with that.

She also complained to DH after the trip that we were shouting at her the entire time. Well, that was because she wouldn't get hearing aids and kept saying "EH? WHAT?" to everything we we'd say it louder and louder to the point where we were often shouting to her and only THEN would she recognize/register what we were trying to communicate to her. :rotfl2:

Going with my MIL was like having a 4-5 year old child in tow, but in elderly adult size, but also add in partial hearing loss, a refusal to get hearing aids, and partial blindness, while riding on the adult-sized Big Wheel at break neck speeds, all the while laughing while running into people and running over family members' feet.

Our immediate family now laughs about that trip. We will never forget it. But we aren't doing that ever again with that family member! LOL!
When we took my MIL to Disneyland, a couple of weeks AFTER the trip concluded, she said to my DH that she was upset because we didn't give her enough time to shop and she wanted to go into ALL of the stores...and she wanted the rest of us to browse with her for hours.

She hadn't said a word about that the entire time. She mentioned ONCE about wanting to do some shopping. She some of the Main Street shops for a couple of hours on one of our park days. When we were there, she said that was fine and she was satisfied with that.

She also complained to DH after the trip that we were shouting at her the entire time. Well, that was because she wouldn't get hearing aids and kept saying "EH? WHAT?" to everything we we'd say it louder and louder to the point where we were often shouting to her and only THEN would she recognize/register what we were trying to communicate to her. :rotfl2:

Going with my MIL was like having a 4-5 year old child in tow, but in elderly adult size, but also add in partial hearing loss, a refusal to get hearing aids, and partial blindness, while riding on the adult-sized Big Wheel at break neck speeds, all the while laughing while running into people and running over family members' feet.

Our immediate family now laughs about that trip. We will never forget it. But we aren't doing that ever again with that family member! LOL!
My mother pulled the same thing!! "I just wanted to shop" while we went and did other things she could have done anything she wanted but I am not gonna sit around and shop. But she never said once DURING the trip that she wanted to go and just shop. She says her fav part of the trip was when we "left" her alone. Also complained that she didnt get to see anything at night. When we went to every park at night she just was to "tiered" to go.
Every time we were on Disney property it felt like the company was creating artificial barriers to our enjoyment.

You've captured my fundamental problem with Disney. They want you/try to force you to do things their way - either subtlety or blatantly. I do the runDisney races and I try very hard to get into the Disney frame of mind in advance, but most of the time, within an hour of being on Disney property, I'm muttering under my breath. With two hours, it's coming unfiltered out of my mouth (to my travel companion, I know that the cast members are just doing their jobs). There are still special moments (I confess to blubbering at the first sight of the castle), but I need to take Disney in very limited doses.

By contrast, Universal was fun, and that's not just because my SIL was out of the picture. It was just a better place to BE. I had more fun looking at all the details for the marquee to Kong than anything on offer at the Magic Kingdom. I didn't feel pressured at UO to jump on any rides just to make the experience worthwhile. THAT'S my idea of a vacation; be in the moment, and be spontaneous.

AMEN! Same thoughts here! We hit Universal property and just RELAX. I know that if I don't want to get up for early entry (which after a day or two, I don't), I won't be facing million mile long lines for everything when we do get to the park. If we're tired, we go back to the room (we stay onsite) and, bonus, we don't have to wait 20 minutes for a bus to show up. If we want to eat something, we don't have to schedule it two months in advance. I've regularly shown up five minutes before the start time for Universal's night shows and parade (including the Christmas and Mardi Gras ones) and have gotten a primo spot. Admittedly, I visit Universal 2-3 times per year since I have an annual pass, but I've always gotten this vibe from Universal, even on our first trip.

Thank you for sharing your trip report. It was probably more entertaining to read than experience, but I hope that your re-do is everything that you hope for (and please share that one as well).
This is the last thread to read 4 days before my trip with the in-laws....

Oh dear! Maybe you have great in-laws!

Our very first trip with our son (prior to the disastrous trip with the in-laws) included both of MY parents, hubby and son. My husband thought we were insane with all the walking, etc. We would have called him the nightmare that trip. Then when we went his HIS parents, he agreed they were the's all relative.
My mother pulled the same thing!! "I just wanted to shop" while we went and did other things she could have done anything she wanted but I am not gonna sit around and shop. But she never said once DURING the trip that she wanted to go and just shop. She says her fav part of the trip was when we "left" her alone. Also complained that she didnt get to see anything at night. When we went to every park at night she just was to "tiered" to go.

So in other words, her favorite part of the trip was the parts when she wasn't around you guys. :rotfl:
This is the last thread to read 4 days before my trip with the in-laws....

Oh no! You might be fine though. My cousins (both adults in their 30s) went on a trip like the OP's (two siblings, their spouses and kids, and their mom and stepdad), stayed at a house off property, and went to Disney over Christmas and had a wonderful time. Now, they were ill prepared for the crowds (this was well before Covid and staying off property they were unlikely to get fast passes for any of the popular rides) , but both siblings and their respective spouses are all pretty laid back, and they weren't trying to accomplish every possible ride/show, they just all wanted to go to Disney and enjoyed being there. And they all like each other :).

I would totally do it with my SIL's family, but we would probably be doing our own thing for a lot of the days, and then coming together for maybe a few hours each day. And trading off kids.
We weren't aware that it was hers. It was the only beer in the fridge, so we assumed that it was for everyone. I can understand her frustration (she probably needed the booze as much as we did), but it was an honest mistake.

That excuse doesn't even work in college! Drinking someone else's beer, and complaining about it to boot! When arriving at a shared vacation house it would be ideal to bring party favors, especially if one likes to enjoy them.
Can we please get the SIL to write a report from the opposite point of view?

"BIL arrives and promptly...

1. Complains about how much he dislikes Bud Light Lime, and

2. Drinks all the Bud Light Limes!"

Even if you just write it yourself OP! It needs to be shared!
OK, I am still in the camp that SIL overreacted by screaming but you are correct, it's rather ungracious to finish the last of the beer WHILE letting the owner of the beer know how much it sucks (although maybe he didn't mock the beer to her face).

And what I wouldn't give to read SIL's rebuttal....
Can we please get the SIL to write a report from the opposite point of view?

"BIL arrives and promptly...

1. Complains about how much he dislikes Bud Light Lime, and

2. Drinks all the Bud Light Limes!"

Even if you just write it yourself OP! It needs to be shared!
I'm not about to do that, and I respectfully ask that nobody else does either.

Yes, she brought the mood down. Yes, she overstepped, especially where my daughter is concerned. Yes, I have ragged on her in this thread as a joke because I honestly don't know what else to do.

But I also believe that her actions were with the best of intentions, despite how misguided. Which is why I'm not angry at her.

Everybody made mistakes on this trip. I'm willing to leave it at that.
Wow! Glad ur getting a re-do with Only ur tribe… sounds like it’ll be much better
The beer ..Screaming, drill sgt.. etc… hope you live far away from the sil def would not be traveling with her again.
changes at Disney?
Heck yes… haven’t been back since pre COVID no longer AP’s but recently (Re booked twice) a trip for
Fall and added in UNIVERSAL… a first for us and I’m looking forward to it. We’ve been onsite Disney peeps for Over 25 years… too many visits to count and about 8-10 with extended family. They were some of the BEST ever visits filled with Amazing memories, Various celebrations with groups from just 10 to 18 of us!! They were all onsite and I Do think that had an advantage ( back then)
Thanks for sharing ur “Visit”. It was crazy, interesting and Enjoyable ( sorry at ur expense lol)
I'm not about to do that, and I respectfully ask that nobody else does either.

Yes, she brought the mood down. Yes, she overstepped, especially where my daughter is concerned. Yes, I have ragged on her in this thread as a joke because I honestly don't know what else to do.

But I also believe that her actions were with the best of intentions, despite how misguided. Which is why I'm not angry at her.

Everybody made mistakes on this trip. I'm willing to leave it at that.
Fair enough. It was an entertaining recap as it is.

ETA: I also want to say it's very cool that you can look back and cut her some slack, even though she annoyed you, and appreciate that she had good intentions. And empathize that she probably isn't too happy with how the trip went either. Maybe she will get her own do-over when her kids are older.
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My brother was highly offended after my niece was born and he said we should do a Disney trip together with our families that I politely declined. I said "I have a specific way I do Disney and I don't want to have to work around other people's preferences so it's probably not the best idea." I said this because I knew "we should do Disney" meant my husband and I should do whatever my Sister in law planned. No thanks. I'll do other trips with lots of compromises (and I have), but I'm not signing up for that kind of misery and frustration at Disney. God bless you OP. (PS I do really love my brother just thinks the sun rises and sets on what she wants to do and the rest of us should go along or we are ruining the trip. Finding a compatible vacationing family is hard)
My best trips are either solo ones, or when I go with 1 other person. And that person is either my husband or 1 of my daughters. Disney is not a good place for groups.

I was nervous to do my first solo trip, but now I honestly find myself wishing I was solo when I go with others. Only time I miss other people is at table service restaurants, but I just go to slower restaurants and chat with the cast members and answer emails and update friends and family via text.


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